  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
local BasePlugin = require "kong.plugins.base_plugin" local LuckService = BasePlugin : extend () local redis = require "resty.redis" LuckService . PRIORITY = 99 LuckService . VERSION = "0.1.0" function LuckService : new () LuckService . super . new ( self , "LuckPlugin" ) function LuckService : access ( conf ) LuckService . super . access ( self ) local imei = kong . request . get_header ( "imei" ) local channel = kong . request . get_header ( "channel" ) local rt_version = "v1" local cjson = require ( "cjson" ) LuckTable = { Share = 1 , Fengyun = 2 , Easypay = 3 , Share_channel = Share , Fengyun_channel = Fengyun , Easypay_channel = Easypay , v2_Share_weight = ( conf . v2_Share_weight ), v2_Fengyun_weight = ( conf . v2_Fengyun_weight ), v2_Easypay_weight = ( conf . v2_Easypay_weight ), Share_rt_json_v1 = cjson . decode (( conf . Share_rt_json_v1 )), Share_rt_json_v2 = cjson . decode (( conf . Share_rt_json_v2 )), Fengyun_rt_json_v1 = cjson . decode (( conf . Fengyun_rt_json_v1 )), Fengyun_rt_json_v2 = cjson . decode (( conf . Fengyun_rt_json_v2 )), Fengyun_rt_json_v1 = cjson . decode (( conf . Easypay_rt_json_v1 )), Easypay_rt_json_v2 = cjson . decode (( conf . Easypay_rt_json_v2 )), if ( imei == nil or channel == nil ) then ngx . status = 200 ngx . say ( "Please give me a imei or channel !" ) return ngx . exit ( 200 ) local red = redis : new () local ok , err = red : connect ( conf . redis_host , conf . redis_port ) if not ok then ngx . log ( ngx . ERR , "failed to connect: " , err ) return ngx . exit ( 502 ) local res , err = red : auth ( conf . redis_password ) if not res then ngx . log ( ngx . ERR , "failed to authenticate: " , err ) return ngx . exit ( 502 ) kong . log ( "imei is : " , imei , " Channel is : " , channel ) kong . log ( "redis db is : " , LuckTable [( channel )]) red : select ( LuckTable [( channel )]) res , err = red : get ( imei ) kong . log ( "imei The version that exists is : " , res ) ngx . status = 200 ngx . header [ "Content-Type" ] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" if ( res == "v2" ) then rt_version = "v2" ngx . say ( cjson . encode ( LuckTable [( channel ) .. "_rt_json_v2" ])) return ngx . exit ( 200 ) elseif ( res == "v1" ) then rt_version = "v1" ngx . say ( cjson . encode ( LuckTable [( channel ) .. "_rt_json_v1" ])) return ngx . exit ( 200 ) math.randomseed ( os.time ()) local luck = math.random ( 0 , 100 ) kong . log ( "luck is : " , luck ) local weight = LuckTable [ "v2_" .. ( channel ) .. "_weight" ] kong . log ( "channel weight is : " , channel , ":" , weight ) if luck <= weight then rt_version = "v2" red : set ( imei , "v2" ) kong . log ( "imei version is : " , imei , " , " , rt_version ) red : expire ( imei , 5184000 ) ngx . say ( cjson . encode ( LuckTable [( channel ) .. "_rt_json_v2" ])) return ngx . exit ( 200 ) rt_version = "v1" red : set ( imei , "v1" ) red : expire ( imei , 5184000 ) kong . log ( "imei version is : " , imei , " , " , rt_version ) ngx . say ( cjson . encode ( LuckTable [( channel ) .. "_rt_json_v1" ])) return ngx . exit ( 200 ) return LuckService
cat schema.lua
local typedefs = require "kong.db.schema.typedefs"
return {
  name = "http-service",
  fields = {
    { consumer=typedefs.no_consumer },
    { protocols = typedefs.protocols_http },
    { config = {
        type = "record",
        fields = {
          { policy = {
              type = "string",
              default = "redis",
              len_min = 0,
              one_of = {"redis" },
          }, },
          { v2_Share_weight =  { type = "number", default = 10, },  },
          { v2_Fengyun_weight =  { type = "number", default = 10, },  },
          { v2_Easypay_weight =  { type = "number", default = 10, },  },
          { Share_rt_json_v1 = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { Share_rt_json_v2 = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { Fengyun_rt_json_v1 = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { Fengyun_rt_json_v2 = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { Easypay_rt_json_v1 = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { Easypay_rt_json_v2 = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { redis_host = typedefs.host },
          { redis_port = typedefs.port({ default = 6379 }), },
          { redis_password = { type = "string", len_min = 0 }, },
          { redis_timeout = { type = "number", default = 2000, }, },
        custom_validator = validate_periods_order,
  entity_checks = {
    { conditional = {
      if_field = "config.policy", if_match = { eq = "redis" },
      then_field = "config.redis_host", then_match = { required = true },
    } },
    { conditional = {
      if_field = "config.policy", if_match = { eq = "redis" },
      then_field = "config.redis_port", then_match = { required = true },
    } },
    { conditional = {
      if_field = "config.policy", if_match = { eq = "redis" },
      then_field = "config.redis_timeout", then_match = { required = true },
    } },

配置使用konga, 然后测试的话 就多测就完事了

- mountPath: /mnt name: volume-1564450826736 - mountPath: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/constants.lua name: volume-1567501801119 subPath: constants.lua - mountPath: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/http-service/ name: volume-1567502147319 volumes: - hostPath: path: /opt/logs/pre-kong/ type: '' name: volume-1564450826736 - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: constants.lua name: volume-1567501801119 - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: handler.lua name: volume-1567502147319