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中找到满足需求的扩展。PHP 扩展社区库(PHP Extension Community Library 简称 PECL)是个
PHP 扩展的储存库,提供了对于所有已知扩展目录以及下载及开发 PHP 扩展的托管设施。
如果针对特定用途开发了扩展,则可以将其托管在 PECL
PECL 提交扩展之前,请先阅读
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bk at kaelberer-aio dot de
1 year ago
In addition to the helpful comments of ferdnyc and dario: A few weeks ago I've set up a new W11 using PHP 8.1. (as a module) with Apache. It was working fine.
Today i wanted to install the PECL-extension php-amqp. This extension comes with two additional files that are said to be placed in PHPs main directory. It worked fine running from the command prompt but with Apache the extension failed with "Unable to load dynamic library 'amqp'".
I tried 100 ways to notate paths in php.ini and http.conf: c:, C:, \, \\, /, ". I also installed a new PHP in the root to get rid of the space in the path. It did not help.
When reading dario's comment i stumbeled across him mentioning "path environment variable". I checked that in Window's settings and I realized, that i had added PHP's path to the USER'S path-settings, but not to the SYSTEM'S path. That is why it worked in the command prompt but not when starting Apache as a service. After adding it there it worked fine.
ferdnyc at gmail dot com
1 year ago
This is handwaved somewhat in the "Resolving problems" section, but mis-location of (non-extension) DLL files is often a problem when installing PHP extensions on Windows.
Many PHP extensions come with not only the extension DLL, but supplementary DLLs that are required by that extension. (For example, php_luasandbox.dll comes with lua5.1.dll, the lua interpreter it sandboxes.) Those other DLLs should go into the same directory as the php.exe binary, NOT the extension directory.
So, if php_luasandbox.dll is installed at C:\PHP8.1\ext\php_luasandbox.dll, the interpreter would be located at C:\PHP8.1\lua5.1.dll. That allows the PHP binary C:\PHP8.1\php.exe to find those additional DLLs when required.