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根据教育部及山东大学学籍管理规定中有关退学处理意见,依《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(中华人民共和国教育部第 41 号令)第三章第三十条和《山东大学研究生学籍管理规定(修订)》第四十三条,拟对超过学校规定期限未注册、未履行暂缓注册且无正当事由的十三名外籍硕士和一名外籍博士(学生名单见附件)予以退学处理。

鉴于无法通过邮件、电话、微信等方式送达退学决定,按照教育部第 41 号令要求,现决定采用公示方式送达退学决定书。公示期 60 天,自北京时间 2021 4 9 日起至 6 10 日止,公示期满视为送达本人,退学决定自送达之日起生效。

根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(中华人民共和国教育部第 41 号令)第六章第六十条,学生对本处理决定 有异议的 ,可公示期内具名发送邮件至 [email protected] ,学院将按程序向申诉处理委员会提交学生申诉意见。


2021 4 9

公示邮箱: [email protected]

话: 0531-88382515

Announcement of the Decision to Expel Graduate Student

According to the relevant administrative regulations of the Ministry of Education and Shandong University, which are about handling of expelling graduate student, in accordance with Article 30 of Chapter 3 of the "Administrative Regulations for University Students " (Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education , PRC ), and Article 43 of " Administrative Regulations of Graduate Students in Shandong University (Revised)”, these 13 foreign masters and doctoral students (the attachment for the list of students is as follows) who fail to register after the prescribed time limit of the school and have not fulfilled the deferred registration procedures and have no legitimate reason, will be expelled by the university.

In view of the fact that the expelling decision cannot be delivered to the students by mail, phone, WeChat, etc., in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education, we decide to deliver the expelling decision by putting the public notice on the website. The public notice period will last for 60 days, from April 9, 2021 to June 10, 2021. The expelling decision will be deemed as delivered to the students when the public notice period ends. The decision will take effect from the date of delivery.

According to Article 60 of Chapter 6 of the "Administrative Regulations for University Students" (Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education, PRC), students who are not satisfied with the decision shall send an appeal email to [email protected] during the public notice period. The School of Medicine will submit student appeal to the Appeal Handling Committee following the procedures.

School of Medicine, Shandong University

April 9, 2021

Email [email protected]

Telephone 0531-88382515
