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踏实的碗  ·  Attempt to invoke ...·  1 月前    · 

Hi all,

I found a line of code that allows me to filter an multidimensional array based on the value of a column.

var filteredKey = filteredKeyGlobalData.filter(p => p.ADV_TYPE == "KE");

Although the code works when I run it, it doesn't allow me to deploy to my ABAP repository due to the syntax error. After searching, I have found that I need to enable/disable some options in my ESLINT in the Web IDE?

Is there anyway to resolve this issue?

Thank you in advance..

Hi guys,

I'm facing the same problem as well. I'm following the walkthrough for SAPUI5, it all happens in my manifest file and neo-app file and furthermore the Invoice.js file(step 19). Any solution?

Parsing error: Unexpected token : [ ESLINT: () ]

Eg: my manifest.js file

  "_version": "1.12.0", //error shows in this line
  "sap.app": {
	"id": "sap.ui.demo.walkthrough",
	"type": "application",
	"i18n": "i18n/i18n.properties",
	"title": "{{appTitle}}",
	"description": "{{appDescription}}",
	"applicationVersion": {
	  "version": "1.0.0"
  "sap.ui": {
	"technology": "UI5",
	"deviceTypes": {
		"desktop": true,
		"tablet": true,
		"phone": true
  "sap.ui5": {
	"rootView": {
		"viewName": "sap.ui.demo.walkthrough.view.App",
		"type": "XML",
		"id": "app"
	"dependencies": {
	  "minUI5Version": "1.93",
	  "libs": {
		"sap.ui.core": {}
		"sap.m": {}
	"models": {
	  "i18n": {
		"type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
		"settings": {
		  "bundleName": "sap.ui.demo.walkthrough.i18n.i18n",
		  "supportedLocales": [""],
		  "fallbackLocale": ""
	"invoice": {
		"type": "sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel",
		"uri": "Invoices.json"
	"contentDensities": {
		"cozy": true,
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