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时尚的熊猫 · Stata编程技巧(3): ...· 2 周前 · |
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阳刚的火腿肠 · 如何在stata中将字符型数据库 | ...· 2 周前 · |
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纯真的柠檬 · Stata数值型变成字符型_千锋教育· 2 周前 · |
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一身肌肉的山楂 · Stata学习笔记|数据处理3-类型转化_学 ...· 2 周前 · |
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豪爽的灯泡 · 《Stata软件操作》——经济学拔尖基地举办 ...· 2 周前 · |
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越狱的刺猬 · 快穿主受文集百度云 - 百度· 8 月前 · |
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爱跑步的电池 · 盘点86版《西游记》已经去世的17位演员,他 ...· 1 年前 · |
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沉稳的茶壶 · random --- 生成伪随机数 — ...· 1 年前 · |
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健身的咖啡豆 · Fortran程序中直接使用度(°)计算三角 ...· 1 年前 · |
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不拘小节的香烟 · The process started ...· 1 年前 · |
foreign | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
mpg | 1.160921 .0614601 2.82 0.005 1.0465 1.287852
_cons | .019403 .0235867 -3.24 0.001 .0017911 .2101887
mpg .1492138
_cons -3.942329
foreign | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
mpg | .1492138 .0529408 2.82 0.005 .0454517 .2529758
_cons | -3.942329 1.215624 -3.24 0.001 -6.324908 -1.55975
name | command depvar npar title
est1 | logistic foreign 2
est2 | logistic foreign 3
est3 | logistic foreign 6
est1 est2 est3
b b b
mpg .1492138 -.0900729 -.1824287
length -.0963129 -.1063041
3.rep78 0
4.rep78 2.405568
5.rep78 3.729435
_cons -3.942329 18.82339 21.00963
est1 est2 est3
b/ci95 b/ci95 b/ci95
mpg .1492138 -.0900729 -.1824287
.0454517,.2529758 -.2432507,.0631049 -.3959393,.0310819
length -.0963129 -.1063041
-.1529248,-.0397009 -.1725313,-.0400769
3.rep78 0
4.rep78 2.405568
5.rep78 3.729435
est1 est2 est3
b/ci95 b/ci95 b/ci95
mpg 1.160921 .9138646 .8332441
1.0465,1.287852 .7840749,1.065139 .6730476,1.03157
length .9081798 .8991512
.8581942,.9610768 .8415319,.9607155
3.rep78 1
4.rep78 11.08472
5.rep78 41.65555
est1 est2 est3
b/ci95 b/ci95 b/ci95
mpg 1.2 0.9 0.8
1.0,1.3 0.8,1.1 0.7,1.0
length 0.9 0.9
0.9,1.0 0.8,1.0
3.rep78 1.0
4.rep78 11.1
5.rep78 41.7
est1 est2 est3
b ci95 b ci95 b ci95
mpg 1.2 1.0,1.3 0.9 0.8,1.1 0.8 0.7,1.0
length 0.9 0.9,1.0 0.9 0.8,1.0
3.rep78 1.0 1.0,1.0
4.rep78 11.1 1.5,83.4
5.rep78 41.7 3.2,535.8
est1 est2 est3
b ci95 b ci95 b ci95
mpg 1.2 [1.0,1.3] 0.9 [0.8,1.1] 0.8 [0.7,1.0]
length 0.9 [0.9,1.0] 0.9 [0.8,1.0]
3.rep78 1.0 [1.0,1.0]
4.rep78 11.1 [1.5,83.4]
5.rep78 41.7 [3.2,535.8]
est1 est2 est3本記事の解説では,Stata 13.1を使います。
b ci95 b ci95 b ci95
mpg 1.2 (1.0,1.3) 0.9 (0.8,1.1) 0.8 (0.7,1.0)
length 0.9 (0.9,1.0) 0.9 (0.8,1.0)
3.rep78 1.0 (1.0,1.0)
4.rep78 11.1 (1.5,83.4)
5.rep78 41.7 (3.2,535.8)
bdi | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
treatment |
BtheB | -4.755128 2.211978 -2.15 0.032 -9.090525 -.4197319
month |
3 | -1.606839 1.160547 -1.38 0.166 -3.88147 .667791
5 | -3.214118 1.259442 -2.55 0.011 -5.68258 -.7456561
8 | -5.94658 1.328405 -4.48 0.000 -8.550205 -3.342955
treatment#month |
BtheB#3 | .5951418 1.62632 0.37 0.714 -2.592386 3.78267
BtheB#5 | 1.335008 1.774927 0.75 0.452 -2.143785 4.8138
BtheB#8 | 3.325952 1.847011 1.80 0.072 -.2941233 6.946027
_cons | 19.46667 1.619558 12.02 0.000 16.29239 22.64094
| df chi2 P>chi2
bdi |
treatment#month | 3 3.46 0.3266
-- Binomial Exact --
Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 30 .1 .0547723 .0211171 .2652885
r(N) = 30
r(proportion) = .1
r(se) = .0547722557505166
r(lb) = .0211171370297225
r(ub) = .2652884504742086
r(level) = 95
r(citype) : "exact"
r(proportion) = .1
r(lb) = .0211171370297225
r(ub) = .2652884504742086
.1 .02111714 .26528845
3 .1 .02111714 .26528845
4 .5 .26019058 .73980942
5 .81818182 .48224415 .9771688
| rep78 propor~n lower upper |
1. | 3 10 2.111714 26.52884 |
2. | 4 50 26.01906 73.98094 |
3. | 5 81.81818 48.22441 97.71688 |
Car type | Freq. Percent Cum.
Domestic | 42 65.63 65.63
Foreign | 22 34.38 100.00
Total | 64 100.00
-- Binomial Exact --
Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 64 .34375 .0593699 .2294632 .473023
-> rep78 = 3
-- Binomial Exact --
Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 30 .1 .0547723 .0211171 .2652885
-> rep78 = 4
-- Binomial Exact --
Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 18 .5 .1178511 .2601906 .7398094
-> rep78 = 5
-- Binomial Exact --
Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 11 .8181818 .1162913 .4822441 .9771688
-> rep78 = .
-- Binomial Exact - Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 5 .2 .1788854 .0050508 .7164179
| drug length treatm~t bdi0 bdi2 bdi3 bdi5 bdi8 id |
1. | No >6m TAU 29 2 2 . . 1 |
2. | Yes >6m BtheB 32 16 24 17 20 2 |
3. | Yes <6m TAU 25 20 . . . 3 |
4. | No >6m BtheB 21 17 16 10 9 4 |
5. | Yes >6m BtheB 26 23 . . . 5 |
| drug length treatm~t bdi0 bdi2 bdi3 bdi5 bdi8 id |
1. | Yes >6m BtheB 32 16 24 17 20 2 |
2. | No >6m BtheB 21 17 16 10 9 4 |
3. | Yes <6m BtheB 7 0 0 0 0 6 |
4. | Yes <6m TAU 17 7 7 3 7 7 |
5. | No >6m TAU 20 20 21 19 13 8 |
treatment | Freq. Percent Cum.
TAU | 25 48.08 48.08
BtheB | 27 51.92 100.00
Total | 52 100.00
| id month drug length treatm~t bdi |
1. | 2 0 Yes >6m BtheB 32 |
2. | 2 2 Yes >6m BtheB 16 |
3. | 2 3 Yes >6m BtheB 24 |
4. | 2 5 Yes >6m BtheB 17 |
5. | 2 8 Yes >6m BtheB 20 |
6. | 4 0 No >6m BtheB 21 |
7. | 4 2 No >6m BtheB 17 |
8. | 4 3 No >6m BtheB 16 |
9. | 4 5 No >6m BtheB 10 |
10. | 4 8 No >6m BtheB 9 |
Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
id: Unstructured |
var(post) | 61.8672 18.85135 34.04816 112.4158
var(_cons) | 54.45944 16.9922 29.54506 100.3833
cov(post,_cons) | -28.03576 15.18228 -57.79248 1.720963
var(Residual) | 24.56581 2.836617 19.59038 30.80488
LR test vs. linear model: chi2(3) = 131.47 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
bdi | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
drug | 1.123422 2.027048 0.55 0.579 -2.849519 5.096363
length | 7.225293 1.988499 3.63 0.000 3.327907 11.12268
treatment | -1.816101 2.534019 -0.72 0.474 -6.782687 3.150485
month |
0 | 0 (base)
2 | 3.068148 4.676631 0.66 0.512 -6.097881 12.23418
3 | -.8933333 4.676631 -0.19 0.849 -10.05936 8.272696
5 | -3.881481 4.676631 -0.83 0.407 -13.04751 5.284547
8 | -7.891852 4.676631 -1.69 0.092 -17.05788 1.274177
month#c.treatment |
0 | 0 (base)
2 | -7.108148 2.924213 -2.43 0.015 -12.8395 -1.376796
3 | -5.386667 2.924213 -1.84 0.065 -11.11802 .3446852
5 | -4.318519 2.924213 -1.48 0.140 -10.04987 1.412833
8 | -2.628148 2.924213 -0.90 0.369 -8.3595 3.103204
_cons | 12.6037 5.643376 2.23 0.026 1.54289 23.66452
| Contrast Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
bdi |
month#c.treatment |
(1) | -4.86037 2.670517 -10.09449 .3737474
Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
id: Unstructured |
var(post) | 61.8672 18.85135 34.04816 112.4158
var(_cons) | 54.45944 16.9922 29.54506 100.3833
cov(post,_cons) | -28.03576 15.18228 -57.79248 1.720962
var(Residual) | 24.56581 2.836617 19.59038 30.80488
bdi | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
drug | 1.123422 2.027048 0.55 0.579 -2.849519 5.096363
length | 7.225293 1.988499 3.63 0.000 3.327907 11.12268
treatment |
TAU | 0 (base)
BtheB | -1.816101 2.534019 -0.72 0.474 -6.782687 3.150485
month |
0 | 0 (base)
2 | -4.04 2.10712 -1.92 0.055 -8.169879 .0898786
3 | -6.28 2.10712 -2.98 0.003 -10.40988 -2.150121
5 | -8.2 2.10712 -3.89 0.000 -12.32988 -4.070121
8 | -10.52 2.10712 -4.99 0.000 -14.64988 -6.390121
treatment#month |
TAU#0 | 0 (base)
TAU#2 | 0 (base)
TAU#3 | 0 (base)
TAU#5 | 0 (base)
TAU#8 | 0 (base)
BtheB#0 | 0 (base)
BtheB#2 | -7.108148 2.924213 -2.43 0.015 -12.8395 -1.376796
BtheB#3 | -5.386667 2.924213 -1.84 0.065 -11.11802 .3446852
BtheB#5 | -4.318519 2.924213 -1.48 0.140 -10.04987 1.412833
BtheB#8 | -2.628148 2.924213 -0.90 0.369 -8.3595 3.103204
_cons | 10.7876 4.579099 2.36 0.018 1.812733 19.76247
| df chi2 P>chi2
bdi |
treatment#month | 1 3.31 0.0688
| Contrast Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
bdi |
treatment#month |
(1) (1) | -4.86037 2.670517 -10.09449 .3737474
| Contrast Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
bdi |
treatment#month |
(1) (1) | -12.12037 1.851671 -15.74958 -8.491163
| Contrast Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
bdi |
treatment#month |
(1) (1) | -7.26 1.924313 -11.03158 -3.488417
bdi | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
drug | 1.123413 2.027048 0.55 0.579 -2.849528 5.096354
length | 7.225293 1.988499 3.63 0.000 3.327906 11.12268
treatment |
TAU | 0 (base)
BtheB | -1.816098 2.534022 -0.72 0.474 -6.782689 3.150493
post |
0 | 0 (base)
1 | -7.26 1.924314 -3.77 0.000 -11.03159 -3.488413
treatment#post |
TAU#0 | 0 (base)
TAU#1 | 0 (base)
BtheB#0 | 0 (base)
BtheB#1 | -4.86037 2.67052 -1.82 0.069 -10.09449 .373752
_cons | 10.78761 4.5791 2.36 0.018 1.812743 19.76248
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Domestic Foreign | Total
1 | 2 0 | 2
2 | 8 0 | 8
3 | 27 3 | 30
4 | 9 9 | 18
5 | 2 9 | 11
Total | 48 21 | 69
| rep78 foreign mpg reppg |
1. | 3 Domestic 17 19 |
2. | 3 Domestic 20 19 |
26. | 3 Domestic 19 19 |
27. | 3 Domestic 14 19 |
28. | 3 Foreign 23 23.33333 |
29. | 3 Foreign 21 23.33333 |
30. | 3 Foreign 26 23.33333 |
31. | 4 Domestic 14 18.44444 |
32. | 4 Domestic 18 18.44444 |
33. | 4 Domestic 22 18.44444 |
34. | 4 Domestic 15 18.44444 |
35. | 4 Domestic 14 18.44444 |
36. | 4 Domestic 28 18.44444 |
37. | 4 Domestic 18 18.44444 |
38. | 4 Domestic 16 18.44444 |
39. | 4 Domestic 21 18.44444 |
40. | 4 Foreign 23 24.88889 |
41. | 4 Foreign 23 24.88889 |
42. | 4 Foreign 21 24.88889 |
43. | 4 Foreign 25 24.88889 |
44. | 4 Foreign 25 24.88889 |
45. | 4 Foreign 24 24.88889 |
46. | 4 Foreign 28 24.88889 |
47. | 4 Foreign 30 24.88889 |
48. | 4 Foreign 25 24.88889 |
49. | 5 Domestic 30 32 |
50. | 5 Domestic 34 32 |
51. | 5 Foreign 18 26.33333 |
52. | 5 Foreign 18 26.33333 |
| rep78 foreign mpg reppg |autoデータを使って,車の値段をアウトカム,生産国(国産 or 外国),
1. | 3 Domestic 17 19 |
28. | 3 Foreign 23 23.33333 |
31. | 4 Domestic 14 18.44444 |
40. | 4 Foreign 23 24.88889 |
49. | 5 Domestic 30 32 |
51. | 5 Foreign 18 26.33333 |
price| Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
Foreign | -2171.597 2829.409 -0.77 0.445 -7814.676 3471.482
weight| 2.994814 .4163132 7.19 0.000 2.164503 3.825124
Foreign | 2.367227 1.121973 2.11 0.038 .129522 4.604931
_cons| -3861.719 1410.404 -2.74 0.008 -6674.681 -1048.757
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
weight | 74 3019.459 777.1936 1760 4840
Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 74
Model VCE : OLS
Expression : Linear prediction, predict()
1._at : weight = 1760
2._at : weight = 2260
3._at : weight = 2760
4._at : weight = 3260
5._at : weight = 3760
6._at : weight = 4260
7._at : weight = 4760
| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
_at#foreign |
1#Domestic | 1409.153 708.814 1.99 0.051 -4.532181 2822.838
1#Foreign | 3403.875 727.8271 4.68 0.000 1952.27 4855.48
2#Domestic | 2906.56 525.2356 5.53 0.000 1859.01 3954.109
2#Foreign | 6084.895 444.5963 13.69 0.000 5198.176 6971.614
3#Domestic | 4403.966 368.7627 11.94 0.000 3668.492 5139.44
3#Foreign | 8765.915 639.0249 13.72 0.000 7491.42 10040.41
4#Domestic | 5901.373 287.6764 20.51 0.000 5327.621 6475.126
4#Foreign | 11446.94 1077.865 10.62 0.000 9297.201 13596.67
5#Domestic | 7398.78 340.8634 21.71 0.000 6718.949 8078.61
5#Foreign | 14127.96 1567.797 9.01 0.000 11001.08 17254.83
6#Domestic | 8896.187 486.0826 18.30 0.000 7926.726 9865.648
6#Foreign | 16808.98 2072.905 8.11 0.000 12674.7 20943.25
7#Domestic | 10393.59 665.5998 15.62 0.000 9066.097 11721.09
7#Foreign | 19490 2584.306 7.54 0.000 14335.76 24644.23
Stata FAQ How can I perform a factor analysis with categorical (or categorical and continuous) variables?
| | Unique
Variable | Obs=. Obs>. Obs<. | values Min Max
A1 | 16 2,784 | 6 1 6
A2 | 27 2,773 | 6 1 6
A3 | 26 2,774 | 6 1 6
A4 | 19 2,781 | 6 1 6
A5 | 16 2,784 | 6 1 6
Missing-value patterns
(1 means complete)
| Pattern
Frequency | 1 2 3 4 5
2,709 | 1 1 1 1 1
22 | 1 1 1 1 0
20 | 1 1 1 0 1
15 | 1 0 1 1 1
12 | 0 1 1 1 1
12 | 1 1 0 1 1
3 | 1 1 0 0 0
2 | 0 1 0 1 1
1 | 0 0 1 1 1
1 | 0 1 1 0 1
1 | 1 1 0 0 1
1 | 1 1 0 1 0
1 | 1 1 1 0 0
2,800 |
Variables are (1) A1 (2) A5 (3) A4 (4) A3 (5) A2
| A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 | 1.0000
A2 | -0.3416 1.0000
A3 | -0.2683 0.4868 1.0000
A4 | -0.1484 0.3352 0.3622 1.0000
A5 | -0.1827 0.3878 0.5052 0.3067 1.0000
Polychoric correlation matrix
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 1
A2 -.40888172 1
A3 -.32566935 .5575669 1
A4 -.17597901 .38965116 .41069263 1
A5 -.22843963 .44653766 .57349574 .35401781 1
r(pLR0) = 6.15755687868e-62
r(LR0) = 275.8067214420807
r(pX2) = .0003008227338877
r(dfX2) = 24
r(X2) = 55.1282052450148
r(pG2) = .0012040446647921
r(dfG2) = 24
r(G2) = 50.55156075192645
r(se_rho) = .0201740996318403
r(rho) = .3540178066269911
r(N) = 2709
r(sum_w) = 2709
r(type) : "polychoric"
r(R) : 5 x 5
Factor analysis/correlation Number of obs = 2709
Method: principal factors Retained factors = 1
Rotation: (unrotated) Number of params = 5
Factor | Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
Factor1 | 1.95127 1.85836 1.1904 1.1904
Factor2 | 0.09291 0.14472 0.0567 1.2470
Factor3 | -0.05181 0.12276 -0.0316 1.2154
Factor4 | -0.17457 0.00401 -0.1065 1.1089
Factor5 | -0.17858 . -0.1089 1.0000
LR test: independent vs. saturated: chi2(10) = 3390.61 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
Factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances
Variable | Factor1 | Uniqueness
A1 | -0.4376 | 0.8085
A2 | 0.7078 | 0.4990
A3 | 0.7558 | 0.4287
A4 | 0.5154 | 0.7343
A5 | 0.6494 | 0.5782
r(N) = 2709
r(rho) = -.3416241810153322
r(C) : 5 x 5
Factor analysis/correlation Number of obs= 2709
Method: principal factors Retained factors = 1
Rotation: (unrotated) Number of params = 5
Factor Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
Factor1 1.66236 1.59574 1.2699 1.2699
Factor2 0.06662 0.13026 0.0509 1.3208
Factor3 -0.06364 0.10961 -0.0486 1.2722
Factor4 -0.17325 0.00978 -0.1323 1.1398
Factor5 -0.18303 . -0.1398 1.0000
LR test: independent vs. saturated: chi2(10) = 2531.30 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
Factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances
Variable Factor1 Uniqueness
A1 -0.3868 0.8504
A2 0.6509 0.5763
A3 0.7029 0.5059
A4 0.4813 0.7684
A5 0.6027 0.6367
| A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 | 1.0000
A2 | -0.3402 1.0000
A3 | -0.2652 0.4851 1.0000
A4 | -0.1464 0.3351 0.3604 1.0000
A5 | -0.1814 0.3901 0.5041 0.3075 1.0000
| A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 | 1.0000
A2 | -0.3416 1.0000
A3 | -0.2683 0.4868 1.0000
A4 | -0.1484 0.3352 0.3622 1.0000
A5 | -0.1827 0.3878 0.5052 0.3067 1.0000
| A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 | 1.0000
A2 | -0.3416 1.0000
A3 | -0.2683 0.4868 1.0000
A4 | -0.1484 0.3352 0.3622 1.0000
A5 | -0.1827 0.3878 0.5052 0.3067 1.0000
| A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 | 1.0000
| 2784
A2 | -0.3402 1.0000
| 2757 2773
A3 | -0.2652 0.4851 1.0000
| 2759 2751 2774
A4 | -0.1464 0.3351 0.3604 1.0000
| 2767 2758 2759 2781
A5 | -0.1814 0.3901 0.5041 0.3075 1.0000
| 2769 2757 2758 2765 2784
このコマンドは反復測定ANOVAに基づき,ICC[2,1], ICC[2,k], ICC[3,1],
and ICC[3,k]についてrandom effects modelsのICCを算出するものです。
icc23 <dv> <classvar> <within_var>
例として評定者,機器, 測定ポイント などがある
The individual AA-ICC corresponds to ICC(A,1) in McGraw and Wong (1996a)
or ICC(2,1) in Shrout and Fleiss (1979). The average AA-ICC corresponds to
ICC(A,k) in McGraw and Wong (1996a) or ICC(2,k) in Shrout and Fleiss (1979).
| make |
1. | AMC Concord |
2. | AMC Pacer |
3. | AMC Spirit |
4. | Buick Century |
5. | Buick Electra |
| make |
1. | AMC Concord |
Repair |
Record 1978 | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 2 2.70 2.70
2 | 8 10.81 13.51
3 | 30 40.54 54.05
4 | 18 24.32 78.38
5 | 11 14.86 93.24
. | 5 6.76 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
+-----------------------------+以前, 層別に平均値と標準偏差(SD)と人数だけを算出 という記事で解説
| rep78 id_by_~p n_by_rep |
1. | 1 1 2 |
2. | 1 2 2 |
3. | 2 1 8 |
4. | 2 2 8 |
5. | 2 3 8 |
6. | 2 4 8 |
7. | 2 5 8 |
11. | 3 1 30 |
12. | 3 2 30 |
13. | 3 3 30 |
14. | 3 4 30 |
15. | 3 5 30 |
41. | 4 1 18 |
42. | 4 2 18 |
43. | 4 3 18 |
44. | 4 4 18 |
45. | 4 5 18 |
59. | 5 1 11 |
60. | 5 2 11 |
61. | 5 3 11 |
62. | 5 4 11 |
63. | 5 5 11 |
70. | . 1 5 |
71. | . 2 5 |
72. | . 3 5 |
73. | . 4 5 |
74. | . 5 5 |
-> foreign = Domestic
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
price | 52 6072.423 3097.104 3291 15906
mpg | 52 19.82692 4.743297 12 34
weight | 52 3317.115 695.3637 1800 4840
length | 52 196.1346 20.04605 147 233
-> foreign = Foreign
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
price | 22 6384.682 2621.915 3748 12990
mpg | 22 24.77273 6.611187 14 41
weight | 22 2315.909 433.0035 1760 3420
length | 22 168.5455 13.68255 142 193
-> foreign = Domestic, rep78 = 1
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
price | 2 4564.5 522.5519 4195 4934
mpg | 2 21 4.242641 18 24
weight | 2 3100 523.259 2730 3470
length | 2 189 12.72792 180 198
-> foreign = Domestic, rep78 = 2
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
price | 8 5967.625 3579.357 3667 14500
mpg | 8 19.125 3.758324 14 24
weight | 8 3353.75 445.9961 2690 3900
length | 8 199.375 13.97894 179 220
Summary statistics: mean
by categories of: foreign (Car type)
foreign | price mpg weight length
Domestic | 6072.423 19.82692 3317.115 196.1346
Foreign | 6384.682 24.77273 2315.909 168.5455
Total | 6165.257 21.2973 3019.459 187.9324
Summary statistics: mean
by categories of: foreign (Car type)
foreign | price mpg weight length
Domestic | 6072.423 19.82692 3317.115 196.1346
Foreign | 6384.682 24.77273 2315.909 168.5455
foreign | mean
Domestic | 6072.423
| 19.82692
| 3317.115
| 196.1346
Foreign | 6384.682
| 24.77273
| 2315.909
| 168.5455
foreign | mean
Domestic | 6072.423
| 19.82692
| 3317.115
| 196.1346
Foreign | 6384.682
| 24.77273
| 2315.909
| 168.5455
foreign | mean N
Domestic | 6072.423 52
| 19.82692 52
| 3317.115 52
| 196.1346 52
Foreign | 6384.682 22
| 24.77273 22
| 2315.909 22
| 168.5455 22
foreign variable | mean
Domestic price | 6072.423
mpg | 19.82692
weight | 3317.115
length | 196.1346
Foreign price | 6384.682
mpg | 24.77273
weight | 2315.909
length | 168.5455
-> foreign = Domestic
rep78 variable | mean
1 price | 4564.5
mpg | 21
weight | 3100
length | 189
2 price | 5967.625
mpg | 19.125
weight | 3353.75
length | 199.375
3 price | 6607.074
mpg | 19
weight | 3442.222
length | 197.8889
4 price | 5881.556
mpg | 18.44444
weight | 3532.222
length | 204.4444
5 price | 4204.5
mpg | 32
weight | 1960
length | 160
-> foreign = Foreign
rep78 variable | mean
3 price | 4828.667
mpg | 23.33333
weight | 2010
length | 159
4 price | 6261.444
mpg | 24.88889
weight | 2207.778
length | 165.2222
5 price | 6292.667
mpg | 26.33333
weight | 2403.333
length | 172.4444
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Domestic Foreign
1 | 4,564.5
| 21
| 3,100
| 189
2 | 5,967.6
| 19.125
| 3,353.8
| 199.375
3 | 6,607.1 4,828.7
| 19 23.3333
| 3,442.2 2,010
| 197.889 159
4 | 5,881.6 6,261.4
| 18.4444 24.8889
| 3,532.2 2,207.8
| 204.444 165.222
5 | 4,204.5 6,292.7
| 32 26.3333
| 1,960 2,403.3
| 160 172.444
| moji |
1. | あいう(全角10字) |
2. | あいうえおかきく(全角15字) |
3. | あいうえおかきくけこさしす(全角20字) |
4. | あいうえおかきくけこさしすせたちつ(全角20字) |
5. | あいう(全角10字) |
6. | あいう(全角10字) |
7. | あいう(全角10字) |
8. | あいうえおかきく(全角15字) |
9. | あいうえおかきく(全角15字) |
10. | あいうえおかきくけこさしす(全角20字) |
11. | . |
12. | . |
moji | Freq. Percent Cum.
. | 2 16.67 16.67
あいう(全角10字) | 4 33.33 50.00
あいうえおかきく(全角15字) | 3 25.00 75.00
あいうえおかきくけこさしす(全角2 0 ・. | 2 16.67 91.67
あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたち つ ・. | 1 8.33 100.00
Total | 12 100.00
moji | Freq.
. | 2
あいう(全角10字) | 4
あいうえおかきく(全角15字) | 3
あいうえおかきくけこさしす(全角20字) | 2
あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつ( 全 | 1
| moji |
1. | あいう(全角10字) |
2. | あいうえおかきく(全角15字) |
3. | あいうえおかきくけこさしす(全角20字) |
4. | あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつ(全角25字) |
5. | . |
| h1 m1 h2 m2 |
1. | 9 0 17 30 |
2. | 9 0 17 0 |
3. | 9 0 26 0 |
| h1 m1 h2 m2 in_min out_min difmin |
1. | 9 0 17 30 540 1050 510 |
2. | 9 0 17 0 540 1020 480 |
3. | 9 0 26 0 540 1560 1020 |
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
difmin | 3 670 303.4798 480 1020
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
mpg | 74 21.2973 5.785503 12 41
Car type | Freq. Percent Cum.
Domestic | 52 70.27 70.27
Foreign | 22 29.73 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
Car type | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 52 70.27 70.27
1 | 22 29.73 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
Block 1: price
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
price | -.0009192 .0002042 -4.50 0.000 -.0013263 -.0005121
_cons | 26.96417 1.393952 19.34 0.000 24.18538 29.74297
Block 2: foreign weight
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
price | .0000566 .0001922 0.29 0.769 -.0003268 .00044
foreign | -1.855891 1.289063 -1.44 0.154 -4.426846 .7150641
weight | -.0067758 .0009048 -7.49 0.000 -.0085805 -.0049712
_cons | 41.95948 2.377726 17.65 0.000 37.21725 46.7017
Block 3: length
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
price | -.0000374 .0002009 -0.19 0.853 -.0004381 .0003634
foreign | -1.574443 1.292234 -1.22 0.227 -4.15238 1.003494
weight | -.0041499 .0019865 -2.09 0.040 -.0081128 -.0001871
length | -.086156 .058149 -1.48 0.143 -.2021601 .029848
_cons | 50.71772 6.364007 7.97 0.000 38.02187 63.41357
| | Block Residual Change |
| Block | F df df Pr > F R2 in R2 |
| 1 | 20.26 1 72 0.0000 0.2196 |
| 2 | 46.08 2 70 0.0000 0.6631 0.4435 |
| 3 | 2.20 1 69 0.1430 0.6735 0.0104 |
25 Personality items representing 5 factors
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
A1 | 2784 2.413434 1.407737 1 6
A2 | 2773 4.80238 1.17202 1 6
A3 | 2774 4.603821 1.301834 1 6
A4 | 2781 4.699748 1.479633 1 6
A5 | 2784 4.560345 1.258512 1 6
C1 | 2779 4.502339 1.241347 1 6
C2 | 2776 4.369957 1.318347 1 6
C3 | 2780 4.303957 1.288552 1 6
C4 | 2774 2.553353 1.375118 1 6
C5 | 2784 3.296695 1.628542 1 6
Fit statistic | Value Description
Likelihood ratio |
chi2_ms(265) | 4165.467 model vs. saturated
p > chi2 | 0.000
chi2_bs(300) | 18222.116 baseline vs. saturated
p > chi2 | 0.000
Population error |
RMSEA | 0.078 Root mean squared error of approximation
90% CI, lower bound | 0.076
upper bound | 0.080
pclose | 0.000 Probability RMSEA <= 0.05
Information criteria |
AIC | 199850.476 Akaike's information criterion
BIC | 200343.316 Bayesian information criterion
Baseline comparison |
CFI | 0.782 Comparative fit index
TLI | 0.754 Tucker-Lewis index
Size of residuals |
SRMR | 0.073 Standardized root mean squared residual
CD | 0.999 Coefficient of determination
price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | 2.994814 .4163132 7.19 0.000 2.164503 3.825124
foreign |
Foreign | -2171.597 2829.409 -0.77 0.445 -7814.676 3471.482
foreign#c.weight |
Foreign | 2.367227 1.121973 2.11 0.038 .129522 4.604931
_cons | -3861.719 1410.404 -2.74 0.008 -6674.681 -1048.757
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
weight | 74 3019.459 777.1936 1760 4840
Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 74
Model VCE : OLS
Expression : Linear prediction, predict()
1._at : weight = 1760
2._at : weight = 2260
3._at : weight = 2760
4._at : weight = 3260
5._at : weight = 3760
6._at : weight = 4260
7._at : weight = 4760
| Margin Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
_at#foreign |
1#Domestic | 1409.153 708.814 1.99 0.051 -4.532181 2822.838
1#Foreign | 3403.875 727.8271 4.68 0.000 1952.27 4855.48
2#Domestic | 2906.56 525.2356 5.53 0.000 1859.01 3954.109
2#Foreign | 6084.895 444.5963 13.69 0.000 5198.176 6971.614
3#Domestic | 4403.966 368.7627 11.94 0.000 3668.492 5139.44
3#Foreign | 8765.915 639.0249 13.72 0.000 7491.42 10040.41
4#Domestic | 5901.373 287.6764 20.51 0.000 5327.621 6475.126
4#Foreign | 11446.94 1077.865 10.62 0.000 9297.201 13596.67
5#Domestic | 7398.78 340.8634 21.71 0.000 6718.949 8078.61
5#Foreign | 14127.96 1567.797 9.01 0.000 11001.08 17254.83
6#Domestic | 8896.187 486.0826 18.30 0.000 7926.726 9865.648
6#Foreign | 16808.98 2072.905 8.11 0.000 12674.7 20943.25
7#Domestic | 10393.59 665.5998 15.62 0.000 9066.097 11721.09
7#Foreign | 19490 2584.306 7.54 0.000 14335.76 24644.23
SASではleast squares means (lsmeans)とよばれ,
SPSSでは estimated marginal means (emmeans) とよばれる
| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
treatment#month |
TAU#2 | 19.46667 1.619558 12.02 0.000 16.29239 22.64094
TAU#3 | 17.85983 1.693887 10.54 0.000 14.53987 21.17978
TAU#5 | 16.25255 1.763116 9.22 0.000 12.7969 19.70819
TAU#8 | 13.52009 1.81302 7.46 0.000 9.966633 17.07354
BtheB#2 | 14.71154 1.506611 9.76 0.000 11.75864 17.66444
BtheB#3 | 13.69984 1.617249 8.47 0.000 10.53009 16.86959
BtheB#5 | 12.83243 1.697532 7.56 0.000 9.505326 16.15953
BtheB#8 | 12.09091 1.721696 7.02 0.000 8.716448 15.46537
Repair |
Record | rep78r
1978 | 0 1 | Total
1 | 0 2 | 2
2 | 8 0 | 8
3 | 0 30 | 30
4 | 18 0 | 18
5 | 0 11 | 11
Total | 26 43 | 69
Repair |
Record | rep78r2
1978 | 0 1 | Total
1 | 0 2 | 2
2 | 8 0 | 8
3 | 0 30 | 30
4 | 18 0 | 18
5 | 0 11 | 11
Total | 26 43 | 69
"Honda Accord"
"Honda Civic"
"Mazda GLC"
"Toyota Celica"
"Toyota Corolla"
"Toyota Corona"
mpg weight
mpg 1.0000
weight -0.8072 1.0000
Confidence interval for Pearson's product-moment correlation
of mpg and weight, based on Fisher's transformation.
Correlation = -0.807 on 74 observations (95% CI: -0.874 to -0.710)
| Summary of Mileage (mpg)
Car type | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
Domestic | 19.826923 4.7432972 52
Foreign | 24.772727 6.6111869 22
Total | 21.297297 5.7855032 74
Car type | mean(mpg) sd(mpg) N(mpg)
Domestic | 19.8269 4.743297 52
Foreign | 24.7727 6.611187 22
Summary for variables: mpg
by categories of: foreign (Car type)
foreign | mean sd N
Domestic | 19.82692 4.743297 52
Foreign | 24.77273 6.611187 22
Total | 21.2973 5.785503 74
Summary statistics: mean, sd, N
by categories of: foreign (Car type)
foreign | mpg price weight length
Domestic | 19.82692 6072.423 3317.115 196.1346
| 4.743297 3097.104 695.3637 20.04605
| 52 52 52 52
Foreign | 24.77273 6384.682 2315.909 168.5455
| 6.611187 2621.915 433.0035 13.68255
| 22 22 22 22
Total | 21.2973 6165.257 3019.459 187.9324
| 5.785503 2949.496 777.1936 22.26634
| 74 74 74 74
| Summary of Mileage (mpg)
Car type | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
Domestic | 19.826923 4.7432972 52
Foreign | 24.772727 6.6111869 22
Total | 21.297297 5.7855032 74
| Summary of Price
Car type | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
Domestic | 6,072.423 3,097.104 52
Foreign | 6,384.682 2,621.915 22
Total | 6,165.257 2,949.496 74
| Summary of Weight (lbs.)
Car type | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
Domestic | 3,317.115 695.36374 52
Foreign | 2,315.909 433.00345 22
Total | 3,019.459 777.19357 74
| Summary of Length (in.)
Car type | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
Domestic | 196.13462 20.046054 52
Foreign | 168.54545 13.682548 22
Total | 187.93243 22.26634 74
Car type | mean(mpg) sd(mpg)
Domestic | 19.8269 4.743297
Foreign | 24.7727 6.611187
Car type | mean(price) sd(price)
Domestic | 6,072.4 3097.104
Foreign | 6,384.7 2621.915
Car type | mean(weight) sd(weight)
Domestic | 3,317.1 695.3638
Foreign | 2,315.9 433.0034
Car type | mean(length) sd(length)
Domestic | 196.135 20.04605
Foreign | 168.545 13.68255
| id month drug length treatm~t bdi_pre bdi bdin |
1. | 1 2 No >6m TAU 29 2 2 |
2. | 1 3 No >6m TAU 29 2 2 |
3. | 1 5 No >6m TAU 29 . 2 |
4. | 1 8 No >6m TAU 29 . 2 |
5. | 2 2 Yes >6m BtheB 32 16 16 |
6. | 2 3 Yes >6m BtheB 32 24 24 |
7. | 2 5 Yes >6m BtheB 32 17 17 |
8. | 2 8 Yes >6m BtheB 32 20 20 |
9. | 3 2 Yes <6m TAU 25 20 20 |
10. | 3 3 Yes <6m TAU 25 . 20 |
11. | 3 5 Yes <6m TAU 25 . 20 |
12. | 3 8 Yes <6m TAU 25 . 20 |
13. | 4 2 No >6m BtheB 21 17 17 |
14. | 4 3 No >6m BtheB 21 16 16 |
15. | 4 5 No >6m BtheB 21 10 10 |
16. | 4 8 No >6m BtheB 21 9 9 |
17. | 5 2 Yes >6m BtheB 26 23 23 |
18. | 5 3 Yes >6m BtheB 26 . 23 |
19. | 5 5 Yes >6m BtheB 26 . 23 |
20. | 5 8 Yes >6m BtheB 26 . 23 |
| | Unique
Variable | Obs=. Obs>. Obs<. | values Min Max
bdi2 | 3 97 | 37 0 48
bdi3 | 27 73 | 33 0 53
bdi5 | 42 58 | 33 0 47
bdi8 | 48 52 | 24 0 40
Missing-value patterns
(1 means complete)
| Pattern
Frequency | 1 2 3 4
52 | 1 1 1 1
24 | 1 0 0 0
15 | 1 1 0 0
6 | 1 1 1 0
3 | 0 0 0 0
100 |
Variables are (1) bdi2 (2) bdi3 (3) bdi5 (4) bdi8
id bdi2 bdi3 bdi5 bdi8 drug length treatm~t bdi_pre
1. 1 2 2 . . No >6m TAU 29
2. 2 16 24 17 20 Yes >6m BtheB 32
3. 3 20 . . . Yes <6m TAU 25
4. 4 17 16 10 9 No >6m BtheB 21
5. 5 23 . . . Yes >6m BtheB 26
6. 6 0 0 0 0 Yes <6m BtheB 7
7. 7 7 7 3 7 Yes <6m TAU 17
8. 8 20 21 19 13 No >6m TAU 20
9. 9 13 14 20 11 Yes <6m BtheB 18
10. 10 5 5 8 12 Yes >6m BtheB 20
id month bdi drug length treatm~t bdi_pre
1. 1 2 2 No >6m TAU 29
2. 1 3 2 No >6m TAU 29
3. 1 5 . No >6m TAU 29
4. 1 8 . No >6m TAU 29
5. 2 2 16 Yes >6m BtheB 32
6. 2 3 24 Yes >6m BtheB 32
7. 2 5 17 Yes >6m BtheB 32
8. 2 8 20 Yes >6m BtheB 32
9. 3 2 20 Yes <6m TAU 25
10. 3 3 . Yes <6m TAU 25
m p
-> foreign = Domestic
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
mpg | 52 19.82692 4.743297 12 34
-> foreign = Foreign
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
mpg | 22 24.77273 6.611187 14 41
make foreign mpg mpg2
1. Merc. Zephyr Domestic 20 19.82692
2. Chev. Chevette Domestic 29 19.82692
3. Chev. Monza Domestic 24 19.82692
4. Toyota Corolla Foreign 31 24.77273
5. Subaru Foreign 35 24.77273
6. AMC Spirit Domestic 22 19.82692
7. Merc. Bobcat Domestic 22 19.82692
8. Renault Le Car Foreign 26 24.77273
9. Chev. Nova Domestic 19 19.82692
10. Dodge Colt Domestic 30 19.82692
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Domestic Foreign | Total
1 | 2 0 | 2
| 100.00 0.00 | 100.00
2 | 8 0 | 8
| 100.00 0.00 | 100.00
3 | 27 3 | 30
| 90.00 10.00 | 100.00
4 | 9 9 | 18
| 50.00 50.00 | 100.00
5 | 2 9 | 11
| 18.18 81.82 | 100.00
Total | 48 21 | 69
| 69.57 30.43 | 100.00
make rep78 foreignp
1. AMC Concord 3 .1
2. AMC Pacer 3 .1
3. AMC Spirit . .2
4. Audi 5000 5 .8181818
5. Audi Fox 3 .1
6. BMW 320i 4 .5
7. Buick Century 3 .1
8. Buick Electra 4 .5
9. Buick LeSabre 3 .1
10. Buick Opel . .2
make rep78 foreignp
1. AMC Concord 3 10
2. AMC Pacer 3 10
3. AMC Spirit . 20
4. Audi 5000 5 81.81818
5. Audi Fox 3 10
6. BMW 320i 4 50
7. Buick Century 3 10
8. Buick Electra 4 50
9. Buick LeSabre 3 10
10. Buick Opel . 20
| foreign price mpg weight
foreign | 1.0000
price | 0.0487 1.0000
mpg | 0.3934 -0.4686 1.0000
weight | -0.5928 0.5386 -0.8072 1.0000
Effect Size | Estimate [95% Conf. Interval]
Point-Biserial r | -.0487195 -.2693882 .1795464
Effect Size | Estimate [95% Conf. Interval]
Point-Biserial r | -.3933974 -.555367 -.1821459
Effect Size | Estimate [95% Conf. Interval]
Point-Biserial r | .5928299 .4281699 .7051208
Number of obs = 150 R-squared = 0.9414
Root MSE = .430334 Adj R-squared = 0.9406
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 437.102798 2 218.551399 1180.16 0.0000
nspecies | 437.102798 2 218.551399 1180.16 0.0000
Residual | 27.2225992 147 .18518775
Total | 464.325397 149 3.11627783
R-squared = 0.9414
Adj R-squared = 0.9406
Effect sizes for linear models
Source | Eta-Squared df [95% Conf. Interval]
Model | .9413717 2 .9239033 .9518341
nspecies | .9413717 2 .9239033 .9518341
Effect sizes for linear models
Source | Omega-Squared df [95% Conf. Interval]
Model | .9405741 2 .9228679 .9511788
nspecies | .9405741 2 .9228679 .9511788
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 150
-------------+------------------------------ F( 2, 147) = 1180.16
Model | 437.102798 2 218.551399 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 27.2225992 147 .18518775 R-squared = 0.9414
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9406
Total | 464.325397 149 3.11627783 Root MSE = .43033
petallength | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
nspecies |
versicolor | 2.798 .0860669 32.51 0.000 2.627912 2.968088
virginica | 4.09 .0860669 47.52 0.000 3.919912 4.260088
_cons | 1.462 .0608585 24.02 0.000 1.341729 1.582271
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
black 2.327536 1.078613 1.82 0.068 .9385072 5.772385
other 1.889234 .6571342 1.83 0.067 .9554577 3.735597
_cons .3150685 .0753382 -4.83 0.000 .1971825 .503433
| 1b. 2. 3. |
| race race race race |
1. | black 0 1 0 |
2. | other 0 0 1 |
3. | white 0 0 0 |
4. | white 0 0 0 |
5. | white 0 0 0 |
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
white 1 (base)
black 2.327536 1.078613 1.82 0.068 .9385072 5.772385
other 1.889234 .6571342 1.83 0.067 .9554577 3.735597
_cons .3150685 .0753382 -4.83 0.000 .1971825 .503433
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
1 1 (base)
2 2.327536 1.078613 1.82 0.068 .9385072 5.772385
3 1.889234 .6571342 1.83 0.067 .9554577 3.735597
_cons .3150685 .0753382 -4.83 0.000 .1971825 .503433
( 1) [low]2.race = 0
( 2) [low]3.race = 0
chi2( 2) = 4.92
Prob > chi2 = 0.0853
Contrasts of marginal linear predictions
Margins : asbalanced
| df chi2 P>chi2
race | 2 4.92 0.0853
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
smoker 2.021944 .6462989 2.20 0.028 1.08066 3.783112
_cons .3372093 .0724103 -5.06 0.000 .2213694 .5136667
-> race = white
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
smoker 5.757576 3.444621 2.93 0.003 1.782321 18.59916
_cons .1 .0524404 -4.39 0.000 .0357788 .2794949
2013/12/25 こまごま修正と追記
-> race = black
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
smoker 3.3 2.775878 1.42 0.156 .6346062 17.16025
_cons .4545455 .2451636 -1.46 0.144 .1579332 1.308222
-> race = other
low Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
smoker 1.25 .8114691 0.34 0.731 .350212 4.461584
_cons .5714286 .1601748 -2.00 0.046 .3298869 .9898259
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 74
----------+---------------------------------- F( 2, 71) = 69.75
Model | 1619.2877 2 809.643849 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 824.171761 71 11.608053 R-squared = 0.6627
----------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6532
Total | 2443.45946 73 33.4720474 Root MSE = 3.4071
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0065879 .0006371 -10.34 0.000 -.0078583 -.0053175
foreign | -1.650029 1.075994 -1.53 0.130 -3.7955 .4954422
_cons | 41.6797 2.165547 19.25 0.000 37.36172 45.99768
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0065879 .0006371 -10.34 0.000 -.0078583 -.0053175
foreign |
Domestic| 0 (base)
Foreign | -1.650029 1.075994 -1.53 0.130 -3.7955 .4954422
_cons | 41.6797 2.165547 19.25 0.000 37.36172 45.99768
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0060087 .0005179 -11.60 0.000 -.0070411 -.0049763
_cons | 39.44028 1.614003 24.44 0.000 36.22283 42.65774
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign | 4.945804 1.362162 3.63 0.001 2.230384 7.661225
_cons | 19.82692 .7427186 26.70 0.000 18.34634 21.30751
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
price | -.0009192 .0002042 -4.50 0.000 -.0013263 -.0005121
_cons | 26.96417 1.393952 19.34 0.000 24.18538 29.74297
Repair |
Record 1978 | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 2 2.70 2.70
2 | 8 10.81 13.51
3 | 30 40.54 54.05
4 | 18 24.32 78.38
5 | 11 14.86 93.24
. | 5 6.76 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0044096 .0006225 -7.08 0.000 -.0056847 -.0031346
_cons | 33.98076 2.104537 16.15 0.000 29.66981 38.2917
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0081081 . . . . .
_cons | 46.13514 . . . . .
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0080464 .0010219 -7.87 0.000 -.010547 -.0055459
_cons | 46.11072 3.45372 13.35 0.000 37.65977 54.56167
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0044096 .0006225 -7.08 0.000 -.0056847 -.0031346
_cons | 33.98076 2.104537 16.15 0.000 29.66981 38.2917
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.0049572 .0005596 -8.86 0.000 -.0061435 -.0037709
_cons | 35.89382 1.680188 21.36 0.000 32.33198 39.45566
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | -.01816 .0036908 -4.92 0.001 -.0265091 -.009811
_cons | 69.54448 8.69354 8.00 0.000 49.87832 89.21063
Two-sample t test with equal variances
Group | Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev. [95% Conf. Interval]
Domestic | 52 19.82692 .657777 4.743297 18.50638 21.14747
Foreign | 22 24.77273 1.40951 6.611187 21.84149 27.70396
combined | 74 21.2973 .6725511 5.785503 19.9569 22.63769
diff | -4.945804 1.362162 -7.661225 -2.230384
diff = mean(Domestic) - mean(Foreign) t = -3.6308
Ho: diff = 0 degrees of freedom = 72
Ha: diff < 0 Ha: diff != 0 Ha: diff > 0
Pr(T < t) = 0.0003 Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0005 Pr(T > t) = 0.9997
Effect size based on mean comparison
Obs per group:
Domestic = 52
Foreign = 22
Effect Size | Estimate [95% Conf. Interval]
Cohen's d | -.9234449 -1.441225 -.3997744
Hedges's g | -.9137865 -1.426151 -.3955932
Effect size based on mean comparison
Obs per group:
Group 1 = 52
Group 2 = 22
Effect Size | Estimate [95% Conf. Interval]
Cohen's d | -.923446 -1.441226 -.3997755
Hedges's g | -.9137876 -1.426153 -.3955942
(mpg) Freq. Percent Cum.
12 2 2.70 2.70
14 6 8.11 10.81
35 2 2.70 98.65
41 1 1.35 100.00
Total 74 100.00
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
mpg 74 21.2973 5.785503 12 41
Variable N Mean SD Min Max日付データは,普通は統計ソフトに読みこんだときは文字型の
mpg 74 21.30 5.79 12.00 41.00 Mileage (mpg)
t1 t2
1. 1959/12/1 1961/1/1
t1r t2r
1. -31 366
1. 397
t1 t2
1. 12-01-1959 01-01-1961
t1r t2r
1. -31 366
1. 0
2. 0
3. 1
4. 1
5. 1
female Freq. Percent Cum.
0 2 40.00 40.00
1 3 60.00 100.00
Total 5 100.00
性別 Freq. Percent Cum.
0 2 40.00 40.00
1 3 60.00 100.00
Total 5 100.00
性別 Freq. Percent Cum.
男性 2 40.00 40.00
女性 3 60.00 100.00
Total 5 100.00
1. 男性
2. 男性
3. 女性
4. 女性
5. 女性
性別 Freq. Percent Cum.
0 2 40.00 40.00
1 3 60.00 100.00
Total 5 100.00