  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Node version 16.17.0, database is the default sqlite3, OS is windows 11 & browser is chrome.

Errors or information in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute ‘observe’ on ‘IntersectionObserver’: parameter 1 is not of
type ‘Element’.
at pagination (pagination.js:87:1)
at main.js:2:1

GET http://localhost:2368/public/member-attribution.min.js?v=d73388f300 net::ERR_ABORTED
404 (Not Found)

GET https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/montserrat
net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.NotSameOrigin 503

Steps to take to reproduce the issue:
Install Ghost locally on windows. Use any theme(Ruby in my csae).
In development.config.json change the url from http://localhost:2368 to
http://localhost:2368/blog .
Create an .hbs file in /content/themes/ruby/partials/icons/ and in that file put an image tag
who’s src has a path to /content/themes/ruby/assets/images/ (also put any image in this path
and use the .hbs file as {{> “icons/picName”}} in the default.hbs so that the image can be
Now the image will fail to show on the webpage.(This is the issue).

Thank you in advance.


Create an .hbs file in /content/themes/ruby/partials/icons/ and in that file put an image tag
who’s src has a path to /content/themes/ruby/assets/images/ (also put any image in this path
and use the .hbs file as {{> “icons/picName”}} in the default.hbs so that the image can be

Be sure to use the asset helper when constructing links in themes. Did you restart Ghost after updating your config?