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Dr YANG, Ruby C. C.

Dr YANG, Ruby C. C.



Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education


BEd, MEd, MA[Applied Linguistics] (HKU), PhD in Applied Linguistics (Lancaster), Preparation for Principalship Course for Aspiring Principals (HKU), Registered Teacher Certificate, LPR Certificate of Merit (English Language & Putonghua), BLNST, FHEA


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(852) 3917 4557


Room 659, Meng Wah Complex

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2024-2025.

Recipient of the Support Scheme for Excellent General Education Consolidation Course (GECC) ePortfolio Supervision, The Education University of Hong Kong
William Ritchie Travel Fund (£300) (awarded by Lancaster University)

Journal Articles:
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2021). Teaching reading: Struggling readers? Modern English Teacher, 30 (1), 52-54.
  • Yang, C. C. R. , & Chen, Y. (2020). Implementing the flipped classroom approach in primary English classrooms in China. Education and Information Technologies, 25 (2), 1217-1235.
  • Yang, C. C. R. , & Yan, T. L. (2020). An analysis of gender representation in Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) English language papers for primary school students in Hong Kong. Sexuality and Culture, 24 (4), 1128-1149 .
  • Gan, Z., Liu, F., & Yang, C. C. R. (2020). Student-teachers’ self-efficacy for instructing self-regulated learning in the classroom. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46 (1), 120-123.
  • Yang , C. C. R. (2019). Student responses to online peer assessment in tertiary English language classrooms. TSEL-EJ, 23 (1), 1-24.
  • Gan, Z., & Yang, C. C. R. (2018). How prepared are the preservice ESL teachers to teach: Insights from university supervisor feedback. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15 (1), 99-117.
  • Gan, Z., Liu, F., & Yang, C. C. R. (2017). Assessment for learning in the Chinese context: Prospective EFL teachers’ perceptions and their relations to learning approach. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8 (6), 1126-1134.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2017). An investigation of the use of the ‘flipped classroom’ pedagogy in secondary English Language classroom. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 16 , 1-20.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2016). Are males and females still portrayed stereotypically? Visual analyses of gender in two Hong Kong primary English Language textbook series. Gender and Education, 28 (5), 674-692.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2015). Technology as both tool and content in the EFL class. TESL Reporter, 48 (1), 56-59.
  • Gan , Z., Stapleton, P., & Yang, C. C. R. ( 2015) . What happens to students’ English after one year of English-medium course study at university? Applied Language Learning, 25 (1&2), 71-91.
  • Yang , C. C. R. (2012). Is gender stereotyping still an issue? A corpus-based analysis of a Hong Kong primary English textbook series. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13 (2), 33-49.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Investigating the information technology courses for pre-service and in-service English teachers in Hong Kong: A case study. PROFILE: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 13 (2), 43-57 .
  • Yang , C. C. R. (2011). Using Microsoft Photo Story for digital storytelling in the language classroom. TESL-EJ, 15 (2), 1-9.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Pre-service English teachers’ perceptions of an overseas field experience programme. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36 (2), 92-104.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Gender representation in a Hong Kong primary English textbook series: The relationship between language planning and social policy. Current Issues in Language Planning, 12 (1), 77-88.
  • Yang , C. C. R. (2010). Developing an independent learning component for an EFL course. TESL Reporter, 43 (2), 36-40.
  • Yang , C. C. R. (2010). Using Google Docs to facilitate collaborative writing in an English Language classroom practice. TESL-EJ, 14 (3), 1-8.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2010). Teacher questions in second language classrooms: An investigation of three case studies. Asian EFL Journal, 12 (1), 181-201.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2009). Theme-based teaching in an English course for primary ESL students in Hong Kong. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 6 (2), 161-176.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2009). A case study of the use of short stories in a junior secondary ESL classroom in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Learning, 16 (1), 35-50.
Book Review:
  • Yang, C. C. R. , Wang, W., & Gan, Z. (2021). [Review of the book Flipping acdemic English language learning: Experiences from an American university , by E. Voss, & I. Kostka]. The Journal of Asia TEFL .
Book Chapter:
  • Yang, C. C. R. , & Kwan, Y. H. (2016). A study of request strategies used by Chinese learners of English in business writing: Its pedagogical implications. In I. H. Mirici, I. H. Erten, H. Oz, & I. Vodopija-Krstanovic (Eds.), Research papers on teaching English as an additional language (pp. 71-88). Rijeka, Croatia: The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the University of Rijeka.

  • Classroom Language Assessor (English Language), Education Bureau (2013-2023)
  • Consultant of English Language Education, Kwong Ming School (2021)
  • Adjudicator for the Panel Interview of TWGHs Good People Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2020-21
  • Guest Speaker of Macau Teachers' Training on Pronunciation Teaching & Differentiated Instruction for ELT (offered by School of Liberal Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology)
  • Invited Article Editor of SAGE Open
  • Reviewer of System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, Journal of Immersion and Content-based Language Education , Computer Assisted Language Learning , Heliyon , & Asian ESP Journal
  • External Examiner of General Education Courses, Hong Kong College of Technology
  • A Taste of University 2017 at Tung Tau Correctional Institution - Teaching male adults English at Tung Tau Correctional Centre
  • Chief Examiner of Primary 6 English for Territory-wide System Assessment (Listening and Speaking papers) (2010-2014)

Paper Presentations at Conferences:
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2019). Implementing the flipped classroom pedagogy in primary English classrooms in China. Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning : Cognition and Identity. The Education University of Hong Kong, 28-29 June, 2019.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2016). Integrating mobile technologies into a flipped language classroom . 2016 International Symposium on CALL, Qingdao, China. (invited speaker)
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2015). Using mobile devices in EFL/ESL Classrooms. The Learning and Teaching @ HKIEd Festival 2015. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 20 March, 2015.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2014). Using mobile devices in teaching and learning of English listening and speaking. Sharing on Community of Practice (CoP): Fostering a Mobile Learning Community. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 28 November, 2014.
  • Gan, Z. & Yang, C. C. R. (2014). An investigation into score gains on the IELTS. LML Research Projects Sharing. Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 26 August, 2014.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2014). Analysing visual representation of gender in two Hong Kong primary English Language textbook series. International Gender and Language Association Conference 2014. Simon Fraser University, Harbour Centre, Vancouver, Canada, 5-7 June, 2014.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2013). Does gender bias still exist? An investigation of two Hong Kong English Language textbook series. The 7 th International Free Linguistics Conference (FLC). Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 27-28 September, 2013.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2012). Does a female character always have long hair and wear a dress? Gender representation in Hong Kong primary English Language textbooks. The 4 th International Conference on Language and Communication 2012. Bangkok, Thailand, 13-14 December, 2012.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2011). Gender representation in Hong Kong English textbooks: An investigation of collocations of gendered terms in a small corpus. Corpus Linguistics 2011: Discourse and Corpus Linguistics conference. Birmingham, UK, 20-22 July, 2011.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2010). Investigating pre-service and in-service teachers’ views of the effectiveness of the IT modules in their teacher education programmes. Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 – Global Conference on Learning and Technology. Penang, Malaysia, 17 - 20 May, 2010.
  • Yang, C. C. R. (2009). Theme-based teaching in an English course for primary ESL students in Hong Kong. Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT 2009). Bangkok, Thailand, 16 - 17 October, 2009.

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