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It is true that the request
[...] is not phr as e d in t h e same way as the question pose d t o the S u pr eme C ou r t of Canada ( a sk ing for a right t o e ffect secession”: [...]
see Advisory Opinion, paragraph 55).
诚然,这一请求在措辞上不同 大最 法院 提出的问题(询问“ 权利 见咨 询意见,第 55 段)。
The group urged Mr PATTEN to take steps to ensure that the
[...] loyal subj ec t s of Her Majesty the Queen w o ul d not be [...]
faced with the same tragedies as those
experienced by ethnic minorities elsewhere when there had been a transfer of sovereignty.
該組織促請彭定康先生採取步驟,確 的忠心 子民 ,不會面臨其他㆞方政權轉移時,少數民族所經歷的相同悲劇。
His Majesty
[...] King Mswati II I , Her Majesty the Queen M o th er, the Government and the pe op l e of t h e Kingdom of [...]
Swaziland send best
wishes and congratulations to the State of Qatar and Mr. Al-Nasser on his election to the presidency of the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.
姆斯瓦蒂三世国王 陛下、 皇太后 陛下 、斯 威士兰王国政府及人民向卡塔尔国表示良好 祝愿,并祝贺纳赛尔先生当选大会第六十六届会议主 席。
On 8 March 2003, several activities were held at Headquarters: (a) a photo exhibition Intimités Afghanes by the Iranian painter and photographer Roshanak Bahramlou; (b) a contemporary art exhibition “On this side of the sky, UNESCO salutes women in art” honouring women artists from all continents; (c) a discussion-forum Overcoming fear, winning the battle against breast cancer” was organized in collaboration with Paris Match on recent scientific breakthroughs and preventive advice; (d) a conference-discussion and an exhibit “Breaking the veils, women
artists from the
[...] Islamic world” wi t h the p a rt icipa ti o n of Her Majesty Queen R a ni a of Jordan; and ( e ) the s c re ening of the documentary “Portraits of Women of the World”, prod uc e d in c o ll aboration with [...]
TV5 and l’Agence
Internationale de la Francophonie, during which Mr Titouan Lamazou, French navigator and artist, was designated UNESCO Artist for Peace.
2003 年 3 月 8 日,在总部举办了几项活动:a)意大利画家和摄影家 Roshanak Bahramlou 的摄
[...] [...] 影展“阿富汗人的日常生活”;b)关于“妇女半边天”的现代艺术展,教科文组 织向利用艺术为各洲女艺术家争光的妇女致敬;c)与《巴黎竞赛》合作,就最新 科学成果和预见,举办了一次战胜惧怕,赢取防止乳腺癌的讨论会;d)举行了一 次有约 王后 陛下 出席 的讨 论会和“揭开面纱,伊斯兰世界的女艺术家”展览 会;和 e)与电视 5 台和国际法语国家机 合作 制作 了世界妇女纪录片,其间,指 定法国宇航员兼艺术家 Titouan Lamazou [...]
It had also developed a national plan (2004-2013) for childhood, legislated against child labour (2006), set aside special budgetary allocations for children (2009) and, in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund, adopted a strategic plan to prevent family
violence (2005-2009),
[...] not to men ti o n the m a ny children’s initiatives launche d b y Her Majesty Queen R a ni a , in p a rt icular through a partnership bet we e n the p u bl ic and private [...]
sectors, the 2008
“My School” initiative, which sought to create a favourable learning environment; 115,000 families and 200 schools had benefited from the initiative.
该国还制定了一项有利于儿童的国家计划 (2004-2013
年),起草了禁止童工的文本(2006 年),
[...] 设立了儿童问题特别预算(2009 年),并与联合国儿 童基金会合作,通过了一项保护家庭免受暴力的战 略计划(2005-2009 年),更别说还有很多项 Rani a 陛下 起的 有利于儿童的倡议,还通过与公共 和私营部门的密切合作,于 2008 年推出了“我的校 园”计划,该计划的目的就是营造一个良好的学习 [...]
环境,目前已有 115 000 个家庭和 200 所学校受益。
In 1 9 6 9 , in r e co gnition of its role during the 1967 disturbances, the Force was honoured by the gran ti n g of t h e title “Royal Hong Kong Police Force” (RHKPF” ) b y Her Majesty the Queen .
為 了 表 揚 警 隊 在 1 9 6 7 年 暴 亂 中 發 揮 的 作 用 , 1 9 6 9 年 頒 家 香 警 務 處
At regional level, UNESCO supported the participation of the Minister of Education and Higher Education in the launch of the 2011 Education for All Arabic Global
Monitoring Report held
[...] in Amman on 30 May 2 01 1 , in the p r esen c e of Her Majesty Queen R a ni a Al Abdullah, which [...]
was followed by a Ministerial High Level Panel.
在地区层面,教科文组织为教育和高等教育部长参加 2011 年
[...] 5 月 30 日在安曼举行的 2011 年全民教育阿拉伯全球监测报告发布会提供了支助,约 王后拉尼 娅・ 阿卜 杜拉 陛下 了该发布会, 后又 举行 了一次部长级高级别小组会议。
An attempt to have a law adopted through
[...] the introduc ti o n of a pr ivate members bill in 1978 failed and, despite ‘peer group’ countries like Austra li a , Canada a n d New Zealand all pas si n g right t o i nformation la w s in the e a rl y 1980s, the [...]
British government refused to do so.
他们在 1978 年试图通过引入一项下院议员法案来使得该法获准的努力失败了,尽管 澳大利 、新 西兰 等“兄弟国家”在 20 世纪 80 年代初都通过 了信 权法 是英 国 政府就是拒绝这样做。
I have the honour to
[...] transmit here wi t h Canada s explana ti o n of p o si tion regar di n g the right t o s afe drinking [...]
water and basic sanitation (see annex).
谨随函 对关 于享 有安全饮用水和基 本卫 权利 场的 解释 (见附 件)。
In Canada s view, an arms trade treaty should recognize t ha t , in a d di tion to these fundamental, basic considerations require d b y the t r ea ty, each State party retains its sover ei g n right t o i nclude additional [...]
为, 武器 贸易条约应确认,除条约所规 的这 些重 要的基本考虑外, 各缔约国保留其纳入其他方面考虑 权权 利。
Only yesterday,
[...] the sover ei g n of the U n it ed Kin gd o m of G r ea t Britain and Northern Irel an d , Her Majesty Queen E l iz abeth II, remi nd e d the U n it ed Nations community that since the United Nations was created, prosperity and cha ng e s in h u ma n and social [...]
behaviour, as well
as advances in technology, have arisen because the people wanted them.
就在昨天,大 列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国君 伊 莉 莎白 皇二世 提醒国际社 会注 意,自联合国创 立以来,由于人民的愿望,出现了繁荣以及人类和社 会行为的变化,技术也在进步。
will see the airline
[...] play a key ro l e in t h e Queen’s Baton Relay, the unique prelude to the Commonwealth Games during which a mes sa g e of g o od will fr o m Her Majesty The Queen i s t aken through [...]
the 71 Nations and
Territories which will be sending athletes to compete in Glasgow.
和“2014’格拉斯哥”的合作伙伴关系规定“阿联酋航空”将在“女王接力棒”活动中发挥关键作用,这是“ 英联邦运动会”的前奏活动,在此期 女王 陛下 祝福 将传递给71个国家和地区的参赛运动员。
Section 2 of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) is amended, in paragraph (b) of the definition of “private land”, by repealing “Her
Majesty’s forces, or for
[...] other purpose s o f the C r o w n in right of Her Majesty s Govern me n t in the U n it ed Kingdom” [...]
and substituting “the
Hong Kong Garrison, or for other purposes of the Central People’s Government”.
古物及古蹟條例》(第 53 章)第 2
[...] 條現予修訂,在“私人土地” 的定義的(b)段中,廢除“英軍佔用或憑聯合王國女 陛下 政府的 利而 用作 其他官方用途”而代以“香港駐軍佔用或為中央人民政府的其他目 的而佔用”。
DAKS was granted
[...] the Royal Warrant of Appointment for HRH The Prince Philip, Du k e of E d in b ur g h in 1 9 56 , f o r Her Majesty The Queen in 1 9 62 , and for HRH The Prince of Wales in 1982.
DAKS 亦先後獲頒授皇家認證,包括1956年的愛丁堡公爵皇家認證、1962年的英女皇皇家認可證及1983年的 威爾斯 皇皇家 認證
Mr IP Kwok-him reported that the Bills Committee had examined in detail the provisions to be amended by the adaptation proposals, and had made reference to the interpretative principles as set out in the Interpretation and General Clauses
Ordinance (Cap. 1)
[...] relating to t h e rights , e xe mptions and obligat io n s of m i li tary forces stati on e d in H o ng Kong by the United Kingdom, and references t o " Her Majesty " , " the C r ow n", "the [...]
British Government"
and "the Secretary of State"; the guiding principles for the Administration's adaptation of laws programmes; as well as the Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
葉國謙議員匯報,法案委員會曾詳細審 議各項藉適應化修改建議作出修訂的條文,並參 考了《釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )所載有關英國駐 香港 的權 免及 義務 ,以及對 " 女 皇陛 下 "、 " 皇室"、 "官方"、 "英國政府"及 "國務大臣" 等提述的釋義原則;政府當局的法律適應化計劃 的指導原則;以及《中華人民共和國香港特別行 政區駐軍法》。
Thirty years after gaining formal
[...] independence, we re ta i n the Queen a s o ur He a d of S t at e, and our highest judicial appeals travel from our shore s t o the U n it ed Kingdom to be decide d b y Her Majesty in C o un cil.
赢得正式独立 30 后, 我国 仍然保 英国 王为 我们 的国家元首,我国的最高司法上诉要由我国海岸 送至 联 合王 国,提 皇陛下 會同 樞密 院裁决。
The letter
[...] confirmed t ha t " Her Majesty the Queen h a s been pleased to approve your appointment as Governor and Comma nd e r - in - C h i e f of H o ng Kong".
該聘書確認 ㆘批 任命 閣㆘ 香港 總督及 港㆔ 軍總司 令」。
Her Majesty the Queen of G r ea t Britain [...]
was the Head of State until 1992 when Mauritius adopted a republican status.
国女王 陛下 终是 国家元首,直至 1992 年毛里求斯采取了共和制。
United Nations peacekeeping operations ): I propose, with the consent of the
Council, to invite the
[...] representat iv e s of Canada , the C z ec h Republic, India, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan and Uruguay to partici pa t e in the c o ns idera ti o n of the i t em on the Council’s agenda, without t h e right t o v ote, in accordance [...]
with the relevant
provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure.
联合国维持和平行动 主席(以法语发言):征得安理会同意,我提议根 据《宪章》有关规定和安理会暂行议事规则第 37 条, 邀请加拿大、捷克共和国、印度、约旦、摩洛哥、 利亚 巴基 斯坦和乌拉圭等国代表参加对安理会议 程上项目的审议,但无表决权。
Canada r e co gn iz e s the h u m a n right of e v er yone to safe drinking water and basic sanitation [...]
as essential to the right to an
adequate standard of living, and therefore, implicit under article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
加拿大 为, 人人 都有享有安全饮用水和基本卫生 ,认 为这 对享有适 当生活标准权利至关重要,同时也是《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》第 11 条所述的固有权利。
A nominally larger departure from the Planning and Building Act can probably be
regarded as
[...] relatively small fr o m the p o in t of view of society, while it would be of vital import an c e in e n suri n g her q u ali t y of l i fe , inclu di n g her right t o g ood health.
名 义上与《规划建筑法》有较大出入,但从社会的角度看或许出入相对较小,而 提交 人的 生活质 及其良好 权则 重要。
Canada f u rt her recognizes th a t the right t o s afe drinking water and basic sanitation does not encompass transboundary water issues, including bulk water trade, nor any mandatory alloca ti o n of i n te rnational [...]
development assistance.
加拿 大进 步认 识到,享有安全饮用水和基本 利不 及包 括散装水 贸易的跨界水问题,也不涉及强制性 国际 展援 助。
The Executive Secretary
[...] recalled th a t Her Majesty , the Queen of B h ut an, had undertaken to mobilize support for ozone layer protection, to promote the Montreal Protocol and to support par ti e s in t h ei r implementation of the Proto co l , in p a rt icular through [...]
the Ozone Officers Network.
执行秘书回顾称,不 女王阁 下为 臭氧 层保 护工作调集支持力量,推广 《蒙特利尔议定书》,并支持各缔约方执行《议定书》,尤其是通过臭氧办公 室网络提供支持。
In t h e Netherlands, pursuant to an exchange of correspondence between the President of the Court and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, dated 26 June 1946, the members of the Court enjoy, generally, the same privileges, immunities, facilities and prerogatives as heads of diplomatic missions accredite d t o Her Majesty the Queen of t h e Netherlands (
根据 1946 年 6 月 26 日法院院长与荷兰外交大臣的换函,法院法官在荷兰一 般享有派驻荷兰王国的外交使团团长所享有的特权、豁免、便利和权利(《国际 法院法令和文件第 6 号 》, 英文 204-211 和 214-217 页)。
The Ankole Agreement, 1962 was made on August 30, 1962: “between Sir Walter Fleming Coutts, Knight Commander of the Most distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire, Governor
[...] and Comma nd e r in C h ief o f the U g an da Protectorate on be ha l f of Her Majesty Queen E l iz abeth II, [...]
by the grace of God
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith on the one part; and Nyakusinga Rubambansi Sir Charles Godfrey Gasyonga II, Omugabe of the Kingdom of Ankole by and with the advice and consent of the Eishengyero for himself and his successors in office for and on behalf of the Eishengyero and the people of the Kingdom of Ankole in the Uganda Protectorate.
1962 安科拉协议》签订于 1962 年 8 月 30
[...] [...] 日:“协议双方分别是代表上帝保佑的大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国及其他属土与领地的女王陛下伊丽 莎白 (Eli zabe th II) 的英 邦首 领、护 教者、乌 干达 保护国总督兼总司令沃尔特·弗莱明·科茨 (Walter Fleming [...]
Coutts) 爵士(圣米迦勒及圣乔治最卓越爵级司令勋章和大英帝国最优秀勋章获得者);以及依据地区议会
(Eishengyero) 对国王及其继任者的建议和批准,代表乌干达保护国安科拉王国的地区议会和人民的安科拉王国国王尼亚库新加·鲁巴姆班斯·查尔斯·高德弗里·加思甬加二世 (Nyakusinga Rubambansi Sir Charles Godfrey Gasyonga II)。
Therefore, the following recommendations are addressed not only to States parties but also to other relevant actors including non-State actors who may
have de facto
[...] control over a re a s in w h i c h the i n al ien ab l e rights of the c h il d, including h i s / her r i gh t to education, [...]
must be respected, protected and fulfilled.
因此,下列各项建议的对象不仅是缔约国,而且也包括 其他相关的行为方,例如其实际控制区内儿童不可剥 的权利、 包括 育权必 须得 到尊重、保护和落实的非国家行为方。
In contrast, as stated above, the rules governing trials in the absence of the accused, as provided by the Tribunal’s statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, in addition to making the procedure exceptional,
confer a set of
[...] important right s o n the a b se nt accu se d , in p a rt icu la r , the right t o r etrial if he or she is appr is e d of t h e default proceedings or terminates hi s o r her h i di ng, as well as ( a fortio ri ) the right of a p pe al.
与此不同的是,如上所述,《特别法庭规约》及《程序和证据规则》所定的 被告缺席情况下的审判应遵循的规则,除了使该程序不同寻常以外,还赋予缺席 被告一系列 利, 尤其 是在被告知缺席诉讼情况 终止 藏匿 后要求重 利, 以及 (特 别是)上 权。
The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust fund was established at the 2011 C HO G M in P e rt h to ho no u r Her Majesty The Queen s sixty y ea r s of s e rv ice by contributing, at her request, to initiatives that will endure beyond her lifetime and help people throughout the Commonwealth.
為向英女王登基60年來所付出的貢獻表達敬意,伊莉莎白女王登基六十年鑽禧信託,於2011年在澳洲柏斯所 舉辦的大英國協領袖會議中成立,並應女王要求,這項基金的運作,將超越她的有生之年持續經營,以幫助大英聯 邦國家的人民。