Recent addition of new XYZ to RGB transform in TRGBColorSpec prevents docs with "input only" color profiles from opening (最近在 TRGBColorSpec 中新增新的 XYZ 至 RGB 變形後,含有「僅限輸入」色彩描述檔的文件無法開啟
[CoolType] Red Hat Display variable font weight mismatches in some glyphs (Red Hat Display 可變字型寬度在某些字符中不相符)
[VQE][探索性][EPV][Windows][筆刷] Smudge tool Mode field is truncated (指尖工具「模式」欄位遭截斷)
已更新系統需求警報對話框中的 macOS 術語
「移動」工具的 CMD/CTRL 切換無法搭配「移除」工具使用
Remove tool creates black smudge (「移除」工具會產生黑色污跡)
Images incorrectly displaying with horizontally or vertically distortion (影像水平或垂直扭曲的顯示錯誤)
The colour triangle is broken and doesn't respond to the pipette colour selection (顏色三角形損壞,且不回應滴管顏色選取)
Color picker not selecting value when tabbed to (按下 Tab 鍵時,檢色器不選取值)
Photoshop Preserve Details 2.0 not working as intended (Photoshop 保留細節 2.0 無法依預期運作)
Move tool won't select after scaling image (縮放影像後「移動」工具不會選取)
Transparency is misspelled in the Select and Mask dialog(「選取」與「遮色片」對話框中的透明度拼法有誤)
Home and End keys don't function correctly in the Generative Fill prompt on Windows (Home 與 End 鍵在 Windows 的「生成填色」提示中無法正確運作)
Unable to move Photoshop application window (無法移動 Photoshop 應用程式視窗)
Document window turns gray when switching focus between documents (文件視窗切換文件焦點時會變灰)
Unable to get information about background layer after last update of Photoshop beta version (previous build works fine) (Photoshop 最新 Beta 版本更新後,無法取得有關背景圖層的資訊 (上一版可正常運作))
Clicking a document that's not in focus doesn't update the info panel (按一下未對焦的文件不會更新資訊面板)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的當機報告
「筆刷圓圈」未顯示於「選取 > 焦點區域」或「編輯 > 天空取代」中
UXP Imaging API putLayerMask 設為 0 至 255
PS Beta 版中的 UI 問題 (值字元應保留目前的字型大小)
[Mac Intel] Generator Error in Beta 25.0 'node out of memory' (Beta 25.0 版中的產生器錯誤「節點記憶體不足」)
Unable to see brush circle when working with Select and Mask (使用「選取」和「遮色片」時,無法看到筆刷圓圈)
Artboards can no longer be collapsed/expanded in the Layers panel (工作區域無法在「圖層」面板中收合/展開)
Photoshop doesn't remember settings for Remove tool and Refine Edge (Photoshop 不會記住「移除」工具和「調整邊緣」的設定)
Remove tool: Brush cursor becomes an arrow cursor in multi-stroke mode (移除工具:在多重筆觸模式中,筆刷游標變成箭頭游標)
Photoshop won't open some files, but there is no error message (Photoshop 不會開啟某些檔案,但卻沒有出現錯誤訊息)
Content Aware Fill Crop: Error 54 when selected layer doesn't have enough pixels (內容感知填色裁切:選取的圖層沒有足夠的像素時發生錯誤 54)
[Mac] Liquify and other filters lagging in Photoshop desktop (Photoshop 桌面版中的「液化」和其他濾鏡發生延遲)
Open as Smart Object using PDF scale issue (「開啟為智慧型物件」使用 PDF 縮放的問題)
Modern Gradients on mask create artifacts when changing image bit depth (遮色片上的現代化漸層在變更影像的位元深度時產生出不自然感)
GPU disabling when opening many files with high-end systems (使用高階系統開啟多個檔案時停用 GPU)
Rulers not showing (未顯示尺標)
Hand Tool sticks after next tool selection (選取下一個工具後,手形工具會卡住)
Font selection and attributes reset to default for each creation of type layer (字型選擇和屬性會在每次文字圖層建立時重設為預設值)
Application frame and panel flickers while painting (繪圖時應用程式框架和面板閃爍)
Application frame missing pixels around the edge with OS scaling on Windows 11 (在 Windows 11 上使用作業系統縮放時,應用程式框架在邊緣周圍缺少像素)
Moving adjacent points of a shape has unexpected behavior (移動形狀的鄰近點時有非預期的行為)
Unable to access Windows 11 taskbar when set to autohide (設為自動隱藏時,無法存取 Windows 11 工作列)
Toolbar submenus are offscreen with multiple monitors on Windows (在 Windows 上使用多個螢幕時,工作列次選單會超出螢幕)
HUD color picker not working with Gradient tool (HUD 檢色器無法與漸層工具一起使用)
KBSC to toggle Brush mode to Clear (erase) doesn't work on International Keyboards (在國際鍵盤上無法用鍵盤快速鍵將「筆刷」模式切換為「清除」(擦除))
Liquify result not applying to canvas (液化結果未套用至版面)
Program Error when running an action with a Save command (執行含有「儲存」指令的動作時,發生程式錯誤)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的當機報告
Liquify Filter stops works after 450-500 uses within a Photoshop session (在一個 Photoshop 工作階段中使用 450-500 次後,「液化濾鏡」停止運作)
Brush movement guide isn't displayed (未顯示筆刷移動參考線)
[Mac] Photoshop Save for Web - save dialog position cut-off screen, position not remembered (Photoshop「儲存為網頁用」- 儲存對話框位置截斷畫面、無法記憶位置)
Moving the Reference Point when Free Transforming a Text Layer causes Scale values to change (任意變形文字圖層時,若移動參考點,會造成縮放值變更)
[Mac] 若文件經過分層,平滑圈繩不會正確顯示
Untagged (PNG) converted to another color space, profile not embedded (取消標記 (PNG) 轉換為其他色域,未嵌入描述檔)
Photoshop closes automatically after freezing for a few minutes (Photoshop 在凍結幾分鐘後會自動關閉)
Camera Raw opens when PNG is dropped into a Photoshop layered file (當 PNG 拖放至 Photoshop 圖層式檔案時,Camera Raw 會開啟)
When using eyedropper with gradient tool, foreground color and color panel don't update (使用滴管工具搭配漸層工具時,前景色和顏色面板不會更新)
[Mac] Maximized app on large external monitor gets wedged and you can resize it on smaller laptop screen (大型外部顯示器螢幕上最大化的應用程式會精簡化,可以在較小的筆記型電腦螢幕上調整其大小)
Photoshop gude log created when working with files (使用檔案時建立了 Photoshop gude 記錄)
Pulled string circle doesn't show initially when layer is selected (選取圖層時,最初不會顯示拖繩圓圈)
Transform Redraw Error on Scrubby Zoom (拖曳縮放時發生變形重繪錯誤)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的當機報告
.DNG and .ARW files, when opened via RAW in photoshop 24.1 will not save (在 Photoshop 24.1 中,透過 RAW 開啟 .DNG 和 .ARW 檔案時將無法儲存)
Photoshop 24.0.0 crashes whenever 'Decontaminate Colours' is selected in the Select and Mask window (只要在「選取並遮住」視窗中選取「淨化顏色」,Photoshop 24.0.0 就會當機)
Undo reverts multiple changes (還原會反轉多個變更)
Layer selection on right-click not working with Gradient tool (「漸層」工具無法使用滑鼠右鍵按一下以選取圖層)
Photoshop 24.0 green flickers on Mac 12.x (Photoshop 24.0 在 Mac 12.x 上有綠色閃爍)
Alt+Click/Opt+Click on mask thumbnail switch to quick mask mode (Alt+按一下/Opt+按一下遮色片縮圖會切換到快速遮色片模式)
[Window > Materials] The materials panel is not opening ([視窗>材質] 無法開啟「材質」面板)
Delete and Fill missing from context menu (「內容」選單中缺少「刪除」和「填色」)
Escape key and Learn More button confirm Smart Object rasterization (Escape 鍵和「了解更多」按鈕會確認「智慧型物件」點陣化)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的當機報告
Photoshop not working due to crash issues (Photoshop 因當機問題而無法運作)
[Win] Myriad Variable Concept missing some glyphs (Umlautes) on Windows 10 ([Win] Myriad Variable Concept 在 Windows 10 中缺少部分字符 (Umlautes))
[Win] Photoshop process remains running after quitting ([Win] Photoshop 程序在結束後仍然持續執行)
Redraw problems in fullscreen mode (全螢幕模式中的重繪問題)
Pen Tilt doesn't work correctly with View > Flip Horizontal (「筆的斜角」無法搭配「檢視 > 水平翻轉」正確運作)
Text and Vector Shapes outside artboards don't render correctly (在工作區域外的「文字」和「向量形狀」無法正確呈現)
Filter Gallery error - "The end of data was reached while reading from a container." (「濾鏡收藏館」錯誤 -「從容器讀取資料時到達資料的結尾」。)
Ps 23.5 Cycling Screen Modes causes Standard Screen Mode to be off screen at bottom (Ps 23.5 「循環切換模式」導致「標準螢幕模式」底部畫面無法顯示)
Canvas flickering while painting in Ps 23.5 (以 Ps 23.5 繪圖時畫布閃爍)
Match color 16-bit broken (色彩比對 16 位元損壞)
Edit Guide dialog doesn't respect units setting (「編輯參考線」對話不依循單位設定)
在此版本中,我們已修正此問題:參考已移除 Pantone 色卡書的檔案現在會正確呈現,而非套用灰色/黑色背景。如需詳細資訊,請參閱
Pantone 色卡書 | Photoshop
Update Myriad Variable Concept to v1.025 in font bundle (將字型套裝中的 Myriad Variable Concept 更新至 v1.025)
Photoshop crashes when applying a Noise > Median filter on file (在檔案中套用「雜訊 > 中和」濾鏡時,Photoshop 當機)
Photoshop 24.0 crashes when opening images (Move tool) (開啟影像時,Photoshop 24.0 當機 (移動工具))
Ctrl+0 (fit to screen) margin around the image has disappeared (Ctrl+0 (符合螢幕大小),影像周圍的邊界會消失)
Save, Save a Copy dialog non-functional on macOS 13 Photoshop 24.0 (macOS 13 的 Photoshop 24.0「儲存」、「儲存副本」對話方塊無法運作)
Alternate type glyphs not working (替代字符無法運作)
Crash on macOS 13 Ventura - Photoshop 24.0 (macOS 13 Ventura - Photoshop 24.0 發生當機)
Median crashing Photoshop (使用「中和」時 Photoshop 當機)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的當機報告
Object Selection is very slow to respond in Photoshop 23.5 (在 Photoshop 23.5 中,「物件選取」之回應非常緩慢)
New Document windows are not reflecting correct dimensions from the clipboard (新增文件視窗無法反映剪貼簿中之正確尺寸)
Onboarding messages block use of libraries panel (上線訊息方擋住資料庫面板,導致無法使用)
Spot channels visibility is turned on automatically when selecting a layer mask (選取圖層遮色片時,特別色色版可見度會自動開啟)
Document dimensions in lower left image tip do not update after performing a crop (執行裁切後,左下角影像提示中的文件尺寸不會更新)
Save for Web no longer prompts before overwriting existing files in Photoshop 23.3.0 and above (在 Photoshop 23.3.0 及更新版本中,覆寫現有檔案之前不再出現「儲存為網頁用」提示)
Layer Duplicated to Incorrect Artboard in Action or ScriptingListener (執行動作或使用 ScriptingListener 時,圖層複製到錯誤的工作區域)
Photoshop 2023 beta has very high power usage and increased CPU consumption after duplicating layer, which is causing performance issues (Photoshop 2023 Beta 在複製圖層後,電源用量非常高,CPU 使用量也有所增加,因而造成效能問題)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的數個當機報告
Program error when using Content aware fill on 16-bit images (在 16 位元影像上使用內容感知填色時,發生程式錯誤)
Use of Clone stamp or Healing brush tool causes program error (使用「仿製印章」或修復筆刷工具會造成程式錯誤)
23.4.x may throw error when using Select and Mask workspace for Actions (「動作」中使用「選取並遮住」工作區時,23.4.x 版可能擲回錯誤)
Photoshop is slow to save larger files and disabling compression doesn't increase save performance (Photoshop 在儲存較大檔案時速度緩慢,且停用壓縮無法提高儲存效能)
Rotating type using free transform also scales the type (使用任意變形旋轉文字時也會縮放文字)
In 32-bit images, Exposure adjustment layer turns unmasked areas black (在 32 位元影像中,「曝光」調整圖層會使無遮色片的區域變成黑色)
SVG image data does not copy and paste properly (SVG 影像資料無法正確複製和貼上)
Performance fixes when using Curves while zoomed in (修正放大時使用曲線的效能)
Type selection frame is not linked to the type being edited (文字選取框並未與正在編輯的文字連動)
On Windows, image file size doesn't change when overwriting files using Export As (在 Windows 上使用「轉存為」覆寫檔案時,影像檔案大小並未變更)
Changing Mixer Brush size incorrectly loads foreground color (變更混合器筆刷大小導致無法正確載入前景顏色)
Pressing CMD+0 no longer leaves a workspace margin outside the image window (按下 CMD+0 不再能於影像視窗外留下工作區邊界)
Group created by pasting Illustrator content gets renamed when adding new layers to document (在新增圖層至文件時,藉由貼上 Illustrator 內容建立的群組會重新命名)
Shapes change size when duplicated and moved (形狀在複製並移動時會變更大小)
Performance fixes for toggling layer visibility and zooming with Large documents with many layers (修正有許多圖層的大型文件在切換圖層可見度和縮放時的效能)
When saving documents with no assigned color profile, no longer able to Assign color profile using "Embed Color Profile" option (儲存沒有指定色彩描述檔的文件時,再也無法使用「嵌入色彩描述檔」指定色彩描述檔)
Guide coordinates issue while holding shift (按住 Shift 鍵時發生參考線座標問題)
Margin guides don't honor chosen color (邊界參考線不接受所選顏色)
Issue with Guides not snapping to exact position(參考線無法靠齊到確切位置的問題)
Windows unexpectedly change size when opening files (Windows 在開啟檔案時意外變更大小)
Photoshop crashes when changing a shape with the Direct Selection tool (使用「直接選取」工具變更形狀時,Photoshop 當機)
Info panel Guide position doesn't update in real-time while dragging when View > Snap is disabled (停用「檢視 > 靠齊」時,在拖曳時,「資訊」面板「參考線」位置無法即時更新)
Artboard guides for existing documents display incorrect color (現有文件的工作區域參考線顯示不正確的顏色)
[Mac] Upscaling image layers creates artifacts on M1 systems (放大影像圖層會在 M1 系統上建立假影)
已修正使用 Photoshop Beta 時的數個當機報告
Photoshop crashes when using Replace Color in indexed color mode (在索引色模式下使用「取代顏色」時 Photoshop 會當機)
Photoshop crashes when pasting text with M1 processors (在使用 M1 處理器貼上文字時 Photoshop 會當機)
Photoshop crashes in OpenCL when resizing images (調整影像大小時,Photoshop 的 OpenCL 會當機)
Photoshop crashes when using "TT Norms" font (Photoshop 會在使用「TT Norms」字型時當機)
[Win] Photoshop crashes using Object Selection (Photoshop 在使用「物件選取」時當機)
Photoshop document window is empty/blank if the Precise Color Management for HDR Display technology preview is enabled on an SDR display (若在 SDR 顯示器上啟用「HDR 顯示器的精確色彩管理」技術預視,Photoshop 文件視窗會是空的/空白)
Black, White Gradient Preset and Perceptual Interpolation creates cool/blue cast (「黑色漸層預設集」、「白色漸層預設集」和「感應式內插補點」會產生冷色/藍色投射)
Photoshop lagging on large documents when using the Clone tool, especially when sampling an 尸area to clone (使用「仿製」工具時,Photoshop 會因大型文件而延遲,尤其是要取樣仿製的區域時)
macOS: Export for After Effects(.vpe) in Vanishing point filter results in error, "this operation can't be completed" (macOS:轉存「消失點」濾鏡結果中的 After Effects(.vpe) 會導致「無法完成此操作」錯誤)
Spring loaded keyboard shortcuts get stuck and don't return to the previous tool (快速載入鍵盤快速鍵會卡住,不會返回上一個工具)
Sky Replacement: Jagged edges when using Fade Edge (「更換天空」:使用「淡化邊緣」時會產生鋸齒狀邊緣)
Mixer Brush incorrectly loads foreground color (混合器筆刷無法正確載入前景色)
'Match Fonts' not showing fonts available to activate from Adobe Fonts (「比對字體」不會顯示可從 Adobe Fonts 啟動的字體)
macOS: Save button disabled in Save As dialog box (macOS:「另存新檔」對話方塊中的「儲存」按鈕停用)
Incorrect z-order after using color picker (使用檢色器後的疊置順序不正確)
Paint bucket paints with wrong color (油漆桶以錯誤的顏色繪圖)
Gradient fills shift when exporting artboards with shapes and gradient fills (使用形狀和漸層填色轉存工作區域時,漸層填色會偏移)
Lag while zooming and painting with Native Canvas Rulers enabled (在啟用「原生畫布尺標」的情況下縮放和繪圖會發生延遲)
Keyboard focus is lost when working with individual channels in Curves (在「曲線」中處理個別色版時,鍵盤焦點會遺失)
Using tool preset for the Type tool with Kerning set to optical doesn't get applied to new layers (在「字距」設為光學的情況下使用「類型」工具的工具預設集時,不會套用到新圖層)
Layers with Drop Shadow content disappears depending on Zoom level and Spread size (含有「陰影」內容的圖層會隨著「縮放等級」和「展開」大小而消失)
Slow preview performance in Liquify (「液化」的預覽效能緩慢)
Photoshop freezes when changing Grid via Actions (透過「動作」變更「格點」時,Photoshop 會凍結)
Clicking in Artboard with the Move tool causes the document to pan (使用「移動」工具在「工作區域」中按一下,會導致文件平移)
Artifacts or noise while using Unsharp Mask filter (使用「遮色片銳利化調整」濾鏡時,會出現假影或雜訊)
Keyboard shortcut for hiding/showing guides doesn't work in Photoshop (German version) (隱藏/顯示參考線的鍵盤快速鍵在 Photoshop 中無法運作 (德文版本))
Photoshop document window is empty/blank if the Precise Color Management for HDR Display technology preview is enabled on an SDR display (若在 SDR 顯示器上啟用「HDR 顯示器的精確色彩管理」技術預視,Photoshop 文件視窗會是空的/空白)
Background layer shows incorrect layer locking status (背景圖層顯示不正確的圖層鎖定狀態)
Using backspace when typing notes in the Notes panel prompts a 'delete this note?'dialog or deletes the active layer. (在「備註」面板中輸入備註時若使用 Backspace 鍵,會看到「刪除此備註?」的提示對話框或刪除作用中圖層。)
Shortcuts to work between masks do not work as expected (在遮色片之間工作的快速鍵未如預期般運作)
UXP blocks save functions, related to Save to Cloud interstitials (UXP 會封鎖儲存功能,與儲存至雲端插頁相關)
Duplicating linked layers does not keep hidden layer status (複製連結圖層不會保留隱藏圖層狀態)
Previously saved files with adjustment layers open with strange colors - MachinePrefs.psp the cause (先前儲存的檔案中,調整圖層會以異常顏色開啟 - 原因為 MachinePrefs.psp)
Debug assert on opening a file - on going to Edit > Image Size, you can no longer close the Image Size dialog (開啟檔案時聲明偵錯 - 前往「編輯 > 影像大小」時,無法再關閉「影像大小」對話框)
Placed Linked PNG file doesn't behave correctly with transform and crashes (置入的連結的 PNG 檔案無法在轉換時正確運作並當機)
Redo doesn't get the user back to the end point when editing curves adjustment layer (編輯曲線調整圖層時,重做無法讓使用者回到終點)
When saving a .tif or .jpg as .png, the ICC Profile box gets unchecked (將 .tif 或 .jpg 儲存為 .png 時,ICC 描述檔方塊會取消勾選)
Photoshop opens image in a very small window when using an external monitor (使用外部螢幕時,Photoshop 會在很小的視窗中開啟影像)
"Fit on Screen" (Cmd+0) does not work properly when using arranged windows (tiles) (使用排列的視窗 (圖格) 時,「縮放至適合大小」(Cmd+0) 無法正常運作)
Shortcuts to navigate between masks don't work as expected (在遮色片之間瀏覽的快速鍵無法如預期運作)
當機報告:DirectML.dll 的當機問題
Silverfast Ai 8.8 plugin gives this message - Could not complete your request because of a program error - in PS (Silverfast Ai 8.8 增效模組在 PS 中顯示此訊息 - 程式發生錯誤,無法完成您的要求)
Regression > Incorrect Slicing placement and instability (回歸 > 切片位置不正確和不穩定)
Could not complete request because of program error with Silverfast plug-in installed (安裝 Silverfast 增效模組時發生程式錯誤,導致無法完成要求)
Export As - Scale All adds sequential numbers to the file name (「轉存為」-「全部縮放」會在檔案名稱中加入序列數字)
Turning off Preserve Edit-ability for PDF flattens layers in subsequent Save As (關閉 PDF 的「保留編輯」功能在後續的「另存新檔」中會平面化圖層)
Ps crashes on opening .psd file with version 23.2.0 (Ps 在開啟 23.2.0 版的 .psd 檔案時當機)
Ps crashes on adjusting a shapes border radius (調整形狀邊界半徑時 Ps 當機)
Copying pixels from the file gives JSON error when creating a new document (建立新文件時,從檔案複製像素會產生 JSON 錯誤)
[Win] Slice Select tool overlay drawing problem - issue with slices that appeared to be resolved by flipping the Deactivate Native Canvas option (切片選取工具覆蓋繪圖問題 - 切換「停用原生畫布」選項後,似乎可解決的切片問題)
[Mac] Getting vertical lines when using Smart Sharpen and when "Use Graphic Processor" is turned on (在使用「智慧銳利化」和開啟「使用圖形處理器」時出現垂直線段)
[Mac] Smart Sharpen preview shifts and doubles a few rows of pixels (智慧銳利化預覽偏移,且將數列像素加倍)
[Mac] Unable to open/update placed Ai smart object in Photoshop on Mac OS 12.3 (無法在 Mac OS 12.3 的 Photoshop 中開啟/更新置入的 Ai 智慧型物件)
Vanishing point control points disappear on deleting/undoing added planes (刪除/復原新增的平面時,消失點控制點消失)
Move Tool + Ctrl key + Smart Guides = Slow and laggy (移動工具 + Ctrl 鍵 + 智慧型參考線 = 緩慢和延遲)
Printing: Cannot access print settings using Photoshop Manages Color and Epson color profiles (列印:無法存取使用 Photoshop 管理色彩和 Epson 色彩描述檔的列印設定)
[Win] Crash in ML/stack corruption (ML/堆疊損毀當機)
[Mac] Photoshop 23.2 crashes on startup (Photoshop 23.2 在啟動時當機)
Export As dialog doesn't work if Export As Prefs.txt file is corrupted or blank (如果「轉存為」的 Prefs.txt 檔案損毀或空白,則「轉存為」對話方塊無法正常運作)
Photoshop crashes when renaming a layer from the Discover panel [Rename layer] (從「探索」面板重新命名圖層時,Photoshop 會當機 [重新命名圖層])
[Win] Dual Monitor: Smart Sharpen Crash ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation) (雙螢幕:智慧銳利化當機例外狀況代碼:c0000005 (存取違規))
Every brush stroke causes a spinning wheel with the “Enable Content Credentials (Beta)” turned on (開啟「啟用內容憑證 (Beta)」時,每個筆觸均會導致旋轉圓圈)
[Mac] Crash - Photoshop 23.2 crashes on startup (當機 - Photoshop 23.2 在啟動時當機)
Liquify Tool Crashes with Assertion Failed! error (「液化」工具當機,且聲明失敗!錯誤)
The Divide Slice dialog causes incorrect slicing placement and instability (「分割切片」對話方塊造成切片位置不正確和不穩定)
[KBSC] Brush tip preview on canvas doesn't update while long press bracket keys ([KBSC] 版面上的筆刷筆尖預覽不會在長按括號鍵時更新)
[Using AppleScript] Make new path item command is not working after Photoshop 22.5 update ([使用 AppleScript] 在 Photoshop 22.5 更新後,建立新路徑項目的命令無法作用)
Photoshop hangs when switching between selection tools (Select Subject and Quick Subject tools) using Shift W (Photoshop 使用 Shift W 在選取工具 (「選取主體」和「快速主體」工具) 之間切換時會停止回應)
Unable to see active selection when running an action in Photoshop 23.0 (在 Photoshop 23.0 中執行動作時,無法看到選取範圍)
Marching ants for Select All is not visible for floating document windows (浮動文件視窗無法顯示「全選」的轉動虛線)
Hue slider modifications do not reflect in the bottom-most Hue ramp (修改「色相」滑桿不會反映在最底部的色相漸層中)
Layer Effects/Styles not exported with Export As in Photoshop 23.0 (Photoshop 23.0 中無法以「轉存為」轉存圖層效果 / 樣式)
Export As causes significant color values changes when converting 16-bit to 8-bit Prophoto (將 16 位元轉換為 8 位元 ProPhoto 時,「轉存為」會造成顯著的顏色值變更)
Export As does not maximize image size values (「轉存為」不會最大化影像大小值)
Export As does not generate assets that do not have a preview (「轉存為」不會產生沒有預覽的資產)
Ability to preserve the state of the Include ICC profile checkbox for PNG Save As (能夠為 PNG「另存新檔」保留「包含 ICC 描述檔」核取方塊的狀態)
Program Error when attempting to use the Object Selection Tool (嘗試使用「物件選取」工具時發生程式錯誤)
Program error while trying to save (嘗試儲存時發生程式錯誤)
Photoshop crashes while modifying selection on a mask when using Pattern Preview (使用「圖樣預視」時,Photoshop 在遮色片上修改選取範圍時會當機)
Photoshop 23.1.0 keeps crashing on using Cintiq 22HDT's pen (使用 Cintiq 22HDT 的筆時,Photoshop 23.1.0 不斷當機)
Raw files, when opened from Lightroom Photos in the Photoshop home screen, won't open as a smart object (從 Photoshop 首頁畫面中的 Lightroom 相片開啟 Raw 檔案時,並不會以智慧型物件的形式開啟)
Issues with Zoom and Pan performance in Photoshop when using mouse/stylus (使用滑鼠 / 觸控筆時 Photoshop 中的「縮放」與「平移」效能問題)
Bevel and Emboss effect in Photoshop corrupts Shape Layers with a Feather Effect (Photoshop 的「斜角和浮雕」效果損毀使用「羽化」效果的形狀圖層)
Slow Curves adjustment layer with Photoshop 23.x (Photoshop 23.x 曲線調整圖層時運作緩慢)
Grid behavior changed in Photoshop 23.1 (Photoshop 23.1 的網格行為已變更)
ICC Profile Name not correctly handled during color conversions from CIELAB (ICC 描述檔名稱在進行 CIELAB 的色彩轉換時未正確處理)
Error in Image Processor after running Crop and Straighten (執行「裁切與拉直」後,影像處理器發生錯誤)
Esc key doesn't cancel a drawn crop in Classic Mode (在「傳統模式」中,按 Esc 鍵無法取消繪製的裁切)
Cursor too light/difficult to see in File Info dialog (UI set to light) (游標太亮/難以在「檔案資訊」對話方塊中看到 (UI 設為淺色))
Photoshop window flickers when using color picker tool with full screen and ruler on (在全螢幕和尺標開啟的情況下使用檢色器工具時, Photoshop 視窗會閃爍)
Rulers display wrong units when set to Percent (將尺標設為百分比時,尺標顯示的單位錯誤)
Esc doesn't dismiss crop in Classic mode (在「傳統模式」中,按 Esc 無法取消裁切)
Mouse moves by itself when Liquify is opened (開啟「液化」時,滑鼠會自行移動)
Crash when Libraries primary representation is null (資料庫的主要呈現格式為空值時會當機)
Soft proofing applied and can't be turned off (螢幕校樣套用之後無法關閉)
Grid causes performance slowdown (網格導致效能變慢)
Crash on using Content-Aware Fill (使用「內容感知填色」時當機)
Cursor gets stuck on the Transform handle (游標停滯在「變形」控點上)
Arrow keys change channel selection instead of nudging point (方向鍵會變更色版選取範圍,而非微調點)
Copy and paste keyboard shortcuts not working for layers (複製與貼上的鍵盤快速鍵無法用於圖層)
Crash Reporter: Crash on open in libtbb.dylib (當機報告:在 libtbb.dylib 開啟時當機)
Unable to load tiled TIF images generated in other programs (無法載入在其他程式中產生的 Tiled TIF 影像)
Error while creating PDF presentation with Photoshop 23.0 (使用 Photoshop 23.0 建立 PDF 簡報時發生錯誤)
Text on a circle comes out wonky when saved to PDF (儲存為 PDF 時,圓形路徑上的文字排列錯誤)
Error Fail to call postmessage as webview is not initialized yet (錯誤「Webview 尚未初始化,導致 postmessage 呼叫失敗」)
Poor quality gradients in PNG-8 (new Export API) (PNG-8 的漸層品質不佳 (新的轉存 API))
Spring-loaded tool feature has broken experience (快速載入工具功能使用體驗不良)
Gradient layers created in 22.x or earlier appear different in 23.0 due to default behavior changing to Perceptual instead of Classic (因預設行為變更為「感應式」而非「傳統」,22.x 或舊版中建立的漸層圖層,在 23.0 中看起來不同)
Proof Colors and rendering intent preview does not work (HDR display works) (「校樣色彩」和「渲染色彩比對方式」預覽無法運作 (HDR 顯示器正常運作))
Crash when trying to select with Windows Pen on Surface Studio (嘗試在 Surface Studio 上使用 Windows Pen 選取時當機)
(僅限 Win)
The cursor gets stuck on the Transform handle (游標停滯在「變形」控點上)
The Nearest Neighbor image size resample method exports Bicubic results causing blurry image export (「最接近像素」影像大小重新取樣方法會轉存「環回增值法」結果,造成模糊的影像轉存)
Tiff Files open in 22.5.1 and earlier but don't in Photoshop 23.0 (TIFF 檔案可在 22.5.1 和舊版中開啟,但無法在 Photoshop 23.0 中開啟)
(僅限 Win)
Delay while zooming in or out with a scroll wheel in Photoshop 23.0 (在 Photoshop 23.0 中使用滾輪縮放時產生延遲)
Export As incorrectly displays error on exports of layers with '#' character (使用「#」字元轉存圖層時,「轉存為」不正確顯示錯誤訊息)
Crash while using the Object Selection tool (使用「物件選取」工具時當機)
Error when trying to use Neural Filter (嘗試使用 Neural Filters 時發生錯誤)
Photoshop crashes when using the Smart Sharpen filter (使用智慧銳利化篩選器時 Photoshop 當機)
Photoshop crashes when using Select and Mask (使用「選取並遮住」時 Photoshop 當機)
Photoshop crashes when using Polygonal Lasso (使用多邊形套索時 Photoshop 當機)
Photoshop crashes while starting up (Photoshop 在啟動時當機)
Unknown error using Save for web (使用「儲存為網頁用」發生不明錯誤)
(僅限 Win)
Arrow keys change channel selection instead of nudging point when using Curves adjustments (使用「曲線」調整時,方向鍵會變更色版選取範圍,而非微調點)
Transforming a selection for your background layer via the Properties panel results in an endless loop of dialogs (透過「屬性」面板轉換背景圖層的選取範圍時,產生無止盡的對話方塊迴圈)
(僅限 Win)
Brush cursor flips to mouse pointer when painting on a layer with a mask enabled (在啟用遮色片的圖層上繪圖時,筆刷游標會翻轉到滑鼠指標)
Photoshop 2021 shipping with an end of support version of NodeJS (Photoshop 2021 年發貨服務 (NodeJS) 支援版結束)
Guides not snapping at some zoom levels and causing fuzziness (輔助線無法在某些縮放等級靠齊,而且會造成模糊感)
Rounding of corners not proportionate when using Export As to scale (使用「轉存為」進行縮放時,圓角無法等比例)
(僅限 Win)
Error opening and editing embedded smart objects in a cloud document (開啟和編輯雲端文件中嵌入的智慧型物件時發生錯誤)
Document window resizes when a file is opened in Photoshop (在 Photoshop 中開啟檔案時,文件視窗會重新調整大小)
Unable to select two strings right-to-left if numbers are involved (如果涉及數字,則無法從右至左選取兩個字串)
(僅限 Win)
Panning mid-selection results in unwanted selection additions (在選取範圍中平移會導致新增不想要的選取範圍)
Photoshop crashes while running Sky Replacement (執行「更換天空」作業時 Photoshop 當機)
Unable to play Actions while performing Add to selection with the Magic Wand tool (以「魔術棒」工具執行「增加至選取範圍」時無法播放「動作」)
Photoshop crashes when you try to save a linked smart object (嘗試儲存連結的智慧型物件時 Photoshop 當機)
Unable to invoke the 'Rasterize EPS format' dialog when opening an eps file in Photoshop (在 Photoshop 中開啟 eps 檔案時,無法叫用「點陣化 EPS 格式」對話框)
Photoshop displays artifacts behind the canvas in the workspace (Photoshop 在工作區中的畫布後顯示假影)
Photoshop deletes masks and layers when using the backspace key (使用退格鍵時,Photoshop 刪除遮色片和圖層)
(僅限 Win)
Error opening smart object in a cloud document (雲端文件中開啟智慧型物件時發生錯誤)
Loading an action pack crashes Photoshop. (載入動作套件時導致 Photoshop 當機。)
Unexpected warp with the Transform tool. (「變形」工具產生未預期的彎曲。)
Custom RGB values in color settings aren't behaving correctly. (顏色設定中的自訂 RGB 值運作不正確。)
Save for Web (Legacy) removes the extension if you don't type it while saving. (如果儲存時未輸入副檔名,「儲存為網頁用」(舊版) 會將其移除。)
Vector paths appear pixelated.(向量路徑顯示像素化。)
Photoshop 22.0.1 does not support rvrn/rclt conditional substitutions in variable fonts. (Photoshop 22.0.1 不支援變數字型的 rvrn/rclt 條件替代。)
使用 Photoshop 日文使用者介面時,日文剪裁路徑名稱無法正確儲存。
Save As actions improperly treated as Save a Copy actions with Insert Menu Item. (使用「插入選單項目」時,「另存新檔」動作遭錯誤當作「儲存副本」動作。)
檢查 Creative Cloud Library 程序時,「預設集同步」當機。
Select and Mask does not preview in some preview modes. (「選取並遮住」未在部分預覽模式中預覽。)
(Win) Panning while the Navigator panel in view results in severe stuttering. (在顯示「導覽器」面板時平移,導致出現嚴重間斷情況。)
Files lost after deleting a custom sky preset in Sky Replacement. (在「天空取代」中刪除自訂天空預設集後,遺失檔案。)
(Win) UXP & CEP panel thumbnails are empty (Libraries, Color Themes, etc). (UXP 和 CEP 面板縮圖空白 (「資料庫」、「顏色主題」等)。)
(Win) 按一下天空預設集縮圖按鈕後,使用「滴管」工具在沒有天空的影像上繪製時當機。
Crash when dragging between windows (在視窗之間拖曳時當機)
Brush cursor disappears after dragging from Libraries panel using a Wacom stylus (使用 Wacom 觸控筆從「資料庫」面板拖曳項目後筆刷游標消失)
Perspective warp broken in Photoshop 22.3.1 (在 Photoshop 22.3.1 中,透視彎曲損壞)
Pen tool not working properly in Photoshop 22.3 (在 Photoshop 22.3 中,筆型工具無法正常運作)
Photoshop erroneously shows Postscript error on launch (Photoshop 啟動時錯誤地顯示 Postscript 錯誤 )
Preset Sync causes memory issues syncing SVG based assets (預設集同步在同步 SVG 資產時造成記憶體問題)
Histogram behaves differently on low resolution monitors (色階分佈圖在低解析度監視器上的行為不同)
Keyboard shortcut not working for Fit in Window operation (鍵盤快捷鍵無法用於「調整成視窗大小」操作)
開啟影片檔案時,會顯示「無法使用 Media Server」錯誤
Page order reversed when using PDF Presentation to export files (使用 PDF 簡報轉存檔案時,頁面順序會反轉)
Photoshop lags when using any filter or image adjustment operation (使用濾鏡或影像調整操作時,Photoshop 會延遲)
Photoshop crashes when applying Lens Flare or Shear filters (套用反光效果或傾斜效果濾鏡時,Photoshop 會失敗)
Missing file extension in Image processor (影像處理器中缺少檔案延伸)
Issue with Liquify filter with GPU enabled (啟用 GPU 時液化濾鏡發生問題)
(僅適用於 macOS)
Auto-Select Targeted Adjustment tool keeps moving even after mouse release (即使在釋放滑鼠後,自動選取目標調整工具仍保持移動)
Photoshop lags when dragging Guides between the ruler and the destination (Photoshop 在尺標和目的地之間拖移指南時延遲)
Marquee tool slows down when selection goes out of canvas (當選取超出畫布時,選取畫面工具會變慢)
(僅限 macOS)
Unable to complete Save For Web operation (無法完成「儲存為網頁用」操作)
Transform/Warp action on background layer leads to program error (背景圖層上的變形/彎曲動作會導致程式錯誤)
Photoshop 執行時 Illustrator 或 InDesign 中的顏色設定會變更 (僅限 macOS)
Pixel mode and Weight are missing from Line tool (「直線」工具中的「像素」模式和「線段寬度」消失)
Slow performance while animating with embedded smart objects (使用嵌入的智慧型物件製作動畫時運作緩慢)
Several save-related issues when saving a copy in macOS (在 macOS 中儲存副本時發生幾項儲存相關問題)
Intersection line not displaying in Curves panel (「曲線」面板未顯示相交線)
Shake Reduction is slow on some systems (「防手震」功能在部分系統中運作緩慢)
Unable to import multiple sky presets (無法讀入多個天空預設集)
Disk error when importing sky presets (讀入天空預設集時磁碟發生錯誤)
Paths are not copied when using Actions (使用「動作」時未複製路徑)
Crash when using Lens Blur (使用「鏡頭模糊」時當機)
Clipped and hidden adjustment layers do not export correctly with (對剪裁和隱藏的調整圖層使用「轉存為」功能未能正確轉存) Export As
Clicking on a filename in the Save As dialog incorrectly replaces the file extension (按一下「另存新檔」對話方塊中的檔案名稱會錯誤更改副檔名)
Images display as black when switching tabs (切換索引標籤時影像呈現黑色)
Plugins are unable to interact with Apple Events (增效模組無法與 Apple Event 互動)
Layer badges don't display correctly in Layers panel (圖層徽章在「圖層」面板中未正確顯示)
Some shape presets don't work correctly (部分形狀預設集未正確運作)
Crash while rendering a video with Liquify applied (以「液化」功能演算影片時當機)
Canvas crashes after using Adaptive Wide Angle (使用「最適化廣角」後版面未能正常運作)
Unable to pan documents using the Spacebar key with Wacom tablets (無法使用 Wacom 數位板的空白鍵平移文件)
Program errors saving and while using different tools and commands (使用不同工具和命令時程式儲存錯誤)
Stroke appears in properties panel after file saved and opened without stroke (儲存無筆觸開啟的檔案後,屬性面板中顯示筆觸)
Crash when opening files with type layers or using type features (開啟具有類型圖層的檔案或使用類型功能時當機)
Drawing mode not available in Advanced settings for GPU in Photoshop 22.1 preferences (在 Photoshop 22.1 偏好設定中,GPU 進階設定中無法使用的繪圖模式)
Boxes/blocky artifacts on images when flattening or exporting (展平或匯出圖像上的方格/塊狀不自然感)
Unexpected stroke on text when converting to a shape (轉換為形狀時文字上的意外筆觸)
Shift 鍵無法停用第三方外掛程式
Stroke appears in properties panel after file saved and opened without stroke (儲存無筆觸開啟的檔案後,屬性面板中顯示筆觸)
Artifacts/incorrect appearance after flattening (展平後的不自然感/外觀不正確)
Brush preview overly for hardness/opacity is not working (硬度/不透明度的筆刷預覽覆蓋無法作用)
Unknown error using Export As (使用「轉存為」發生未知錯誤)
Eyedropper sampling ring missing (滴管工具抽樣環遺失)
Inside Stroke not displaying for Shape Layers (形狀圖層的內側筆觸沒有顯示)
Assertion Failed! error when using Liquify (聲明失敗!使用「液化」時發生錯誤)
Freeze with Save for Web when replacing existing file on macOS BigSur (在 macOS BigSur 上取代現有檔案時「儲存為網頁用」出現凍結情形)
Sliders don't move with rulers shown on macOS (在 macOS 上當尺標顯示時滑桿不會移動)
Freeze when adding some images for Sky Replacement (為「天空取代」新增影像時出現凍結情形)
"An unknown error occurred" when using Export As (使用「轉存為」時出現「發生不明錯誤」訊息)
Unable to delete image scale suffix from filenames when using Export As (使用「轉存為」時無法刪除檔案名稱中的影像比例尾碼)
Crash when using Neural Filters (使用 Neural Filters 時當機)
Save for Web - Unknown Operating Error with # in the file name (「儲存為網頁用」:檔案名稱中包含 # 時發生不明作業錯誤) (macOS)
XMP Presets aren't in alphabetical order on macOS (macOS 上的 XMP 預設集未按照字母順序排列)
Sky preset files lost when a sky replacement action is replayed right after launch (啟動後立即重播天空取代動作時,遺失天空預設集檔案)
Unable to download Neural Filters under a SDL license (使用 SDL 授權時無法下載 Neural Filters)
While using the Lasso tool, spacebar to pan does not work with Stylus (使用套索工具時,按空格鍵平移動作無法與手寫筆搭配運作)
Shift-dragging Live Shape points moves entire path, not just selected points (按 Shift 鍵拖曳即時形狀點會移動整個路徑,而非僅移動選取的點)
Crash opening and editing files with CoolTyple fonts (開啟和編輯含 CoolTyple 字型的檔案時當機)
Text selecting/editing UI not displaying in CMYK, LAB modes (在 CMYK 和 LAB 模式中未顯示文字選取/UI 編輯作業)
執行 Neural Filters 時發生當機情形
Freeze when applying Neural Filters to Grayscale Images without ICC Profile (將 Neural Filters 套用至沒有 ICC 描述檔的灰階影像時出現凍結情形)
Neural Filters error “There was an issue running filters” (Neural Filters 錯誤「執行濾鏡時發生問題」)
Can't edit shape anchor points in some scenarios (某些情況下無法編輯形狀錨點)
- 注意:
Histogram artifacts converting color profile (長條圖成品轉換色彩描述檔)
Rotated pattern settings can damage a file (旋轉圖樣的設定可能會使檔案損毀)
Issue with image quality scaling patterns (縮放圖樣使影像品質發生問題)
Performance issues with Grid showing (「格點」顯示發生效能問題)
Keyboard shortcuts don't work correctly in the Save Optimized As dialog for Save for Web (在「另存最佳化檔案」對話方塊中,「儲存為網頁用」的鍵盤快速鍵無法正常運作)
Crash running Image Processor (執行「影像處理器」時當機)
P doesn't toggle preview for Curves (無法使用 P 鍵切換「曲線」預覽)
Crash using Refine Edge (使用「微調邊緣」時當機)
Modifying a smart objects bounds gives unexpected results (修改智慧型物件邊界後產生非預期的結果)
Open dialog stuck in front when switching to finder or another app (切換至 Finder 或其他應用程式時,「開啟」對話方塊滯留在上層) (macOS)
Keyboard shortcuts for zoom jumps to center with floating docs and overscroll enabled (使用縮放功能的鍵盤快速鍵會使畫面跳至中央,並造成文件浮動和過度捲動等問題)
Cloning with dual brush gives unexpected results (雙筆刷仿製作業產生非預期的結果)
Grey Point Tool error "Could not use the gray point tool because the settings in the file are invalid" is any channel's curve is inverted (灰點工具錯誤「檔案中的設定無效,無法使用灰點工具」是指任何色版的曲線顛倒)
Artboard contents disappear when tabbing to another app and back (切換至其他應用程式再返回時,工作區域內容消失)
Full pressure blob while painting when returning focus to Photoshop (畫面焦點回到 Photoshop 時,繪製動作會使用完整壓力點)
Blend mode doesn't work with Clipping Group and nested layers (混合模式不適用於「剪裁群組」和巢狀圖層)
Brush tool on group (passthrough or isolated) mask creates artifacts (群組 (穿過或隔離) 遮色片上的筆刷工具產生不自然感)
Eye Dropper tool switches focus to sampled doc with floating windows (滴管工具將畫面焦點切換至取樣的文件,並啟用浮動視窗) (Windows)
Tool Tips not showing in Camera Raw dialogs with macOS Dark Mode (使用 macOS 的「深色模式」後,「Camera Raw」對話方塊無法顯示「工具提示」)
Artboards get messed up when dragging multiple artboards (拖曳多個工作區域時,工作區域變得雜亂無章)
Switching between documents in Full Screen Mode displays black areas (以全螢幕模式切換文件時顯示黑色區域) (macOS)
Hue/Saturation not updating real-time (色相/飽和度未即時更新)
Layer thumbnails draw incorrectly when UI scaling is set to odd percentage on Windows (e.g. 125%) (在 Windows 中將 UI 縮放百分比設為奇數 (例如 125%) 時,無法正確呈現圖層縮圖)
Unable to copy/paste vector mask path to another clipping path (無法複製向量圖遮色片路徑並貼到其他剪裁路徑)
Dragging layer styles on canvas stops working after dragging once (只能在版面上拖曳圖層樣式一次,隨後便無法再拖曳)
Full screen mode canvas gets stuck top left of app frame toggling between docs (切換文件時,全螢幕模式版面停滯在應用程式畫面左上角)
Crop handles are too large (裁切控制點太大)
Make saving files larger than 2GB to PSB format more discoverable (更容易發現有超過 2 GB 的檔案儲存為 PSB 格式)
Export As does not scale artboard correctly (「轉存為」無法正確縮放工作區域)
Cloning lag with rulers shown (尺標顯示期間,仿製作業發生延遲)
Generator offsets and crops images randomly when resizing to a pixel dimension (調整像素尺寸時,產生器會隨機生成影像偏移及裁切影像
Wrong size with Export As/Quick Export (「轉存為」/「快速轉存」會使影像大小錯誤)
Video layers are not getting selected when clicking them in Timeline panel (無法在「時間軸」面板中點選視訊圖層)
English unit “mm” doesn't work in dimension input box for CHS locale (地區設為 CHS 時,無法在尺寸輸入方塊中使用單位「公釐」)
New Document dialog background color not sticky/predictable (「新增文件」對話方塊的背景顏色不固定/無法預測)
Black areas toggling between docs in full screen (以全螢幕切換文件時出現黑色區域)
Crash on launch in certain cases (在某些情況下啟動時當機)
Grid lines become too thick when zooming out while the Show Grid option is enabled (「顯示網格」選項啟用時,縮小顯示會導致網格線過粗)
Layer leaves a duplicate when moving to adjust position on the canvas (在畫布上移動調整位置時,圖層上殘留複製的內容)
Modifying a smart object leads to unexpected size of the object on saving (修改智慧型物件會導致物件儲存時無預警變大或變小)
Brush spots created at the beginning of a stroke when using Wacom (使用 Wacom 時,筆觸前端會留下筆刷點)
Resolution doesn't show in the quick information pop-up in the image window (影像視窗的快顯資訊未顯示解析度)
Some Hebrew fonts do not work after update to the latest version of Photoshop (Photoshop 更新至最新版本後,部分希伯來文字型無法使用)
Interface lags and becomes unresponsive when working with layers and layer groups (使用圖層和圖層群組時,介面出現延遲情況且未能即時回應)
(Windows 10)
Crop action doesn't snap to the edges of the active layer (裁切動作無法貼齊所在圖層的邊緣)
Recording Duplicate Image action plays back incorrectly (錄製的複製影像動作無法正確播放)
Photoshop crashes on unchecking layer effect (取消勾選圖層效果會導致 Photoshop 當機)
Photoshop crashes or freezes when working with Select Subject/Quick Select/Refine Edge (使用「選取主體/快速選取/微調邊緣」等功能時,Photoshop 當機或凍結)
Photoshop slows down or freezes in long sessions (若長時間處於工作階段,Photoshop 反應變慢或凍結)
(macOS Catalina)
Converting a 16-bit file to 8-bit results in corruption (將 16 位元檔案轉換成 8 位元檔案時會導致損毀)
Pen Pressure doesn't work when recording an action (記錄動作時,「筆的壓力」無法運作)
Photoshop freezes when using adjustments with rulers enabled (在啟用尺標的情況下,Photoshop 會在使用調整項目時凍結)
Document canvas displays black areas with GPU enabled (在啟用 GPU 的情況下,文件畫布會顯示黑色區域)
Error when switching tools with Content-Aware Crop active (在「內容感知裁切」作用中的情況下,切換工具時會發生錯誤)
Unknown error when saving files with special characters in the file name or file path (儲存名稱或路徑含有特殊字元的檔案時發生不明錯誤)
Crash when copying/pasting adjustment layers from RGB to CMYK document (將調整圖層從 RGB 文件複製/貼上到 CMYK 文件時發生當機情形)
Inconsistent Default and Reset setting behavior in filters (篩選條件中的預設和重設設定行為不一致)
Photoshop doesn't remember Crop To setting when placing multiple PDFs (置入多份 PDF 時,Photoshop 沒有記住「裁切為」設定)
Snapping issue when moving layer groups and smart object layers (移動圖層群組和智慧型物件圖層時發生靠齊問題)
Crash Report form says 'invalid email address' if the address contains special characters (如果電子郵件地址包含特殊字元,當機報告表會告知「電子郵件地址無效」)
Paste in Place doesn't work correctly when copy and pasting Frames (複製貼上邊框時,「就地貼上」功能無法正常運作)
Eyedropper tool switches window focus (滴管工具會切換視窗焦點)
(Windows 10)
無法使用 Wacom 手寫筆按兩下
Brush panel keeps resetting to default (筆刷面板持續重設為預設狀態)
Adobe Save for Web Error: Could not complete this operation. (Adobe 儲存為網頁用錯誤:無法完成此操作。)發生不明錯誤
(macOS Catalina)
Pen pressure is lost while painting with a pressure sensitive brush on Wacom (在 Wacom 數位板使用壓力感應筆刷繪圖時,筆壓會消失)
(Windows 10)
無法變更 Wacom 噴槍手寫筆輪的筆刷大小
(Windows 10)
Brush projection doesn't change cursor shape (筆刷投射無法變更游標形狀)
Jitter in brush strokes with Wacom (Wacom 數位板的筆觸會抖動)
Crash using Shadow/Highlights adjustment with Histogram panel showing (在顯示長條圖面板的狀態下使用「陰影/亮部」調整會導致當機)
Lighting Effects doesn't work and renders black when Show Transform Controls is enabled (啟用「顯示變形控制項」時,「光源效果」無法運作且呈現黑色)
Zoom keyboard shortcuts no longer work to resize a floating document window (縮放鍵盤快速鍵無法重新調整浮動文件視窗的大小)
Moving the layer opacity slider doesn't update the canvas until the mouse button is released (放開滑鼠按鍵後,移動圖層不透明度滑桿才能更新畫布)
Select & Mask workspace shortcuts don't work when custom keyboard shortcuts are loaded (載入自訂鍵盤快速鍵時,「選取並遮住」工作區快速鍵無法運作)
Problem playing an action that saves over an existing file. (播放儲存並覆蓋現有檔案的動作時發生問題。)
Alt-click/Option-click to set transform axis point doesn't work correctly (按住 Alt/Option 鍵後再按一下以設定變形軸點時,功能無法正常運作)
Cloning from a small document to a larger document doesn't work correctly (從小型文件複製到較大的文件時,無法正常運作)
Can't open tiff files from ACDSee or Faststone (無法從 ACDSee 或 Faststone 開啟 TIFF 檔案)
Helvetica Regular doesn't appear in the fonts list (「Helvetica Regular」未出現在字型清單中)
(macOS Catalina)
Crash when using the Type tool (使用「文字」工具時當機)
Selecting key frames for a duplicated layer selects keyframes for the previous layer in Timeline (為重複圖層選取主要影格時,會選取時間軸中前一個圖層的主要影格)
Unable to copy/paste a vector mask path to another clipping path (無法將向量圖遮色片路徑複製並貼到另一個剪裁路徑)
Problem using Color Picker for Solid Color Fill from an action (在操作中針對「純色填色」使用「檢色器」時發生問題)
Clicking on a mask doesn't update it's properties in the Properties panel (按一下遮色片不會更新其在「屬性」面板中的屬性)
Crash at launch (啟動時當機)
(macOS Catalina)
Incorrect stroke appearance with Bristle Tip brush preset (毛刷尖筆刷預設集顯示錯誤的筆畫外觀)
Image unexpectedly shifts when using Paste In Place (使用「就地貼上」時,影像無預警移動)
Crash when applying Color Lookup adjustment layer (套用「顏色查詢」調整圖層時當機)
Group Vector mask renders incorrectly (群組向量圖遮色片未正確呈現)
Crash in CoolType when opening file with type layers (以文字圖層開啟檔案時,在 CoolType 中當機)
Sample All Layers not remembered in Select and Mask dialog (「選取並遮住」對話方塊中並未記住「取樣全部圖層」)
Smart Sharpen Radius 0.1 not working with OpenCL enabled (啟用 OpenCL 時,Smart Sharpen Radius 0.1 (智慧型銳利化半徑) 無法運作)
The state of folders in Presets panels is not remembered between sessions (不同工作階段並未沿用「預設集」面板中的資料夾狀態)
Crop Tool moves guides unexpectedly when trying to crop to guides (嘗試裁切至參考線時,裁切工具無預警地移動參考線)
Can't insert menu item for "Fit Layer(s) on Screen" in action (實際使用「全頁顯示圖層」時,無法插入選單項目)
Keyboard shortcuts to play actions that use the Shift Key don't work with Home Screen active (主畫面作用中時,Shift 鍵播放動作的鍵盤快速鍵功能無法運作)
Batch removes part of name after second to the last period in a name (批次會移除名稱中倒數第二個句號之後的部分)
Save as PNG incorrectly removes certain metadata (「另存為 PNG」誤將特定的中繼資料移除)
Selection shortcut incorrectly zooms-in to layer bounds (系統將選取快速鍵錯誤地放大到圖層邊界)
Warp Grid Options aren't sticky (彎曲格線選項無法置頂)
Smart Objects in Frames get out of sync (框架中的智慧型物件不同步)
Smart Sharpen edit fields go blank when choosing legacy (選擇舊版時,「智慧型銳利化」編輯欄位變成空白)
Lag when slices are visible (切片為可見狀態時會出現延遲情況)
Tool Presets incorrectly reset on relaunch (重新啟動時,「工具預設集」重設錯誤)
PSB preview broken for Mac Spotlight and Quick Look plugins (Mac Spotlight 和 Quick Look 外掛程式的 PSB 預覽損壞)
Crop tool has no side handles in Classic Mode (裁切工具在「傳統模式」中沒有側邊控點)
Program error when working in Timeline (使用時間軸時,程式發生錯誤)
Using the keyboard shortcut to zoom doesn't do smooth animation (使用鍵盤快速鍵縮放畫面時,動畫無法流暢顯示)
macOS menus/dialogs from Photoshop now support Dark Mode (Photoshop 的 macOS 功能表/對話方塊現在支援「深色模式」)
Listener events clogged with idMRUFileListChanged events (idMRUFileListChanged 事件導致接聽程式事件堵塞)
Lighting Effects are broken when on canvas "Transform Controls" are invoked (叫用畫布上的「變形控制項」時,「光源效果」損壞)
Preferences > Performance > Advanced Settings... incorrectly includes an option to "Use Updated GPU Canvas" - which states that Manta needs to be turned on under technology previews (「偏好設定 > 效能 > 進階設定」誤將「使用更新後的 GPU 版面」選項納入,且該選項指出 Manta 需要在技術預視之下開啟)
Clone stamp source crosshair doesn't show on white background (仿製印章來源十字游標並未顯示在白色背景上)
SDK - PSD File Format documentation updated (SDK - PSD 檔案格式文件已更新)
Active selection on canvas disables Auto Select Layer (畫布上的選取範圍停用「自動選取圖層」)
Editing a corner radius for the current layer is applied to the newly selected layer (對目前圖層上圓角半徑所做的編輯會套用至新選取的圖層)
Single path points aren't displayed properly with 'Use GPU' turned on (開啟「使用 GPU」時,單一路徑的點無法正常顯示)
Fixed lag with many slices visible (修正顯示許多切片的延遲情況)
Fixed issue that prevented using Save for Web if a background save was in progress (修正在系統進行背景儲存作業時無法使用「儲存為網頁用」的問題)
注意:在系統進行 GIF 背景儲存作業時,仍會停用「儲存為網頁用」功能
Fixed crash with overlays (修正覆蓋圖的當機問題)
Fixed Program Error when running Open commands run via Insert Menu Item (修正透過「插入選單項目」執行「開啟」指令時發生的程式錯誤)
Fixed compositing issue with drop shadow/layer effects (修正陰影/圖層效果的複合問題)
Fixed issue with Blend If not recording correctly in actions (修正動作中未正確記錄「混合範圍」的問題)
Fixed redraw issue with Vanishing Point (修正消失點的重繪問題)
Fixed issue where zooming doesn't zoom to the correct area if canvas is rotated (修正旋轉版面後縮放功能無法縮放到正確區域的問題)
Fixed crash when opening password protected protected PDF (修正開啟受密碼保護的 PDF 時的當機問題)
Fixed issue where user permissions are altered/changed unexpectedly after saving a file (修正儲存檔案後意外修改/變更使用者權限的問題)
Fixed Program Error when editing adjustment layer in an action (修正在動作中編輯調整圖層時發生的程式錯誤)
Fixed issue with Measure Tool protractor feature (修正「度量工具」量角器功能的問題)
Fixed issue where Import from iPhone or iPad does not work correctly (修正從 iPhone 或 iPad 讀入時無法正常運作的問題)
Fixed issue where tags field was unexpectedly pre-populated (修正「標記」欄位無預期地預先填入的問題) (macOS)
Fixed issue where crop tool overlays don't rotate correctly (修正裁切工具覆蓋圖無法正確旋轉的問題)
Fixed issue where Advanced Blending options aren't rendering correctly (修正「進階混合」選項無法正確呈現的問題)
Fixed issue where strokes/layer effects aren't rendering correctly (修正筆畫/圖層效果無法正確呈現的問題)
Tightened hit area for Zoom to Layer Contents so groups aren't also expanded (縮緊「縮放至圖層內容」的點擊區域,讓群組不會隨之展開)
Fixed issue where a folder named "Photoshop" is created when saving file to a network drive (修正在將檔案儲存至網路磁碟機時,建立名為「Photoshop」的資料夾時發生的問題)
Fixed issue where temp files fill the scratch disk when working with large documents (修正在處理大型文件時,暫存檔會填滿暫存磁碟區的問題)
Fixed issue where clicking on a Smart Object with a tool no longer offered to rasterize (修正不再提供以工具點選「智慧型物件」以點陣化的問題)
Fixed freeze that would occur when accessing a second dialog from within a dialog on macOS (修正透過 macOS 對話方塊存取第二個對話方塊時畫面凍結的問題)
Fixed program error while trying to apply perspective warp (修正嘗試套用「透視彎曲」時發生的程式錯誤)
Number keys not working with tutorials (無法在教學課程中使用數字鍵)
Banding with Merge to HDR (合併為 HDR 時出現帶狀外觀)
3D crash if a material value is moved (移動材質的值時 3D 功能當機)
Various reported crashes (各種客戶回報的當機問題)
3D render with Fuse character causes crash (若在使用 Fuse 字元時進行 3D 演算會導致當機)
Crash while rendering 3D (演算 3D 時當機)
Crash with Finder Tags (macOS only) (Finder 標籤頁當機 (僅限 macOS))
Unable to "Export As"with selection active (無法在選取範圍時使用「轉存為」功能)
Print Preview shifts on second print when printing large image than paper (列印大於紙張的影像時,第二次列印的「列印預覽」發生偏移)
Changing layer style stroke opacity renders differently from prior versions (變更圖層樣式的筆畫不透明度會呈現與先前版本不同的結果)
Crash in OpenGL (OpenGL 的當機問題)
Image Processor starts automatically (影像處理器會自動啟動)
Various crashes saving or editing using perspective warp or select and mask (使用「透視彎曲」或「選取並遮住」來儲存或編輯時會多次發生當機情形)
Blend modes are not displayed on the entire image (「混合」模式無法在整個影像中顯示)
Changing transform units using context menu inconsistent (透過內容功能表變更的變形單位不一致)
ScriptUI: click event triggered on active element when app receives focus (Windows Only) (ScriptUI:應用程式取得焦點時,按一下作用中元素上觸發的事件 (僅限 Windows))
Gradients with alpha transparency behaving inconsistently (使用 Alpha 透明度的漸層出現不一致行為)
Crash using Shake Reduction (使用「防手震」時當機)
Enter key should confirm "Export as" dialog (Enter 鍵應該要能確認「轉存為」對話方塊)
Translation error (German) in Timeline panel (「時間軸」面板中的翻譯錯誤 (德文))
Action to record and playback preference for Background Transparency doesn't work (「背景透明度」的記錄動作和播放偏好設定無法運作)
Labels don't print correctly (標籤無法正確列印)
Error editing text unit edit field on persian OS language (以波斯文作業系統語言編輯文字單位編輯欄位時發生錯誤)
Colors change and start pixelating when painting (繪圖時顏色會改變且會開始像素化)
Select Subject edges pixelated (「選取主體」使邊緣呈現像素化)
Shift-resizing a corner handle disables "Smart Guides" snapping (使用 Shift 鍵重新調整角落控點的大小時會停用「智慧型參考線」的靠齊功能)
"Color" blending works incorrectly with semitransparent layer (「顏色混合」無法搭配半透明圖層正常運作)
Generator crash when document is opened and immediately closed (在文件開啟並立即關閉時,產生器會當機)
I-beam cursor and text selection are not visible when typing in CMYK, Lab, Grayscale documents (在 CMYK、Lab、灰階文件中鍵入時,I 形游標和文字選取範圍無法顯示)
Crop or transform is accidentally committed while rotating (「裁切」或「變形」模式會在旋轉時意外執行)
Failure to import some valid scanned TIFFs created by Image Capture (macOS) (無法讀入部分由「影像擷取」 (macOS) 建立的有效掃描 TIFF 檔案)
Surface Pro 4: Crash when using Refine Edge brush in Selection and Mask (Surface Pro 4:在「選取並遮住」中使用「調整邊緣」筆刷時當機)
BMP file not displayed correctly (BMP 檔案無法正確顯示)
Can't create guides while transforming a layer (無法在變形圖層時建立參考線)
Single path points aren't displayed properly with 'Use Graphics Processor' turned on (開啟「使用圖形處理器」時單一路徑的點無法正常顯示)
Export As preview is blurry at certain zoom levels (使用縮放等級時「轉存為」預覽會模糊)
Export As has browser right-click and drag and drop behavior (「轉存為」有瀏覽器右鍵和拖放動作)
Can't select text under File > File Info > Photoshop panel (無法在「檔案 > 檔案資訊 > Photoshop」面板中選取文字)
Copying and pasting layers and groups moves them to another artboard (拷貝並貼上圖層和群組時,圖層和群組移動至其他工作區域)
Hiding 3D lights causes crash (隱藏 3D 光線會導致當機)
Crash when using Timeline panel to animate a mask (使用「時間軸」面板製作遮色片動畫時發生當機)
Memory error using Spot Healing Brush (使用「污點修復」筆刷時發生記憶體錯誤)
App is unresponsive after several days open (應用程式開啟數天後變得沒有回應)
Export As cannot scale image below 10% (「轉存為」無法將影像縮放到 10% 以下)
Incorrect translation for Height in French Export As dialog (法文版「轉存為」對話方塊中的「高度」翻譯錯誤)
Render Video JPEG Matte not working (無法在「演算影片」中為 JPEG 選擇邊緣調合)
Group with layer mask does not render properly in Illustrator or InDesign (圖層遮色片群組無法在 Illustrator 或 InDesign 中正確顯示)
Window does not have focus after opening until click on Photoshop - shortcuts don't work (在 Windows 開啟 Photoshop 後,除非在其中按一下,否則不會顯示焦點 - 快速鍵無法正常運作)
Cannot navigate multiline text in File Info dialog (無法在「檔案資訊」對話方塊中瀏覽多行文字)
Pressing arrows in text entry field in "Export As" dialog while holding down shift adjusts in 5s rather than 10s. (按住 Shift 鍵並按下在「轉存為」對話方塊文字輸入欄位中的箭頭後,會在 5 秒而非 10 秒後調整。)
Aspect ratio remains fixed even when Maintain Aspect Ratio is unticked (即使取消勾選「保持長寬比例」,長寬比例仍會維持固定)
macOS 10.15 (Catalina) 驗證的應用程式
Fixed issue where changing the file format does not change the extension of the file in Save As dialog macOS 10.15 (Catalina) (修正變更檔案格式後,無法在 macOS 10.15 (Catalina)「另存新檔」對話方塊中變更檔案副檔名的問題)
Fixed issue with droplets not working on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) (修正 macOS 10.15 (Catalina) 中快捷批次處理無法運作的問題)
Fixed issue with crashing while using the Apple Color Picker on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) (修正在 macOS 10.15 (Catalina) 上使用 Apple Color Picker 時當機的問題)
修正在 macOS 10.15 (Catalina) 上儲存預設集時無法運作或顯示「程式錯誤」的問題
修正 macOS 10.15 (Catalina) 上「將圖層轉存成檔案」、「將圖層構圖轉存成檔案」,以及「將圖層構圖轉存成 PDF」無法運作的問題
Photoshop 和 macOS Catalina (10.15)
為求一致,Windows 的版本編號一律調整為 20.0.7。
Photoshop crashes when trying to use Perspective Warp (Photoshop 嘗試使用「透視彎曲」時當機)
Select and Mask workspace freezes while making a selection or painting on an image while zoomed in (在放大的狀態下選取影像或在影像上繪圖時,「選取並遮住」工作區會凍結)
Program error when pasting over a selection in the Timeline panel (在「時間軸」面板中貼上選取範圍時,程式會發生錯誤)
When working on a layer with the mask disabled, using Undo enables the mask (在停用遮色片的圖層上操作時,進行「還原」動作會啟用遮色片)
Photoshop crashing frequently (Photoshop 經常當機)
僅限 Windows
Content-Aware Fill workspace freezes on releasing a pen stroke with Microsoft Surface Pen or Wacom pen (使用 Microsoft Surface 手寫筆或 Wacom 手寫筆繪圖時,「內容感知填色」會凍結)
Strange color shift in photos when filter adjustment layers are packaged into a Smart Object (篩選器調整圖層封裝為智慧型物件時,相片會發生詭異的色彩偏移情形)
Undoing painting in a mask selects the art layer (復原遮色片中的繪圖會意外選取圖案圖層)
僅限 Windows
Dragging multiple files onto a droplet not working (無法拖曳多個檔案並放入快捷批次處理)
When working on a document in 16-bit mode, the new layer fill option 'Fill with Soft-Light-neutral color (50% gray)' results in an incorrect RGB value (在 16 位元模式中使用文件時,選擇新圖層填色選項「以柔和、淺淡且自然的顏色填色 (50% 灰階)」會產生錯誤的 RGB 值)
Slow performance and lag in Photoshop (Photoshop 運作效能低落且出現延遲現象)
Cannot apply feather radius values greater than 250 px via scripting (無法透過指令碼套用大於 250 px 的羽化強度數值)
Cannot save keyboard shortcut for a custom measurement scale (無法儲存自訂度量等級的鍵盤快速鍵)
Photoshop crashing frequently (Photoshop 經常當機)
Cannot resize an image within the vanishing point mesh area (無法重新調整消失點網紋區域中的影像大小)
部分 Photoshop 檔案的原始中繼資料包含 大量 「photoshop :DocumentAncestors」項目
(macOS 10.14)
繪圖時,Photoshop 的游標顯示忙碌中
(macOS 10.14 和 10.13)
Photoshop crashes frequently on macOS (Photoshop 常在 macOS 上當機)
(Windows 10)
Slow performance and lag with the Polygonal Lasso Tool (多邊形套索工具運作效能低且有延遲現象)
Unable to export Artboards to PSD (無法將工作區域轉存為 PSD)
When opening an image from Lightroom Classic for editing in Photoshop (
Edit In > Adobe Photoshop 2019
), the menus and commands in Photoshop are disabled (在 Lightroom Classic 中開啟影像,準備在 Photoshop 中編輯時 (「編輯位置 > Adobe Photoshop 2019」),Photoshop 的選單和指令無法使用)
In the Free Transform mode, dragging the corner handle of a selection with the Ctrl/Cmd key pressed moves it horizontally or vertically only (在「任意變形」模式中,按住 Ctrl/Cmd 鍵拖曳選取項目的角落控點,只能將選取項目水平或垂直移動)
(Windows 10)
Photoshop freezing during sleep (Photoshop 在休眠時凍結)
Type layer appears clipped or truncated at the edges (文字圖層邊緣遭剪裁或截斷)
Clipped layer disappears when the when the adjustment layer is altered (變更調整圖層時,已剪裁的圖層消失)
Export As does not save the exported file in the same location as the source image (「轉存為」未將轉存的檔案儲存於與來源影像相同的位置)
Masks not applying to Smart Filters (遮色片未套用至智慧型濾鏡)
Drop Shadow is partially sliced off when zooming out to less than 50% (縮小顯示小於 50% 時,「陰影」會遭部分切除)
The Export As dialog does not remember the last used export settings (「轉存為」對話方塊未記住上次使用過的轉存設定)
Layer turns black when moved after applying Lighting Effects (圖層套用「光源效果」後移動,圖層會變黑)
The object does not update to show changes from moving the sliders in Filter > Create 3D Normal Map (移動「濾鏡 > 建立 3D 法線對應」的滑桿後,物件未隨即更新以顯示變更)
Ctrl/Cmd-clicking Create A New Group in the Layers panel creates a new parent folder above the selected folder/layer (在「圖層」面板中按住 Ctrl/Cmd 鍵並按一下「建立新群組」,會在選取的資料夾/圖層上方建立新父資料夾)
Rendering problem with the Move Tool when in a masked group layer (遮色片群組圖層發生「移動」工具演算問題)
Can't adjust the Lens Blur setting by dragging the cursor over the image (無法在影像上拖曳游標,調整「鏡頭模糊」設定)
Automatically Create New Snapshot When Saving in History Options is not working (無法使用「步驟記錄」選項的「儲存時自動建立新快照」)
Deleting a value in the Duotone Curve options gives incorrect results (刪除「雙色調曲線」選項的值會產生錯誤結果)
Applying a stroke in the Layer styles and setting it to any Blending mode with the Overprint setting ticked displays glitches around the stroke area (在「圖層」樣式套用筆畫,將其設為任何「混合」模式,並啟用「疊印」設定時,筆畫區域周遭會顯示錯誤)
In the Content-Aware Fill workspace, the sampling area is not fully drawn with some images (「內容感知填色」工作區中,某些影像的採樣區域未完全繪製)
Healing brush and clone stamp tools lagging (修復筆刷和仿製印章工具停滯的問題)
Layer blend modes produce artifacts or incorrect color (圖層混合模式產生不自然感或錯誤顏色)
Render video image sequence only renders the first image (渲染視訊影像序列只渲染第一張影像)
(Windows 10)
Color Blend Mode causes a crash (顏色混合模式使系統當機)
Duplicated layers get repositioned on the canvas (複製圖層在畫布上重新定位)
Clicking the View Previous State icon in the Adjustments panel or pressing \ key doesn't show the previous state (按一下「調整」面板中的「檢視先前狀態」圖示或按下 \ 鍵時並未顯示先前狀態)
(Windows 10)
System Info reports incorrect CPU speed (系統資訊顯示的 CPU 速度有誤)
Photoshop crashes when using the filter Lighting Effects (使用「光源效果」濾鏡時 Photoshop 當機)
Copying layers (and groups) moves them to another Artboard (複製圖層 (和群組) 時,圖層 (和群組) 移動至其他工作區域)
(macOS Mojave 10.14)
Photoshop crashes during launch (Photoshop 啟動時當機)
Intermittent problems using the brush tool painting on a mask (使用筆刷工具在遮色片上塗刷時不定時發生問題)
GIF opens with incorrect number of layers/frames (以不正確的圖層/影格數開啟 GIF)
Lighting Effects does not work on Smart Objects (智慧型物件無法使用「光源效果」)
Artboard Full Screen mode jumps back to center (「工作區域全螢幕」模式跳回中心)
Quick Export does not work (快速轉存無法運作)
Auto-Complete in File Info does not work (檔案資訊中的自動完成無法運作)
Print dialog box does not retain settings on next use and the preview appears pixelated (列印對話方塊未保留設定供下次使用,預覽呈現像素化)
Video render is stuck at 50% (視訊渲染卡在 50%)
WIA support returns error (從文字圖層複製 SVG 時會發生錯誤)
Feathered mask displays incorrect value temporarily (羽化遮罩暫時顯示不正確的值)
UI doubled in size on Windows 10 (UI 在 Windows 10 中的大小加倍)
Displacement effects error message: Could Not Complete Request Because of Disc Error (置換效果錯誤訊息:因為磁碟錯誤,因此無法完成請求 )
Images open unexpectedly small with multiple monitor configuration (使用多部顯示器配置,圖片開啟意外地小)
Alt+click on adjustment layer does not prompt the New Layer dialog box on Windows (Alt+按一下調整圖層不會在 Windows 上提示「新建圖層」對話方塊)
Steals focus when you run batch processes with the Image Processor on Mac (在 Mac 上使用影像處理器執行批次處理時搶占焦點)
Editing and updating smart objects with mask mishandles the Smart Liquify effect (使用遮罩編輯和更新智慧型物件時,錯誤處理智慧液化效果)
Vibrance adjustment renders differently (自然飽和度調整的呈現方式不同)
Select All Layers no longer records in action (「選擇所有圖層」不再記錄動作)
Actions ignore modal control for renaming layer (動作忽略重新命名圖層的強制回應控制)
Patch Tool functionality issue with recent updates (最近更新的修補工具功能問題)
Action shortcut overrides keyboard shortcut without an error message (動作快速鍵覆寫鍵盤快速鍵,而不顯示錯誤訊息)
Crash on splash screen (在當機啟動畫面當機)
Black border don't print (黑色邊框未列印)
The dialog box displayed when you save a document doesn't relate to the relevant document (儲存文件時顯示的對話方塊不與相關文件有關)
Rotating a floating image with rulers visible doesn't resize the window correctly (在標尺顯示的情形下旋轉浮動影像,無法正確調整視窗大小)
Color mode when you open a PDF is random (開啟 PDF 時的色彩模式為隨機)
The limit error message for PSD file size is vague (PSD 檔案大小的限制錯誤訊息很模糊)
Color Range dialog box gets stuck in setting (色彩範圍對話方塊卡在設定)
View > Fit Artboard to Screen is disabled (檢視 > 將工作區域符合畫面已停用)
Replace color does not work (取代色彩無法運作)
Crash on Nik software in actions (動作中的 Nik 軟體當機)
Retina screen resolution slows path creation (Retina 螢幕解析度減慢路徑建立)
Accelerator keys broken in Layers Panel context menu (快速鍵中斷於「圖層面板」上下文功能表)
Color Picker for changing shape colors doesn't work with web colors enabled (用於變更形狀色彩的檢色器不適用於啟用網頁色彩時)
Build up doesn't work when smoothing is on (平滑化開啟時,建構無法運作)
Right-click paste function to change layer name to copied text doesn't work on macOS (按一下滑鼠右鍵貼上功能以將圖層名稱變更為複製的文字在 macOS 中無法運作)
Folder.selectDialog prompt text does not set in the dialog box on Windows (Windows 的對話方塊中未設定 Folder.selectDialog 提示文字)
Transform box bounces when you try to transform (嘗試轉換時轉換方塊反彈)
Raw data creates large file sizes (原始資料會建立大型檔案)
Paste into Metadata panel is dysfunctional (貼上到元資料面板功能失常)
Unable to use a shortcuts to Scroll Through The Layers with a European foreign language keyboard (無法使用快速鍵來使用歐洲外語鍵盤捲動圖層)
Levels dialog box auto options 'snap neutral midtones ' state resets when you change algorithms (圖層對話方塊自動選項「貼齊中色調」狀態在您變更演算法時重設)
JavaScript app.batch method ignores specified action set (JavaScript app.batch 方法忽略指定的動作集)
Photoshop becomes unresponsive after you add new layers using Creative Cloud Library (使用 Creative Cloud Library 增加新圖層後,Photoshop 無反應)
Artboard Blending options stopped working (工作區域混合選項停止運作)
Document status flyout is hard to read (文件狀態飛出視窗難以閱讀)
Layer > New > Artboard won't obey preset background color and stays bright white (「圖層 > 新增 > 工作區域」不遵守預設集背景顏色並保持亮白色)
Artboard Tool doesn't scale properly, even when constrained (即使受限制,工作區域工具也無法正確縮放)
Video Render displays the following error: The operation could not be completed. (視訊渲染顯示以下錯誤:操作無法完成。)
macOS picker doesn't load swatch on High Sierra (macOS 選擇器無法在 High Sierra 上載入色票)
Invalid numeric entry - An integer between 96 and 8 is required.Closest value inserted.Could not complete your request because there is not enough memory (RAM).(輸入的數字無效 - 須為介於 8 和 96 之間的整數。插入最接近的數值。無法完成您的請求,因為記憶體 (RAM) 不足)
編輯時當機 - 複製戳記、複製/貼上圖層遮色片與繪圖
Error 'Could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file' when opening image files (開啟影像檔案時發生「無法完成您的要求,因為此檔案格式模組無法剖析檔案」的錯誤)
僅限 Windows
Error 'Could not create a new document.There isn't enough room to display this document' when no windows or tabs are open. (在沒有開啟視窗或分頁時發生「無法建立新文件。沒有足夠空間可顯示此文件」的錯誤。)
僅限 Windows
使用「檢色器」取樣影像時失去焦點。Pressing the Enter key doesn't apply the sampled color and close the Color Picker dialog (使用「檢色器」取樣影像時失去焦點。按下 Enter 鍵不會套用取樣顏色,並會關閉「檢色器」對話方塊)
Relative checkbox state in the Canvas Size dialog no longer saved across sessions (無法再於各個工作階段中儲存「版面尺寸」對話方塊中的相對核取方塊狀態)
Eyedropper tool can't sample colors from outside the Photoshop app on Windows computer with NVIDIA drivers (在搭載 NVIDIA 驅動程式的 Windows 電腦上,「滴管」工具無法從 Photoshop 以外的應用程式取樣顏色)
Images are zoomed in unexpectedly when opened (影像在開啟時會無預期地放大顯示)
Right-click/contextual menus don't work correctly in Full Screen Mode (按一下滑鼠右鍵/上下文功能表無法正確運作於全螢幕模式)
Crash when creating a pin on non-contiguous puppet warp mesh (在不連續操控彎曲網格上建立圖釘時會當機)
The Print dialog box settings revert to default on launch. (啟動時,「列印」對話方塊設定恢復為預設設定。)
PNG images open with distortion. (PNG 影像開啟後呈現扭曲畫面。)
Unlinked layer mask does not resize with image . (未連結的圖層遮色片不會隨著影像調整大小。)
Wrong selection with a hidden layer in clipping mask. (裁剪遮罩中誤選隱藏圖層。)
Smallest swatch size fills large space on screen . (畫面以最小色票填滿大範圍空間。)
Mac stylus interaction with panels gets stuck in down state .(Mac 觸控筆與面板互動時在按下狀態下卡住。)
Legacy smoothing re-enables on launch when disabled. (即使已停用,舊版「平滑」功能仍會在啟動時重新啟用。)
在「寬度」或「長度」變更為 100% 後,使用工作區域工具時當機。
搭配 Photoshop CC 19.1 版使用「筆型」工具時發生問題
(僅限 macOS)
針對 16 位元大型 RGB 影像執行扭曲濾鏡時當機
On certain hardware configurations, the canvas draws at the wrong size in floating document frames. (在某些硬體組態上,畫布會以錯誤的尺寸繪製在浮動文件框架中。)
Crash while changing the
cursor to
when the Magnetic Lasso tool is selected (在選取磁性套索工具後將「其他」游標變更為「精確」游標時當機)
TIFF 檔案以未對齊的標籤資料撰寫。
Issue while finding the path specified for the CanoScan 9000F Mark II scanner (尋找指定用於 CanoScan 9000F Mark II 掃描器的路徑時發生問題)
(僅限 Windows)
Photoshop CC 2018 Generator not working (Photoshop CC 2018 產生器無法運作)
Cursor flickers in floating panels (浮動面板中的游標閃爍)
Canvas resize action records as inches and breaks actions recorded using percentage (執行畫布尺寸調整作業時,記錄中所顯示的單位是英吋,而執行細分項目作業時,卻使用百分比做為顯示單位)
Fonts do not update in real-time when changed in the character palette (在字元浮動視窗變更字型後,字型未即時更新)
Unable to export PNG image sequences in Video Timeline (無法在影片時間軸中轉存 PNG 影像序列)
Brushes are not visible on screen (無法在畫面中找到筆刷)
Ctrl+Alt/Alt shortcut does not work to change brush sizes and hardness on Windows 10 (Windows 10 的「Ctrl+Alt/Alt」快速鍵無法變更筆刷大小及硬度)
Brush Picker in context menu is slower to invoke (內容功能表中的筆刷挑選器的叫用速度變慢)
Unresponsive interface when you select brush preset (選取筆刷預設集時界面無回應)
Copy and Paste string from Save dialog is not working as it had in previous versions (從「儲存」對話方塊複製並貼上字串的功能無法如舊版般正常運作)
EPS raster dialog appears when using Place Link/Embedded (使用「置入連結/嵌入」時出現 EPS 點陣對話方塊)
Vibrance adjustment renders differently between 18.x and 19.x (自然飽和度調整在 18.x 和 19.x 版中會呈現不同結果)
Lighting Effects rendered differently between versions (光源效果在不同版本會呈現不同結果)
Paste in Place with copied layer does not work on playback (無法在播放時就地貼上複製的圖層)
Floating document windows in fullscreen with menu bar causes window to jump to center (在包含功能表列的全螢幕模式下,浮動文件視窗跳到畫面中心)
Unable to trim file from Libraries (無法從資料庫修剪檔案)
Brush resize is less fluid with Brushes panel visible (顯示「筆刷」面板時,不容易調整筆刷尺寸)
Brush tool switches to Erase tool (筆刷工具切換為擦除工具)
Up and down arrows for Text size does not give live updates (使用向上、向下鍵調整文字大小時,系統無法即時顯示更新資訊)
Cannot type a/b channel values <-100 in LAB curves (無法在 LAB 曲線中輸入 <-100 的 a/b 色版值)
Smart Object animation transform does not track bottom-right point correctly (智慧型物件動畫轉換無法正確追蹤右下角的點)
Increase maximum zoom level to 12,800% (提高最大縮放等級至 12,800%)
Moving paths in the Paths panel alters the stacking order unexpectedly (「路徑」面板中的移動路徑會造成堆疊順序意外變更)
Liquifying command moves guides in certain cases (液化指令在部分情況下會移動參考線)
Unable to select vector mask if it's disabled (無法在停用向量圖遮色片時進行選取)
Select and Mask tool gives program error (「選取並遮住」工具會導致程式發生錯誤)
Alt+Scroll zoom does not center on the cursor (透過 Alt+Scroll 進行縮放時未以游標為中心)
Scalable user interface for high resolution monitors (可為高解析度螢幕縮放使用者介面)
Rulers indicators appear offset from real cursor position (標尺指標偏離實際游標位置)
Rendering issues such as app freeze and blank ending in created mp4 (在建立的 mp4 檔案中發生應用程式凍結及空白結尾等演算問題)
Patch Tool functionality issue after update (更新後發生「修補工具」功能問題)
Unable to edit with Quick Mask when mask is disabled (當遮色片停用時,無法使用快速遮色片進行編輯)
Setting locking on a layer group does not work in actions or scripting (在過動作或指令碼中無法設定鎖定圖層群組)
File > Export As does not support Accessibility and Default Folder X 5 (「檔案 > 轉存為」不支援協助工具和「預設資料夾 X 5」)
Unable to use standard keyboard shortcuts in the Export dialog box on Mac (無法在 Mac 版的「轉存」對話方塊中使用標準鍵盤快速鍵)
Free transforming an unlinked shape layer transforms the layer mask as well (任意變形未連結的形狀圖層時,也會同時變形圖層遮色片)
Crop Tool and scrubby zoom do not work together (無法同時使用裁切工具和拖曳縮放)
Support for 4k 螢幕
Healing and Spot Healing brush lag (「修復」與「污點修復」筆刷延遲)
Shortcuts using Alt key aren't working correctly (使用 Alt 鍵的快速鍵無法正確運作) (Windows)
Character leading can't be manually edited after text transform (在文字變形後,無法手動編輯字元開頭)
Select and Mask tool gives program error (「選取並遮住」工具會導致程式發生錯誤)
Photoshop crashes when pasting frames in Frame Animation timeline (在影格動畫時間軸中,貼上影格時 Photoshop 發生當機)
Resize image during Place not working correctly (「在置放時調整影像尺寸」無法正常運作)
Smoothing is unexpectedly re-enabled (「平滑」功能意外重新啟用)
Crash when pasting frames in timeline mode (在時間軸模式貼上邊框時會當機)
Support copy and paste layers (支援複製並貼上圖層)
Unable to use 's' or 'l' in copyright field of Image Processor when launched from Bridge on Windows (在 Windows 上使用 Bridge 啟動影像處理器時,無法在版權欄位中使用「s」或「l」)
Photoshop hangs or crashes while using filters such as Liquify on macOS Sierra (在 macOS Sierra 使用濾鏡 (例如「液化」) 時,Photoshop會停止回應或當機)
Show Recent Files workspace preference does not open after CC desktop app update ( (進行 CC 桌面應用程式更新 ( 後,無法開啟「顯示最近使用的檔案」工作區的偏好設定)
Layer Style - Outer Glow doesn't render properly after Adobe CC 2017 upgrade (圖層樣式 - 進行 Adobe CC 2017 升級後,「外光暈」無法正確呈現)
Crash in Adaptive Wide Angle filter (「最適化廣角」濾鏡的當機問題)
Windows | Crash after opening and closing ~3500 images (Windows | 開啟和關閉最多 3500 個影像後的當機問題)
Windows | COM scripting error while opening a file when Start is enabled (Windows | 在啟用「開始」時開啟檔案的 COM 指令碼錯誤)
Unable to save an animated GIF with a loop count >32 (無法儲存重複次數超過 32 次的動畫 GIF)
Panels, windows, and files disappear (面板、視窗和檔案的消失問題)
Constrain Patch Dragging option deselecting itself (「限制路徑拖曳」選項取消選取自身)
ACR: Merge to HDR Pro in 32-bit fails (ACR:在 32 位元模式中合併為 HDR Pro 失敗)
Exporting artboards at sizes other than 1x straightens crop rotation on Smart Objects (轉存 1x 以外尺寸的工作區域會拉直智慧型物件的裁切旋轉)
Alt key shortcut activates menu (Alt 鍵快速鍵會啟用選單)
Copy and Paste from File in Finder doesn't work as expected (在 Finder 中從檔案複製和貼上未如預期運作)
Turning off artboard visibility doesn't turn off artboard extras (grids) (關閉工作區域可見度無法關閉工作區域額外項目 (格點))
Ability to set EXR default transparency preferences (設定 EXR 預設透明度偏好設定的功能)
Editing & confirming layer group name without changing anything removes all child layer colors (未變更任何項目就編輯和確認圖層群組名稱會移除所有子圖層色彩)
Custom Measurement Scale is not saved with the file (自訂度量等級未與檔案一同儲存)
Units problem in Print dialog box (「列印」對話方塊中的單位問題)
Liquify Tool moves the layer down while working on it (在圖層作業時,「液化」工具會將該圖層向下移動)
Export As does not export file as expected (Color fill mask affects dimensions of exported image) (「轉存為」無法如預期地轉存檔案 (色彩填色遮色片會影響轉存影像的大小))
Lock all layers in group doesn't lock nor unlock groups inside a group. (鎖定群組中的全部圖層無法鎖定也無法解除鎖定群組內的群組。)
Path deselects when you convert it to a selection (將路徑轉換為選取範圍時,系統會取消選取路徑)
Issue using Esc key to cancel Image Processor (使用 Esc 鍵取消影像處理器時會發生問題)
Color Picker can't pick foreground or background color from inside the picker dialog box (檢色器無法從檢色器對話方塊內選取前景色或背景色)
Unable to edit Pen Tool path size and color (無法編輯「筆型工具」路徑尺寸與色彩)
Windows 7 | Renaming layers or layer groups causes crash after using layer filter (Windows 7 | 重新命名圖層或圖層群組,會在使用圖層濾鏡後導致當機)
Cannot add color balance adjustment layer in LAB mode (無法在 LAB 模式新增色彩平衡調整圖層)
Mac | Image shifts while dragging to or from the second monitor (Mac | 從第二台螢幕上拖曳影像 (或將影像拖曳至第二台螢幕) 時會發生偏移)
When launching Photoshop it recurringly takes focus from another applications/tasks on Windows (在 Windows 啟動 Photoshop 時,Photoshop 會反覆移到最前方,覆蓋其他應用程式/工作)
Opacity Toggle on Option bar does not disable setting when preset has Transfer enabled (預設集啟用「傳輸」時,「不透明度啟用選項」列無法停用設定)
Adobe Spaces Helper crash (Adobe Spaces Helper 當機)
Photoshop doesn't open certain JPEG files (Photoshop 無法開啟特定 JPEG 檔案)
Paste as plain text (以純文字貼上)
Filter > Camera Raw not compatible with new iPhone Color Profile (「濾鏡 > Camera Raw」與新的 iPhone 色彩描述檔不相容)
Files from batch processing appear in Start recent list (在「最近啟動的檔案」清單中顯示批次處理的檔案)
Dragging warp handle on Smart Object causes the opposite warp handle to move (拖曳智慧型物件上的彎曲控點會導致對面的彎曲控點移動)
Tool Preset does not load the correct brush (「工具預設集」無法載入正確筆刷)
Can't duplicate a group below a current group (無法在目前群組下複製群組)
Wrong file size with Export As or Quick Export (「轉存為」或「快速轉存」會導致檔案大小錯誤)
Video playhead is out of sync (影片播放磁頭不同步)
Photoshop hangs after 323 image resize action on macOS Sierra (Photoshop 在 macOS Sierra 中進行 323 次調整影像大小動作後停止回應)
Paint Bucket Tool produces a different color than the selected color (油漆桶工具產生所選色彩以外的色彩)
Color lookup displays a blank screen when GPU is off (關閉 GPU 時,色彩查詢會顯示空白畫面)
Clicking X changes gradients unexpectedly (按一下 X 會意外地變更漸層)
Opening Preferences resets Path Tool options (開啟「偏好設定」會重設「路徑工具」選項)
Brush stroke smoothing missing (筆刷筆畫平滑化遺失)
Reset adjustment layers grayed out (重設調整圖層呈現灰色狀態)
Preview toggle button in HDR toning does not work (HDR 色調中的預覽切換按鈕無法運作)
Changing Artboard units does not change the number (變更工作區域單位無法變更數字)
Mirror paint, symmetric, or seamless tile paint function is not supported (不支援鏡射繪製、對稱繪製或無接縫繪製功能)
Better preset organization not supported (不支援更好的預設集組織)
我們注意到 iPadOS 13.3 上與檢色器互動或複製圖層時發生的當機問題。若要修正此問題,請更新至 iPadOS 13.4。
的選取檢視模式已轉為符合桌面版 (專業提示:如果有附加鍵盤,請按
改善舊 iPad 型號上使用較少記憶體的「選取主體」效能。
修正「高斯模糊」工具顯示的 UI 錯誤。
調整 UI 以解決有關圖層縮圖、關閉彈出視窗、離線時重新整理,以及工具選項的問題。
已更新 Creative Cloud Libraries 以正確同步資料夾;修正 Adobe Stock 授權相片和浮水印的問題。
已更新高斯模糊和觸控快速鍵工具,以解決鍵盤和 UI 錯誤。
解決導致檔案開啟時當機、正確影像尺寸以及分割螢幕檢視 UI 錯誤的一些問題。
我們相當重視您對於 Photoshop 的意見與評估!目前已在應用程式內實作了審查功能,您可以在此提出功能請求,以及針對您的體驗立即提供意見反應。
感謝您持續提供意見反應和輸入 - 歡迎前往網路上的
我們知道,登入可能是使用軟體時可能遇到的阻礙之一,因此我們特地稍加改善,期能協助您探索 iPad 版 Photoshop,暢行無阻!
修正「連線到 Adobe 伺服器時發生問題」的錯誤。請稍後再試。
這項修正可協助您解決無法點選連結或來回移動瀏覽的問題,改善效果明顯!我們再次修正 Photoshop 使用手冊以提供實用說明。如要尋找此資訊,請點選編輯器中的「?」。