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The TypeError you're encountering, specifically TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'type' , typically occurs when you're using the argparse library to parse command-line arguments, and you're trying to use type as an argument name, but type is a reserved keyword in argparse .

In argparse , type is used to specify the data type that the argument should be converted to. For example, you can use type=int to indicate that the argument should be converted to an integer.

Here's an example of how to properly use argparse :

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--number', type=int, help='An integer argument')
args = parser.parse_args()

In this example, the type=int argument indicates that the --number argument should be treated as an integer.

If you're encountering the TypeError while defining your arguments, make sure you're not using type as an argument name. Instead, choose a different name for your argument that doesn't conflict with reserved keywords like type .


  1. "TypeError: init () got an unexpected keyword argument 'type' in argparse"

    Description: This error typically occurs when using the argparse module in Python and providing an unexpected keyword argument, such as 'type', to the init () method of an ArgumentParser instance. It suggests a need to understand the correct usage of keyword arguments when defining command-line arguments.


    # Example code demonstrating TypeError in argparse with unexpected keyword argument 'type'
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance with an unexpected keyword argument 'type'
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(type=int)  # 'type' is not a valid keyword argument
  2. "Python argparse unexpected keyword argument 'type'"

    Description: This query indicates a desire to resolve issues related to unexpected keyword arguments, specifically 'type', in the argparse module of Python. It suggests a need to understand which keyword arguments are valid when using ArgumentParser.


    # Example code illustrating the usage of argparse without unexpected keyword argument 'type'
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance without 'type' keyword argument
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  3. "Resolve TypeError in argparse with 'type' argument"

    Description: This query suggests searching for solutions to TypeError exceptions caused by providing the 'type' argument incorrectly in argparse. It indicates a need to troubleshoot issues related to specifying data types for command-line arguments.


    # Example code demonstrating resolution of TypeError in argparse with 'type' argument
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance with correct usage of 'type' argument
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--number', type=int)  # Correct usage of 'type' for specifying integer type
  4. "Python argparse type argument usage"

    Description: This query indicates a desire to understand the correct usage of the 'type' argument in argparse for specifying data types of command-line arguments. It suggests a need for guidance on how to define argument types effectively.


    # Example code illustrating the correct usage of 'type' argument in argparse
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance with 'type' argument for integer type
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--number', type=int)  # Specifying integer type for command-line argument
  5. "Python argparse unexpected keyword argument error"

    Description: This query suggests a need to troubleshoot errors related to unexpected keyword arguments in argparse. It indicates a desire to understand and resolve issues encountered when using ArgumentParser to parse command-line arguments.


    # Example code demonstrating troubleshooting unexpected keyword argument error in argparse
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance with correct usage of keyword arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  6. "Python argparse TypeError with 'type' keyword"

    Description: This query suggests searching for explanations and solutions to TypeError exceptions caused by incorrect usage of the 'type' keyword in argparse. It indicates a need to understand how to specify argument types properly for command-line parsing.


    # Example code illustrating the correct usage of 'type' keyword in argparse without TypeError
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance with 'type' argument for integer type
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--number', type=int)  # Specifying integer type for command-line argument
  7. "Python argparse unexpected argument 'type'"

    Description: This query indicates a desire to troubleshoot issues related to unexpected arguments, particularly 'type', in argparse. It suggests a need to identify and resolve problems encountered when defining command-line arguments with ArgumentParser.


    # Example code demonstrating argparse usage without unexpected argument 'type'
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance without unexpected argument 'type'
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  8. "Python argparse argument type specification"

    Description: This query suggests a need to understand how to specify argument types effectively in argparse. It indicates an interest in learning about the 'type' parameter and its role in defining the data type of command-line arguments.


    # Example code illustrating the usage of argparse with argument type specification
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance with 'type' argument for specifying data type
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--number', type=int)  # Specifying integer type for command-line argument
  9. "Python argparse argument parsing TypeError"

    Description: This query indicates a desire to resolve TypeError exceptions encountered during argument parsing with argparse. It suggests a need to troubleshoot issues related to parsing command-line arguments using ArgumentParser.


    # Example code demonstrating resolution of TypeError in argparse argument parsing
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance and parsing arguments without TypeError
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
  10. "Python argparse unexpected keyword 'type' error"

    Description: This query suggests a need to resolve errors related to unexpected keywords, specifically 'type', in argparse. It indicates a desire to understand and troubleshoot issues encountered when using ArgumentParser for command-line argument parsing.


    # Example code demonstrating argparse usage without unexpected keyword 'type' error
    import argparse
    # Creating an ArgumentParser instance without unexpected keyword 'type'
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

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