CALCULATE ( [Total Sales],
FILTER ( ALL ( filter_column_1 ), [Calculation] > criteria)
Worked Example: link to example
SUMIF when ONLY a certain condition is true
SUMIF = CALCULATE ( [Total Sales],
KEEPFILTERS ( filter_column = "criteria" ) )
Worked Example: link to example
I need to sum values only IF a condition is true, help! (sumif)
We can do this in excel with a single formula:
CALCULATE ( [Total Sales] ,
FILTER ( ALL ( 'Product'[Brand] ), [Total Sales] > 10000000 )
This is a more complex filter.
The filter calculates [Total Sales] for each Brand
The filter then uses this result to remove Brands with less than £10m from the table of Brands.
[Total Sales] is then finally calculated only for these brands.
Dynamic Data Analyst.
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