强健的小马驹 · 湖州创成国家公交都市建设示范城市· 3 月前 · |
焦虑的扁豆 · 從東京出發前往大阪最推薦交通手段就是搭新幹線 ...· 4 月前 · |
谦逊的红茶 · 乾隆泉州府志 76卷 乾隆28年刻本 ...· 5 月前 · |
跑龙套的单杠 · 颜建国:说说苏轼《记承天寺夜游》之外的那些事 ...· 5 月前 · |
留胡子的扁豆 · 宋朝进行时2:人文鼎盛 - 野狐狸 - 微信读书· 6 月前 · |
If you find any issues with this page or its content – a typo, a missing step, or a technical error – let us know how we can improve!
This monthly release includes all previous generally available patches for Talend Studio 8.0.1.
For more information about the new features and bug fixes included in this monthly release, see Talend Release Notes .
Consider the following requirements for your system:
Before applying an update to Talend Studio, check:
If your Talend Studio supports installing features using the Feature Manager wizard, it can detect and notify you about available patches and install the patches automatically when the Update URL is correctly set up in Talend Studio.
For more information about the Feature Manager wizard, see Managing features in Talend Studio .
For more information about setting up the Update URL, see Configuring update repositories .
To install the patch using Talend CI builder, use the
option at build time.
Note :
For more information, see Building and Deploying .
CVE-2023-34453,CVE-2023-34454,CVE-2023-34455,CVE-2023-43642 (org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java,1.0.5,,, impacted:
BD components
DQ Libraries
DQ components
DI components
CVE-2023-44981 (org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.6.2) impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2023-2976,CVE-2020-8908 (com.google.guava:guava:30.1.*,27.0-jre), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-7614 (org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:5.6.3), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-42550 (logback-classic-1.2.3.jar), impacted:
BD components
(None) (netty-handler:4.1.100.Final), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-33201 (bcprov-jdk15on:1.70), impacted:
APPINT components
DI components
CVE-2023-35887 (sshd-sftp:2.9.2), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-46120 (amqp-client:5.16.0), impacted:
DI components
CCVE-2013-2160 (woodstox-core-asl:4.0.8), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-44487 (netty-codec-http2:4.1.86.Final,4.1.97.Final), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-46604 (activemq-client 5.17.2), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-5072 (Json:20230227), impacted:
APPINT components
DQ components
DI components
CVE-2015-7501 (net.sourceforge.collections:collections-generic 4.01), impacted:
CVE-2023-36478, CVE-2023-40167, CVE-2023-36479 (http2-hpack, jetty-http, jetty-servlets:9.4.51.v20230217), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-39410 (avro:1.8.1, 1.10.2, 1.11.1, 1.11.2), impacted:
APPINT components
DQ components
BD components
DI components
CVE-2023-34610 (com.cedarsoftware:json-io 4.13.1-TALEND), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2023-44483 (xmlsec:2.2.3), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-46751 (ivy-2.5.2.jar), impacted:
BD components
DI components
CVE-2023-34462 (netty-all-4.1.94.Final.jar) impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-14887 (org.wildfly.openssl:wildfly-openssl-java:1.0.10.Final), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-33201 (bcprov-jdk18on-1.77.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-33546 (janino-3.1.10.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-44981 (zookeeper:3.6.3), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-43642 (org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java, impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-33980 (commons-configuration2:2.7), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-44487 (tomcat-embed-core:9.0.79, io.netty:netty-codec-http2:4.1.94.Final), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-45688 (org.json:json:20201115), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-44981 (org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.5.9), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-46604 (activemq-client,activemq-openwire-legacy:5.17.4), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2021-46877 (jackson-databind:2.11.3), impacted:
APPINT components
(netty-handler:4.1.94.Final), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-34610 (json-io:4.9.9) impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-2976 (guava-30.1-jre.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-3635 (okio:1.6.0) impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-25649 (jackson-databind-2.10.2.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.4.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-22946 (spark-core:3.3.1), impacted:
BD components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2023-31418 (elasticsearch:7.17.1) impacted:
CVE-2023-26048 (jetty-util:9.4.51.v20230217) impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-34462 (netty-handler:4.1.86.Final) impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-44487,CVE-2023-45648 (tomcat-coyote:9.0.80) impacted:
DI components
CVE-2014-125087 (java-xmlbuilder:0.4) impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-33546 (janino:2.7.6), impacted:
DI components
APPINT components
CVE-2023-2976 (guava:30.0-jre), impacted:
DI components
APPINT components
BD components
CVE-2023-28513 (com.ibm.mq.allclient:, impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-34462 (netty-handler:4.1.92.Final), impacted:
APPINT components
(spring-core:5.3.21), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2023-25194 (org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:2.8.2), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.4.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-31159 (aws-java-sdk-s3:1.12.170), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-34455 (snappy-java-, impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-23305 (commons-configuration2:2.8.0) impacted:
DI components
CVE-2010-1330 (jline:1.0) impacted:
CVE-2022-1471 (snakeyaml:1.32-1.33) impacted:
CVE-2023-3635 (okio:1.15.0) impacted:
CVE-2022-23305 (commons-configuration2:2.8.0) impacted:
CVE-2023-34454 (snappy-java: impacted:
CVE-2023-1370 (json-smart:2.4.7), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2009-1523, CVE-2011-4461 (jetty-util-6.1.26.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2018-10237 (guava-11.0.2.jar,guava-18.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-2692 (mysql-connector-java-3.1.14.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-30126,CVE-2022-30973 (tika-core-2.1.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-21449 (nimbus-jose-jwt-8.23.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-5403 (reactor-netty-0.9.4.RELEASE.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-30535 (snowflake-jdbc-3.13.29.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2018-17244,CVE-2019-7614 (elasticsearch-5.6.3.jar,elasticsearch-6.4.2.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-0201 (zookeeper-3.4.12.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-1926 (hive-service-2.3.7.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-34455,CVE-2023-34453,CVE-2023-34454 (,, 1.0.5,,, impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-44729,CVE-2022-44730 (org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-xxx.jar), impacted:
DQ components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2023-34462 (netty-handler:4.1.90.Final), impacted:
CVE-2023-34034 (spring-security-config-5.7.8.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-42889 (commons-text-1.8.jar, commons-text-1.9.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2014-125087 (java-xmlbuilder-1.0.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-25647 (gson-2.7.0.jar, gson-2.8.6.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-33265 (hazelcast-5.2.1.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2021-35517 (commons-compress-1.19.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2021-31684 (json-smart-2.3.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-45688 (json-20200518.jar, json-20220320.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2017-1000487 (plexus-utils-3.0.8) impacted:
CVE-2023-34610 (json-io:4.9.9) impacted:
CVE-2012-5783 (commons-httpclient:3.1) impacted:
CVE-2023-37460 (plexus-archiver:4.2.2,4.2.1,4.2.0,3.6.0) impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2020-8908,CVE-2023-2976 (guava:30.0-jre) impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-31777 (spark-core_2.12-3.3.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2014-3577 (httpclient-4.0.1.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-13956 (org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.12), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-29425 (hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-34455,CVE-2023-34453,CVE-2023-34454 (snappy-java:, impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-1370 (json-smart:2.4.7), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-33201 (bcprov-jdk15on:1.69), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-25194 (kafka-clients:3.2.3), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-29599 (maven-shared-utils:0.9.0) impacted:
CVE-2023-25194 (org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:3.1.2,3.2.3), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2021-4178 (kubernetes-client-5.4.1.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2009-4611 (jetty-6.1.26.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-1370 (json-smart-2.4.7.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.4.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-30535 (snowflake-jdbc:3.13.28), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2023-20860 (spring-webmvc:5.3.26), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2023-1436 (jettison-1.5.3.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-23437 (xercesImpl:2.12.0), impacted:
CVE-2020-5421 (org.springframework:spring-framework-bom:5.2.7.RELEASE), impacted:
CVE-2021-35515 (org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.12), impacted:
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (jose4j-0.9.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (org.apache.maven:maven-core:3.8.6), impacted:
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.4.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-31159 / CVE-2022-31159 (aws-java-sdk-bundle 1.11.375 / 1.11.760), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-1926 (hive-service-2.1.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-46364 (cxf related jars), impacted:
MDM components
CVE-2014-3004 (org.codehaus.castor:castor:1.1), impacted:
CVE-2022-1471 (org.talend.designer.tdqrule), impacted:
CVE-2022-40152 (com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.2.6), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-36033 (org.jsoup:jsoup:1.14.3), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-1370 (json-smart-2.4.7.jar), impacted:
DI components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2020-11987 (batik-all:1.10.jar), impacted:
DQ Components
CVE-2023-20861,CVE-2023-20863 (spring-expression:5.3.20), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-1436 (jettison:1.5.3), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2021-37533 (commons-net-3.6.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-45688 (json-20140107.jar, json-20090211.jar), impacted:
BD components
DI components
CVE-2020-7692(google-oauth-client-1.30.1.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-46363 (cxf-rt-transports-http-3.4.7.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-28491(jackson-dataformat-cbor 2.10.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-36518 (jackson-databind:, impacted:
BD components
CVE-2015-2156 (netty-3.6.2.Final), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-14893 (jackson-databind-2.6.7), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-42003,CVE-2022-42004 (jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
DQ components
CVE-2021-36373,CVE-2021-36374 (ant:1.10.9), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-23437 (xercesImpl:2.12.0), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2023-26048 (jetty-server:11.0.11), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2023-30535 (snowflake-jdbc:3.13.8), impacted:
TDI-49611 - Bump and align common-csv 1.10.0
TDI-49538 - Avoid to call routines.TalendString in subprocess header in common javajet, as it's a slow method
TDI-49305 - Creating tables using the Dynamic Schema does not use the schema details collected by the Dynamic Schema
TDI-49659 - Some Temporary files created by components (tMap) are not deleted
TDI-49489 - tFTPConnection code generation wrongly after switch authentication method
TUP-36527 - Improve Xml file processing security
TUP-38334 - job showing error when running from studio on remote jobserver
TUP-38108 - Job changes lost on close+save job with dirty joblet
TUP-38314 - Guess schema fails with the warning "org.slf4j.impl.Reload4jMDCAdapter.put(Reload4jMDCAdapter.java:60)"
TUP-38452 - Talend 6.3.1 to Talend 8.0.1 Migration Issues in tELT components
TUP-38366 - Git History not available after checking out branch
TUP-38801 - Left uncommitted files intact when logon a project for standard git mode
TUP-38462 - Review migration tasks added after 8.0.1 release to make sure Studio generate good migration report
TUP-38911 - Can't resize input/output table in tmap dialog
TUP-38901 - Studio can not invoke SSO client if no jre on mac os environment variables
TUP-38181 - Remove old avro libraries
TUP-38456 - Ordering of "Run If" Triggers changes when joblet included in job
TUP-38264 - The online help link was not directed the user to the proper content in the "Publish to Cloud" dialog
TUP-38310 - Import items : Got error when "Run Analysis"
TUP-38348 - [8.0.1] Retrieve scheme for DB2 database in Talend does not retrieve PK
TUP-38455 - "Get folder by ID" can't work when create boxv2 dataset from metadata wizard
APPINT-35554 - First route build after project login can fail
APPINT-35510 - Fix potential XXE issue in TracerEventMessageParser
TBD-14916 - Runtime exception on Streaming job with DynamoDB components on Spark Universal 2.4 Local
TBD-14987 - tHadoopConfManagertHiveConnection1 Hadoop configuration jar not found
TBD-15006 - [Linux] Fields in Metadata for Universal are displayed as corrupted after reopening the existing one
TBD-15015 - tFileInputDelimited delimiter cannot be more than one character
TBD-15053 - [DBR Metadata] Values "Driver node type" and "Node type" can't be set when create a new Metadata
TBD-15063 - Runtime error "java.lang.RuntimeException: For input string: " "36551""" in tFileInputDelimited
TBD-15073 - Compile error when Row Separator in tFileInputDelimited is "@"
TBD-15074 - tCassandraOutput compilation error for all Universal spark local
TBD-15114 - compilation error on batch job for Cassandra component with EMR62
TBD-15141 - Add label to 'path/to/hadoop_conf.jar' in 'Yarn cluster' mode for spark universal
TBD-15142 - RDD implementation of SPL31xIOdelimited have an error
TBD-15143 - Migrate to use 3.1 spark libraries in Synapse distribution
TBD-15155 - Error when tFilterColumn is connected to a tManagePartitions component
TBD-15158 - Jobs on Synapse via Universal 3.3 is failed because of runtime exception
TBD-15159 - Unable to pass values of context variables using Universal Spark launcher in Cluster mode
TDQ-20816 - org.talend.dataquality.semantic added as a JAR file
TDQ-21204 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue when the report datamart is snowflake
New features in R2023-04
APPINT-18348 - Improve Code Editor for cConfig
APPINT-35444 - Improve Code Editor for cProcessor
APPINT-35477 - Improve Code Editor for cBeanRegister
APPINT-35400 - tRestClient: add dynamic setting for "Advanced settings"/"Log messages"
TBD-14943 - GA: Universal Spark 3.3.x - Databricks runtime 12.x
TBD-14942 - GA - Universal Spark 3.3 for AWS EMR clusters
TBD-14451 - new component tHBaseDeleteRows SparkBatch component
TBD-12991 - Beta: Universal Spark 3.3 and 3.2 for Azure Synapse Spark pools
TUP-34619 - Studio Dark Mode and UI simplification
TUP-38478 - tHTTPClient - new tck connector
TUP-36966 - Use standard git storage mode in new workspace(GA)
TDI-47003 - TCK - New tBox connector in Tck for Studio
TDI-46699 - Add a global variable to tDBRow to track inserts and updates(row count) for Teradata DB
TDI-47760 - Add global variable "NB_LINE" for tMSSqlRow Component
TDI-47759 - Add global variable "NB_LINE" for tAzureSynapseRow Component
TDI-45256 - Add global variable "NB_LINE" for tRedshiftRow Component
TDI-49447 - Upgrade Snowflake driver to latest version
CVEs fixed in R2023-04
CVE-2022-3171 (libphonenumber-7.2.8.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-45688 (json-20140107.jar, json-20090211.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Components
CVE-2022-41854,CVE-2022-38752,CVE-2022-1471(snakeyaml-1.26.jar, snakeyaml-1.31.jar, snakeyaml-1.32.jar, snakeyaml-1.33.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Components
CVE-2022-40152(woodstox-core-5.3.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-41828 (redshift-jdbc42-, impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-10086(commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-34917 (org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients 2.4.0,2.7.0,2.8.0,2.8.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-28491(jackson-dataformat-cbor 2.10.0,2.10.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2018-3258(mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-45787 (org.apache.james:apache-mime4j:0.6), impacted:
CVE-2021-26291 ( pax-url-aether-2.6.2.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-23710 CVE-2022-23708 (elastic related jars), impacted:
CVE-2022-41881 (netty related jars), impacted:
CVE-2023-26464 (log4j jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2019-12415 (poi-4.0.1.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2023-04
TDI-49521 - tBigQuerySQLRow & Input Advanced setting label change
TDI-47974 - Avoid locale dependent call to toLowerCase
TDI-49470 - Use try-with-resources in the codegen footer
TDI-49434 - MDC logging does not work with different Java threads
TDI-49487 - tBigQuerySqlRow error : index must be less than size if BigQuery request contains a FOR statement
TDI-49582 - Workday Reference with cache
TDI-49560 - Align talendcsv jar for tCassandraOutputBulk
TDI-49549 - BigQuery statement throws null pointer exception
TDI-49341 - Snowflake component in Talend 8 not loading data to Snowflake, same job works in Talend 7
TDI-49580 - Enable 'Convert bson document to JSON string' checkbox by default in MongoDB input for migrated jobs
TDI-31777 - TOS tfileInputDelimited truncates CSV data without warning
TDI-49458 - skip empty row not working in tfileInputPositional
TDI-49258 - Upgrade DSSL to support empty json record
TDI-49614 - "Null value in non-Nullable column" error when executing tDBCDC
TDI-49340 - Guess schema / list tables does work snowflake component when using authentication using Okta
TDI-49313 - [Security]: SQL Inject risk
TUP-37855 - Need to improve logging if can't download jars
TUP-38173 - Changing context variable name of a joblet's context multiple times leads to context being converted to built-in
TUP-38212 - Built-in context variables behaved incorrectly in job with joblet
TUP-38233 - MongoDB connection always failed connect in the first time in wizard
TUP-38335 - Delay between locking/unlocking jobs in Studio 8.0 and TAC (both latest patch version)
TUP-38282 - Guess Schema doesn't show Context options
TUP-37990 - remove custom bundle org.bouncycastle.bcprov
TUP-37227 - Issue building when items names too long
TUP-38297 - Improve Update settings for user/password
TUP-38316 - [801 CI/CD] Duplicate Parameter error in the artifact and creating the task
TUP-38361 - Update Detection issue - Not all changes are propogated at once.
TUP-38234 - Restore Job name and description editing in Job tab
TUP-38617 - Can't switch back to old mode after changing workspace
TUP-38199 - Remove updates section from Studio preferences
TUP-38139 - context tab doesn't get updated after press 'undo'
TUP-37730 - Updated generic schema name is not reflecting in the component Table field
TUP-38443 - Integrate New tBoxv2 connector
TUP-38561 - [performance] Studio crash when continuously run more than 2hours from automation test
TUP-38109 - improve: update patch system first before fixing os profile
TDM-9988 - Remove commons-io 2.6 shade
TDM-9951 - JSON Reader fails on null group sequence
TDM-9888 - Group still visible in output when created as "not visible" in the data mapper structure
TDM-9930 - Upgrade to swagger-parser 2.1.12
APPINT-35375 - Importing APIs leads to unclear warning messages
APPINT-35059 - Cleanup BUILD_TYPE update triggers in Studio (components part)
APPINT-35439 - cRecipientList component Timeout value in Studio 8.0.1 does not work
APPINT-35441 - Route is failing with "Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/camel/attachment/AttachmentMessage" when cMail component is used
APPINT-35452 - Error org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Invalid Manifest header "Bundle-Version": 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
TBD-13259 - DBR64 - Simple job with Date or Short schema type fails
TBD-14900 - [8.0.1] performance issue with tHBaseInput component in Big Data Batch job
TBD-14905 - Mongo Atlas Connection : Error After applying patch "R2022-09-7.3.1"
TBD-14926 - Java Compilation Errors with tTopBy Component after applying R202209 Patch
TBD-14951 - OracleDB Migration task affecting DI Jobs
TBD-14985 - Incorrect field names for Databricks via Universal in Wizard
TBD-14986 - Transient cluster and Interactive cluster for Databricks are not renamed according to - TBD-14745
TBD-14998 - Compile error in DynamoDB components with DBR 7.3
TBD-15001 - Remove tFlume components from 8.0 Studio
TBD-15010 - IOdelimitedcsvmultiCharacterInclude_Header Failed RDD
TBD-15016 - class version incompatibility of with standalone spark cluster 3.2.1
TBD-15045 - wrong jar name for spark-cassandra-connector-assembly
TBD-15049 - cassandra job have an exeception on spl30
TBD-15059 - Cassandra spark batch job fail on spl31 and spl24x
TBD-15069 - ClassNotFoundException when I run spark batch job with tCacheOut and set lzf for compress code
TBD-15075 - Code error in tHiveWarehouseOutput when used Stream Job with "Enable Hive Partitions"
TDQ-19715 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue causing the component to fail on Java 8
TDQ-21003 - Improved the UI when 'Overwrite existing items' option is selected
New features in R2023-03
TDI-49107 - Add support for inputrow / outputrow for tJavaFlex
TDI-48872 - Support China Azure and other region on AzureStorage components
TDI-48917 - tAzureStorageConnection component to specify the connection host with a private host name
TDI-46158 - Talend to leverage Azure Managed Identities for Azure Storage components
TDI-47390 - tFileInputExcel - support 1904 date system when "Less memory consumed for large excel(Event mode)" is selected
TDI-46570 - tFileOutputExcel support shared string table
TDI-49241 - tAS400Output bad insert performance due to Return Generated Keys
TUP-36736 - UNION, UNION ALL, MINUS & INTERSECT SQL set operators for tELTOracleMap
TUP-38202 - Preference for repositories where the username and password can be set in the settings (Window > preferences > Talend > Update settings) of the Talend studio
TUP-35058 - Issues on TMC after publishing artifact with Int type parameter but string values
TUP-37093 - Send Mapper data to PTP
TBD-10263 - BETA - Support MongoDB v4+ - Spark Streaming 3.1+
TBD-13123 - Spark on Kubernetes - DataTap HPE Ezmeral
TBD-14174 - BETA - Universal Spark 3.3 for AWS EMR clusters
TBD-14745 - Talend 8/7.3 - Databricks: rename Transient cluster and Interactive cluster
TBD-14749 - Beta: Universal Spark 3.3.x - Databricks runtime 12.x
APPINT-35381 - Improve API storage for API imported from API Designer
CVEs fixed in R2023-03
CVE-2020-13936 (velocity-1.7.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-41915 (netty-codec-http-4.1.77.Final.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2021-37533 (commons-net-3.8.0.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2020-7692(google-oauth-client-1.22.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-46364(cxf-core-3.4.7.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-20444 (netty-codec-http 4.1.13.FINAL and 4.1.16.FINAL), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-42889 (commons-text-1.8.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-37533 (commons-net:commons-net:2.2,3.3,3.6,3.8.0), impacted:
BD components
DI components
CVE-2022-42003 (jackson-databind-2.13.3.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-25647 (gson-2.2.4.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.24.jar and snakeyaml-1.30.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2023-22899 (zip4j-2.10.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
Other issues fixed in R2023-03
TDI-49284 - tFileInputMSPositional gives junk/error output
TDI-49336 - Add filter (required_if ) for the three jars only visible DBType = HSQLDB
TDI-49267 - Update sql fail for tELTOutput when have two ELTMap and two WHERE clause
TDI-49395 - tHttpRequest set timeout gives French translation.
TDI-32442 - Data format of Dynamic is not surported for excel2003 with event mode
TDI-49324 - tCassandraOutputBulkExec should display 'INSERTSTMT' for CASSANDRA3_0
TDI-49422 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/channel/unix/UnixChannel is thrown when connecting Cassandra with SSL
TDI-49460 - Unable to read data with DeltaReader with java 17.0.5+
TDI-49298 - tFTPGet dependency jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar missing when used with tSambaConnection
TDI-49446 - tFTPPut is transferring the file to the remote directory but the current status shows "No file transfered."
TDI-49282 - maxDate in TalendDate is not validated
TUP-29016 - tTaCoKitGuessSchema visible in shared component / preferences of data collected
TUP-37430 - Cleanup org.talend.libraries
TUP-37720 - Studio got stuck while committing new changes if gpgsign is true in user settings and user.signingkey isn't set for current repository
TUP-38119 - Studio can't add branch project as reference project in standard mode
TUP-37874 - [Security]: SQL inject risk
TUP-37568 - Edits to the Help Contents menu
TUP-37919 - [TDM]Input connections order changes when refactored to a joblet
TUP-38093 - Studio 8.0.1 hangs in "Loading user component" after patch R2023-01
TUP-37981 - Disable profile OS check by default when install update
TUP-38230 - Impossible to acces to the Migrate project or test window after R2023-02 update
TUP-37696 - Issue on redshift SSO metadata after update aws-java-sdk
TUP-38213 - Oracle CDC: fail to catch the changes on table
TUP-37697 - tRedShiftInput requires the driver jar of V1 even the setting's version is driver 2
TUP-38031 - null pointer exception when migrate a job that has joblet from 6
TUP-38145 - [8.0.1]tELTMap doesn't evaluate globalMap expressions with Integer conversions
TUP-38248 - [801 Nightly] Create cassandra connection pop up missing some jars which can't be downloaded automatically
TUP-38032 - [Studio 8.0]"Overwrite existing item" option is not display even increase the window height to maximum
TUP-37176 - SSO logs out way too often on the Studio
TUP-35060 - tWarn does not show the TalendDate.TO_CHAR method
TUP-38349 - No Migration/Test dialog after logon Project/master if Project/Test has been logged and migrated in git new mode
TBD-11985 - [Spak Streaming] BigQuery Ouput compile error
TBD-14746 - Job fails to generate Java code with complex tMap
TBD-14748 - Missing migration on tKafkaInput, leading to compile errors on all distributions
TBD-14769 - NoSuchMethodError in Cassandra spark batch and streaming with universal 3.2, 3.3
TBD-14799 - NoClassDefFoundError for deltalake job
TBD-14818 - Spark job failing with error scheme-specific part at index 5: hdfs
TBD-14849 - tHiveWarehouseConfiguration - username and pwd getting printed out in the CDP cluster yarn/spark logs
TBD-14868 - Validate components updated in scope of TDI-49284
TBD-14869 - tHiveInput/tHiveOutput components don't have "Storage" section in configuration with Spark Universal
TBD-14870 - "Partitioning with range" checkbox is shown in "tManagePartition" for "Auto" and "Coalesce" modes
TBD-14877 - Compile error when tPubsubOutput in streaming job
TBD-14896 - NoSuchMethodError for DynamoDB components on EMR 6.6 with universal 3.2
TBD-14904 - [BUG]can't create mongoDB table with bigdecimal data type
TBD-14918 - Code error in tHiveWarehouseOutput when used with Stream Job
TDM-9704 - Hl7v2 VARIES Composites have inconsistent element names across releases
TDM-9919 - Add possibility to skip output conversion for cMap
TDM-9842 - Remove displayed grid from connection panel in Standard map editor
APPINT-35125 - Cleanup use of "org.talend.libraries" group id for APPINT components
APPINT-35365 - Output Flows are empty when creating tRESTRequest from API
APPINT-35380 - Failover url with context variable does not work when install feature from nexus (cMQConnectionFactory)
APPINT-35407 - Remove opportunity to create test case for data services components
TDQ-20973 - Upgraded org.talend.daikon.multitenant-core from 0.31.12 to 7.0.5
TDQ-20875 - Removed org.talend.libraries from the Maven path
New features in R2023-02
TUP-37660 - Upgrade SQLite JDBC jar to the latest
TUP-37674 - Remove "SAP Hana" from feature title "NoSQL/ SAP HANA / BigData"
TUP-37595 - reintroduce ingres/vectorwise in metedata
TUP-37361 - Deprecate Studio - Exchange integration
TUP-36122 - Unified component for Netsuite
TUP-37353 - Guess Schema for tBigQueryInput
TDI-46024 - Netsuite component needs API version 2020.x and 2021.x in Studio
TDI-46488 - tRabbitMQInput: Manual acknowledge for RabbitMQ Messages
TDI-48284 - Support for PostgreSQL 15
TDI-45841 - Update SQLite component to support Dynamic data type
TDI-49089 - Adjusted file based table join and ODP extraction to work with prefix or path and filename
TDI-48882 - Reintroduce Ingres / Vectorwise components
TBD-10112 - Optimisation in tHBaseInput component in Big Data Batch job.
TBD-12733 - Spike: TBD/Talend 8 - Yarn cluster mode improvements
TBD-14449 - KUDU format extensions in tImpalaCreateTable Standard component
TBD-14450 - new component tHBaseDeleteRows Standard component
TBD-14453 - performance extensions in tPartition SparkBatch component
TBD-14454 - performance dedicated Coalesce extensions from tPartition SparkBatch component
TBD-14455 - new SparkBatch component for performance/memory management
TBD-14542 - Can't run spark batch job with hbase components success when I use CDP knox
CVEs fixed in R2023-02
CVE-2022-36033 (jsoup-1.14.3.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-45693 (jettison-1.5.1.jar), impacted:
DI components
APPINT components
CVE-2022-40151 (xstream-1.4.19.jar), impacted:
DI components
APPINT components
DQ components
CVE-2022-41828(redshift-jdbc42-, impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-13949(libthrift-0.12.0.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-38296(spark-hive-thriftserver_2.12-3.1.1.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-40152(woodstox-core-5.0.3.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-13936 (velocity-1.7.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-23926 (xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-41881 (netty-codec-haproxy-4.1.77.Final.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-39139,CVE-2021-39149 (com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.4.17), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-31692 (spring-security-web-5.6.5.jar), impacted:
CVE-2018-10899 (jolokia-core-1.6.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2021-37533 (commons-net:commons-net:2.2,3.3,3.6,3.8.0), impacted:
DQ Libraries
Other issues fixed in R2023-02
TUP-33645 - [TCK Studio Integration] backslash is not escaped
TUP-37425 - Performance: Not Responding while Retrieving schema and the database contains many tables
TUP-37692 - XPath json use context can't get any data when running job
TUP-37392 - tELTPostgresqlMap with enabled delimited identifier will have a compile error after migration to v8
TUP-37471 - tELTPostgresqlMap generates a different query after migration to v8
TUP-37349 - Data viewer for tCouchBaseInput get npe error
TUP-37898 - Could detect previous monthly patch even studio already install the latest patch
TUP-37806 - [Studio 8]wrong message on Publish to Cloud with standard Git storage mode
TUP-37920 - SQLite: Table list shouldn't be empty while retrieving schema
TUP-35407 - support customize project pom template
TUP-37358 - Adding org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.useFallbackRepositories=false for studio ops4j
TUP-37253 - Excel Metadata fails to set column names and results in IndexOutOfBounds for æ character
TUP-37941 - Can't update studio from R2022-09 built studio to R2023-01
TUP-37344 - If access token & refresh token change to invalid, can't show log in dialog when user selected auto login
TUP-37475 - Migration task does not work for joblet in tck component
TUP-37395 - Schema changes made on DB side not being reflected in Studio 8.0
TUP-36823 - Generated SQL Query for Teradata misses reserved word "TIME"
TUP-37168 - Studio can't add branch project as reference project
TUP-38047 - Migration: Ingres/Vectorwise metadata changed to JDBC metadata after migration
TDI-48437 - Parent job doesn't end when child job fails due to talendStats_DB connection error
TDI-49081 - Drag a tMessaging component in job will throw error "Path configuration.deliveryMode not found in settings for form Advanced" in Error Log
TDI-49091 - tAssert_ condition evaluation issue
TDI-49253 - Salesforce UI show migration issue for Mutual Auth connection
TDI-49263 - tExtractJSONField and tFileInputJSON label issue
TDI-49268 - the file seems to be not closed when componentError occurs
TDI-49185 - tCassandraInput doesn't work with uuid typed column
TDI-49151 - Need API to get snowflake schema changes
TDM-8840 - Import studio Database Connection into TDM Database
TDM-9510 - Cannot update DatabaseLookup Column of an imported Map
TDM-9635 - Improve TDM component named mechanism
TDM-9728 - Support MySQL5 with 5.1.49 driver
TDM-9786 - run job with old runtime returns NPE
TBD-13171 - NPE error when I run - TBD-13036 attachment job and check use dataset API
TBD-13671 - Kerberos configuration is missing in hadoop cluster metadata with Knox
TBD-14213 - Runtime exception on job with Redshift components using SPL24
TBD-14315 - Error on Universal/Dataproc at 3.1.x (GCP)
TBD-14604 - Inconsistence Duplicate Data in tmap when run on CDP 7.1.7 cluster
TBD-14660 - Spark job got "ExecutorLostFailure" after install Nov.patch
TBD-14667 - CVE fixes for R2023-02
TBD-14668 - Spark Job got error date format could not be parsed
TBD-14670 - CVE-2022-41828 on redshift-jdbc42-
TBD-14687 - Spark job returned "Too much elements for the fields in csv try to put 48 in 47 record fields"
TBD-14689 - tkafkainput Error in Big Data Streaming mode
TBD-14691 - Spark Job with CSV source using delimited "^" running successfully but the data result is not valid whether null or not split as the defined delimited
TBD-14721 - CVE-2020-13949 on libthrift-0.12.0
TBD-14722 - CVE-2021-38296 on spark-hive-thriftserver_2.12-3.1.1
TBD-14723 - CVE-2022-40152 on woodstox-core-5.0.3
TBD-14728 - redshift in spark 3.1 Local: NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/text/lookup/StringLookupFactory
TBD-14732 - NoSuchMethodError when I run spark batch job using teradata component with universal 2.4
TBD-14735 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/text/lookup/StringLookupFactory in cdh 6.1
TBD-14768 - ClassNotFoundException in Cassandra spark batch with universal 3.0, 3.1
TBD-14786 - tHiveRow Compilation error when set application name is unticked
TBD-14794 - EMR 6.2.0 (Hive 3.1.2) job gives error SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
TBD-14805 - Streaming job containing tFixedFlowInput fails with code issue
APPINT-35268 - Studio not reusing SSL connection with tRestClient component.
APPINT-35204 - Removal of binary dependency libraries from source
APPINT-35280 - Error message when click "Update API definition" menu for OAS3.0
APPINT-35370 - Project analysis tool does not detect missing dependencies which are preinstalled to Nexus or Maven repo
APPINT-35368 - Detail Message: FormatterUtils cannot be resolved
TDQ-20787 - Report in PDF: Fixed the issue causing the catalog or schema name to be wrong
TDQ-20874 - Updated our terminology to meet the bias-free policy
New features in R2023-01
TDI-46523 - Virtual Host in tRabbitMQ component.
TDI-47527 - Upgrade tika 1 to tika 2
TDI-40021 - Snowflake metadata Connection mis-maps integer data type
TDI-49130 - Move tSAPHanaXXX components from bigdata to DI-EE
TUP-36197 - Remove git branch name in project setting
TUP-37472 - Oracle version cleanup
TUP-34564 - Enable signing GIT commits from GPG
TUP-30674 - Support rename on custom jar and inner code.
TUP-32445 - Add the support of the module view for TCK/tcomp frameworks
TDQ-20936 - Oracle: Removed versions 8 to 10 and deprecated versions 11 and 12
TBD-14602 - Oracle version cleanup
APPINT-35224 - Optimize the cMQConnectionFactory/cAMQP components so that failover URLs also can be supported in Talend 8.0
CVEs fixed in R2023-01
CVE-2022-31684 (reactor-netty-http-1.0.18.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2012-0881 (xerces:xercesImpl:2.11.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2020-13956 (org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.10.jar), impacted
CVE-2012-5785 (axis2-kernel-1.7.8.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-36033 (org.jsoup:jsoup:1.14.2.jar, org.jsoup:jsoup:1.14.3.jar), impacted
CVE-2022-46364 (cxf-core-3.4.4.jar, cxf-core-3.4.7.jar), impacted:
DI Components
APPINT Components
MDM Components
CVE-2022-46363 (cxf-rt-transports-http-3.4.4.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2021-45046 (org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.13.3), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-40664 (org.apache.shiro:shiro-lang:1.7.1), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-25312 (org.apache.any23:apache-any23-core:2.3), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-33980 (org.apache.commons:commons-configuration2:2.1.1), impacted:
BD Components
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-40152 (woodstox-core-6.2.6.jar,woodstox-core-6.2.7.jar,woodstox-core-6.2.8.jar,woodstox-core-5.2.0jar,woodstox-core-5.3.0jar), impacted:
DI Components
APPINT Components
MDM Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-45685,CVE-2022-45693 (jettison-1.5.1.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
(netty-handler-4.1.84.Final.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-41828 (redshift-jdbc42-, impacted:
DI components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (commons-codec-1.9.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-25168 (hadoop-common-2.6.0-cdh5.4.0), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-20444 (netty-codec-http 4.1.13.FINAL and 4.1.16.FINAL), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2019-16942 (jackson-databind-2.10.0), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2017-12629 (lucene-query-parser-6.6.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2018-1282 (hive-jdbc-2.1.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-35491,CVE-2019-16943(jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13), impacted:
BD components
Other issues fixed in R2023-01
TDI-48981 - Empty input file passed to tBigQueryBulkExec causes job to never end
TDI-48440 - Improve Xml file processing security
TDI-48900 - [Studio7.3.1]Component tXSLT uses deprecated code java.io.StringBufferInputStream
TDI-49026 - Improve stream closing in javajet code for tFileInputPositional
TDI-48610 - Align daikon/crypto-utils to 7.0.x
TUP-37391 - [8.0.1] Deploy Job to MDM server fails : HTTP 401 org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Failed to decode basic authentication token
TUP-37467 - [8.0.1&7.3.1] custom component are no more build as snapshot but releases since june/july patch
TUP-37416 - Can't execute job with JSON component linked to reposoitory
TUP-37012 - Help Pane: Online Tools menu: Bugtracker/sources/exchange/forum menus
TUP-37010 - Help Pane: Online Tools: remove Babili menu
TUP-37706 - SQL Compilation error for tELTMap component after applying patch R2022-11 on Talend studio 8.0.1
TUP-37751 - Data view/Guess schema fail if set java interpreter to jdk 8
TUP-37614 - Validate studio cloud connection with new release
TUP-37698 - Field separator is not working as expected in Talend 801
TUP-37644 - Add jfrog artifactory as repository-type to commandline document
TUP-37823 - [JETL] Fail to install patch on ubuntu and mac
TDM-9567 - [EDI] show sample for some elements with d98b structure and will get unexpected result
TDM-9608 - [EDI] Repeating delimiter used in between EDI composites instead of an element delimiter
TDM-9733 - [tHMap] Renaming an input connection then adding a new connection causes an Exception during execution
TDM-9777 - [tHMap] An Execution error occurs if an HL7V2 structure is used in an InputWrapper structure
TDM-9753 - Job run fail when input use structure created from json schema and wrapper
TDQ-20381 - tDataEncrypt/tDataDecrypt: Fixed the issue causing Jobs to fail when using Databricks with Spark 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3
TDQ-20585 - DQ components/DQ Libraries: Upgraded crypto-utils/daikon to 7.0.5
TBD-14705 - [SparkStreaming][Kafka] tKafkaInputAvro and tkafkaInput not working with spark version 3.2
TBD-14695 - tHiveWarehouseConfiguration - Unable to create PoolableConnectionFactory
TBD-14677 - Compile error on Databricks with tFileInputJson on S3
TBD-14727 - compile error for spark streaming job when using tkafkaInput with universal 3.2
APPINT-35241 - Avoid build process to generate sources mutiple times
APPINT-35275 - tRestClient schema is deleted when switching from Built-in to Repository and back
APPINT-35298 - Fail to run/build/publish REST service after switch build type from Microservice to OSGI
New features in R2022-12
TUP-37162 - Improvement needed for standard Git mode
TUP-37296 - Improve git preference page to show reference relationship for invalid case according to figma design
TDI-48713 - Add JWT authentication for WQL
TDI-48883 - Deprecate old versions of Microsoft CRM
TDI-49016 - Oracle version cleanup
TDI-47992 - Add support for BW On Hana for the ADSO components
TUP-35746 - Change the download of jars
TBD-11847 - [Feature Request] Use Big Decimal with tRedShiftOutput
TBD-13689 - Unable to read Avro Kafka data from Schema Registry
TBD-14257 - TFileInput components do not work with TGSConfiguration on Databricks + GCP job
TBD-14440 - GA - Universal Spark 3.3 - Databricks runtime 11.x
TBD-14443 - Support tGSConfiguration with spark universal in streaming jobs
TBD-14447 - Version Managment - evolve spark spark ->
TBD-14511 - GA - Universal Spark 3.2.x for Amazon EMR 6.6.0 and onwards
TDQ-20097 - tDataQualityRules: Support for dynamic schema in Standard Jobs
TDQ-20764 - tDataQualityRules: Support for Databricks with Spark 3.3
TDQ-20723 - DQ Batch components: Support for Databricks with Spark 3.3
TDQ-20724 - DQ Streaming components: Support for Databricks with Spark 3.3
APPINT-34728 - Code improvement : dependency externalization for microservices
CVEs fixed in R2022-12
CVE-2022-40149 (jettison-1.1.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-30126 (org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.28.1), impacted:
DI components
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-37865 (ivy-2.4.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
BD components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-45047 (sshd-common-2.8.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-3171 (protobuf-java-3.19.6.jar), impacted:
BD components
DI components
CVE- (aws-java-sdk-core-1.9.16.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE- (bctls-jdk15on-1.68.jar, bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar), impacted:
BD components
DI components
CVE- (commons-codec-1.11.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-42920 (bcel-5.2.jar, bcel-6.3.1.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2022-41704 (batik-bridge-1.15.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-42890 (batik-script-1.15.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.26.jar), impacted:
CVE-2019-14439 (jackson-databind-2.4.0.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2020-9548 (jackson-databind-2.7.9.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE- (reload4j-1.2.19.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-12
TDI-45967 - tSnowflakeOutput can't upsert and update data with dynamic column when tMysqlInput's as input
TDI-48891 - tFileInputMail fails with java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if attachment filename doesn't contain a dot "."
TDI-48812 - Error log when use Neo4jv4ImportTool on wizard or palette
TDI-48912 - [TCK][Messaging] Effect of rollback action isn't available for the second Input
TDI-48777 - [TCK][Messaging] Websphere Rollback either does not work or work partly aka Global commit problem with timeout
TDI-48824 - tMicrosoftCrmXxx - OAuth calls are executed twice
TDI-48876 - tAccessInput/Output/Row is unable to work in Java 11 if the AccessDB is configured with password
TDI-48775 - Salesforce Connection - Session reuse option not working with Mutual Auth
TDI-46383 - tRedShifBulkExec/tRedShiftOutputBulkExec don't support web identity Token, Inherited credentials from AWS role, and profile credential
TDI-47253 - Correct migration task AddHourFormatToBigqueryBulkOutput returns
TDI-48823 - tWorkdayInput - Error on FinancialManagement.GetLedgers SOAP call
TUP-36969 - Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.34
TUP-37254 - Error in selectively generating all poms when a job is used as child job from multiple jobs and test cases also selected as dependency.
TUP-37268 - Can't retrieve configuration from cloudera by jobserver
TUP-37153 - Dead lock when migrating tck metadatas and jobs
TUP-37404 - tMarketoInput default schema cannot propagate to the following component
TUP-37228 - Studio errors when attempting to create a Cloudera Dynamic Distro when repository.apache.org port 80 is blocked
TUP-37161 - Pop up windows can not be closed when log on a migrate big project
TUP-37051 - Studio perspective continuously reset after install R2022-09 patch
TUP-37347 - New git mode corrupt git project
TUP-37414 - Uncommitted changes are lost with "standard Git storage mode"
TUP-37213 - Studio can't login TMC project when add muti-refer project
TUP-37287 - Project will missing items/reference relationship if follow below steps.
TUP-37250 - Can't log in remote project if it has uncommit files on local connection
TUP-37360 - Compilation error for tELTMap component after applying patch R2022-11 on Talend studio 8.0.1
TUP-36933 - [7.3.1] import dependencies is not working when we do a copy from branch
TUP-36657 - Fix p2 settings inside config.ini automatically if they are broken
TUP-37119 - Skip unnecessary api call to TMC
TUP-37007 - Disable DTDs feature for DocumentBuilder in class org.eclipse.urischeme.patched.internal.registration.PlistFileWriter
TDM-9685 - SAP IDocs Reader fails on Decimal with precision 18
TDM-6125 - Add function to check string present in string collection
TDM-9533 - An XQuery compilation occurs when the regex defined in the Properties for Matches or Replace contains the single quote character
TDM-9669 - Remove Reverse Map option
TDM-9670 - Remove Map Inheritance
TDM-9671 - Remove option to create a Report Map
TDM-9676 - Add substring-before and substring-after functions
TDM-9682 - Add AgConcatLastPresentValue and ConcatLastPresentValue
TDM-9702 - XSD Import fails to create Structures when name starts with CON. on Windows
TBD-12530 - [BUG] A lot of compile errors in Spark Streaming jobs with several pipelines working in parallel with some components
TBD-12765 - [BUG] UI: Move the "Use Knox" checkbox to "Connection" section
TBD-13110 - Failed to generate code for streaming job with tFileInputXML
TBD-13230 - NullPointerException on Spark job with tCollectAndCheck if "Path or table name" uses context
TBD-14091 - Compile error on Spark Batch job with tCassandra components on Spark Local 3.0
TBD-14209 - Compile error on tPubSubInputAvro component using Spark Local 2.4-3.3
TBD-14331 - CDP knox doesn't show by default in metadata
TBD-14332 - Knox Timeout doesn't update from metadata
TBD-14362 - tKafkaCreateTopic failing with ClassNotFoundException for kafka versions and
TBD-14363 - [Studio 8] Compile error on tKafkaInputAvro using Spark Local 2.4-3.3
TBD-14421 - [8.01 BD]tMongoDBConfiguration is not support connection string and DB Version 4.4.X and later
TBD-14428 - NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.RetryingMetaStoreClient.getProxy on emr 6.2.x
TBD-14436 - Compile error after migration old EMR 6.2 jobs
TBD-14492 - ClassNotFoundException when spark batch job use hive components
TBD-14498 - Getting "Path does not exist: dbfs:XXX/" when using tS3Configuration as storage configuration for tAvroInput
TBD-14499 - Issue with Use Kerberos authentication checkbox in tImpalaConnection and tImpalaInput components
TBD-14505 - Use custom classpath is added for all spark universal
TBD-14506 - Compile error "rdd_row2 cannot be resolved" when use attachment job
TBD-14509 - wrong jar name and maven URI for commons-pool jar
TBD-14528 - Joblets configuration not recognized in the batch job
TBD-14541 - [BUG] Spark Batch job with tFileOutputPositional passes successfully with Exit code= 0, but doesn't write data to the GS bucket
TBD-11030 - Spark SQL queries to reduce the amount of data retrieved from S3 using S3 select
TDQ-20873 - tDataQualityRules: Fixed the issue preventing from using a phone semantic type
TDQ-20615 - tDataQualityRules: Fixed the issue causing the Job to fail when the URL has been removed
TDQ-20834 - tRulesurvivorship: Fixed the issue preventing the component from working properly
TDQ-20840 - tDuplicateRow: Fixed the issue preventing from using context
TDQ-20854 - tDuplicateRow: Fixed the issue causing a processor exception
TDQ-20937 - Routines: Fixed the issue causing wrong results when using DataMasking.createRandomDate
APPINT-35136 - Salesforce connection receiving intermittent exceptions in a route
APPINT-35186 - "Set-Cookie" information are no more exited in header after install patch 2022-10 for Studio 8.0
APPINT-35115 - Add opportunity to import API files with OAS 3.0 format in Studio metadata
APPINT-35133 - Route with spring-redis component fails when running as microservice
APPINT-35209 - jettison-1.5.1.jar lost when run job with tRESTRequest or tRESTClient
APPINT-35244 - Override Routelet Contexts is Throwing Error addComponent(String, Component) in the type CamelContext
APPINT-35134 - Link about "validation details" of warning still there when switch to error API definition
APPINT-35176 - Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.34
New features in R2022-11
TUP-35957 - Use standard git storage mode in workspace(Beta)
TUP-36567 - Migrate GIT multiple working tree storage mode to standard storage mode
TDI-48392 - Neo4J Deprecation
TDI-48395 - Create tNeo4jV4ImportTool
TDI-47508 - Unbundle aws-java-sdk for javajet components
TDI-48543 - Issue to get Authorization Token tMicrosoftCrmInput (ROPC)
TDI-47566 - tKafkaCreateTopic timeout value remains hardcoded
TDI-40737 - JMS: migrate to tacokit
TDI-48442 - MERGE query for tELTTeradataOutput/Netezza components
TDI-48675 - JDBC ELT components handle Japanese table,schama
TDI-48719 - Guess schema service for processors
TUP-36683 - Selective generateAllPoms
TUP-33040 - JDBC ELT components cannot handle table/column name in Japanese
TUP-32228 - Load multiple libraries with routine by detect the pom file of the jar
TUP-33031 - List invalid items with Project analysis of 8.0
TBD-14233 - GA - Universal Spark 3.3 spark local mode
TBD-13985 - CDE 1.15 : GA
TBD-13997 - Beta - Universal Spark 3.3 - Databricks runtime 11.x
TBD-14288 - Add Dynamic schema on TAvroInput - batch
APPINT-34707 - Include new route components in Studio for data schemas management
APPINT-34708 - Include new route components in Studio for databases management
APPINT-35069 - App. Int. Demos to include new components (data schemas & DB operations)
APPINT-34899 - Automatic refresh of the Cloud Artifact view when selecting a Job or Route
APPINT-34985 - Automatic refresh of the Cloud Artifact view when selecting a SOAP Service
CVEs fixed in R2022-11
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.26.jar), impacted:
DI components
Talend Metadata Bridge
CVE-2022-42889 (org.apache.commons:commons-text:[1.5-1.10.0)), impacted:
DQ libraries
BD components
DQ components
APPINT Components
DI components
CVE-2022-42003, CVE-2022-42004 (jackson-databind-, impacted:
DQ libraries
MDM components
APPINT Components
DI components
CVE-2022-3171 (com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:3.19.2), impacted:
DQ libraries
DQ components
CVE-2022-34169 (xalan:xalan:2.7.2), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2022-34917 (org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:3.1.0), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-39135 (org.apache.calcite:calcite-core:1.26.0), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-41853 (org.hsqldb:hsqldb:2.3.1), impacted:
DI components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (ch.qos.reload4j:reload4j < 1.2.22), impacted:
DI components
Other issues fixed in R2022-11
TUP-36712 - Schema lost when convert DeltaLake job to spark
TUP-36673 - Disable git related logs during running generateAllPoms
TUP-36853 - get error when convert standard job with DeltaLake component to Big data streaming
TUP-36686 - Studio Branch does not update automatically after deletion of earlier branches
TUP-36833 - DB Common folder not showing under Palette tab
TUP-36831 - Migration task not working for tck connection component
TUP-36904 - Ubuntu ARM64: Cannot "login with TalendCloud" with installed studio
TUP-36760 - Remove Workspace option from "Other login mode">"Manage Connections">Preference
TUP-36630 - Studio need to respect update settings in TMC
TUP-36931 - TCK Neo4j studio feature should be changed after Neo4jv4ImportTool is released
TDI-48637 - Tableau change internal hyper daemon indication
TDI-47950 - Remove 'For Studio Only' label for Workday 'WS-Security certificate authentication'
TDI-48407 - tGoogleDriveList component does not handle 'include shared folders/files' param
TDI-48569 - tSalesforceInput - Dynamic Schema doesn't output reference field
TDI-48748 - Show field in Connection (Datastore) that depends on next-level configuration
TDI-48477 - tOracleCDC,tDB2CDC,tSybaseCDC use the hidden db schema property when "use existing connection"
TDI-48778 - tGroovy : Support Java 17 at runtime
TDI-48779 - tExtractJSONField: Support Java 17 at runtime
TDI-48465 - [8.0.1] TDBOutputBulk error with oracle when the record separator is set as "||||"
TDI-48676 - Limitation size of context variable file can hold
TDI-48546 - tSalesforceOutput component throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when the Parallelization is enabled
TDI-48810 - Job build fails with : Duplicate nested type CompareUtil after R2022-10v2
TDM-9667 - Remove getModulesNeeded from MapperComponent
TDM-9629 - Optimize 'Generate' function
TDM-9626 - The structure's JSON Rep Properties Character Encoding should be by default UTF-8
TDM-9560 - Fix error message for Database Jars Importer
TDM-9610 - Isomap with XML namespaced attribute from XML to Avro fails
TDM-6495 - WriteURL can't create parent folder if it does not exist
TDM-9291 - Improve representations' sorting
TDM-9509 - Implement a formatNumber string function
TDM-9520 - Change Help buttons on TDM dialogue
TDM-9507 - IsNull returns an empty value
TDM-9534 - Unify question and button
TDQ-20819 - Business rule: Fixed the issue preventing from running an analysis after updating the Where Clause setting
TBD-14265 - Runtime exception on Spark job with tAzureConfiguration in ADLS Gen2 mode using Spark Universal 3.3 Local
TBD-13875 - [SPL32, SPL33] Runtime exception on Spark job with Redshift components
TBD-14431 - Spark job compilation error
TBD-14425 - Compile error for BigQuery in spark batch with universal 3.3x
TBD-14424 - Compile errors on Spark job with tAvroMap component
TBD-14321 - Getting Path does not exist exception on Talend 8 - 09-2022 patch and Databricks
TBD-14365 - spark.hadoop.fs.s3.impl Spark settings are overridden when using tS3Configuration component
TBD-14317 - tHiveInput component issue in patch R2022-02
TBD-14328 - ClassNotFoundException when check service for CDP 7.x knox
TBD-14412 - Impossible to create CDP dynamic distribution version
TBD-14407 - No option to change instalation CLASSPATH for CDP in spark job
TBD-14446 - NPE when dragging and dropping a HDFS metadata to tHDFSConfiguration
TBD-14427 - ClassNotFound in KinesisInput with universal spark 2.4
TBD-14432 - ClassNotFound in KinesisOutput with universal spark 2.4
APPINT-35117 - Duplicates lines in karaf logs on runtime and mixed logs in logs of routes on cloud
APPINT-35116 - Failed to publish service to nexus when checking Snapshot with Default version
APPINT-35123 - Route not able to complie with CI Builder
APPINT-35024 - Improve API bridge dependencies management
New features in R2022-10
TDI-47807 - Support Neo4j Aura
TDI-47598 - Kafka support version 2.6+ (3.2 as of today)
TDI-42323 - tFileInputExcel add entry to custom ratio
TBD-14263 - Support MongoDB v4+ - Spark Batch 3.1+ - GA
TUP-36777 - Improve workspace setting for "Log in with Talend Cloud"
APPINT-26700 - Ability to modify microservice application properties file within Talend Studio
TDQ-20614 - tDataQualityRules: Support for Databricks with Spark 3.2
TDQ-20721 - DQ Batch components: Support for Spark 3.3 in local mode
TDQ-20722 - DQ Streaming components: Support for Spark 3.3 in local mode
CVEs fixed in R2022-10
CVE-2022-24823 (netty-common-4.1.75.final.jar), impacted:
DI components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-33980 (commons-configuration2:2.1.1), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.27.jar,snakeyaml-1.30.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-40149 (org.codehaus.jettison:jettison:[1.1 1.4.1]), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-40155 (xstream-1.4.19.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-38648 (batik-bridge-1.14.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-25914 (jib-core-0.12.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-25168 (hadoop-common-3.2.3.jar), impacted:
DI components
Other issues fixed in R2022-10
TDI-48495 - tS3List gives warn not error when dieonError enabled
TDI-48547 - tSplunkEventCollector encoding issue
TDI-48267 - upgrade format-detection jar to 6.1.1 for fileio connector and tsetdynamicschema component
TDI-48540 - tJasperOutput can't find the class/method
TDI-48480 - "OutOfMemoryError: Required array size too large" error when ingesting large files with tBigQueryOutput
TDI-48434 - java.lang.NullPointerException at com.talend.excel.xssf.event.ColumnUtil.calculateIndexOfColumn(ColumnUtil.java:12) when using tFileInputExcel
TDI-48476 - Align jetty-XXX version in connectors-se repository
TDI-48458 - Component tDBCDC keeps "old" Schema value after option "Use an existing connection" is checked
TDI-48612 - tKafkaCommit missing code for Kafka version
TDI-48359 - tAzureAdlsGen2Connection/Input/Output timeout parameter never used in runtime since TDI-46813
TDI-48475 - tDBOutput open twice the connection in Studio 8.0.1 as compare with 7.2.1
TDI-48625 - tSybaseCDC has strange configuration layout
TDI-48473 - Job using tLDAPInput with Protocol=LDAPS fails in MDM server : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: talend.ssl.AdvancedSocketFactory
TDI-48321 - tSCP and tSSH components cannot work with redhat server
TDI-48562 - tKafkaCreatTopic with version 2.4.X fails with TimeoutException when connecting to Kafka with SSL enabled
TDI-48550 - tDBSCD component does not change date(time) fields to NULL
TDI-48448 - tDBOutput - BigDecimal values rounded when "Enable parallel execution" activated
TDI-48574 - Avoid error log and NPE after after a connector use TCOMP-2230 allow a "ui.scope" target for the tck ActiveIf json metadata info
TDI-48205 - tAzureAdlsGen2 Get/Put/Delete missing timeout parameter
TUP-36765 - Code generation issue on Spark job with Spark Universal 3.3 Local
TUP-36284 - Compile error in Studio
TUP-36519 - "Detect and update all jobs" does not update all jobs
TUP-36653 - Schema Update Detection popping up everytime upon opening the job
TUP-36812 - If user installed JAVA version less than 11, Web browser can't call back SSO client.
TUP-36781 - If do not select "ask me at startup" on login project page, next time studio will popup "Branches has been changed! Please check and logon manually" dialog
TUP-36769 - Can't open learn more link if there is no license in Studio.
TUP-36732 - Studio can not fetch SSO access token automatically if stay on logon dialog for long time
TUP-36169 - Performance issue when execute "Generate Doc as html"
TUP-36726 - "Support NLS" works unstable
TUP-36858 - network issue when logon git offline project
TUP-36614 - [8.0.1] unable to open reference project after a "checkout as local branch"
TUP-36584 - tMap component hang with tRowGenerator; can only end task using Task Manager
TDM-9393 - JSON Sample Importer should not create elements with Any types
TDM-9455 - Problem to open TDM help
TDM-9468 - Warning dialog won't pop when job run with map which miss loop expression
TDM-9508 - Synchronize dialog shouldn't pop when add/remove onsubjobOK connection
TDM-9561 - Incorrect parsing of EDIFACT data
TDM-9554 - Decimal Cobol field of size 18 missing properties when exported to avro
TDM-9479 - Can't create flattening map with error throw
TDM-9579 - Get npe when cut element name which type is value
TDM-9585 - Regenerate map for thmap should get error if structure in Recycle bin
TDM-9590 - Streaming job run fail when map remove value which set in structure
TDM-9607 - CSV Reader looses tab as delimiter in runtime configuration
TDM-9311 - tHmap issue in a joblet called from another Joblet
TBD-10400 - Reject flow doesn't work correctly for dates in extract components
TBD-13810 - Request for a Big Data/Spark component to handle delimited files using Dynamic Schema
TBD-14194 - Running Parallel Job because of Resource Changed on CDP Cloud Cluster
TBD-14224 - NPE exception while opening BigData Streaming Job
TBD-14279 - Compile error when run sparkstreaminglocalmongodbj01240_sparkjob2
TBD-14294 - TFileInputDelimited when using headers more than 1 unexpected behavior
TBD-14305 - some TUJ Jobs can't generate code
TBD-14313 - Compile error when tFileInputDelimited CSV option is not checked and escape was set as """
TBD-14316 - Spark job - "Syntax error on token "Invalid Character", ) expected" after upgrading to R2022-09
TBD-14359 - 'lineSep' can contain only 1 character when tFileInputDelimited with default row separator "\n" on Windows
TBD-14374 - Spark job - java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date
TBD-14382 - TFileInputDelimited - NPE on parse data
TBD-14383 - TFileInputDElimited - error parse date
TBD-14384 - TFileInputDelimited - when error occurs we kept an empy row
TBD-14387 - Runtime exception on tFileInputDelimited TUJs with RejectFlow Minor
APPINT-34581 - Route and data services features versions behave differently in Talend Runtime
APPINT-35034 - Bundles are going to Resolved State while deploying and Undeploying the Route
APPINT-35038 - Adding a comment breaks tRESTRequest and the resulting body is "null"
APPINT-35070 - Not able to retrieve the cookies from trestclient - 2
TDQ-20692 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue causing the contexts to be cleared after clicking Browse report
TDQ-20713 - tDataDecrypt: Fixed the issue preventing from using input data that is already decrypted
TDQ-20751 - tDqReportRun: Improved the context switching for a Snowflake connection
TDQ-20690 - tDataEncrypt/tDataDecrypt: Improved the UI by standardizing the labels of Spark and Standard components
TDQ-20746 - CVE: Aligned to gson-2.8.9 for MSSQL metadata part
TDQ-20760 - Improved the UI by rewriting the Exist client dependency dialog
New features in R2022-09
TUP-36373 - Delete .m2 with UI option when apply a monthly update
TUP-36340 - Studio requires orai18n.jar when Oracle 19c is in specific character set like JA16SJISTILDE
TUP-35976 - Required username and password in the update settings of studio 8.0.1
TUP-36602 - Feature to install Bigtable in studio
TUP-35190 - Use TMC email instead of login name as Git Commit Author in Studio
TUP-34352 - Support for Mac OSX 12 Monterey
TUP-32606 - Support SSO on Studio
TDM-8983 - Provide an Unflattening feature
TDI-48282 - Workday Output SOAP component
TDI-46676 - Add MDC context to Log4j2
TDI-48343 - Change TDS component (tdatastewardshiptaskinput) to support the new pagination approach
TDI-48233 - Google Bigtable in studio
TDI-48332 - Oracle components requires orai18n.jar when Oracle 19c is in specific character set like JA16SJISTILDE
TDI-48456 - Add Microsoft Exchange as credential type to tPOP
TBD-13647 - Databricks - Switch from transient to permanent configuration for the big data job
TBD-13810 - Request for a Big Data/Spark component to handle delimited files using Dynamic Schema
TBD-13932 - GA - Universal Spark 3.2.x for Databricks 10.x and above on google
TBD-13996 - Spark local mode - Universal Spark 3.3 beta
TBD-14016 - Support MongoDB v4+ - Spark Batch 3.1+ - beta
TDQ-19700 - Snowflake in JDBC: Support of context switching to switch DBs and schemas
TDQ-20282 - DQ Batch components: Support of Databricks with Spark 3.2
TDQ-20281 - DQ Streaming components: Support of Databricks with Spark 3.2
CVEs fixed in R2022-09
CVE-2020-10683 (dom4j-1.1.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-31197 (org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.25), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-2047 (jetty-io.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-36364 (avatica-core-1.11.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-34169 (xalan:xalan:2.7.2), impacted:
DI libraries
CVE-2022-25168 (hadoop-common-3.2.3.jar), impacted:
BD components
DQ libraries
TDM-9448 - Fix CVE in Unflattener editor
TDQ-20610 - org.apache.lucene:lucene-core upgraded to 8.11.2
CVE-2022-31159 (aws-java-sdk.jar), impacted:
DI components
BD components
CVE-2021-35516 (commons-compress-1.20.jar), impacted:
metadata bridge
CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-44832, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105 (tadt-definitions.translator-14.1.8-jar-with-dependencies.jar), impacted:
APPINT API translator
CVE-2022-21724 (postgresql-42.2.25.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2012-5785 (axis2-1.6.2.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2019-12415 (poi-ooxml-3.17.jar), impacted:
DQ components
Other issues fixed in R2022-09
TDI-47441 - Azure-dls-gen2 has 10mb of excel dependencies despite not support Excel data format
TDI-47865 - [TCK][Zendesk] An exception is generated in the studio log when retrieving schema of tZendeskInput
TDI-48048 - tAzureAdlsGen2XX can't support the blob path includes "
TDI-48316 - tGSCopy does not work when disabling Rename option
TDI-48293 - COPY command executing before the PUT command completes in tsnowflakeoutputbulkexec
TDI-48417 - tGoogleDriveGet to log message when it does nothing
TDI-48431 - Component tChronometerStop reports java.nio.BufferOverflowException when running on a Jobserver
TDI-48446 - tELTPostgresqlMap doesn't require (USEEXISTINGCONNECTION == 'false') when import driver jars
TDI-48363 - Skip empty enum property for UI form validation
TDI-48398 - Execution failing in Linux server
TDI-48213 - Improve stream closing in javajet code
TDI-48255 - tDynamoDBInput failing with "#" in column
TDI-48362 - Workday Web Services certificate authentication doesn't work
TDI-48560 - Compile error while log4j is deactivated
TUP-35231 - tELTMap update query not be wrapped for SET column when enable Use update statement without subqueries
in tELTOutput
TUP-36440 - JSON parsing issue when creating a new JSON file input in a repository
TUP-36251 - [8.0.1] File JSON metadata not working when special character or space is available in the field name
TUP-35898 - Studio does not display an error message when importing bad zip job archive
TUP-36593 - Nexus proxy password is stored in clear text in project setting preference
TUP-36483 - Code generation fails with : Caused by: org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList$BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException: index=6, size=6
TUP-36320 - Studio got stuck after pasting long context name into tELTSAPMap editor->Output table‘s Expression cell
TUP-35879 - Default value is not saved into the job in tck component
TUP-36118 - AMC page unable to load all projects
TUP-35511 - [JDBC TCK]: improve the ui layout for tck connector in studio
TUP-35886 - Rename tck component unexpected result in studio
TDM-9431 - Cannot create unit tests for tHMap (TPS-5218)
TDM-9462 - Flattening map not working correctly for EDI 834 document
TDM-9463 - TDM flattening map creation error with EDI 834
TDM-9117 - Reload table Defintions for Database connection doesn't work
TDM-9406 - [tHMap]Investigate renameData to see if the joblet connection can be traced to its corresponding main job connection
TDM-9412 - Add Mariadb
TDM-9423 - [tHMap]ClassCastException occurs when a WrapperStructure is used for a single InputStream output
TDM-9456 - SAP IDoc importer creates elements with names starting with a digit
TDM-9514 - Backport translated messages from 8.8.8 to the current 8.0.1 monthly
TBD-6693 - Commenting last line of tJava prevents compilation
TBD-12332 - [Spark Local 3.0.1] Compile error on job with tKinesisInputAvro component
TBD-13939 - org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: out Hive Error with CDP 7.X Distribution
TBD-14013 - Runtime exception on CDP Spark job when Date/Timestamp is used in tMap
TBD-14110 - Runtime exception on tHCatalog components using EMR62 distribution
TBD-14118 - Enable authentication properties in tGoogleCloudConfiguration
TBD-14177 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.ByteBufferPositionedReadable
TBD-14207 - [7.3] Hadoop username is ignored when job has no Kerberos properties and hadoop-conf jar is used
TBD-14268 - DBR 73 transient mode is changed to interactive after import 73DBR jobs
TBD-14273 - Cannot import joblet successfully
TBD-14279 - Compile error when run sparkstreaminglocalmongodbj01240_sparkjob2
APPINT-34973 - Missing jar when running SOAP service in Studio with wsp:Policy in WSDL
APPINT-34501 - Secure Jolokia and Spring-Boot actuator endpoints exposed by microservices
TDQ-20725 - Reference project: Fixed the issue preventing from finding the Drools package
TDQ-20698 - Fixed the issue preventing from running a Job using tMDMConnection and tSOAP
TDQ-20718 - tHashInput: Limit of 65,535 bytes have been extended
TDQ-20612 - UI improvement: Fixed the spelling of 'User-defined indicators'
TDQ-20714 - Improved performances of the data mart persistent data
TDQ-20694 - Azure Databricks table: Improved the performance to preview the column data for BD
New features in R2022-08
TUP-29393 - Simplify the connection time out preference setting in studio
TUP-33285 - [CI] Be able to specify the encryption key file
TUP-35571 - Support "Install External software...." in Studio 8
TUP-35963 - Context and global variables are not available in tELTSAPMap component
TDI-46563 - Talend Component firing ANALYSE COMPRESSION command
TDI-47833 - [Tech Preview] Workday Web Services input
TDI-46737 - Print the deployment version into the job log
TDI-47447 - include the modern authentification of Microsoft in tPOP
TDI-47369 - include the modern authentification of Microsoft in tSendMail XOAUTH2
TDQ-20279 - Batch DQ components: Support of Apache Spark 3.2 in local mode
TDQ-20280 - Streaming DQ components: Support of Apache Spark 3.2 in local mode
TDQ-20144 - Masking/Encryption components: A cryptographic key can be used as a password
TBD-13957 - Tech Preview - AWS EMR 6.6.0 and above - Universal Spark 3.2
APPINT-34664 - Support routes in "Cloud artifact" view
CVEs fixed in R2022-08
CVE-2022-34169 (xalan:xalan:2.7.2), impacted:
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-31159 (com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3:1.12.261), impacted:
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-2047 (org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:11.0.6), impacted:
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-2191 (org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:11.0.6), impacted:
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-33980 (commons-configuration2:2.1.0-2.7.0), impacted:
DI components
MDM components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (maven-core-3.8.3), impacted:
DQ Components
DQ libraries
CVE-2021-40690 (xmlsec:2.1.2), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-22573 (google-oauth-client-1.31.0-1.31.5), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-23437 (xercesImpl-2.12.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-38986, CVE-2022-22321 (com.ibm.mq.allclient-, impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-26336 (poi-4.1.2-20200903124306modifiedtalend.jar, poi-ooxml-4.1.2-20200903124306modifiedtalend.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-26612 (org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common:3.2.3), impacted:
BD Components
CVE-2022-29885 (tomcat-embed:9.0.62 jars), impacted:
APPINT Components
PRISMA-2021-0193 (flatpack-4.0.5.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-2048 (jetty:9.4.43.v20210629), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2021-29425 (hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar), impacted:
CVE-2018-10054 (com.h2database:h2:2.1.210), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2022-08
TUP-35863 - Upgrade: maven-settings:3.0
TUP-35865 - Upgrade org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:3.2.4
TUP-35909 - NullPointerException with "Select Context Variable” button
TUP-36128 - tELTmap component error in Talend 8.0
TUP-36192 - Talend 8 - Unable to Save Job
TUP-36341 - Unable to run DQ reports with subjob+joblet on a cloud or remote engine
TUP-36157 - Error when install Bigtable in studio: Illegal character in query
TUP-36242 - [8.0.1] jobs changing Hadoop metadata distribution after changing project/branch
TDI-48199 - SalesforceEinstein don't support dynamic now
TDI-48093 - Google Drive component is not working with huge files.
TDI-48203 - routines.system.JSONObject(Object bean) use reflect to call method invoke, that's dangerous for evil script inject
TDI-47976 - Fix some potential NPEs in the javajet code
TDI-48322 - Align javax.mail version to 1.6.7
TDI-48221 - tDBBulkExec (MYSQL) Failing with error
TDI-48024 - Performance issues when running job using jobserver after applying log4j2 patches.
TDI-48082 - None of the tGreenplum components other then tGreenplumConnection has the additional JDBC Parameters option
TDI-48254 - Encoding issues in tRSSOutput component
TDI-48238 - tsamba gets issue when running job from TMC
TDQ-20641 - tDataDecrypt: Fixed the issue preventing from using ";" in the input file
TDQ-20362 - Analyses: Fixed the issue causing a column loss after renaming the JDBC connection
TDQ-20485 - tRuleSurvivorship/tRules: Drools jars upgraded to 7.73.0.Final
TBD-12926 - [EMR 6.2] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error on Spark job with Hive table, which location is on S3
TBD-13375 - NoSuchMethodError with tHiveInput when reading from external table on EMR 6.2
TBD-13515 - Migration issue for spark job on EMR 6.2
TBD-14018 - Getting error "org.apache.spark.streaming.pubsub.PubsubUtils cannot be resolved to a type" when using tPubSubInput component
TBD-14020 - Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: in Talend 7.3.1
TBD-14022 - [7.3.1] R2022-05 or higher tS3Configuration component check box "Inherit credentials from AWS" no longer works
TBD-14108 - tMap - Compile error if output uses a Date with "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" pattern
TBD-14109 - Wrong field name in hCatalog components
TBD-14115 - Filters and Expressions in tMap component throws error in Spark streaming job
TBD-14117 - NoClassDefFoundError when I create CDP7 via retrieve from cloudera
TBD-14121 - Compile error on statistics for Spark > 3.0
TBD-14128 - Can't generate code when using tS3Config and distribution different than EMR
TBD-14168 - Compile error when the DI job don't contain tHiveConnection and in batch/streaming jobs with spark universal 3.2
APPINT-34738 - Integrate Talend-customized Microsoft MQ driver jar with improved native library loading
APPINT-34755 - Use latest monthly patch version instead of 8.0.1-SNAPSHOT for Talend Runtime libraries
APPINT-34916 - Compile error occurred when using tesbConsumer/tRESTClient + Dynamic Settings: Authentication Type default value
APPINT-34876 - [CI]Return error page when access Prometheus url for route published via CI as Microservice
APPINT-34902 - Align bouncycastle version to 1.70
APPINT-34974 - routerExchangetRouteFault1 cannot be resolved
CVEs fixed in R2022-07v2
Other issues fixed in R2022-07v2
TUP-36343 - Avoid possible installation issue of R2022-07 from CI.
Spark - Fix compilation issue with date pattern using tMap
New features in R2022-07
TUP-32040 - CI: Detect if project is at higher patch level than studio
TUP-35208 - CI - Show project details when list projects from workspace
TUP-30684 - snowflake Feature request to refresh the table schema instead of automatically refreshing all table schemas
TDI-44990 - Support Dynamic Schema in MongoDB output components
TDI-44761 - Algorithms Support by SFTP
TBD-10175 - Support Datasets API in tMap - Spark Batch - Simple mapping
TBD-12570 - Cloudera CDP Public Cloud Support IDBroker
TBD-13184 - GA - Universal Spark 3.2.x for Databricks 10.x and above on aws and azure
TBD-13825 - GA - Azure Synapse Spark pools with Azure AD Service Principal
TDQ-19618 - Match Analysis: The View rows feature is now supported
TDQ-19828 - tDataQualityRules: The component is now supported on Apache Spark Batch and Streaming (Local Spark and Cloudera)
CVEs fixed in R2022-07
CVE-2022-29599 (maven-shared-utils:3.2.1), impacted:
CVE-2021-26291 (maven-artifact-manager-2.0.6.jar, maven-artifact-manager-2.0.9.jar), impacted:
CVE-2016-2510 (bsh-2.0b4.jar), impacted:
CVE-2016-3506 (ojdbc6.jar), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2021-30468 (cxf-3.3.x), impacted:
BD Components
CVE-2022-25647 (gson-2.8.1.jar,com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.4-2.8.5), impacted:
DI components
BD components
CVE-2021-29425| CWE-22 (commons-io-2.6.jar), impacted:
Studio bridge
DQ Components
CVE-2021-38153 (kafka-clients-2.0.0.jar, kafka-clients-2.4.1.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2020-15250 (woodstox-core-5.1.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
MDM components
CVE-2022-24823 (netty-common-4.1.74.Final.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-22970 (spring-core-5.3.19.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2020-36518 (jackson-databind:2.11.4), impacted:
MDM Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-07
TUP-18979 - Migration tasks including mapping files
TUP-31721 - CommonExceptionHandler ... is duplicated
TUP-35513 - CI: Support nexus properties in local mode
TUP-32331 - Import job pop up error when my branch named #branch
TUP-35329 - CI: Support customize jvm arguments for p2 installation
TUP-35942 - Job design will be reverted when changing a joblet name
TUP-35637 - [Bug] some job of Project C and Project D are missing after run mvn package.
TUP-35599 - SuggestionValues.Item support of user friendly UI label different from it's id
TUP-35939 - tFileOutput components resulting in File not found error when selecting a file path for saving the output file
TUP-35645 - Studio update git for nothing
TUP-35948 - TP_ALL as cloud/on-prem license
TUP-35774 - The prompt feature for context variables
TUP-36107 - In Studio 8 Stats & Logs project settings are removed after enabling "Publish to artifact repository" feature
TUP-35887 - "build job" working in 7.2.1 fails in 8.0.1: Failed to generate code : NPE org.talend.designer.dbmap.language.oracle.OracleGenerationManager.addQuoteForSpecialChar
TDI-48004 - [TCK][Studio] Unable to run the ADLSGen2 in the Talend-runtime (OSGI Mode)
TDI-48035 - Add "Use custom null marker" option to tBigQueryOutput
TDI-47908 - 'Stats&Logs' can't handle 'java.lang.Error'
TDI-48209 - Upgrade tCloudXXX components libraries.
TDI-48159 - tSalesforceBulkExec json format can't work with force-wsc-53.0.0
TDI-48117 - SAP Filters do not work with SAP FTP option for tsapinfocubeinput
TDI-48115 - CosmosDB--->Action:Upsert with set not work as expected
TDI-48104 - Oracle float field errors out while writing to Parquet file using Dynamic schema
TDI-48043 - tFileOutputParquet sanitize field name for parquet schema
TDI-47714 - [JDBC TCK]: "Use existed connection" ui appear in tjdbcoutputbulk if that component in tck jdbc family, need to avoid that
TDI-47694 - [JDBC TCK]: Inject runtime context for tck connector runtime
TDI-44576 - tMongodboutput: 'Update all documents' not work when 'Bulk write' with 'Set' or "Upsert and set" action on data
TBD-13372 - knox: check service failed when using cdp dynamic with knox
TBD-13433 - Compile error when I run a simple spark streaming job with Yarn Cluster on EMR62
TBD-13832 - [SPL32] Runtime exception on Streaming job with tAvroInput component
TBD-13890 - Spark Job Execution fails with error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "var1" does not exist"
TBD-13907 - Missing Username Field in Spark configuration for CDP 7.X distribution.
TBD-13925 - Missing library in spark streaming job from kafka
TBD-13940 - Hive connection fails with org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation
TBD-13990 - [Patch R2022-05v28.0.1] tHiveConnection component doesn't generate code for urltHiveConnection variable definition
TBD-13998 - Issue with Use Kerberos authentication checkbox in tImpalaConnection and tImpalaInput components
APPINT-34807 - 'Publish to Cloud' from Studio 8.0.1 Last Cloud Version on moving a job from one folder to the other.
APPINT-31958 - Wrong endpoint displayed in console message when using cRest/tRESTRequest
APPINT-34694 - ClassNotFoundException when running routelet
APPINT-34772 - Adding <b>VALUES</b> in tRouteInput throws exception
APPINT-34729 - tRestClient/tESBConsumer Dynamic settings don't work with context variables
APPINT-34693 - cAggregate must be updated to allow customer to configure "persistentFileName" and "levelDBFile" / "hawtDBFile" options
APPINT-33559 - Requested screenshot is not available
APPINT-34489 - Compile error when CI publish MS route with Prometheus as docker image
TDQ-20481 - crypto-utils upgraded to 6.8.2
TDQ-20322 - tDqReportRun: Improved the error message about analysis with no columns
TDQ-20357 - tMatchGroup: A default length of output columns has been set
TDQ-20547 - tMDMBulkLoad: bulkloadclient jar file upgraded to 6.3
TDQ-18200 - New error message when Number of connections per analysis is invalid.
TDQ-19435 - Match Analysis: Path as "D:/" is now allowed in the Store on disk field
TDQ-19680 - User-defined Indicators: Fixed the issue letting users open two editors of the same UDI
TDQ-20047 - tThresholdViolationAlert: Fixed the issue preventing from running a Job with Snowflake as data mart
TDQ-20233 - tBRMS: The component can now run on JBoss BRMS 6.2 and Redhat BRMS 6.2
TDQ-20574 - Failure to create an artifact task
New features in R2022-06
TUP-27797 - Need Auto Commit feature to be disabled during new branch creation
TUP-35399 - Improve Studio update notification
TUP-33085 - Add Icon(s) to open Help
TUP-35301 - [JDBC TCK]: Support MODULE_LIST field for studio tck plugin
TUP-34855 - Setup custom JKS for job signature from GUI
TUP-34931 - Support Sybase 17
TUP-35192 - Hide the Debug->Modules from show view
TUP-28853 - Documentation does not show picture preview in HTML documentation
TUP-33929 - [CI] Enhance generateAllPoms for circular projects
TDI-44884 - Support Sybase 17
TDI-46323 - Allow Couchbase to be used with AD account/user
TDI-47297 - Add Put & Get & Delete components for AzureAdlsGen2
TDI-47398 - tMicrosoftCRM Components: Upgrade ADAL to MSAL
TDI-47984 - Align hadoop-common 3.2.3 for tFileORC/Parquet
TBD-12132 - Tech preview - Databricks 10.0.x on Google with Universal Spark 3.2.x
TBD-12165 - Support Canned ACL for Cluster conf logging - S3 / Databricks
TBD-13208 - Customer is looking to configure 2 tAzureFSConfiguration in the same job
TBD-13424 - Upgrade Redshift driver to v2.x for all Redshift components (batch & streaming)
TBD-13823 - GA - Universal Spark 3.2 local mode
TBD-13824 - GA - Apache Spark 3.2 standalone
TBD-13836 - Tech preview: CDE 1.15: QA/Test with Spark 3.2 on AWS and Azure
APPINT-34622 - tRestClient // Proxysettings don't work with context variables
APPINT-24774 - POST/PUT operations when importing API in tRESTRequest should declare a body parameter
TDQ-20295 - DQ Streaming components: Support of Databricks with Apache Spark 3.1
TDQ-20296 - DQ Batch components: Support of Databricks with Apache Spark 3.1
CVEs fixed in R2022-06
CVE-2018-10237 (guava-24.0-jre.jar,guava-25.1-android.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-21724 (postgresql-42.2.14.jar), impacted:
DI components
DQ components
CVE-2022-21449 (nimbus-jose-jwt-8.11.jar), impacted:
DI components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2019-16869 (core-io-1.6.2.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-25647 (gson-2.8.6.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-24823 (netty-common-4.1.59.Final.jar,netty-all-4.1.59.Final.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-23926 (xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar,xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.6.jar), impacted:
SourceClear Premium(No CVE) (mongo-java-driver-3.12.8.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-22970 (spring-messaging-5.3.19.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
Other issues fixed in R2022-06
TDI-46054 - Unable to run MSCRM OnPremise 2015
TDI-47731 - Component tdbRow(Snowflake flavour) does not return output when executing an ELT SQL
TDI-45946 - timetz and timestamptz was not do mapping for the DB Type
TDI-47879 - tExtractJSONFields NB_LINE name not updated
TDI-47989 - tFileInputParquet throwing error with Dynamic schema
TDI-47975 - [TCK][Studio]Guess schema fail when reading Delta format for tAzureAdlsGen2Input Shared Access Signature
TDI-47895 - Exception in component tDBOutput_1 when retrieving the FLOAT datatype from the Oracle Database using Dynamic schema type.
TDI-47951 - Redshift components throw NPE when set password property value null
TDI-48101 - tSAPTableeInput duplicate alias issue for dynamic
TDI-48069 - Wrong value for the redshift of driver 2 version on tRedshiftBulkExec
TDI-47803 - Compile error after applying Patch20220107R2022-01_v1-7.3.1
TDI-47997 - [JDBC TCK]: can't get user defined schema info in tck runtime in studio
TDI-47932 - EncryptClientSecretMicrosoftCRMMigrationTask returns wrong value
TDI-46827 - Use of RandomStringUtils in NsTokenPassport.java is not secure
TUP-28879 - JDBC metadata's modification cannot be porpagated to components(Which use the metadata)
TUP-35371 - [801 Studio] switching branches fails without errors when a job is open
TUP-35413 - Hadoop metadata connection with context variables encountered NPE : Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface"
TUP-31233 - Routine pom is not updated after installed the required jar of user routine
TUP-35611 - detectCVE: SystemRoutine doesn't exist in cveindex.csv in 731-2022-R05
TUP-35518 - Talend Studio 7.3 R2022-03 Linux(CentOS) - Designer UI Issues
TUP-35608 - Stat and Logs screen - Database connection dropdown incorrect
TUP-35531 - Default test branch name is wrong if update and additional features are required
TUP-35598 - Studio throw java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace after do retrieve schema for redshitsso.
TUP-35613 - Can't display the dataset settings of AzureAdlsGen2 metadata wizard with CSV format in default GUI size
TUP-33655 - Improve Git pull & Merge if current branch and target branch are on different monthly update.
TUP-35633 - 'Use local Update settings' checkbox should not be displayed in studio update settings when TMC update config is not set for the project.
TUP-35585 - Zero install fail to install custom tck component in 801.
TUP-35556 - Handle demo feedbacks for update from TMC
TUP-35683 - doc use job for route, joblet for routelet
TUP-35508 - Better to improve context prompt for JDBC
TUP-35539 - Netsuite: parent node show as "Items missing parent node (Deprecated)" after import or do delete the datastore directly.
TUP-35193 - Using "-DitemFilter" in the pomGeneration process doesn't generate the poms required
TUP-35326 - [JDBC TCK]: can't pass table value to runtime when use existed connection
TUP-35885 - With Git repository name GD customer gets randomly "Failed to create the part's controls" error
TUP-35806 - Studio can't complete the update if the process is broken
TUP-35974 - Even Studio installed patch version higher than what set in "update URL", studio still could get the update available info
TDM-9424 - Structure which create from xsd file export avro/csv get error
TDM-9454 - Combination of distinct and filtering on same loop does not work
TDM-9428 - Greater function does not work with numbers
TDM-9426 - Support Spark 3.2
TDM-9304 - Incorrect imported structure from JSON with choice
TDM-8597 - Optimize export wizard of 'CSV export' and 'avro export'
TDM-9344 - JSON Writer:optional element don't have value needn't show when test run
TDM-9338 - Execution status print twice with the new runtime
TDM-9460 - tHmap hangs while generating code while mapping from IDOC to UBL xsd
TBD-12250 - tRestWebServiceOutput has compile error on DBR7.3 (Streaming job)
TBD-12251 - tRestWebServiceLookupInput has compile error on DBR7.3 (Streaming job)
TBD-12327 - tKinesisOutput has compile error on dbr7.3 and other distributions
TBD-13149 - Cleanup DI Hive component
TBD-13423 - [spark streaming] it gets NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.rewind()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer when write bytearray
TBD-13600 - Issue with tFileInputXML component in Big Data Spark Job
TBD-13605 - [EMR 5.29] Compile error on Spark job with Snowflake components
TBD-13706 - Runtime exception when I run attachment job with spark local 24
TBD-13717 - Compile error on tRestWebService Input/Output component
TBD-13814 - Log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate class [org.apache.hadoop.metrics.jvm.EventCounter]
TBD-13830 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.ByteBufferPositionedReadable
TBD-13852 - NoClassDefFoundError when I run di job with hive components
TBD-13882 - Compile error for Teradata components on spark local 2.4
TBD-13897 - Missing jars for EMR 6.2.0 hive jdbc connection
TBD-13905 - Compile issue with tFileInputXML component in Big Data Spark Job Synapse CI
TBD-13954 - streaming/hive: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient when using spark standalone 3.2
TBD-13983 - Canned ACL/UI: "Log Delivery right" in dropdown list is wrong
TBD-13984 - ClassNotFoundException when I run spark streaming job with RedshiftLookupInput V2
TBD-13987 - tFileInputXML can't read from s3 using full uri
TBD-13991 - Hive metadata cannot be created for EMR 62
TBD-14004 - NoSuchMethodError when I run spark batch job with redshift components with EMR62
APPINT-34565 - Migration issue - Wrong statement displayed for tRESTClient timeout parameters
APPINT-34610 - tRouteFault no longer supported
APPINT-34618 - sqljdbc_auth.dll already loaded in another classloader
APPINT-34575 - "Use Selected Routelet Context" not work as expeced for routelet
TDQ-19623 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue preventing from using analysis and database from the reference project
TDQ-20360 - Snowflake with JDBC connection as a context model: Fixed the error causing to upload JAR file manually
TDQ-20369 - PostgreSQL: Fixed the issue causing datamart and view tables to be generated under the wrong schema
TDQ-20476 - Match analysis: Fixed the issue preventing from running the analysis when Store on disk is selected
TDQ-20245 - tRecommend: Fixed the issue preventing from using the component on Apache Spark 2.4 and 3.0 local mode
TDQ-20479 - PostgreSQL database: Fixed the issue preventing from running an analysis with Available Internet patterns
New features in R2022-05
TUP-34889 - Support to prompt Context on Metadata Connection
TUP-28953 - Spark Big Data/streaming job are missing "open another version" action
TUP-32821 - Credential property value in json format in tck framework
TUP-33928 - Controlled Studio Updates from TMC
TDI-45629 - tFileOutputJSON: Enabling Dynamic Datatype Support
TDI-45870 - tWriteJsonField / tFileOuputJSON to avoid scientific notation for numbers
TDI-46162 - Google Analytics for Studio
TDI-47820 - Enhance Dynamic support for tSAPTableInput to use the RFC Server
TDI-43829 - Add support for zip4j 2.x libraries to tFileArchive/unArchive components
TDI-47152 - upgrade httpclient 3.x to httpclient 4.5.13 for tFileFetch component
TBD-13476 - Tech preview - Universal Spark 3.2.x for Databricks 10.x and above (interactive & transient) - AWS & Azure
TBD-13581 - [BUG]tHiveConnection doesn't support spark 3.1.x dataproc 2.0.x
TBD-13687 - DeltaLake API version to align with Databricks Runtime
APPINT-34469 - Detect CVE for Route
APPINT-34429 - Add missing password decryption support for microservice builds
APPINT-34382 - cSetHeader now allows headers removal
TDQ-20293 - Made some Batch components support Apache Spark 3.1 in local mode
TDQ-20294 - Made some Streaming components support Apache Spark 3.1 in local mode
CVEs fixed in R2022-05
CVE-2021-43859 (xstream-1.4.18.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2019-12415 (poi-ooxml-4.0.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-43797 (netty-codec-http-4.1.68.Final.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2020-36518 (jackson-databind:,2.11.4,2.12.0,2.12.1), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2016-2183 (org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk16:1.46), impacted:
CVE-2022-22968 (org.springframework:spring-context:5.3.18), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Components
CVE-2022-26612 (org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common:3.2.1), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Libraries
SourceClear Premium(No CVE) (org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:2.6.2), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-05
TDI-46061 - tNeo4jv4 --> log lever set too low, should not display the info log in console when running the job.
TDI-47779 - Tableau Output is throwing a NPE when processing a null value
TDI-47802 - "Parameter Type Conflict" reported when using tOracleSP component with CLOB/AUTO-MAPPING
TDI-47772 - Snowflake Output - precision with "0" produces error on create table
TDI-47736 - [TCK][Cosmos] Unable to run like clause with the tCosmosDBSQLAPIInput in Windows 10
TDI-47338 - [Java 17] Unable to open the tJDBCInput jobs created after 731 R2021-08
TDI-47426 - [TCK] [AWS DocumentDB] --> tDocumentDBConnection will not check in runtime
TDI-47519 - Kafka use Existing connection with SSL/TLS conflicts with schema registry settings
TDI-47810 - [7.3.1] Talend Studio : JDBC component UI refresh performance issues
TDI-46924 - Deprecate the version of 'sap jco 3.* ' for tSAPConnection
TDI-46733 - SAP components parameter group name misleading issue
TDI-47819 - tJDBCInput component results in error with Dynamic schema inTalend latest versions.
TDI-47257 - tELTOracleOutput does not print messages during execution unlike other tELT*Output components
TUP-34109 - [7.3.1] slow project export compared to studio 6.5.1
TUP-35219 - Nullpointer exception with building job on commandline-script mode
TUP-34508 - Upgrade CXF-3.3.X to 3.4.4
TUP-35154 - Incorrect display of localized UI elements
TUP-35368 - DetectCVE: tRESTRequest cannot be deteced in report
TUP-35048 - Job takes about 30-60 minutes to build in Studio
TUP-35505 - Listing of Preparations fails with Talend 8.0.1 R2022-04 Release
TUP-35248 - Context password exposed when hovering over context on Talend 8
TUP-35078 - tJDBCSCDELT does not work correctly on Snowflake
TUP-33119 - SuggestionValues.Item label is received at runtime instead of id when used inside table
TUP-35049 - Talend 7.3.1 is not restoring joblet from older version to new version
TUP-35252 - Additional parameter can not update to the job after modified
TUP-35315 - Redshift SSO support driver 2.x
TUP-35538 - failed to run job when studio is Chinese on R04
TUP-35142 - Using "-" in at the beginning of passwords for TAC users cannot be parsed by Commandline
TUP-32889 - Credential value with double quotes in tck framework
TUP-35400 - Save snowflake metadata failed when selected table name start with number
TUP-35541 - log4j-1.2.17 is used in mssql and SAS metadata
TDM-9425 - [tHMap]Save and cleanup MapExecutionCommand and OutputResults in local concurrentHashMap
TDM-9408 - [tHMap]Save the Execution Status and Severity in the local globalMap
TDM-9298 - Remove Importer for java classes and JAR files
TDM-9380 - Remove DirectoryExecMapRuntimeImpl
TDM-9313 - Structure with choice recursive data can't parse right in map
TDM-9290 - Position reported by JSON Importer on errors is sometimes offset by 1
TDM-9303 - Optimize MapExecutor usage in tHMap
TDM-9405 - ConcurrentModificationException - on job data as service in runtime ESB
TBD-13324 - Talend Job to add partitions on S3 glue table fails after the patch update to R2021-09
TBD-13488 - Parquet files are not created with Snappy or Gzip compression
TBD-13511 - [7.3] extra column in schema vs hive sql using thiveinput (Patch: R202201-log4j) error out
TBD-13622 - spark job that use hive component can't run success when I set yarn cluster mode for EMR529
TBD-13653 - [EMR 6.3] Runtime exception on Spark job with Hive components
TBD-13702 - Migration from v7.0.1 to v7.3 , incorrectly sets 'Action' parameter in hdfs components
TBD-13744 - THDFSoutput does not keep the ACTION status
TBD-13753 - [8.0.1] When using Spark CDE jobs with dynamic context the job doesnt leverage the context values
TBD-13812 - CDP7.1.7.0-551 dynamic distribution missing config guava-28.1-jre.jar while testing Hadoop cluster connection
TBD-13377 - [7.3.1] Spark EMR job perf issue when migrating from R2021-02 to R2021-09
APPINT-34523 - Issue with tRestRequest component when Multipart is being selected
APPINT-34578 - MDM components causing 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.internal.ws.spi.ProviderImpl' in SOAP Service
APPINT-34620 - Missing libraries after upgrading to Talend 8.01-R2022-04 Release
APPINT-23838 - Missing required query parameter cause Server error HTTP 500 with tRESTRequest
APPINT-32309 - Diff rest endpoint when dropping API definition from metadata view (tRESTRequest)
APPINT-32536 - Fail to Run Microservice when context include Date type
APPINT-34474 - HawtDBAggregationRepository has to be replaced by LevelDBAggregationRepository in cAggregator
APPINT-34497 - Message showed twice when switching from built-in to property in tRESTRequest
APPINT-34539 - Routelet is not working with Use Route Context Name
APPINT-34569 - Job including tRESTand tRESTClient deployed to runtime gives error: com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException
APPINT-34604 - Issue deploying a micro-service to RE
APPINT-34565 - Wrong statement displayed for tRESTClient timeout parameters
APPINT-34570 - Compile error about setAccessToken(String) when import tRESTclient model with OAuth2 authentication from 731
TDQ-20303 - Melissa Data components: Fixed the issue preventing from getting failure info in the Stats and Logs tables as configured in Project Settings
TDQ-20304 - tMDMBulkLoad: Fixed the dependency issue from R2022-04
TDQ-20206 - tDqReportRun: Improved an error message
TDQ-20297 - Characters handling functions: Fixed the issue causing the result to be the same when using different algorithms
TDQ-20299 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue preventing from running Jobs in parallel
TDQ-20301 - Components: Improved the jar files by improving the mvn path
TDQ-20065 - CVE: CXF 3.3.X upgraded to 3.4.X
TDQ-20315 - Tested and confirmed that CSV files can be profiles on ADLS and S3
New features in R2022-04
TUP-34516 - CI - ZeroInstall: Refactor CI builder to prepare for publish it to public repository
TUP-33038 - [CI] Improve the P2 installation process
TUP-32273 - CI: when installation is present and license expired CI should update the license based on -Dlicense.path
TUP-31734 - Prompt users to Test patches when migrating projects
TUP-34849 - Support retrieve SAP ADSOs metadata for provisioning
TUP-35069 - Upgrade Redshift driver to v2.x
TDI-47211 - Upgrade Libraries for Ms-SQL Server - Support for MSSQL Database 2019
TDI-45052 - connect SAP BW4/Hana (tSAPADSOOutput)
TDI-43313 - Dynamic suppport for tSAPTableInput
TDI-47565 - Add List, Delete, Properties to SMB components v2/3
TDI-46111 - [7.1] Security vulnerabilities with Teradata 16 drivers
TDI-47263 - Upgrade Redshift driver to v2.x
TUP-34896 - support teradata jdbc version 17
TUP-34929 - Upgrade Libraries for Ms-SQL Server - Support for MSSQL Database 2019
TDQ-20141 - Data privacy components: Security enhanced for masking data using PBKDF2 with 300,000 iterations
TBD-13105 - Support using multiple tGSConfiguration in spark jobs
TBD-13185 - Make the universal spark 3.2.x plugin able to run spark local jobs
TBD-13328 - Tech preview - Azure AD Service Principal for Azure Synapse Spark pools configuration in Spark job
TBD-13391 - GA - Spark Universal 3.1.x for AWS EMR 6.3.x / 6.4.x / 6.5.x
TBD-13504 - Smoke test - CDP Public Cloud + KNOX + Impala
TBD-13517 - Tech preview - Support Open Source Apache Spark Standalone cluster with Spark 3.2.x
TBD-13522 - GA Cloudera CDE on AWS
TBD-13632 - GA - Universal Spark 3.1.x for Google Dataproc 2.0.x and above
TBD-13685 - GA - Universal Distribution with Spark serverless 3.1.x - Databricks Transient cluster
CVEs fixed in R2022-04
CVE-2021-35517 (commons-compress-1.19.jar), impacted:
metadata bridge
CVE-2021-33813 (jdom2-2.0.6.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-30129 (sshd-core-2.7.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-22569 (protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar,protobuf-java-3.4.0.jar), impacted:
DQ Components
CVE-2019-4055 (com.ibm.mq.allclient-, impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2020-36518 (jackson-core-2.11.4/2.12.0.jar,jackson-databind-2.11.4/2.12.0.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2021-38153 (kafka-clients-2.8.0.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2021-22096 (spring-core-5.3.8.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-23305 CVE-2022-23302 CVE-2021-4104 CVE-2019-17571 (log4j1.x), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Components
BD Compoents
CVE-2017-5929 (logback-core-1.0.9.jar,logback-classic-1.0.9.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-30468 (cxf-3.3.x), impacted:
DI Components
SourceClear Premium(No CVE) (org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn_2.6.2.Talend.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2022-04
TUP-34337 - [CI] Enable timeout settings when fetching files from P2 repository
TUP-35133 - Run a job with subjob failed after applied a patch with new version of CI-Builder
TUP-34716 - can't get the right "ACTIVEDATABASEDELIMITED_IDENTIFIERS" property value in tELTMap in javajet
TUP-35238 - Drag and drop Redshift metadata to list components lost some components
TUP-34930 - Talend Studio 7.3 font color issues
TUP-34645 - Send username and password via http request body
TDI-47428 - Job is OK and no relevant error or warning on component when Table name is not defined in tDBOutput (JDBC)
TDI-47452 - Error when generating a job with tXmlMap , if a field contains some special characters
TDI-47073 - tBigQueryOutput component needs right description
TDI-47287 - tFTPPut - throws null pointer exception when no existing file
TDI-47608 - [TCK][Tableau] Since the "Data source name" field is mandatory, we should keep it display at the beginning
TDI-47651 - Redshiftoutput component takes more time to insert
TDI-47560 - tSybaseOutput error if the input data is in the BigDecimal Type with Length and Precision definition
TDI-47641 - Issue Pulling data from NetSuite CreditMemo and Invoice Record Type
TDI-47670 - tFileInputXML: result of XPath "count" depends on XML formatting
TDI-47725 - tDBOutput returns counter NB_LINE = 0
TDI-47539 - Microsoft CRM: change application secret as a password field
TDI-47538 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output component converts BigDecimal to String
TDI-47649 - ngdbc.jar shouldn't be required when tSAPADSOInput uses connection type 'SAP JCO3'
TDI-47687 - tSCP component reuse session
TDI-47404 - Upgrade CXF-3.3.X to 3.4.4
TDI-47589 - "Write Excel 2007 format" leads to tFileOutputExcel poor performance
TDI-47201 - Studio not connecting via proxy when snowflake connection uses oauth
TDI-47496 - Column names in a main query are not enclosed when enabling "Delimited identifiers"
TDI-46584 - tServiceNowInput Limit disable option in Advanced settings not working
TUP-27413 - SQL Builder: Graphical Editor is Empty for a specific table
TUP-34378 - Job could build out successfully if contains component which cannot be loaded
TUP-34994 - Retrieve schema pop up error for my imported mongoDB
TUP-35034 - CI - stop the build if custom component is missing
TUP-34989 - DetectCVE: Some indexes are missing in cveindex.csv
TUP-34822 - [bug] Forward slash in path of -DcveIndexFilePath and -DcveReportFilePath cannot be recognized correctly
TUP-35180 - [CI] detectCVE can't use relative paths
TUP-34987 - Identify Jobs having CVEs remediated improvement.
TUP-35020 - Unable to ask for the feature manager to install the plugin for the new TCK connectors
TUP-35191 - Receiving error popup: netsuite can't be deployed when the feature is installed
TDQ-20255 - Microsoft SQL Server: Libraries upgraded
TDQ-19622 - Analysis from Hive connection: Fixed the issue causing the tables to be displayed twice in the Column selector wizard
TDQ-20110 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue causing some jars to be installed
TDQ-20185 - tPatternMasking: Fixed the issue causing the NoClassDefFoundError
TDQ-20222 - Reports: Fixed the issue preventing from running a report on a Cloud or Remote Engine
TDQ-19997 - Git project: Fixed the issue causing the NullPointerException error when editing the file connection
TDQ-20209 - (Un)Masking components, Apache Spark Streaming: Fixed the issue preventing from unmasking data to initial data when the tweak is invalid
TDQ-19768 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue causing the Job to fail when using a match analysis with the Custom Matcher
TDQ-20234 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the duplicate records issue for snowflake as datamart when parallelize running
TDM-9394 - [tHMap]Deactivated output connection loses its metadata table
TDM-9285 - [tHMap]Using a tUnite as an output connection causes an NPE during code generation
TDM-9334 - With Flat representation Decimal property is not working as expected
TDM-9278 - [OldRuntime]Execution status is accumulated when there are multiple executions for a tHMap
TDM-9359 - Get npe when click thmaprecord/thmapinput which used in joblet
TBD-12119 - Inherit credentials option in tS3Configuration should be hidden for all distributions except EMR and Databricks (AWS)
TBD-13500 - Spark tFileInputDelimited ExtractDelimited_Function.call NumberFormatException
TBD-13587 - CDP Private Cloud/Public Cloud: Add zookeeper libraries to HiveServer2 HA components for standard components
TBD-13619 - Job fails with error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "WGTCHARGEABLE" does not exist with Patch R2022-02v1-7.3.1
TBD-13645 - [Talend 8.0.1] Hbase component has compiler error in spark job
TBD-13681 - Authentication with IDBroker failed when running spark job with S3 on CDP PC AWS
TBD-13701 - Fail to generate code when job uses tMap with advanced expressions
TBD-13730 - Compile error on tHDFSConnection on DI job with ERM62 cluster
TBD-13737 - The thdfsconnection doesnt include Hadoop-Auth jar in the build for CDP 7.1.1 inbuilt distribution
TBD-13739 - [8.0.1-R2022-03] Code is not generated for Spark Big Data Jobs with component tCassandraOutput
TBD-13740 - [7.3.1-TPS-5153] TalendDate.getPartOfDate function fails with error Syntax error on token "YEAR", invalid AssignmentOperator
APPINT-34485 - No task created when publishing a SOAP Service to Cloud from Studio 8
APPINT-33991 - [Ubuntu20] API definition mapping could not be shown in cREST in Ubuntu20
APPINT-34277 - Cannot create two AMQP Connections in same route
APPINT-34296 - Error show in error log when publish a new created job not committed and pushed
APPINT-33830 - Wrong statement displayed for tRESTClient timeout parameters
APPINT-34414 - Build Route as MS ZIP will package useless joblet/code folders in ZIP root
APPINT-34443 - Jar mismatch issue when using trest and tresclient in Talend Runtime
APPINT-34398 - Failed to build route as Microservice when enable Prometheus
APPINT-34491 - Missing jar when running SOAP service in Studio
APPINT-34517 - Limit microservices available endpoints to info, health and jolokia
APPINT-34547 - Failed to run route with cMQConnection (AMQP)
CVEs fixed in R2022-03v2
CVE-2022-22950 CVE-2022-22965 (spring-core), upgraded to version 5.3.18, impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Components
BD Compoents
Other issues fixed in R2022-03v2
APPINT-34517 - Limit microservices available endpoints to info, health and jolokia
New features in R2022-03
TUP-33406 - Identify Jobs having CVEs remediated
TUP-34545 - [CICD] builder-maven-plugin:7.3.4:generateAllPoms seems to not take in account Project filter
TUP-33990 - Pendo tracking for Studio integrations with API Designer & API Tester
TUP-33202 - Use new mapping for Cassandra driver version 4 in metadata.
TDI-46441 - Upgrade Cassandra driver to latest (4.12) to support latest version of Cassandra
TDI-47154 - send exception info for audit log
TDI-47136 - Upgrade snowflake JDBC driver 3.13.14
TBD-12969 - Tech preview - Cloudera CDE experience on AWS with the Universal Distribution (Data Engineer)
TBD-12854 - Support for AWS EMR 6.3.x / 6.4.x and 6.5.x with Universal Spark 3.1.x as technical preview (yarn distrib)
TBD-13256 - Tech Preview Spark Universal 3.1 for Databricks transient cluster only
TBD-13468 - GA - CDP Public Cloud DataHub with Knox
TDM-8112 - JSON Schema to support on creating structures
TDM-9033 - Add representation options to reduce size of JSON output
TDQ-20069 - tDataQualityRules: Improved the component
TDQ-19889 - Analyses and reports: Enabled the prompt to use context variables from Profiling perspective
TDQ-20094 - tDataMasking/tPatternMasking: New option Use a column containing the tweaks to use an input column to provide the tweaks
CVEs fixed in R2022-03
CVE-2021-36373 (ant-1.10.9.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2012-5785 (axis2-kernel-1.8.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-22569 (protobuf-java-3.4.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-23221 (h2-2.0.206.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-23437 (xercesImpl-2.12.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-23305 (log4j-1.2.17.jar), impacted:
Build, Deploy job
CVE-2021-43859 (xstream-1.4.18.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-43797 (netty-codec-4.1.68.Final.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2021-22096 (spring-core-5.1.18.RELEASE.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2022-03
TDI-47385 - tMap error when tenary operator is used in join condition of column with Date type
TDI-47436 - tPostgreSqlOutput doesn't support dynamic column with upsert
TDI-47437 - tPostgreSqlOutput can't support additional columns column with upsert
TDI-47435 - tPostgreSqlOutput compile errors when 'Debug query mode' and 'Upsert'
TDI-47440 - Cannot connect to Salesforce with password starting with double-quotes
TDI-47477 - Issue with tExtractPositionalFields in 7.3.1 version
TDI-46768 - [TCK][Studio] Unable to run ADLSGen2 in the ESB runtime (OSGI Mode) with 731 R2021-09
TDI-47524 - tPostgreSqlOutput can't work when columns include dynamic and replace one non-dynamic column
TDI-47401 - MSSQL database getting data as "True" and "false" instead of "0" and "1"
TDI-47493 - tSAPInfoObjectOutput can't handle medium and long texts
TDI-47230 - OOM caused by org.talend.transform.runtime.lib.MapExecutorImpl From tHmap
TDI-46642 - Observability: connector_label is not correct
TDI-46789 - tMSSqlOutputBulkExec cannot work with server on Linux platform, where as tMSSqlBulkExec can
TUP-35003 - DetectCVE: One not fixed item always show in report
TUP-34791 - Add project reference to Project Login Pendo tracking
TUP-28898 - Drag Exasol connection to a job choose tDBOutput(Exasol) not work as tExasolOutput
TUP-34652 - Sybase CDC query that is generated groups by all columns
TUP-34769 - Error fields for Rejects get dropped from tSalesforceOutput after Sync Columns
TUP-34593 - Cannot connect to Salesforce with password starting with double-quotes
TUP-34609 - Cannot retrieve Module Name in tSalesforceInput with password starting with double-quotes
TUP-34427 - Resource:"The system cannot find the path specified" error shows if build job first then run job and job calls child job which using resource
TUP-33120 - Button appears cropped in License Window
TUP-32950 - On Ubuntu 18.04.5 documentation comment is displayed as a black box in Talend Studio designer tab
TUP-30599 - tMap drag and drop does not work seamlessly in Linux GUI as it does in Windows
TUP-33381 - Remove all the logs related to other OS
TBD-13437 - "Inherit credentials from AWS" option in tS3Configuration component for S3 authentication not working
TBD-13493 - Hive connection failed in Talend 8 with CDH 7.1.6
TBD-13649 - Error shows after trying to open a specific spark job
TBD-13657 - Dataset<DS_out_53AvroRecord> is not applicable for the arguments
APPINT-33070 - tRestClient Accept Multipart results in row1 code generation error
APPINT-34318 - Deployment in Runtime fails with - "javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource@541b668d'. Use a StreamSource or ObjectSource"
APPINT-33481 - Cannot auto create component: jetty when execute microservice jar of chttp
APPINT-33781 - Build KAR and browse with sub-directory having same name as route
APPINT-33965 - Replacement of ScriptEngine nashorn for safer alternative
APPINT-34310 - Unexpected "lib" folder at root of ZIP microservices builds
APPINT-34330 - Not able to publish a DI job through CICD when it contains tRestClient
APPINT-34332 - Redirection to wrong preference page using link in API creation wizard
TDM-9308 - Improve blacklist mechanism for JSON Schema import
TDM-9302 - Performance Issues with Talend Jobs after applying Talend Studio Patch R2021_12, suspecting tHMap
TDM-9263 - Mapping builds fine in Studio, but fails within CI
TDM-9261 - run DI job return NPE error
TDM-9257 - XQuery code generation fails with NPE when function is incomplete
TDM-9255 - [tHMap]Regression: Map creation wizard shows an error when no input is connected
TDM-9254 - JSON default alternative matcher should accept integer as exact match for Double/Float
TDM-9224 - Infinite Loop in AvroSchemaUpdater
TDM-9215 - Fix numeric enumeration in avro export/import completely
TDM-8954 - Cobol level 88 exported as avro schema and imported again looses numericity
TDQ-20053 - Simple Analysis: Fixed the error preventing from creating a Simple Analysis from a Parquet format file
TDQ-20106 - Report: Fixed the error preventing from running a report from a Basic Column Analysis
TDQ-19508 - tMatchGroup with T-Swoosh algorithm: Improved the interface to inform about Sort the output data by GID in Multi-passing mode
TDQ-20184 - Job generated from report: Fixed the issue causing a Data Integration child Job containing tFileInputExcel to fail
New features in R2022-02
TDI-46964 - Google Drive: Correct way to guarantee that resource is created onsubjobok
TDI-47199 - Couchbase v7 in Studio
TDI-45863 - Capability to manage files using Samba v2 or higher
TDI-41801 - Connector in Talend Studio to Read /write data from/to AWS DocumentDB
TDI-40320 - Add Tableau components in Studio
APPINT-26018 - Unify the cloud connection configuration between Studio Project Connection and Publish to Cloud/API bridge
TBD-12989 - Spark 3.1.x universal launcher for Databricks 8.0 and above - Interactive cluster only
TBD-12990 - Tech preview - Spark Universal 3.1.x for Google Dataproc 2.0.x
TBD-13494 - Make the universal spark 3.1 plugin able to run spark local jobs
TUP-34032 - Support connection string and X509 authentication method for MongoDB Metadata
TUP-33432 - Improve feature manager top bar button for mac
CVEs fixed in R2022-02
CVE-2020-25638 (maven-shared-utils:[0.4,0.1]), impacted:
CVE-2021-42392 (com.h2database:h2:1.4.198), impacted:
CVE-2012-5785 (axis2-kernel-1.7.8.jar), impacted:
metadata bridge
CVE-2012-0881 (xercesImpl:[2.11.0,2.11.0]), impacted:
metadata bridge
Other issues fixed in R2022-02
TDI-47259 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output Date type for AVRO and Parquet caused log warn message in Input
TDI-35717 - tOracleBulkExec's "action on table" was used when invisible
TDI-47325 - Cannot create data source(SAP BW version 7.5)
TDI-47395 - tPostgresqlOutput cannot select Insert as Action on Data when disable the Log4j
TDI-47396 - tSCPGet doesn't always close session
TDI-47484 - TDS job became slow when large retry number is used.
TDI-47375 - tMicrosoftCRM components with compile error when using OnPremise 2011
TDI-47193 - Talend Studio 8.0.1 compiling error with more than one tDataPrepRun
TDI-46848 - Dynamics CRM ON-PREMISE with OAuth 2.0 authentication
TUP-34390 - Wrong file selection dialog title for "Export custom settings" in Modules view
TUP-33675 - Throw "Invalid key name: mdm.encryption.key" in error log when studio start up
TUP-34660 - TOS: Cannot build job successfully
TUP-34510 - Wrong dependency on TOS build
TUP-34432 - No "Find features needed for the import" dialog shows when importing items which contains resource items
TUP-34120 - Restart studio after install feature will have : "Workbench has not been created yet" in error log
TUP-34156 - UI is broken for TCK Table structures in 8.0.1 + nighty
TUP-34410 - Integrate Tableau Connector
TUP-34575 - Correction to messages.properties file
TUP-34383 - Studio not responding on 'publish to Cloud'
TUP-33639 - Job which import by metedata bridge:NPE when check/uncheck "use project settings" in stats&logs
TUP-34682 - Studio 8.0.1 R2022-01-can't access Support Exchange
TUP-34574 - Feature Manager unexpectedly list duplicate category
TUP-34401 - Detect Dependencies is not working
TUP-34053 - Can't fetch correct Parquet file schema when using 'Create Simple Analysis'
TUP-33321 - Small bottom right notif window "Welcome to Studio 8 ..." always in the foreground even switching to another application
TUP-34433 - Plugins not always removed from studio after apply an update
TUP-34663 - Integrate Amazon DocumentDB into Studio
APPINT-34245 - RESTFUL Endpoint Job with tDBOutput is failing
APPINT-34254 - ClassNotFoundException: org.talend.fileprocess.FileInputDelimited when Rest service calls tFileInput* inside joblet
APPINT-31044 - Data service's endpoint can't be updated if passed as a context variable
APPINT-32893 - API Designer - Issue with tRestRequest
APPINT-33765 - ClassNotFoundException in runtime when DB connection (SQLServer) in joblet without using alias
APPINT-34206 - Camel Property DSL Generation Compile Error
APPINT-34319 - Property language not working in cSetProperty and cSetHeader
APPINT-34329 - Add back support for separate logs in TMC for individual Data Services/Routes (Studio part)
APPINT-34339 - Using json path in camel components leads to no class def found error
APPINT-34316 - Compilation error with routes using cBean (Reference to another bean)
TBD-10632 - AvroParquetOutputFormat issue with tSqoopImport on HDP31
TBD-13204 - ClassNotFoundException: org.xerial.snappy.Snappy when tFileOutputParquet in streaming job on studio 8.0
TBD-13285 - Talend Azure Synapse HDFS component issues
TBD-13315 - Compile error when di job use tHDFSConnection
TBD-13319 - Compile error when spark streaming job uses tTopBy with CDP7 built-in
TBD-13374 - tImpalaConnection - Use Kerberos authentication checkbox does not work
TBD-13441 - [QA] Check TUP-34053 Can't fetch correct Parquet file schema when using 'Create Simple Analysis'
TBD-13463 - No FileSystem for scheme: HDFS on any EMR 5.29 job on Talend 8
TBD-13498 - [7.3 ,R2022-01 ]UPPER case context variables getting converted to LOWER cases with thiveinput (Patch: R202201-log4j)
TBD-13507 - Hard-coded value in hql is transformed to unexpected case in target parquet file
TBD-13519 - Error "Syntax error on token "class", Identifier expected" after applying temp patch Patch20220113TBD-13323_v1-7.3.1
TDQ-19421 - Semantic-aware analysis ->"Check Connection" in preference page will restore the data in elastic search server
TDQ-19754 - Snowflake Datamart: improve the error message to give user a valuable reminder
TDM-9219 - Not able to build a Talend Data Mapper job on 7.3.1 from Commandline.
TDM-9227 - [7.3.1] Trim on value no more working in DataMapper field with fixed length in structure (Regression)
TDM-7427 - data type optional segment is in test run result
TDM-7904 - Json structure with invisible group can't parse data while highlight right
TDM-9077 - Avro exporter produces wrong operand avroloc within Choices and Alternatives
TDM-9119 - Check support for Distinct(using GroupBy) with Streaming
TDM-9147 - Variable $var in TDM expressions gets exported as $$var
TDM-9201 - Cobol Show Document error reporting must be improved
TDM-9205 - [tHMap]Cleanup unused log level in the component xml file
TDM-9213 - Enum numericity in exported avro schema is needed for most writers
TDM-9214 - Default JSON Choice matcher should use Enum values when available
TDM-9217 - Avro export of Structure inheriting from Choice element is missing recursive cases
TDM-9222 - JSON Reader gets stackoverflow with recursive Choice
TDM-9223 - Improve avro schema export performance for Show Document
TDM-9226 - Null item in JSON array is omitted on output
TDM-9237 - JSON Reader encodes ellipsis character
CVEs fixed in R2022-01v2
Other issues fixed in R2022-01v2
TUP-34595 - Issue while logging into a Cloud Project using a proxy with R2022-01
New features in R2022-01
TUP-33284 - Allow Publishing to cloud only if the job items are committed and pushed to Git
TUP-32059 - Add git info in the jobinfo.properties when building job from CI
TUP-33610 - Remove deprecated item in NoSQL connections.
TDI-46470 - tKafkaOutput NB_LINES and other statistical after variables
TDI-46430 - tKafka to handle Avro data in DI jobs
TDI-46806 - Azure Blob Storage supporting the latest API version
TDI-46460 - Integrate Apache Kudu / TCK in Studio
TDI-47330 - Improved error logging for ODP and ADSO input
TDI-46837 - tELTSAPMap: Improved logging for SAP components
TDI-46093 - Add connection component for Tck ADLS gen2
TDI-46875 - Implement $inc in MongoDBOutput in order to increment the value of existing field
TDI-46698 - MongoDB add .skip / .batchSize options to input
TDI-46627 - Upsert and push functionality in tmongodboutput component
TDI-46665 - TCOMPv0 (Daikon) to support java 17 (runtime)
TDI-46151 - Filter data based on return value in subquery in source database before pushing it down to a tDBInput to execute
TDI-46093 - Add connection component for Tck ADLS gen2
APPINT-34208 - Publish to cloud from CI: provide project/GIT informations in published artifact model
APPINT-33784 - Project analysis task - Warn about custom component dependencies risk
TBD-13144 - Upgrade kafka to 2.4.0
TBD-13222 - Remove deprecated version for NoSQL in spark/spark stream components.
TBD-13262 - HWC/Knox job is not able to connect to cluster
TBD-13254 - Smoke test CDP Atlas
TBD-13381 - Simplify drop-down naming for Cloudera CDP distribution
TBD-13389 - Tech preview - CDP Public Cloud with Knox (official certification)
TDQ-19814 - tDataQualityRules: New component to use DQ rules in the Studio
CVEs fixed in R2022-01
CVE-2012-0881 (xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar), impacted:
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.15-TALEND,jackson-core-asl-1.9.15-TALEND), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (maven-core-3.8.1), impacted:
DQ Components
CVE-2021-36373 (ant-1.10.9.jar), impacted:
Build, publish docker images
CVE-2015-5237 (protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-37136, CVE-2021-37137 (netty-codec-4.0.33.Final.jar,netty-codec-4.1.65.Final.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Cassandra metadata
CVE-2021-45105 (log4j-core-2.16.0.jar, log4j-1.2-api-2.16.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Components
APPINT Components
CVE-2012-5785 (axis2-kerne-1.8.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2021-22144 (elasticsearch-7.3.2.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2022-01
TUP-34111 - [7.3.1] slow studio build time for remote execution, compared to local exec, or build job with R2021-01 or higher
TUP-33966 - Studio/commandline fails to generate code for the job, throws "Invalid thread access"
TUP-33369 - Need restart Studio to show FeatureList after network is broken and fixed later
TUP-33964 - Integrate Apache Kudu Connector
TUP-33863 - Update of Metadata Hadoop Cluster does not change spark version when propagated
TUP-34123 - 'talendcsv-1.0.0.jar' is missing on 'Guess Schema' operation
TUP-33939 - Ubuntu: Cannot close "Quick Tour" after logon a migrated project with a new extracted Studio
TUP-34312 - Remove the signer from CI builder
TUP-33185 - [CI] Cannot read .project file
TUP-33830 - [7.3] ref project compilation error
TUP-33962 - Error in handling default value as NULL
TUP-34095 - Feature Manager> what's new is not expected to be to editable
TUP-34356 - Improve update wizard to expand the what's new scroll pane according to the size of the dialog
TUP-34127 - Feature manager should popup error if update version is lower than studio version
TUP-30975 - Can't move Couchbase connection to folder
TUP-33897 - Remove username from Studio Cloud Login
TUP-33644 - TMC: error pop up when uncheck "use manual commit mode" and check out as local branch
TUP-33776 - "Enable Parallel execution" in tOracleInput and tRESTClient
TUP-34274 - [8.0] missing tesbconsumner component in studio with data management license
TUP-34405 - Feature ESBConsumer is not active after import in a 73 existing project.
TUP-33883 - Commandline upgrade script can't load update url from studio configuration
TUP-34440 - Missing some tcompv0 basic plugins updates in 8.0 patch
TUP-33214 - Migrated 731 project could not show the build popup for job build operation and gives error(IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!) in macOS
TDI-46910 - [tELTMap] The way to escape Db Column in multi-byte character in is different between input and output
TDI-44321 - Update misleading text on SSL connection in tMongoDBConnection
TDI-46834 - Additional columns in tDBOutput doesn't generate code properly for MySQL and Oracle
TDI-46943 - Dynamic schema fail's with Excel
TDI-46743 - tFileDelete cannot delete xlsx file which is generated by tFileOutputExcel when enable Streaming append and protect and multiple sheets
TDI-47228 - tPostgresqlOutput: Upsert action not visible when using existing connection.
TDI-46410 - [7.3.1] issue with tadvancedfileoutputXML after upgrade from 6.1.1
TDI-47271 - tKafkaCreateTopic cannot work in studio 8.0.1
TDI-46870 - Upgrade kafka-client to 2.4.0
TDI-47272 - tfileinputparquet issue with parquet file metadata
TDI-47222 - [TCK Studio Integration] Stop executed before Flush
TDI-47122 - Metadata details are not loaded from Snowflake
TDI-47213 - AzureAdslGen2Output migration failed with regular expression
TDI-47234 - Job using tXSLT that was working fine before R2021-11 no more works after R2021-11
TDI-47319 - tKafkaOutput compile error version Kafka
TDM-9200 - the special characters generated in the output XML file in 7.3.1
TDM-9043 - JSON Reader supporting expressions as discriminators
TDM-9125 - TDM: Group By doesn't work with multiple entries
TDM-9197 - get error when install TDM feature to esb runtime
TDM-8449 - Support JSONL
TDM-8488 - Flattening map throw error when choose blank structure
TDM-9017 - PutValueToExternalMap value is converted to String if a Java function is used
TDM-9038 - JSON sample importer creates untyped element for {}
TDM-9076 - Avro exporter fails for operands defined after expression
TDM-9078 - Avro exporter fails to export expressions set on Choices
TDM-9092 - SecondChoice, which passes the IsPresent expr, is not parsed/highlighted
TDM-9157 - Distinct Loop with Child Loop using IndexRangeLoop has XPathException
TDM-9174 - tuj job tdmTDMT627csv_writer is failed with JSON syntax error
TDM-9176 - Upgrade codehaus.jackson dependency to 1.9.16-TALEND
TDM-9203 - JSON default choice handler fails on optional array
TDM-9208 - Expressions in a map with JSON reps are not exported in avro schema
APPINT-34210 - The microservice jar could not be generated when route with cREST as client + saml
APPINT-34013 - "Component must have a valid id" when adding <cxf:bus> element in route's spring tab
APPINT-34077 - RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/cxf/databinding/DataBinding
APPINT-34052 - Issue while overriding microservice context param with commandline
APPINT-34157 - No task created when publishing a microservice to Cloud from Studio 8
APPINT-34048 - Sync up the Region names of cAWSConnection
APPINT-34088 - [CI] Mvn deploy job to tmc failed when use default environment
TBD-12184 - Password field missing for tImpalaRow
TBD-12809 - Compile error on Spark job with Hive components using EMR 5.29 cluster
TBD-13202 - Compile error when tFileStreamInputParquet in streaming job
TBD-13283 - Snowflake - upgrade spark connector and jdbc driver
TBD-13289 - Cloudera dynamic distributions issues on Studio 8
TBD-13297 - Unable to compile and build the job after R2021-11 patch
TBD-13303 - tImpalaConnection - Impala driver ClassNotFoundException
TBD-13306 - Header is loaded into target file as a record though hive query has ignored the header
TBD-13309 - CVE on commons-httpclient-3.0.1
TBD-13310 - CVE: jackson-mapper(core)-asl-1.9.16-TALEND
TBD-13323 - Unable to compile Talend Big Data job having data type as BigDecimal in 'tDeltaLakeOutput' component.
TBD-13327 - "Duplicate field in record" error while opening spark job in studio
TBD-13464 - Many Compile error when I run new create spark job with HDI4
TBD-13465 - ClassNotFoundException when I run a simple job with CDP711
TDQ-19846 - Snowflake: Improved the performance of the DQ data mart
TDQ-19741 - Snowflake: Correct 'RUN TIME' in generated report file
TDQ-19163 - tDataMasking: Removed a few unsupported data types to prevent the Job from failing
TDQ-20005 - Fixed the error preventing the name of business rules from being changed in the data mart
TDQ-20000 - Column Set Analysis: Fixed the error preventing from generating a report into Snowflake datamart
TDQ-19925 - tDataMasking: Fixed the NoClassFound error when using the function Bank account generation on Amazon EMR 6.2
New features in R2021-12
TUP-33718 - Genereate component - jar index data
TUP-26972 - Prompt to Automatically push changes to Remote Branch
TUP-22589 - Improve error messages when pushing to read-only GIT branches
TUP-32064 - Build up to date Studio index automatically
TUP-33198 - Support retrieve SAP ADSO service metadata with SAP JCO3
TDI-44717 - [tPostgresqlOutput] Support upsert using "on conflict" clause to enable batch size
TDI-45710 - tXSLT support for streaming input and output
TDI-46936 - Cloud- cloud TDS job fails with connection timeout error while reaching to campaign
TDI-45793 - Extracting data from SAP BW4HANA without direct connection to DB
TDI-45940 - Workday Raas/Soap supporting Oauth
TDI-45016 - Add a configurable Query Timeout field to AS400 connection components
TDI-44609 - Support custom URI for MongoDB Atlas
TDI-46517 - MongoDB connectivity Authentication with x.509
APPINT-34089 - Project analysis task - Warn about duplicated routeId usage
APPINT-33726 - SNS component in Route to support FIFO
APPINT-34095 - tRESTRequest now accepts to have multipart as optional
APPINT-33956 - Project analysis task - Seek for components unresolved dependencies
CVEs fixed in R2021-12
CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046 (log4j-core-2.13.2.jar, log4j-core-2.14.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Components
APPINT Components
metadata bridge
CVE-2020-28052 (bcprov-jdk15on-1.62.jar), impacted:
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (oauth2-oidc-sdk-6.5.jar,adal4j-1.6.5.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Microsoft SQL Server database metadata
CVE-2021-37137 (netty-codec-4.1.50.Final.jar,netty-codec-4.1.59.Final.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2021-20328 (mongodb-driver-core-4.2.3.jar,mongodb-driver-sync-4.2.3.jar,bson-4.2.3.jar,mongo-java-driver-3.12.8.jar), impacted:
DI Components
BD Components
MongoDB metadata
CVE-2021-35517 (commons-compress-1.18.jar), impacted:
metadata bridge
Other issues fixed in R2021-12
TUP-34105 - Upgraded log4j2 to 2.16.0 for CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046
TUP-34155 - Can't build spark job that use HDI4
TUP-34094 - Add progressbar for patch update when launching studio
TUP-33792 - No "Data viewer" for lite studio by default
TUP-32838 - Custom value in a table column with suggestable values is not allowed
TUP-33882 - Data preview failed if tSnowflakeInput using exist connection
TUP-33659 - JETL: "xxxClassNotFoundException: xxx" Error shows in Errorlog after loging into project
TUP-33854 - JETL studio can't install patch
TUP-33791 - Error pops up while running job in main project and it call childjob from reference project
TUP-33734 - Patched new features can't be shown in feature manager if it is located in a deeper category which level more than one
TUP-33822 - Can't update new patch successfully if last patch is installed from a sub profile (a project which required features less than studio installed)
TUP-33570 - Retrieve hadoop config from Ambari / Cloudera seems not working
TUP-33667 - Branch in "auto commit mode" switch to a "Use manual commit mode" branch will popup Uncommitted files found dialog
TUP-33199 - [Feature Manager->Cancel installation] After clicking on the "Cancel Operation" during installation, "Restart Studio" dialog was popped up which is improper.
TUP-33735 - "Hierarchical Mapper" can't show properly when switch git branch
TUP-33692 - Studio reset the ref project version to studio version in some case .
TUP-33443 - The method tFileInputDelimited1onSubJobError(Exception, String, Map<String,Object>) is undefined for the type xxxxx
TUP-33713 - Logon popup message in a mess when main project and refer project are on different patch
TUP-34096 - failed to logon the project, after clicking NO on the patch update restart dialog
TUP-33445 - Add configurable parameters for MDM Service Request
TUP-33467 - Need to adjust the UI of 'check connection' when tck component in studio
TUP-33497 - Bug in tDBOutput component when linking rejects to tMap
TUP-33533 - Studio generates .bat file with LF as 'End of Line (or new line)' character instead of CRLF
TUP-33564 - MDM: Met some issue when add Reference Entity in "Edit Business Element" dialog
TUP-33685 - Update version not saved into project if migrate a project by switch branch.
TUP-33731 - Remote Project: when do pull and merge for add/remove reference project, ConcurrentModificationException show in error log
TUP-33617 - java.io.OptionalDataException on tAvroInput
TUP-33709 - "Failed to create assembly" when compile a BD job with studio commandline
TUP-33755 - Update wizard error text not wrap if there is something wrong with the update p2
TUP-33834 - SVN shown in the listProject command help in CommandLine
TUP-33807 - Sybase ASE Triggers generated by CDC don't work when multiple lines are affected
TUP-33833 - Fail to log on a project if switch from tpall license to tdi license and the studio installed all feature and a patch
TUP-32940 - Remove "Also search from Help when performing a component searching"
TUP-33746 - Feature manager :Active/Deactive Features: "Resotre Defaults" not work
TUP-33728 - Migrate studio65 job to 801, miss DB connection
TUP-33121 - Talend Studio gives no error if unable to connect to remote GIT repository
TUP-33230 - Update patch: need restart to make new patch work for artifactory
TUP-34140 - run job with tRunJob failed if user B logon a project that user A installed some features contain routine
TUP-34141 - can't pull the changes of requiredFeatures.json for local mode
TUP-34149 - JETL: Cannot install patch completely
TDI-46912 - [tELTOutput] "Drop table if exists and create” does not work
TDI-46930 - compile error on tFileOutputDelimited after installing the cumulative patch
TDI-46984 - tFTPGet component unable to get file from FileZilla Server, with a particular Filemask in Studio, after September patch, Patch20210924R2021-09_v2-7.3.1
TDI-46791 - tBigQueryInput - Component returning extra row of NULL values
TDI-46905 - tFTPPut treat absolute path FTP server.
TDI-47170 - tFTPPut treat absolute path sFTP server.
TDI-46992 - Could the fix for TDI-46373 might have introduced a regression - a limit to the content log - java.nio.BufferOverflowException
TDI-47179 - tPostgresqlOutput: enable "Batch" checkbox for Upsert action.
TDI-47005 - In tsalesforceoutput component UPSERT is working even though columns were not aligned
TDI-46932 - tSAPInput component parses TIMS Midnight as null when using dynamic schema
TDI-47147 - tmap failed with first match with cache in file
TDI-47078 - [7.3]Multiple SQL Statements in SQL Template => Duplicate local variable
TDI-46962 - tAmazonAuoraOutput compilation errors
TDI-46850 - Upgrade ActiveMQ Jars
TDM-8894 - Update can't be detected when delete invalid element which used by function
TDM-9039 - JSON sample importer should process JSONL/NDJson files
TDM-9089 - Stream job run fail with eclipse runtime
TDM-9107 - IsPresent value is not created correctly from the imported AVSC
TDM-9116 - Streamline and trace dirty flag management
TDM-9133 - regression: retest TDM-8173 and will return error
TDM-9134 - Relax controls on parent looping expressions for grouping nested loops
TDM-9139 - tHMap will get the error when first time run if "unroll from loop"
TDM-9142 - Missing/Incomplete MANIFEST.MF
TDM-9144 - Align slf4j (maybe others) between standalone target platform and Studio
TDM-9145 - Distinct on Attribute of type integer is sorted by String
TDM-9146 - clean unused message
TDM-9178 - CVE: org.hibernate:hibernate-core:[5.0.9-5.3.20.Final]
TDQ-19920 - tMatchGroup: Job failed when using a shared connection
TDQ-17188 - Remote project: Report with 8 analyses failed with the error "Can't execute now"
TDQ-19849 - tVerifyEmail: Job couldn't be executed on some networks when Check with mail server callback was selected
TDQ-19750 - Talend Exchange: Activated some indicators, regexes and rules for 8.0
TDQ-19884 - Fixed the error preventing to import from talend Exchange
TDQ-19886 - Semantic-aware analysis: Enhanced an error message
TDQ-19293 - tData(Un)Masking: Enhanced some function names
TDQ-19834 - CVE: org.apache.jena upgraded to 4.2.0
TDQ-19203 - Analysis: Studio was unavailable while opening an analysis
APPINT-34090 - Studio esb/osgi-exclude.properties doesn't work any more
APPINT-34030 - git commit ID inconsistent when publishing artifact to Cloud.
APPINT-33788 - Unexpected waiting for javax.sql.DataSource dependencies (part 2)
APPINT-32136 - Job & Run view displays DI job icon and/or label when a route or routelet editor is active
APPINT-34059 - Build DemoREST as OSGI failed with offline with error Unresolveable build extension
APPINT-34073 - NoSuchEndpointException when run route with cAWSConnection + cAWSSQS
APPINT-33820 - Add setting of owner ESB task as MDC for logging of REST routes and services (backport)
APPINT-34113 - CXFRS jackson json provider issue
APPINT-34061 - Missing import for net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl
APPINT-34099 - tRestClient with option "Convert response to DOM document" throw error when receiving 204 response
APPINT-34066 - [MacOS Big Blure]Fail to build route as OSGI to runtime with ClassNotFoundException on MacOS
APPINT-34009 - [TCK][Studio] Unable to run Neo4jV4 and CosmosAPI in Microservice Mode
TBD-13301 - Expression within tMap doesn't compile due to invalidAssignmentOperator; even though the column exists in the input schema
TBD-13284 - Compile error on Spark job with tMap component
TBD-13268 - Class not Found encountered when running Spark job against S3
TBD-13244 - Failed to add json-smart-2.4.7-LATEST.jar to Spark environment
TBD-13242 - [Spark Streaming] tFileOutputDelimited components sometimes doesn't write byte[] data
TBD-13238 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "entity_name" does not exist.
TBD-13236 - "Use SSE-KMS encryption" property is absent for tS3Configuration component when EMR distribution is selected
TBD-13232 - java.lang.String is not a valid external type for schema of bigint
TBD-13231 - Compile error when tHiveInput in streaming job
TBD-13227 - java.math.BigDecimal is not a valid external type for schema of int
TBD-13220 - Nullpointerexception using Cross Join in Spark
TBD-13203 - Compile error when tCassandraOutput/tCassandraInput in streaming job
TBD-13199 - Wrong driver cores value is set in spark config when Synapse from repository is used
TBD-13198 - Wrong tunning properties field name in Synapse wizard
TBD-13195 - [Talend 8, Azure Synapse] Compile error "org.talend.bigdata cannot be resolved to a type" on simple Batch/Streaming job
TBD-13194 - Databricks launcher reuploads already existing libs
TBD-13187 - Compile error on tLogRow when byteArray type is used
TBD-13175 - EMR 6.2 fails when job contains tDatamasking component
TBD-13148 - Decimal precision needs to be provided in tHiveOutput schema Component in 7.3.1
TBD-13139 - Default value defined in tAggregateRow is not taken into account
TBD-13138 - A schema mismatch detected when writing to the Delta table
TBD-13128 - HWC doesn't work when using a cluster with Kerberos+SSL
TBD-13120 - ClassNotFoundException on streaming job with tKafkaInput running on spark local 3.0
TBD-13102 - Data Load from kafka to Data Bricks in spark streaming job
TBD-13373 - User did not initialize spark context when I run a simple spark job with HDI4
TBD-13201 - Spark job running on Synapse failed with IllegalStateException
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