Chef, writer, entrepreneur, and champion of Peruvian cuisine
Gaston Acurio is the gastronomic director of "Astrid & Gaston". Mr. Acurio published several books. He also directed and led the cable TV program "Aventura Culinaria" for over ten years.
CEO and founder of UWINCorp and Entrepreneur In Residence - MIT Media Lab
Mr. Akinyemi is the Founder and CEO of UWINCorp; the Mobile Commodity Marketplace that creates the Next Generation Capital Market Infrastructure for rural commodities producers. He is also a current member of the Advisory Board of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT-Africa Committee and its MIT-Africa Executive Working Group.
Vice-President of China International Cooperation Association of SMEs (CICASME)
He is currently the vice president of China International Cooperation Association of SMEs (CICASME). Mr. DONG Songgen is a well-known international cooperation expert in China. He is familiar with corporate legal practice and other fields.
Chief Executive Officer “Eventys Partners” Chairman on the Small Business Administration’s SBDC National Advisory Board and President of the Intellectual Property Owners Education Foundation (IPOEF)
Over the past 34 years, Mr. Foreman has created 10 successful start-ups and has been directly responsible for the creation of over 20 others. A prolific inventor, he is the inventor of 10 registered US Patents, and his firm is responsible for the development and filing of well over 700 more.
Karoli Hindriks is an Estonian entrepreneur, the CEO & founder of Jobbatical, a startup Forbes named one of Europe's 10 Most Exciting Technology SMEs For 2018. Jobbatical is working on removing the friction of international relocation by making immigration processes seamless through technology.
Initiator & Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation
Explorer, psychiatrist, ambassador for clean technologies. First man to fly around the world in a balloon and in a solar airplane. As Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation, he has succeeded in his mission to select 1000 profitable solutions to protect the environment and support clean growth.