  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
str = 'Fri May 28 18:15:46 +0000 2021'
str = 'Fri May 28 18:15:46 +0000 2021'
inputFormat = 'eee MMM d H:mm:ss xx yyyy'
inputFormat = 'eee MMM d H:mm:ss xx yyyy'
dt = datetime(str, 'InputFormat' , inputFormat, 'TimeZone' , 'UTC' )
dt = datetime
28-May-2021 18:15:46
I used the information in the description of the Format property on the documentation page for the datetime function to generate inputFormat. Most of the identifiers were in the "All Date and Time Formats" table. I wasn't sure whether you wanted to use Z, xx, or xxxx. When I tried just using the InputFormat name-value pair input MATLAB threw an error that indicated I needed to specify a TimeZone as well.
0.0161 0.0125
D = seconds(GazeTimestamp ./ 1000);
D.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'
D = 4×1 duration array
00:00:01 00:02:49 00:00:01 00:00:01

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