Everything you see is funded by the Followers of the Apocalypse. We rely a lot on charity to provide low-cost medical services to the less fortunate.
Doctor Usanagi
決定可以植入的次數,最大是9次。Temporary boosts do not count, as only permanent points allow you to receive them.
Caps paid to Dr. Usanagi for implants do not add to the caps she has to buy items from the Courier.
There are a total of three
clinic guard
s in the main room when you walk in the door and one more in the back near the surgery room.
Interestingly, the window to the right of the outside doors has a smiley face with an "X" below it. This was a sign used in
Hobo code
to indicate that "the doctor at this office will treat hobos free of charge", which is consistent with the humanitarian mission of the Followers.
Has platform::Playstation 3
If you have two companions with you and get the health regeneration implant, both of your companions will disappear upon leaving the clinic.
Has platform::Playstation 3
Has platform::Playstation 3
A bug occurs after asking for the charisma implant the entrance to the clinic becomes locked however the only way to exit is to have an average