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" Serenity / Dream Town "
Everything you see is funded by the Followers of the Apocalypse. We rely a lot on charity to provide low-cost medical services to the less fortunate. Doctor Usanagi

The New Vegas medical clinic is a Followers of the Apocalypse medical facility outside of New Vegas 宇佐木醫生 掌管這家診所,位置在 赤紅商隊公司 東面, 大鼴鼠農場 西南。

  • 1 布局
  • 2 Related quests
  • 3 註釋
  • 4 登場
  • 5 Bugs
  • 6 圖集
  • 布局 [ ]


    Related quests [ ]

    • I Don't Hurt Anymore
    • Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

    註釋 [ ]

    • The background music is " Dream Town ", which had been originally used for Modoc .
    • 如果和 末日追隨者 關係很融洽的話,醫生這裡會給你購物折扣,包括各種雜誌。She will also buy your items for a value higher than other vendors (such as the Gun Runners ).
    • 除了一般的藥品補給和治療消幅,這裡提供強化人體的植入手術,普通的基本屬性強化4000塊,傷害減免8000塊,再生能力12000。
    • 耐力值 決定可以植入的次數,最大是9次。Temporary boosts do not count, as only permanent points allow you to receive them.
    • 在診所里是撿不到醫療用品的,只能從醫生處購買。
    • 醫生的售賣物品48小時刷新。
    • Caps paid to Dr. Usanagi for implants do not add to the caps she has to buy items from the Courier.
    • There are a total of three clinic guard s in the main room when you walk in the door and one more in the back near the surgery room.
    • Interestingly, the window to the right of the outside doors has a smiley face with an "X" below it. This was a sign used in Hobo code to indicate that "the doctor at this office will treat hobos free of charge", which is consistent with the humanitarian mission of the Followers.

    登場 [ ]

    新維加斯診所僅出現在 輻射:新維加斯

    Bugs [ ]

    • Has platform::Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Playstation 3 If you have two companions with you and get the health regeneration implant, both of your companions will disappear upon leaving the clinic. [已验证]
    • Has platform::Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Playstation 3 有時候,醫生的對話選項里沒有療傷這一項,別的選項卻還在。 [已验证]
    • Has platform::Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Playstation 3 A bug occurs after asking for the charisma implant the entrance to the clinic becomes locked however the only way to exit is to have an average Lockpick skill. [已验证]

    圖集 [ ]