  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
独立的皮带  ·  霹雳州 - 马来西亚 - ...·  3 月前    · 
才高八斗的水煮肉  ·  Install a free ...·  3 月前    · 
眼睛小的香瓜  ·  Documentation·  6 月前    · 

- On windows:

+ Chrome: Hold the Ctrl button and click the reload button in the address bar

+ Firefox: Hold Ctrl and press F5

+ IE: Hold Ctrl and press F5

- On Mac:

+ Chrome: Hold Shift and click the reload button in the address bar

+ Safari: Hold the Command button and press the reload button in the address bar

click reload multiple times or access mazii via anonymous mode

- On mobile:

Click reload multiple times or access mazii through anonymous mode

If it still doesn't work, press