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Upgrade to the Latest 2.7.x Version

Before you start the upgrade, make sure to upgrade to the latest available 2.7.x version. This will make sure that you are building against the most recent dependencies of that line.

Review Dependencies

The move to Spring Boot 3 will upgrade a number of dependencies and might require work on your end. You can review dependency management for 2.7.x with dependency management for 3.0.x to asses how your project is affected.

You may also use dependencies that are not managed by Spring Boot (e.g. Spring Cloud). As your project defines an explicit version for those, you need first to identify the compatible version before upgrading.

Spring Security

Spring Boot 3.0 uses Spring Security 6.0. The Spring Security team have released Spring Security 5.8 to simplify upgrading to Spring Security 6.0. Before upgrading to Spring Boot 3.0, consider upgrading your Spring Boot 2.7 application to Spring Security 5.8. The Spring Security team have produced a migration guide that will help you to do so. From there, you can follow the 5.8 to 6.0 migration guide when upgrading to Spring Boot 3.0.

Dispatch types

In Servlet applications, Spring Security 6.0 applies authorization to every dispatch type. To align with this Spring Boot now configures Spring Security’s filter to be called for every dispatch type. The types can be configured using the spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types property.

Review System Requirements

Spring Boot 3.0 requires Java 17 or later . Java 8 is no longer supported. It also requires Spring Framework 6.0.

Review Deprecations from Spring Boot 2.x

Classes, methods and properties that were deprecated in Spring Boot 2.x have been removed in this release. Please ensure that you aren’t calling deprecated methods before upgrading.

Once you have reviewed the state of your project and its dependencies, upgrade to the latest maintenance release of Spring Boot 3.0.

Configuration Properties Migration

With Spring Boot 3.0, a few configuration properties were renamed/removed and developers need to update their application.properties / application.yml accordingly. To help you with that, Spring Boot provides a spring-boot-properties-migrator module. Once added as a dependency to your project, this will not only analyze your application’s environment and print diagnostics at startup, but also temporarily migrate properties at runtime for you.

You can add the migrator by adding the following to your Maven pom.xml :


Or if you use Gradle:


Jakarta EE

Whenever Spring Boot depends on a Jakarta EE specification, Spring Boot 3.0 has upgraded to the version that is included in Jakarta EE 10. For example, Spring Boot 3.0 uses the Servlet 6.0 and JPA 3.1 specifications.

If you are managing your own dependencies, and aren’t relying on our starter POMs, you should ensure that you have updated your Maven or Gradle file appropriately. You need to be especially careful that older Java EE dependencies are no longer directly or transitively used in your build. For example, if you should always be using jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api and not javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api .

As well as dependency coordinate changes, Jakarta EE now uses jakarta packages rather than javax . Once you’ve update your dependencies you may find that import statements in your project need to be updated.

There are a number of tools that can help with migration, including:

Core Changes

Several changes have been made to the core of Spring Boot that will be relevant to most applications.

Image Banner Support Removed

Support for image-based application banners has been removed. banner.gif , banner.jpg , and banner.png files are now ignored and should be replaced with a text-based banner.txt file.

Logging Date Format

The default format for the date and time component of log messages for Logback and Log4j2 has changed to align with the ISO-8601 standard. The new default format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX uses a T to separate the date and time instead of a space character and adds the timezone offset to the end. The LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN environment variable or logging.pattern.dateformat property can be used to restore the previous default value of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS .

@ConstructingBinding No Longer Needed at the Type Level

@ConstructorBinding is no longer needed at the type level on @ConfigurationProperties classes and should be removed. When a class or record has multiple constructors, it may still be used on a constructor to indicate which one should be used for property binding.

If you were relying on autowiring of a dependency into the constructor of a @ConfigurationProperties class, you must now annotate it with @Autowired to prevent it being identified as a target for property binding.

YamlJsonParser Has Been Removed

YamlJsonParser has been removed as SnakeYAML’s JSON parsing was inconsistent with the other parser implementations. In the unlikely event that you were using YamlJsonParser directly, please migrate to one of the other JsonParser implementations.

Auto-configuration Files

Spring Boot 2.7 introduced a new META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports file for registering auto-configurations, while maintaining backwards compatibility with registration in spring.factories . With this release, support for registering auto-configurations in spring.factories using the org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration key has been removed in favor of the imports file. Other entries in spring.factories under other keys are unaffected.

Libraries targeting both Spring Boot 3.x and 2.x can safely list their auto-configuration classes in both spring.factories and AutoConfiguration.imports . Spring Boot 2.7, which supports both locations, will de-duplicate any entries that are listed twice.

Web Application Changes

If you’re upgrading a web application, the following section should be reviewed.

Spring MVC and WebFlux URL Matching Changes

As of Spring Framework 6.0, the trailing slash matching configuration option has been deprecated and its default value set to false . This means that previously, the following controller would match both "GET /some/greeting" and "GET /some/greeting/":

public class MyController {
  public String greeting() {
    return "Hello";

As of this Spring Framework change, "GET /some/greeting/" doesn’t match anymore by default and will result in an HTTP 404 error.

Developers should instead configure explicit redirects/rewrites through a proxy, a Servlet/web filter, or even declare the additional route explicitly on the controller handler (like @GetMapping("/some/greeting", "/some/greeting/") for more targeted cases.

Until your application fully adapts to this change, you can change the default with the following global Spring MVC configuration:

public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
    public void configurePathMatch(PathMatchConfigurer configurer) {

Or if you’re using Spring WebFlux:

public class WebConfiguration implements WebFluxConfigurer {
    public void configurePathMatching(PathMatchConfigurer configurer) {


Previously, the server.max-http-header-size was treated inconsistently across the four supported embedded web servers. When using Jetty, Netty, or Undertow it would configure the max HTTP request header size. When using Tomcat it would configure the max HTTP request and response header sizes.

To address this inconsistency, server.max-http-header-size has been deprecated and a replacement, server.max-http-request-header-size, has been introduced. Both properties now only apply to the request header size, irrespective of the underlying web server.

To limit the max header size of an HTTP response on Tomcat or Jetty (the only two servers that support such a setting), use a WebServerFactoryCustomizer.

Updated Phases for Graceful Shutdown

The phases used by the SmartLifecycle implementations for graceful shutdown have been updated. Graceful shutdown now begins in phase SmartLifecycle.DEFAULT_PHASE - 2048 and the web server is stopped in phase SmartLifecycle.DEFAULT_PHASE - 1024. Any SmartLifecycle implementations that were participating in graceful shutdown should be updated accordingly.


Jetty does not yet support Servlet 6.0. To use Jetty with Spring Boot 3.0, you will have to downgrade the Servlet API to 5.0. You can use the jakarta-servlet.version property to do so.

Apache HttpClient in RestTemplate

Support for Apache HttpClient has been removed in Spring Framework 6.0, immediately replaced by org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5 (note: this dependency has a different groupId). If you are noticing issues with HTTP client behavior, it could be that RestTemplate is falling back to the JDK client. org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient can be brought transitively by other dependencies, so your application might rely on this dependency without declaring it.

Actuator Changes

If you use Spring Boot’s actuator module, you should be aware of the following updates.

JMX Endpoint Exposure

By default, only the health endpoint is now exposed over JMX, to align with the default web endpoint exposure. This can be changed by configuring the management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.include and management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.exclude properties.

'httptrace' Endpoint Renamed to 'httpexchanges'

The httptrace endpoint and related infrastructure records and provides access to information about recent HTTP request-response exchanges. Following the introduction of support for Micrometer Tracing, the name httptrace may cause confusion. To reduce this possible confusion the endpoint has been renamed to httpexchanges. The contents of the endpoint’s response has also been affected by this renaming. Please refer to the Actuator API documentation for further details.

Related infrastructure classes have also been renamed. For example, HttpTraceRepository is now named HttpExchangeRepository and can be found in the org.springframework.boot.actuate.web.exchanges package.

Actuator JSON

Responses from the actuator endpoints shipped with Spring Boot now use an isolated ObjectMapper instance to ensure results are consistent. If you want to revert to the old behavior and use the application ObjectMapper you can set management.endpoints.jackson.isolated-object-mapper to false.

If you have developed your own endpoints, you might want to ensure that responses implement the OperationResponseBody interface. This will ensure that the isolated ObjectMapper is considered when serializing the response as JSON.

Actuator Endpoints Sanitization

Since, the /env and /configprops endpoints can contains sensitive values, all values are always masked by default. This used to be case only for keys considered to be sensitive.

Instead, this release opts for a more secure default. The keys-based approach has been removed in favor of a role based approach, similar to the health endpoint details. Whether unsanitized values are shown or not can be configured using the properties management.endpoint.env.show-values or management.endpoint.configprops.show-values which can have the following values:

ALWAYS - All values are present in the output (any user-defined sanitizing functions will still apply).

WHEN_AUTHORIZED - Values are present in the output only if a user is authorized (any user-defined sanitizing functions will apply).

For JMX, users are always considered to be authorized. For HTTP, users are considered to be authorized if they are authenticated and have the specified roles.

Sanitization for the QuartzEndpoint is also configurable in the same way with the property management.endpoint.quartz.show-values.

Spring Boot 3.0 builds on Micrometer 1.10. If your application gathers and exports metrics, you should be aware of the following changes.

Deprecation of the Spring Boot 2.x instrumentation

As a result of the integration with the Observation support, we are now deprecating the previous instrumentation. The filters, interceptors performing the actual instrumentation have been removed entirely, as entire classes of bugs could not be resolved and the risk of duplicate instrumentation was too high. For example, the WebMvcMetricsFilter has been deleted entirely and is effectively replaced by Spring Framework’s ServerHttpObservationFilter. On the client side, the MetricsRestTemplateCustomizer has been removed and a ObservationRestTemplateCustomizer is applied instead on the RestTemplateBuilder bean. The corresponding *TagProvider *TagContributor and *Tags classes have been deprecated. They are not used by default anymore by the observation instrumentation. We are keeping them around during the deprecation phase so that developers can migrate their existing infrastructure to the new one.

Tag providers and contributors migration

If your application is customizing metrics, you might see new deprecations in your codebase. In our new model, both tag providers and contributors are replaced by observation conventions. Let’s take the example of the Spring MVC "http.server.requests" metrics instrumentation support in Spring Boot 2.x.

If you are contributing additional Tags with TagContributor or only partially overriding a TagProvider, you should probably extend the DefaultServerRequestObservationConvention for your requirements:

public class ExtendedServerRequestObservationConvention extends DefaultServerRequestObservationConvention {
  public KeyValues getLowCardinalityKeyValues(ServerRequestObservationContext context) {
    // here, we just want to have an additional KeyValue to the observation, keeping the default values
    return super.getLowCardinalityKeyValues(context).and(custom(context));
  protected KeyValue custom(ServerRequestObservationContext context) {
    return KeyValue.of("custom.method", context.getCarrier().getMethod());

If you are significantly changing metrics Tags, you are probably replacing the WebMvcTagsProvider with a custom implementation and contributing it as a bean. In this case, you should probably implement the convention for the observation you’re interested in. Here, we’ll implement ServerRequestObservationConvention - it’s using ServerRequestObservationContext to extract information about the current request. You can then implement methods with your requirements in mind:

public class CustomServerRequestObservationConvention implements ServerRequestObservationConvention {
  public String getName() {
    // will be used for the metric name
    return "http.server.requests";
  public String getContextualName(ServerRequestObservationContext context) {
    // will be used for the trace name
    return "http " + context.getCarrier().getMethod().toLowerCase();
  public KeyValues getLowCardinalityKeyValues(ServerRequestObservationContext context) {
    return KeyValues.of(method(context), status(context), exception(context));
  public KeyValues getHighCardinalityKeyValues(ServerRequestObservationContext context) {
    return KeyValues.of(httpUrl(context));
  protected KeyValue method(ServerRequestObservationContext context) {
    // You should reuse as much as possible the corresponding ObservationDocumentation for key names
    return KeyValue.of(ServerHttpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityKeyNames.METHOD, context.getCarrier().getMethod());

In both cases, you can contribute those as beans to the application context and they will be picked up by the auto-configuration, effectively replacing the default ones.

public class CustomMvcObservationConfiguration {
  public ExtendedServerRequestObservationConvention extendedServerRequestObservationConvention() {
    return new ExtendedServerRequestObservationConvention();

You can also similar goals using a custom ObservationFilter - adding or removing key values for an observation. Filters do not replace the default convention and are used as a post-processing component.

public class ServerRequestObservationFilter implements ObservationFilter {
  public Observation.Context map(Observation.Context context) {
    if (context instanceof ServerRequestObservationContext serverContext) {
      context.addLowCardinalityKeyValue(KeyValue.of("project", "spring"));
      String customAttribute = (String) serverContext.getCarrier().getAttribute("customAttribute");
      context.addLowCardinalityKeyValue(KeyValue.of("custom.attribute", customAttribute));
    return context;

Actuator Metrics Export Properties

We have moved the properties controlling the actuator metrics export. The old schema was management.metrics.export.<product>, the new one is management.<product>.metrics.export (Example: the prometheus properties moved from management.metrics.export.prometheus to management.prometheus.metrics.export). If you are using the spring-boot-properties-migrator, you will get notified at startup.

See issue #30381 for details.

Mongo Health Check

The HealthIndicator for MongoDB now supports MongoDB’s Stable API. The buildInfo query has been replaced with isMaster and the response now contains maxWireVersion instead of version. As described in the MongoDB documentation, clients may use maxWireVersion to help negotiate compatibility with MongoDB. Note that maxWireVersion is an integer.

Data Access Changes

The following changes should be reviewed if your application is working with data.

Please review the Spring Data release notes for important changes in Spring Data repository interfaces.

Changes to Data properties

The spring.data prefix has been reserved for Spring Data and any properties under the prefix imply that Spring Data is required on the classpath.

Cassandra Properties

Configuration Properties for Cassandra have moved from spring.data.cassandra. to spring.cassandra..

Redis Properties

Configuration Properties for Redis have moved from spring.redis. to spring.data.redis. as redis auto-configuration requires Spring Data to be present on the classpath.


Spring Boot 3.0 uses Flyway 9.0 by default. Please see the Flyway release notes and blog post to learn how this may affect your application.

FlywayConfigurationCustomizer beans are now called to customize the FluentConfiguration after any Callback and JavaMigration beans have been added to the configuration. An application that defines Callback and JavaMigration beans and adds callbacks and Java migrations using a customizer may have to be updated to ensure that the intended callbacks and Java migrations are used.


Spring Boot 3.0 uses Liquibase 4.17.x by default. Some users have reported problems with 4.17.x. If your application is affected, consider overriding the Liquibase version to meet your application’s needs.

Hibernate 6.1

Spring Boot 3.0 uses Hibernate 6.1 by default. Please see the Hibernate 6.0 and 6.1 migration guides to learn how this may affect your application.

Dependency management and the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa starter have been updated to use the new org.hibernate.orm group ID for their Hibernate dependencies.

The spring.jpa.hibernate.use-new-id-generator-mappings configuration property has been removed as Hibernate no longer supports switching back to the old ID generator mappings.

Embedded MongoDB

Auto-configuration and dependency management for Flapdoodle embedded MongoDB has been removed. If you are using embedded MongoDB for testing, use the auto-configuration library provided by the Flapdoodle project or modify the tests to use the Testcontainers project instead of embedded MongoDB.

R2DBC 1.0

Spring Boot 3.0 uses R2DBC 1.0 by default. With the 1.0 release, R2DBC no longer publishes a bill of materials (bom) which has affected Spring Boot’s dependency management. The r2dbc-bom.version can no longer be used to override R2DBC’s version. In its place, several new properties for the individual and separately versioned modules are now available:

Elasticsearch Clients and Templates

Support for Elasticsearch’s high-level REST client has been removed. In its place, auto-configuration for Elasticsearch’s new Java client has been introduced. Similarly, support for the Spring Data Elasticsearch templates that built on top of the high-level REST client has been removed. In its place, auto-configuration for the new templates that build upon the new Java client has been introduced. See the Elasticsearch section of the reference documentation for further details.

ReactiveElasticsearchRestClientAutoConfiguration has been renamed to ReactiveElasticsearchClientAutoConfiguration and has moved from org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.elasticsearch to org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.elasticsearch. Any auto-configuration exclusions or ordering should be updated accordingly.


The coordinates of the MySQL JDBC driver have changed from mysql:mysql-connector-java to com.mysql:mysql-connector-j. If you are using the MySQL JDBC driver, update its coordinates accordingly when upgrading to Spring Boot 3.0.

Spring Boot 3.0 has upgraded to Spring Security 6.0. Please review the Spring Security 6.0 migration guide in addition to the following section.


A ReactiveUserDetailsService is no longer auto-configured in the presence of an AuthenticationManagerResolver. If you application relies on ReactiveUserDetailService despite the presence of an AuthenticationManagerResolver, define your own ReactiveUserDetailsService bean that meets its needs.

SAML2 Relying Party Configuration

Support for properties under spring.security.saml2.relyingparty.registration.{id}.identity-provider have been removed. Use the new properties under spring.security.saml2.relyingparty.registration.{id}.asserting-party as a replacement.

Spring Boot 3.0 has upgraded to Spring Batch 5.0. Please review the Spring Batch 5.0 migration guide in addition to the following section.

@EnableBatchProcessing is now discouraged

Previously, @EnableBatchProcessing could be used to enable Spring Boot’s auto-configuration of Spring Batch. It is no longer required and should be removed from applications that want to use Boot’s auto-configuration. A bean that is annotated with @EnableBatchProcessing or that extends Batch’s DefaultBatchConfiguration can now be defined to tell the auto-configuration to back off, allowing the application to take complete control of how Batch is configured.

Multiple Batch Jobs

Running multiple batch jobs is no longer supported. If the auto-configuration detects a single job is, it will be executed on startup. If multiple jobs are found in the context, a job name to execute on startup must be supplied by the user using the spring.batch.job.name property.

Spring Session Store Type

Explicitly configuring the store type for Spring session via spring.session.store-type is no longer supported. In case multiple session store repository implementations are detected on the classpath, a fixed order is used to determine which SessionRepository should be auto-configured. If Spring Boot’s defined ordering doesn’t meet your needs, you can define your own SessionRepository bean and cause the auto-configuration to back off.

Gradle Changes

Users that build their Spring Boot project with Gradle should review the following section.

Simplified Main Class Name Resolution With Gradle

When building an application with Gradle, resolution of the name of the application’s main class has been simplified and made consistent. bootJar, bootRun, and bootWar now all resolve the name of the main class name by looking for it in the output of the main source set. This removes a small risk that the tasks may not have used the same main class name by default. If you were relying on the main class being resolved from a location outside of the main source set’s output, update your Gradle configuration to configure the main class name using the mainClass property of the springBoot DSL:

springBoot {
    mainClass = "com.example.Application"

Alternatively, you can configure the classpath property of the resolveMainClassName task to search in locations other than the main source set’s output directories.

Configuring Gradle Tasks

Spring Boot’s Gradle tasks have been updated to consistently use Gradle’s Property support for their configuration. As a result, you may need to change the way that you reference a property’s value. For example, the value of the imageName property on bootBuildImage can now be accessed using imageName.get(). Additionally, if you are using the Kotlin DSL, you may need to change the way that you set properties. For, example in Spring Boot 2.x, layering of the bootJar task could be disabled as follows:

tasks.named<BootJar>("bootJar") {
	layered {
		isEnabled = false

In 3.0, the following must be used:

tasks.named<BootJar>("bootJar") {
	layered {

Please refer to the Gradle plugin’s reference documentation for further examples.

Excluding Properties From 'build-info.properties' With Gradle

As part of the previously described changes to configuring Gradle tasks, the mechanism for excluding properties from the generated build-info.properties file has also changed. Previously, properties could be excluded by setting them to null. This no longer works and has been replaced with a name-based mechanism:

springBoot {
	buildInfo {
		excludes = ['time']

The equivalent in the Gradle Kotlin DSL is as follows:

springBoot {
	buildInfo {

Maven Changes

Users that build their Spring Boot project with Maven should review the following section.

Running Your Application in the Maven Process

The fork attribute of spring-boot:run and spring-boot:start that was deprecated in Spring Boot 2.7 has been removed.

Git Commit ID Maven Plugin

The Git Commit ID Maven Plugin has been updated to version 5 where its coordinates have changed. The previous coordinates were pl.project13.maven:git-commit-id-plugin. The new coordinates are io.github.git-commit-id:git-commit-id-maven-plugin. Any <plugin> declaration in your pom.xml file should be updated accordingly.

Dependency Management Changes

The following changes have been made to dependencies managed by Spring Boot.


Dependency management for Apache Johnzon has been removed in favor of Eclipse Yasson. A Jakarta EE 10-compatible version of Apache Johnzon can be used with Spring Boot 3, but you will now have to specify a version in your dependency declaration.


Dependency management for ANTLR 2 (antlr:antlr) has been removed as it was no longer required. If you are using ANTLR 2 in your application, specify a version that meets your needs.


Dependency management for RxJava 1.x and 2.x has been removed and dependency management for RxJava 3 has been added in its place.

Hazelcast Hibernate Removed

Spring Boot does not depend on Hazelcast Hibernate so it need not have an opinion about its version. As such, dependency management for Hazelcast Hibernate has been removed. If you wish to continue using Hazelcast Hibernate, specify a version that meets your needs. Alternatively, consider using org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-jcache instead.


To support Jakarta EE 9 and later, dependency management for Ehcache’s ehcache and ehcache-transactions modules are now declared with a jakarta classifier. Dependency declarations in your pom.xml or build.gradle scripts should be similarly updated.

Other Removals

Support for the following dependencies has been removed in Spring Boot 3.0: