Mile Square Regional Park is an urban park located in the City of Fountain Valley and totals 607 acres of land. Within the park's boundaries are two regulation golf courses, three soccer fields, three baseball and three softball diamonds, an archery range and a nature area. Also, there are two fishing lakes, concession-operated bike and paddle boat operations, a wide expanse of picnic areas as well as numerous picnic shelters. Shelters serve a wide variety of visitors ranging from individuals to families and group organizations to annual company picnics.
65 acres of land located adjacent to Brookhurst is leased to the
City of Fountain Valley for recreational purposes
. This parcel has been developed by the city into a high-activity community park. Facilities provided by the city include a community center building, ball diamonds, basketball courts, outdoor play areas and a tennis court complex. Night lighting is provided on much of the outdoor facilities to extend playing hours.
Soccer, baseball, softball, cross country track meets, fishing and archery tournaments are among a few of the activities taking place at Mile Square. These activities provide a variety of recreational opportunities to meet most visitor interests. 62 acres, leased to the City of Fountain Valley, have been intensively developed by the City.
An executive 18-hole golf course, complete with a driving range, coffee shop with bar, and banquet room encompasses Mile Square's northwest border and a regulation 18-hole golf course, complete with a driving range, clubhouse, restaurant and pro shop encompasses Mile Square's southwest border.
Location Amenities
Ball Fields
Bike Rentals
Bike Trails
Dogs Permitted on leashes
Fitness Par Course
Interpretive Programs
Paddle Boat Rentals
Picnic Areas
Picnic areas (tables, restrooms)
Picnic shelters for reservation
Soccer Field
Volleyball Courts
Weddings Special Events
Making Orange County a safe, healthy, and fulfilling place to
live, work, and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding, cost-effective
public services.
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