Hi All,
First post on these forums. I’m trying to understand the checksum calculated by Liquibase. The MD5SUM value in the DATABASECHANGELOG table clearly seems to consist of two parts:
Where the prefix n is a number or possible a hex nibble, : must be a separator and then the actual checksum hash.
I have studied the source for Liquibase and I’ve hit a force field with CommandBuilder which I haven’t been able to break down and fully grock it’s inner mechanics. I might add that I’m not a Java developer which make things a bit challening to say the least.
When I calculate a MD5 checksum based on input in the format below as a single string it computes to something else so apparently it is not the whole truth:
Does anyone have knowledge about how this actually works and can give me any pointers in the right direction? Any idea what that prefix is?
I can’t really tell you how the md5sum is calculated, but the initial digit appears to the “checksum algorithm version” number. See here for more details:
This reverts commit ba254bde638459810409c8a717cd757165670b50.
Reverts PR http… s://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/pull/3790
## Impact
- [X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes expected existing functionality)
- [ ] Enhancement/New feature (adds functionality without impacting existing logic)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
## Description
A clear and concise description of the change being made.
- Introduce what was/will be done in the title
- Titles show in release notes and search results, so make them useful
- Use verbs at the beginning of the title, such as "fix", "implement", "improve", "update", and "add"
- Be specific about what was fixed or changed
- Good Example: `Fix the --should-snapshot-data CLI parameter to be preserved when the --data-output-directory property is not specified in the command.`
- Bad Example: `Fixed --should-snapshot-data`
- If there is an existing issue this addresses, include "Fixes #XXXX" to auto-link the issue to this PR
- If there is NOT an existing issue, consider creating one.
- In general, issues describe wanted change from an end-user perspective and PRs describe the technical change.
- If this change is very small and not worth splitting off an issue, include `Steps To Reproduce`, `Expected Behavior`, and `Actual Behavior` sections in this PR as you would have in the issue.
- Describe what users need and how the fix will affect them
- Describe how the code change addresses the problem
- Ensure private information is redacted.
## Things to be aware of
- Describe the technical choices you made
- Describe impacts on the codebase
## Things to worry about
- List any questions or concerns you have with the change
- List unknowns you have
## Additional Context
Add any other context about the problem here.
The combination of filepath:id:author is what is required to make a unique changset in the databasechangelog table. The md5sum represents the “checksum” for the actual code in the changeset.
I’m probably not explaining this exactly correct, but maybe some of what I provided will help you.
Thanks Daryl!
I believe I might be on a slightly older version of liquibase so that makes sense. Mine says 8.
I’d be surprised if there is an excessive amount of voodoo going on in the actual md5 calculation. I tried a few simple variants of input but nothing turned out right. So, instead of finding out by doing crazy amounts of trial and error tests I started looking at the code.
Further investigation led me to
if (!md5sumRS.isEmpty()) {
String md5sum = md5sumRS.get(0).get("MD5SUM").toString();
if (!md5sum.startsWith(CheckSum.getCurrentVersion() + ":")) {
executor.comment("DatabaseChangeLog checksums are an incompatible version. Setting them to null " +
"so they will be updated on next database update");
databaseChecksumsCompatible = false;
UpdateStatement updateStatement = new UpdateStatement(database.getLiquibaseCatalogName(),
database.getLiquibaseSchemaName(), database.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName())
.addNewColumnValue("MD5SUM", null);
I’d say that confirms your find Daryl.
Is there a way to find all the methods for the CheckSum object? I figure there could be a method for generating the CurrentVersion as well and that might provide some more insights if I can find where it is being called.