  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Hi there, I’ve been successfully accessed the link and downloaded the application file in varies time and devices, so I believe that you are definitely able to get access for the download link address. If it still does not work in prospect, maybe you can try it later.

Thank for your attention.
I was downloaded before but now it’s cannot.(I don’t know why :slight_smile: )
I was try to download with other internet and other computer.
But it’s not working :slight_smile:
By the way now i’m back to my office with the downloaded version 0621.


Issue description

用3.8社区版【072014】开发过程中chrome浏览器大概率出现 http://localhost:7456/ 无法访问,且需重启cocos编辑器才能继续使用,非常影响开发,大概每隔20分钟出现一次,目测不只是chrome浏览器,应该是你们监听端口7456的代码逻辑出现问题了,崩溃那种,必须重启。影响程度:严重,之前正常的版本:3.6.3

Relevant error log output

Steps to reproduce


Minimal reproduction project


问题2: 3.8社区版【072014】发布构建安卓失败

Cocos Creator version


System information


Issue description

构建失败,日志如下:(无论安装jdk8还是11都报错),new demo project,之前正常的版本:3.6.3

Relevant error log output


2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: // ---- builder:run-build-stage-make ----
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: Use build file cocos.compile.config.json in root(C:\Users\admin\Desktop\cocosPro\NewProject_39\build\android)
2023-7-22 14:47:06-log: [task:make]: native:(make) start..., 10%
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: // ---- build task native:make ----
2023-7-22 14:47:06-log: [task:make]: init options success, 10%
2023-7-22 14:47:06-log: [runCmd]: gradlew.bat NewProject_39:assembleRelease
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: refresh db internal success
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: refresh db assets success
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: Run asset db hook engine-extends:afterRefresh ...
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: Run asset db hook engine-extends:afterRefresh success!
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: asset-db:refresh-all-database (57ms)
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: asset-db:worker-effect-data-processing (2ms)
2023-7-22 14:47:06-debug: asset-db-hook-engine-extends-afterRefresh (3ms)
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] 
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'NewProject_39'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'.
   > Could not resolve com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.0.2.
     Required by:
         project :
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] No matching variant of com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.0.2 was found. The consumer was configured to find a library for use during runtime, compatible with Java 8, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally, as well as attribute 'org.gradle.plugin.api-version' with value '8.0.2' but:
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error]           - Variant 'apiElements' capability com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.0.2 declares a library, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares a component for use during compile-time, compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed 
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] a component for use during runtime, compatible with Java 8
              - Other compatible attribute:
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.0.2')
          - Variant 'javadocElements' capability com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.0.2 declares 
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] a component for use during runtime, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares documentation and the consumer needed a library
              - Other compatible attributes:
                  - Doesn't say anything about its target Java version (required compatibility with Java 8)
                  - Doesn't say anything about its elements (required them packaged as a jar)
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error]                   - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.0.2')
          - Variant 'runtimeElements' capability com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.0.2 declares a library for use during runtime, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares a component, compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed a component, compatible with Java 8
              - Other compatible attribute:
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] 
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.0.2')
          - Variant 'sourcesElements' capability com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.0.2 declares a component for use during runtime, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares documentation and the consumer needed a library
              - Other compatible attributes:
                  - Doesn't say anything about its target Java version (required compatibility with Java 8)
                  - Doesn't say anything about 
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] its elements (required them packaged as a jar)
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.0.2')
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
2023-7-22 14:47:07-log: [runCmd gradlew.bat - error] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
2023-7-22 14:47:08-log: [task:make]: 构建插件 native 的钩子函数 make 执行失败,请检查插件的代码逻辑~, 23.333333333333332%
2023-7-22 14:47:08-log: [task:make]: failed to exec gradlew.bat NewProject_39:assembleRelease, 36.66666666666667%
2023-7-22 14:47:08-warn: failed to exec gradlew.bat NewProject_39:assembleRelease
2023-7-22 14:47:08-debug: // ---- builder:run-build-stage-make ---- (1533ms)
2023-7-22 14:47:08-debug: [Build Memory track]: builder:build-stage-total make start:247.53MB, end 248.02MB, increase: 505.19KB
2023-7-22 14:47:08-error: make package C:\Users\admin\Desktop\cocosPro\NewProject_39\build\android failed!
2023-7-22 14:47:08-log: [task:make]: failed!


Namespace not specified. Please specify a namespace in the module's build.gradle file like so:
android {
    namespace 'com.example.namespace'
If the package attribute is specified in the source AndroidManifest.xml, it can be migrated automatically to the namespace value in the build.gradle file using the AGP Upgrade Assistant; please refer to https://developer.android.com/studio/build/agp-upgrade-assistant for more information.

Steps to reproduce

Minimal reproduction project
