  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
using System ;
using System . Collections . Generic ;
using System . Linq ;
using System . Text ;
using Microsoft . Office . Tools . Ribbon ;
namespace RibbonControlsExcelWorkbook
public partial class RibbonControls : RibbonBase
ActionsPaneControl1 AP1 = new ActionsPaneControl1 ( ) ;
public RibbonControls ( )
: base ( Globals . Factory . GetRibbonFactory ( ) )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
// Load event fires when the Ribbon loads
// Actions Pane is added to the project but remains hidden until the user chooses to show it
private void RibbonControls_Load ( object sender , RibbonUIEventArgs e )
Globals . ThisWorkbook . ActionsPane . Controls . Add ( AP1 ) ;
AP1 . Hide ( ) ;
Globals . ThisWorkbook . Application . DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane = false ;
// ToggleButton click event shows/hides the Actions Pane
private void btnActionsPane_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
Globals . ThisWorkbook . Application . DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane = btnActionsPane . Checked ;
AP1 . Visible = btnActionsPane . Checked ;
private void btnHappy_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
if ( btnHappy . Checked )
ChangeFace ( " J " ) ;
btnNeutral . Checked = false ;
btnSad . Checked = false ;
ChangeFace ( " " ) ;
private void btnNeutral_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
if ( btnNeutral . Checked )
ChangeFace ( " K " ) ;
btnHappy . Checked = false ;
btnSad . Checked = false ;
ChangeFace ( " " ) ;
private void btnSad_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
if ( btnSad . Checked )
ChangeFace ( " L " ) ;
btnHappy . Checked = false ;
btnNeutral . Checked = false ;
ChangeFace ( " " ) ;
private void ChangeFace ( string faceLetter )
var xlCell = Globals . Sheet1 . Range [ " A1 " , " A1 " ] ;
xlCell . FormulaR1C1 = faceLetter ;
xlCell . Font . Name = " Wingdings " ;
xlCell . Font . FontStyle = " Regular " ;
xlCell . Font . Size = 24 ;
xlCell . Font . Color = - 16776361 ;
xlCell . Select ( ) ;
private void btnLeft_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Range xlcell ;
xlcell = Globals . Sheet1 . Range [ " A3 " , " A3 " ] ;
xlcell . Value2 = " Left " ;
xlcell . HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Constants . xlLeft ;
xlcell . Select ( ) ;
private void btnCenter_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Range xlcell ;
xlcell = Globals . Sheet1 . Range [ " A3 " , " A3 " ] ;
xlcell . Value2 = " Center " ;
xlcell . HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Constants . xlCenter ;
xlcell . Select ( ) ;
private void btnRight_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Range xlcell ;
xlcell = Globals . Sheet1 . Range [ " A3 " , " A3 " ] ;
xlcell . Value2 = " Right " ;
xlcell . HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Constants . xlRight ;
xlcell . Select ( ) ;
private void sbtnAlign_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Range xlcell ;
xlcell = Globals . Sheet1 . Range [ " A3 " , " A3 " ] ;
xlcell . Value2 = " Center " ;
xlcell . HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . Constants . xlCenter ;
xlcell . Select ( ) ;
// The drop down select changed event fires when the user selects an item
// from the drop down.
private void ddFormatChart_SelectionChanged ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
var xlChart = ( Microsoft . Office . Tools . Excel . Chart ) Globals . Sheet1 . Controls [ " Chart_1 " ] ;
switch ( ddFormatChart . SelectedItem . Label )
case " Bar " :
xlChart . ChartType = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . XlChartType . xl3DBarClustered ;
break ;
case " Column " :
xlChart . ChartType = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . XlChartType . xl3DColumnClustered ;
break ;
case " Area " :
xlChart . ChartType = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . XlChartType . xl3DArea ;
break ;
case " Pie " :
xlChart . ChartType = Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . XlChartType . xl3DPie ;
break ;
// The Text Changed event fires when the user selects an item
// from the combo box drop down or enters a new item in the edit box. The event handler
// does two things. First, it performs a Find on the sheet for the text string.
// Next, it looks to see if the string exists in the combo box drop down. If it
// does not, the string will be added to the list.
private void cbMRUFind_TextChanged ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
var xlcell = Globals . ThisWorkbook . Application . Cells . Find ( cbMRUFind . Text , Type . Missing , Type . Missing , Type . Missing , Type . Missing , Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . XlSearchDirection . xlNext , Type . Missing , Type . Missing , Type . Missing ) ;
if ( xlcell == null )
System . Windows . Forms . MessageBox . Show ( " Text Not Found " ) ;
xlcell . Select ( ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . MessageBox . Show ( " Search text: " + cbMRUFind . Text + " found in cell "
+ xlcell . get_Address ( Type . Missing , Type . Missing , Microsoft . Office . Interop . Excel . XlReferenceStyle . xlA1 , Type . Missing , Type . Missing ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
bool newSearchText = true ;
foreach ( RibbonDropDownItem ddI in cbMRUFind . Items )
if ( cbMRUFind . Text == ddI . Label )
newSearchText = false ;
if ( newSearchText )
var item = makeRibbonDropDownItem ( cbMRUFind . Text , null ) ;
cbMRUFind . Items . Add ( item ) ;
System . Windows . Forms . MessageBox . Show ( " New item: " + item . Label + " added to ComboBox " ) ;
private RibbonDropDownItem makeRibbonDropDownItem ( string Label , System . Drawing . Image Image )
RibbonDropDownItem tmp = this . Factory . CreateRibbonDropDownItem ( ) ;
tmp . Label = Label ;
tmp . Image = Image ;
return tmp ;
// The gallery items loading event fires each time the user clicks
// the gallery drop down. This allows for the gallery items to be loaded
// dynamically at runtime.
private void galShapes_ItemsLoading ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
if ( galShapes . Items . Count == 0 )
var galleryItems = galShapes . Items ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Avocado " , Properties . Resources . AvocadoGreen ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Berry " , Properties . Resources . Berry ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " BurntRed " , Properties . Resources . BurntRed ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Gold " , Properties . Resources . Gold ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Gray " , Properties . Resources . Gray ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Green " , Properties . Resources . Green ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Orange " , Properties . Resources . Orange ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Purple " , Properties . Resources . Purple ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Red " , Properties . Resources . Red ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Sapphire " , Properties . Resources . Sapphire ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " SkyBlue " , Properties . Resources . SkyBlue ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Teal " , Properties . Resources . Teal ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Turquiose " , Properties . Resources . Turquoise ) ) ;
galleryItems . Add ( makeRibbonDropDownItem ( " Violet " , Properties . Resources . Violet ) ) ;
// The gallery click event fires when the user selects a gallery item
private void galShapes_Click ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
galShapes . Image = galShapes . SelectedItem . Image ;
var oldShape = Globals . Sheet1 . Shapes . Item ( " Picture 1 " ) ;
string tempImageName = System . IO . Path . GetTempFileName ( ) ;
galShapes . SelectedItem . Image . Save ( tempImageName ) ;
var newShape = Globals . Sheet1 . Shapes . AddPicture ( tempImageName ,
Microsoft . Office . Core . MsoTriState . msoFalse ,
Microsoft . Office . Core . MsoTriState . msoTrue ,
oldShape . Left , oldShape . Top , oldShape . Width , oldShape . Height ) ;
oldShape . Delete ( ) ;
newShape . Name = " Picture 1 " ;
// The menu items loading event fires when a menu has the dynamic property
// set to true and the user clicks on the menu drop down. This allows menu
// items to be added dynamically at run time.
private void mDynamicMenu_ItemsLoading ( object sender , RibbonControlEventArgs e )
mDynamicMenu . Items . Clear ( ) ;
if ( cbButton . Checked )
RibbonButton tmp = this . Factory . CreateRibbonButton ( ) ;
tmp . Label = " Button " ;
mDynamicMenu . Items . Add ( tmp ) ;
if ( cbSeparator . Checked )
RibbonSeparator tmp = this . Factory . CreateRibbonSeparator ( ) ;
tmp . Title = " Menu Separator " ;
mDynamicMenu . Items . Add ( tmp ) ;
if ( cbSubMenu . Checked )
RibbonButton subButton = this . Factory . CreateRibbonButton ( ) ;
subButton . Label = " SubMenu Button " ;
subButton . OfficeImageId = " _3DMaterialMetal " ;
subButton . Description = " Large Button in a Sub Menu " ;
RibbonMenu mSubMenu = this . Factory . CreateRibbonMenu ( ) ;
mSubMenu . ItemSize = Microsoft . Office . Core . RibbonControlSize . RibbonControlSizeLarge ;
mSubMenu . Label = " Sub Menu " ;
mSubMenu . Items . Add ( subButton ) ;
mDynamicMenu . Items . Add ( mSubMenu ) ;