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Effort plays a critical role in reward processing, which has been couched within two contradictory theories regarding effort as either a cost or a reward. On the one hand, effort is regarded as a cost whereby it reduces reward value, which has been articulated in the intrinsic cost model, the opportunity cost model, and the signal model. On the other hand, effort can boost the value of reward, which has been explained by the cognitive dissonance model, the learned industriousness model, and the need for cognition model. Both theories have been supported by converging evidence from animal studies, human behavioral studies, electrophysiological studies, and neuroimaging studies. Future research is needed to specify the definition of effort, integrate the competing theories in terms of the time course of effort expenditure, and explore potential factors that impact on effort.

Key words: effort, cost, reward Barch D. M., Treadway M. T., & Schoen N . (2014). Effort, anhedonia, and function in schizophrenia: Reduced effort allocation predicts amotivation and functional impairment. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,123(2), 387-397. doi: 10.1037/a0036299 Benozio A. &Diesendruck G., (2015). From effort to value: Preschool children's alternative to effort justification. Psychological Science,26(9), 1423-1429. Benzion U., Rapoport A., & Yagil J . (1989). Discount rates inferred from decisions: An experimental study. Management Science,35(3), 270-284. Bonnelle V., Veromann K-R., Burnett Heyes S., Lo Sterzo E., Manohar S., & Husain M . (2015). Characterization of reward and effort mechanisms in apathy. Journal of Physiology-Paris,109(1-3), 16-26. Botvinick M. M., Huffstetler S., & McGuire J. T . (2009). Effort discounting in human nucleus accumbens. Cognitive,Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience,9(1), 16-27. Brehm J.., &Self E.A . (1989). The intensity of motivation. 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