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Home | B1 9.3 | OCRD

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

Table Columns Description
1 TJKWE 15 IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2 RSADMINC 96 Customizing Table General BW
3 BBP_PD_XML 8 Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4 /OTX/RM_TELIB 24 Enterprise Library Server Settings
5 UMV_TR125 9 Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6 /ISDFPS/CHVW_E 34 External Batch Where-Used List
7 FIQAC_PART 8 Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8 /1RA/0SD010MI 170 Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9 BSEG 345 Accounting Document Segment
10 FMARCPAR 4 Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

Table Columns Description
1 OITM 299 Items
2 OINV 386 A/R Invoice
3 OCRD 332 Business Partner
4 ORDR 386 Sales Order
5 OJDT 100 Journal Entry
6 INV1 265 A/R Invoice - Rows
7 OPCH 386 A/P Invoice
8 OVTG 52 Tax Definition
9 OPOR 386 Purchase Order
10 JDT1 124 Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

Table Columns Description
1 OITM 249 Items
2 ORCT 154 Incoming Payment
3 OINV 268 A/R Invoice
4 OIVL 77 Whse Journal
5 OVPM 154 Outgoing Payments
6 OPCH 268 A/P Invoice
7 JDT1 110 Journal Entry - Rows
8 OOCR 9 Loading Factors
9 OINM 101 Whse Journal
10 OSRN 20 Serial Numbers Master Data
Business Partners
Product Version Table Columns Indexes Description Module
1 Business One 9.3 OCRD 367 11 Business Partner Business Partners
SQL: select update insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns

SELECT CardCode, CardName, CardType, GroupCode, CmpPrivate, Address, ZipCode, MailAddres, MailZipCod, Phone1, Phone2, Fax, CntctPrsn, Notes, Balance, ChecksBal, DNotesBal, OrdersBal, GroupNum, CreditLine, DebtLine, Discount, VatStatus, LicTradNum, DdctStatus, DdctPrcnt, ValidUntil, Chrctrstcs, ExMatchNum, InMatchNum, ListNum, DNoteBalFC, OrderBalFC, DNoteBalSy, OrderBalSy, Transfered, BalTrnsfrd, IntrstRate, Commission, CommGrCode, Free_Text, SlpCode, PrevYearAc, Currency, RateDifAct, BalanceSys, BalanceFC, Protected, Cellular, AvrageLate, City, County, Country, MailCity, MailCounty, MailCountr, E_Mail, Picture, DflAccount, DflBranch, BankCode, AddID, Pager, FatherCard, CardFName, FatherType, QryGroup1, QryGroup2, QryGroup3, QryGroup4, QryGroup5, QryGroup6, QryGroup7, QryGroup8, QryGroup9, QryGroup10, QryGroup11, QryGroup12, QryGroup13, QryGroup14, QryGroup15, QryGroup16, QryGroup17, QryGroup18, QryGroup19, QryGroup20, QryGroup21, QryGroup22, QryGroup23, QryGroup24, QryGroup25, QryGroup26, QryGroup27, QryGroup28, QryGroup29, QryGroup30, QryGroup31, QryGroup32, QryGroup33, QryGroup34, QryGroup35, QryGroup36, QryGroup37, QryGroup38, QryGroup39, QryGroup40, QryGroup41, QryGroup42, QryGroup43, QryGroup44, QryGroup45, QryGroup46, QryGroup47, QryGroup48, QryGroup49, QryGroup50, QryGroup51, QryGroup52, QryGroup53, QryGroup54, QryGroup55, QryGroup56, QryGroup57, QryGroup58, QryGroup59, QryGroup60, QryGroup61, QryGroup62, QryGroup63, QryGroup64, DdctOffice, CreateDate, UpdateDate, ExportCode, DscntObjct, DscntRel, SPGCounter, SPPCounter, DdctFileNo, SCNCounter, MinIntrst, DataSource, OprCount, ExemptNo, Priority, CreditCard, CrCardNum, CardValid, UserSign, LocMth, validFor, validFrom, validTo, frozenFor, frozenFrom, frozenTo, sEmployed, MTHCounter, BNKCounter, DdgKey, DdtKey, ValidComm, FrozenComm, chainStore, DiscInRet, State1, State2, VatGroup, LogInstanc, ObjType, Indicator, ShipType, DebPayAcct, ShipToDef, Block, MailBlock, Password, ECVatGroup, Deleted, IBAN, DocEntry, FormCode, Box1099, PymCode, BackOrder, PartDelivr, DunnLevel, DunnDate, BlockDunn, BankCountr, CollecAuth, DME, InstrucKey, SinglePaym, ISRBillId, PaymBlock, RefDetails, HouseBank, OwnerIdNum, PyBlckDesc, HousBnkCry, HousBnkAct, HousBnkBrn, ProjectCod, SysMatchNo, VatIdUnCmp, AgentCode, TolrncDays, SelfInvoic, DeferrTax, LetterNum, MaxAmount, FromDate, ToDate, WTLiable, CrtfcateNO, ExpireDate, NINum, AccCritria, WTCode, Equ, HldCode, ConnBP, MltMthNum, TypWTReprt, VATRegNum, RepName, Industry, Business, WTTaxCat, IsDomestic, IsResident, AutoCalBCG, OtrCtlAcct, AliasName, Building, MailBuildi, BoEPrsnt, BoEDiscnt, BoEOnClct, UnpaidBoE, ITWTCode, DunTerm, ChannlBP, DfTcnician, Territory, BillToDef, DpmClear, IntrntSite, LangCode, HousActKey, Profession, CDPNum, DflBankKey, BCACode, UseShpdGd, RegNum, VerifNum, BankCtlKey, HousCtlKey, AddrType, InsurOp347, MailAddrTy, StreetNo, MailStrNo, TaxRndRule, VendTID, ThreshOver, SurOver, VendorOcup, OpCode347, DpmIntAct, ResidenNum, UserSign2, PlngGroup, VatIDNum, Affiliate, MivzExpSts, HierchDdct, CertWHT, CertBKeep, WHShaamGrp, IndustryC, DatevAcct, DatevFirst, GTSRegNum, GTSBankAct, GTSBilAddr, HsBnkSwift, HsBnkIBAN, DflSwift, AutoPost, IntrAcc, FeeAcc, CpnNo, NTSWebSite, DflIBAN, Series, Number, EDocExpFrm, TaxIdIdent, Attachment, AtcEntry, DiscRel, NoDiscount, SCAdjust, DflAgrmnt, GlblLocNum, SenderID, RcpntID, MainUsage, SefazCheck, free312, free313, DateFrom, DateTill, RelCode, OKATO, OKTMO, KBKCode, TypeOfOp, OwnerCode, MandateID, SignDate, Remark1, ConCerti, TpCusPres, RoleTypCod, BlockComm, EmplymntCt, ExcptnlEvt, ExpnPrfFnd, EdrsFromBP, EdrsToBP, CreateTS, UpdateTS, EDocGenTyp, eStreet, eStreetNum, eBuildnNum, eZipCode, eCityTown, eCountry, eDistrict, RepFName, RepSName, RepCmpName, RepFisCode, RepAddID, PECAddr, IPACodePA, PriceMode, EffecPrice, TxExMxVdTp, MerchantID, UseBilAddr, NaturalPer, DPPStatus, EnAddID, EncryptIV, EnDflAccnt, EnDflIBAN, EnERD4In, EnERD4Out, DflCustomr, TspEntry, TspLine FROM OCRD
Column Field Description SQL Type Length Decimals Relation Default Value Constraints SQL Create Statement
1 CardCode BP Code nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
2 CardName BP Name nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
3 CardType BP Type char 1 0 C C=Customer, L=Lead, S=Vendor Allow NULL?
4 GroupCode Group Code int 6 0 OCRG Allow NULL?
5 CmpPrivate Business Partner Type char 1 0 C C=Company, E=Employee, G=Government, I=Private Allow NULL?
6 Address Bill-to Street nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
7 ZipCode Bill-to Zip Code nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
8 MailAddres Ship-to Street nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
9 MailZipCod Ship-to Zip Code nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
10 Phone1 Telephone 1 nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
11 Phone2 Telephone 2 nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
12 Fax Fax Number nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
13 CntctPrsn Contact Person nvarchar 90 0 Allow NULL?
14 Notes Remarks nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
15 Balance Account Balance num 19 6 Allow NULL?
16 ChecksBal Open Checks Balance num 19 6 Allow NULL?
17 DNotesBal Open Deliveries/GRPO Balance num 19 6 Allow NULL?
18 OrdersBal Open Orders Balance num 19 6 Allow NULL?
19 GroupNum Payment Terms Code int 6 0 OCTG -1 Allow NULL?
20 CreditLine Credit Limit num 19 6 Allow NULL?
21 DebtLine Payable Limit num 19 6 Allow NULL?
22 Discount Discount % num 19 6 Allow NULL?
23 VatStatus Tax Definition char 1 0 Y E=EU, N=Exempted, Y=Liable Allow NULL?
24 LicTradNum Federal Tax ID nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
25 DdctStatus Liable for Ded. at Source char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
26 DdctPrcnt Withholding Tax Deduction % num 19 6 Allow NULL?
27 ValidUntil Expiration Date for -% of Deduction date 8 0
28 Chrctrstcs Properties int 11 0 Allow NULL?
29 ExMatchNum Last Ext. Reconciliation No. int 11 0 Allow NULL?
30 InMatchNum Last Int. Reconciliation No. int 11 0 Allow NULL?
31 ListNum Price List No. int 6 0 OPLN Allow NULL?
32 DNoteBalFC Open DN Balance in BP Curr. num 19 6 Allow NULL?
33 OrderBalFC Open Orders Bal. in BP Curr. num 19 6 Allow NULL?
34 DNoteBalSy Open Deliveries/GRPO Balance in SC num 19 6 Allow NULL?
35 OrderBalSy Open Orders Balance in SC num 19 6 Allow NULL?
36 Transfered Year Transfer char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
37 BalTrnsfrd Balances transferred char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
38 IntrstRate Interest % on Liabilities num 19 6 Allow NULL?
39 Commission Commission % for Customer num 19 6 Allow NULL?
40 CommGrCode Commission Group int 6 0 OCOG 0 Allow NULL?
41 Free_Text Free Text text 16 0
42 SlpCode Sales Employee Code int 11 0 OSLP -1 Allow NULL?
43 PrevYearAc Previous Year Balance char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
44 Currency BP Currency nvarchar 3 0 OCRN Allow NULL?
45 RateDifAct Rate Differences Account nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
46 BalanceSys Account Balance in SC num 19 6 Allow NULL?
47 BalanceFC BP Balance in FC num 19 6 Allow NULL?
48 Protected Protected BP char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
49 Cellular Mobile Phone nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
50 AvrageLate Average Payment Delay in Days int 6 0 Allow NULL?
51 City Bill-to City nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
52 County Bill-to County nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
53 Country Bill-to Country nvarchar 3 0 OCRY Allow NULL?
54 MailCity Ship-to City nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
55 MailCounty Ship-to County nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
56 MailCountr Ship-to Country nvarchar 3 0 OCRY Allow NULL?
57 E_Mail E-Mail nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
58 Picture Picture nvarchar 200 0 Allow NULL?
59 DflAccount Default Account nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
60 DflBranch Default Branch nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
61 BankCode Default Bank nvarchar 30 0 -1 Allow NULL?
62 AddID ID No. 2 nvarchar 64 0 Allow NULL?
63 Pager Pager nvarchar 30 0 Allow NULL?
64 FatherCard BP Summary nvarchar 15 0 OCRD Allow NULL?
65 CardFName Foreign Name nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
66 FatherType Parent Summary Type char 1 0 P D=Delivery Consolidation, P=Payments Summary Allow NULL?
67 QryGroup1 Property 1 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
68 QryGroup2 Property 2 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
69 QryGroup3 Property 3 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
70 QryGroup4 Property 4 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
71 QryGroup5 Property 5 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
72 QryGroup6 Property 6 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
73 QryGroup7 Property 7 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
74 QryGroup8 Property 8 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
75 QryGroup9 Property 9 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
76 QryGroup10 Property 10 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
77 QryGroup11 Property 11 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
78 QryGroup12 Property 12 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
79 QryGroup13 Property 13 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
80 QryGroup14 Property 14 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
81 QryGroup15 Property 15 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
82 QryGroup16 Property 16 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
83 QryGroup17 Property 17 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
84 QryGroup18 Property 18 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
85 QryGroup19 Property 19 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
86 QryGroup20 Property 20 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
87 QryGroup21 Property 21 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
88 QryGroup22 Property 22 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
89 QryGroup23 Property 23 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
90 QryGroup24 Property 24 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
91 QryGroup25 Property 25 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
92 QryGroup26 Property 26 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
93 QryGroup27 Property 27 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
94 QryGroup28 Property 28 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
95 QryGroup29 Property 29 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
96 QryGroup30 Property 30 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
97 QryGroup31 Property 31 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
98 QryGroup32 Property 32 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
99 QryGroup33 Property 33 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
100 QryGroup34 Property 34 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
101 QryGroup35 Property 35 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
102 QryGroup36 Property 36 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
103 QryGroup37 Property 37 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
104 QryGroup38 Property 38 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
105 QryGroup39 Property 39 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
106 QryGroup40 Property 40 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
107 QryGroup41 Property 41 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
108 QryGroup42 Property 42 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
109 QryGroup43 Property 43 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
110 QryGroup44 Property 44 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
111 QryGroup45 Property 45 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
112 QryGroup46 Property 46 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
113 QryGroup47 Property 47 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
114 QryGroup48 Property 48 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
115 QryGroup49 Property 49 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
116 QryGroup50 Property 50 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
117 QryGroup51 Property 51 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
118 QryGroup52 Property 52 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
119 QryGroup53 Property 53 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
120 QryGroup54 Property 54 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
121 QryGroup55 Property 55 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
122 QryGroup56 Property 56 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
123 QryGroup57 Property 57 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
124 QryGroup58 Property 58 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
125 QryGroup59 Property 59 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
126 QryGroup60 Property 60 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
127 QryGroup61 Property 61 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
128 QryGroup62 Property 62 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
129 QryGroup63 Property 63 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
130 QryGroup64 Property 64 char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
131 DdctOffice Deduction Approval Office nvarchar 10 0 Allow NULL?
132 CreateDate Creation Date date 8 0
133 UpdateDate Date of Update date 8 0
134 ExportCode Data Export Code nvarchar 8 0 Allow NULL?
135 DscntObjct Object for Discounts int 6 0 -1 -1, 43=Companies, 4=Items, 52=Groups, 8=Properties Allow NULL?
136 DscntRel Discounts Ratio char 1 0 L A=Average Disc., H=Highest Discount, L=Lowest Discount, M=Discount Multiples, S=Discount Totals Allow NULL?
137 SPGCounter SPG Counter int 6 0 0 Allow NULL?
138 SPPCounter SPP Counter int 11 0 0 Allow NULL?
139 DdctFileNo Tax Deduction File Number nvarchar 9 0 Allow NULL?
140 SCNCounter SCN Counter int 6 0 Allow NULL?
141 MinIntrst Min. Interest Letter Amount num 19 6 Allow NULL?
142 DataSource Data Source char 1 0 N A=Doc. Generation Wizard, D=Restore Wizard, I=Interface, M=Import, N=Unknown, O=DI API, P=Partner Implementation, T=Year Transfer, U=Update Allow NULL?
143 OprCount Open Opportunities int 11 0 Allow NULL?
144 ExemptNo Exempt No. nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
145 Priority Priority int 11 0 OBPP -1 Allow NULL?
146 CreditCard Credit Cards int 6 0 OCRC -1 Allow NULL?
147 CrCardNum Credit Card No. nvarchar 64 0 Allow NULL?
148 CardValid Credit Card Validity date 8 0
149 UserSign User Signature int 6 0 OUSR Allow NULL?
150 LocMth LC Reconciliation char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
151 validFor Active char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
152 validFrom Active From date 8 0
153 validTo Active To date 8 0
154 frozenFor Inactive char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
155 frozenFrom Inactive From date 8 0
156 frozenTo Inactive To date 8 0
157 sEmployed Self-Employed char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
158 MTHCounter MTH Counter int 11 0 Allow NULL?
159 BNKCounter BNK Counter int 11 0 Allow NULL?
160 DdgKey Withholding Tax Deduction Grp int 11 0 ODDG -1 Allow NULL?
161 DdtKey Current Deduction Hierarchy int 11 0 -1 Allow NULL?
162 ValidComm Active Remarks nvarchar 30 0 Allow NULL?
163 FrozenComm Inactive Remarks nvarchar 30 0 Allow NULL?
164 chainStore Belongs to Retail Store char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
165 DiscInRet Allow Doc Discount in Returns char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
166 State1 Bill-to State nvarchar 3 0 OCST Allow NULL?
167 State2 Ship-to State nvarchar 3 0 OCST Allow NULL?
168 VatGroup Tax Code nvarchar 8 0 OSTC Allow NULL?
169 LogInstanc Log Instance int 11 0 0 Allow NULL?
170 ObjType Object Type nvarchar 20 0 ADP1 2 Allow NULL?
171 Indicator Indicator nvarchar 2 0 OIDC Allow NULL?
172 ShipType Shipping Type int 6 0 OSHP Allow NULL?
173 DebPayAcct Accounts Receivable/Payable nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
174 ShipToDef Ship-to-Default nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
175 Block Bill-to Block nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
176 MailBlock Ship-to Block nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
177 Password Password nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
178 ECVatGroup Tax Group nvarchar 8 0 OVTG Allow NULL?
179 Deleted Deleted char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
180 IBAN IBAN nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
181 DocEntry Internal Number int 11 0 Allow NULL?
182 FormCode 1099 Form Code int 11 0 OTNN Allow NULL?
183 Box1099 1099 Box nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
184 PymCode Payment Method Code nvarchar 15 0 OPYM -1 Allow NULL?
185 BackOrder Backorder char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
186 PartDelivr Partial Delivery char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
187 DunnLevel Dunning Level int 11 0 ODUN Allow NULL?
188 DunnDate Dunning Date date 8 0
189 BlockDunn Block Dunning char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
190 BankCountr Bank Country nvarchar 3 0 OCRY Allow NULL?
191 CollecAuth Collection Authorization char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
192 DME DME Identification nvarchar 5 0 Allow NULL?
193 InstrucKey Instruction Key nvarchar 30 0 Allow NULL?
194 SinglePaym Single Payment char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
195 ISRBillId ISR Biller ID nvarchar 9 0 Allow NULL?
196 PaymBlock Payment Block char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
197 RefDetails Reference Details nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
198 HouseBank House Bank nvarchar 30 0 -1 Allow NULL?
199 OwnerIdNum ID Number nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
200 PyBlckDesc Payment Block Description int 11 0 OPYB -1 Allow NULL?
201 HousBnkCry House Bank Country nvarchar 3 0 Allow NULL?
202 HousBnkAct House Bank Account nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
203 HousBnkBrn House Bank Branch nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
204 ProjectCod Project Code nvarchar 20 0 OPRJ Allow NULL?
205 SysMatchNo Last Sys. Reconciliation No. int 11 0 -1 Allow NULL?
206 VatIdUnCmp Unified Federal Tax ID nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
207 AgentCode Agent Code nvarchar 32 0 OAGP Allow NULL?
208 TolrncDays Tolerance Days int 6 0 Allow NULL?
209 SelfInvoic Self Invoice char 1 0 Allow NULL?
210 DeferrTax Deferred Tax char 1 0 N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
211 LetterNum Tax Exemption Letter No. nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
212 MaxAmount Max. Exemption Amount num 19 6 Allow NULL?
213 FromDate Exemption Validity Date From date 8 0
214 ToDate Exemption Validity Date To date 8 0
215 WTLiable Subject to Withholding Tax char 1 0 N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
216 CrtfcateNO Certificate No. nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
217 ExpireDate Expiration Date date 8 0
218 NINum Registration No. nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
219 AccCritria Accrual char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
220 WTCode WTax Code nvarchar 4 0 OWHT Allow NULL?
221 Equ Equalization Tax char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
222 HldCode Holidays Name nvarchar 20 0 OHLD Allow NULL?
223 ConnBP Linked Business Partner nvarchar 15 0 OCRD Allow NULL?
224 MltMthNum Last Multi. Reconciliation No. int 11 0 Allow NULL?
225 TypWTReprt BP Type for WTax Report char 1 0 C C=Company, P=Person Allow NULL?
226 VATRegNum VAT Reg. Number nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
227 RepName Representative Name nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
228 Industry Industry text 16 0
229 Business Business text 16 0
230 WTTaxCat Withholding Tax Cat. text 16 0
231 IsDomestic Is Domestic char 1 0 Y N=Foreign, Y=Domestic Allow NULL?
232 IsResident Is Resident char 1 0 Y N=Non-Resident, Y=Resident Allow NULL?
233 AutoCalBCG Auto Calculated Bank Charges char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
234 OtrCtlAcct Other Receivable/Payable nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
235 AliasName Alias Name text 16 0
236 Building Bill-to Building/Floor/Room text 16 0
237 MailBuildi Ship to Building/Floor/Room text 16 0
238 BoEPrsnt Customer Bill of Exchang Pres nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
239 BoEDiscnt Customer BoE Discounted nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
240 BoEOnClct Bill of Exchange on Collection nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
241 UnpaidBoE Unpaid Bill of Exchange nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
242 ITWTCode Income Tax WTax Code nvarchar 4 0 OWHT Allow NULL?
243 DunTerm Dunning Term nvarchar 25 0 ODUT Allow NULL?
244 ChannlBP Channel BP nvarchar 15 0 OCRD Allow NULL?
245 DfTcnician Default Technician int 11 0 OHEM Allow NULL?
246 Territory Territory int 11 0 OTER Allow NULL?
247 BillToDef Bill-to Default nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
248 DpmClear Payment Advances nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
249 IntrntSite Web Site nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
250 LangCode Language Code int 11 0 OLNG Allow NULL?
251 HousActKey House Bank Account Key int 11 0 DSC1 Allow NULL?
252 Profession Profession nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
253 CDPNum Closing Date Procedure Number int 6 0 OCDP Allow NULL?
254 DflBankKey Default Bank Key int 11 0 ODSC Allow NULL?
255 BCACode Bank Charges Allocation Codes nvarchar 3 0 OBCA Allow NULL?
256 UseShpdGd Use Shipped Goods Account char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
257 RegNum Company Reg. No. (CRN) nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
258 VerifNum WTax Verification No. nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
259 BankCtlKey Default Bank Internal ID nvarchar 2 0 Allow NULL?
260 HousCtlKey House Bank Control Number nvarchar 2 0 Allow NULL?
261 AddrType Bill-to Address Type nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
262 InsurOp347 347 Insurance Operation char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
263 MailAddrTy Ship-to Address Type nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
264 StreetNo Bill-to Street No. nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
265 MailStrNo Ship-to Street No. nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
266 TaxRndRule Tax Rounding Rule char 1 0 D C=Round Up, D=Company Default, F=Round Down, R=Round Off Allow NULL?
267 VendTID Vender Type ID int 11 0 OVTP Allow NULL?
268 ThreshOver Threshold Overlook char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
269 SurOver Surcharge Overlook char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
270 VendorOcup Vendor Occupation nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
271 OpCode347 347 Operation Code char 1 0 A=Goods or Services Acquisitions, B=Sales or Services Revenues, D=Public Entities Acquisitions, E=Public Subsidies, F=Travel Agent Sales, G=Travel Agent Purchases Allow NULL?
272 DpmIntAct DPM Interim Account nvarchar 15 0 OACT Allow NULL?
273 ResidenNum Residence Number char 1 0 1 1=Spanish Fiscal ID, 2=VAT Registration Number, 3=Passport, 4=Fiscal ID Issued by the Country of Residence, 5=Certificate of Fiscal Residence, 6=Other Document, 7=Not Registered Allow NULL?
274 UserSign2 Updating User int 6 0 OUSR Allow NULL?
275 PlngGroup Planning Group nvarchar 10 0 Allow NULL?
276 VatIDNum VAT ID Number nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
277 Affiliate Affiliate char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
278 MivzExpSts Mivzak Export Status char 1 0 B B=Not Exported, D=Deleted, U=Exported Allow NULL?
279 HierchDdct Hierarchical Deduction char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
280 CertWHT Withholding Tax Certified char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
281 CertBKeep Bookkeeping Certified char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
282 WHShaamGrp Withholding Shaam Group char 1 0 1 1=Services and Asset, 2=Agricultural Products, 3=Insurance Commissions, 4=Withholding Tax Instructions, 5=Interest Exchange Rate Differences Allow NULL?
283 IndustryC Industry int 11 0 OOND Allow NULL?
284 DatevAcct DATEV Account nvarchar 9 0 Allow NULL?
285 DatevFirst First Data Entry char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
286 GTSRegNum GTS Registration Number nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
287 GTSBankAct GTS Bank Account nvarchar 80 0 Allow NULL?
288 GTSBilAddr GTS Billing Address nvarchar 80 0 Allow NULL?
289 HsBnkSwift House Bank BIC/SWIFT Code nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
290 HsBnkIBAN House Bank IBAN nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
291 DflSwift Default Bank BIC/SWIFT Code nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
292 AutoPost Automatic Posting char 1 0 N B=Interest and Fee, F=Fee Only, I=Interest Only, N=No Allow NULL?
293 IntrAcc Interest Account nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
294 FeeAcc Fee Account nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
295 CpnNo Campaign No. int 11 0 OCPN Allow NULL?
296 NTSWebSite E-Tax Web Site int 6 0 OTWS Allow NULL?
297 DflIBAN Default Bank IBAN nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
298 Series Series int 11 0 NNM1 Allow NULL?
299 Number Number int 11 0 Allow NULL?
300 EDocExpFrm Electronic Doc. Export Format int 11 0 Allow NULL?
301 TaxIdIdent Tax ID Category char 1 0 3 1=Self-Employed, 2=Company, 3=Registered Business, 5=International Company Allow NULL?
302 Attachment Attachment text 16 0
303 AtcEntry Attachment Entry int 11 0 Allow NULL?
304 DiscRel Disc. Relations char 1 0 L A=Average, H=Highest Discount, L=Lowest Discount, M=Discount Multiples, S=Total Allow NULL?
305 NoDiscount No Discounts char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
306 SCAdjust SC Adjustment char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
307 DflAgrmnt Default Blanket Agreement No. int 11 0 OOAT Allow NULL?
308 GlblLocNum Global Location Number nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
309 SenderID EDI Message Sender ID nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
310 RcpntID EDI Message Recipient ID nvarchar 50 0 Allow NULL?
311 MainUsage Main Usage int 11 0 Allow NULL?
312 SefazCheck Check BP Status on SEFAZ char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
313 free312 Free312 char 1 0 Allow NULL?
314 free313 Free313 char 1 0 Allow NULL?
315 DateFrom Relationship Initial Date date 8 0
316 DateTill Relationship Final Date date 8 0
317 RelCode Relationship Code nvarchar 2 0 01=Matriz no exterior, 02=Filial, inclusive agência ou dependência, no exterior, 03=Coligada, inclusive equiparada, 04=Controladora, 05=Controlada (exceto subsidiária integral), 06=Subsidiária integral, 07=Controlada em conjunto, 08=Entidade de Propósito Específico (conforme definição da CVM), 09=Participante do conglomerado, conforme norm Allow NULL?
318 OKATO OKATO nvarchar 11 0 Allow NULL?
319 OKTMO OKTMO nvarchar 12 0 Allow NULL?
320 KBKCode KBK Budget Classification Code nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
321 TypeOfOp Type of Operation char 1 0 O=Others, P=Professional Services, R=Renting Assets Allow NULL?
322 OwnerCode BP Owner int 11 0 OHEM Allow NULL?
323 MandateID Mandate ID nvarchar 35 0 Allow NULL?
324 SignDate Date of Signature date 8 0
325 Remark1 Remark 1 int 11 0 ORMK Allow NULL?
326 ConCerti Concessional Certificate nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
327 TpCusPres Type of End-User Presence int 11 0 OBNI 9 Allow NULL?
328 RoleTypCod Role Type Code nvarchar 2 0 Allow NULL?
329 BlockComm Block Sending Marketing char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
330 EmplymntCt Employment Category nvarchar 2 0 A=Retired, B=Retired belonging to "casellario", C=University Teacher, D=High School Teacher, E=Primary or Kindergarten Teacher, F=Graduates and Troops, G=Military Subofficer, H=Military Officer, K=Judge, L=Employees Abroad, M=Member of Cooperatives, N=Freelance Earning Amounts as Employee, P=Scholarships Beneficiary, Q=Minister, R=Doctor, Allow NULL?
331 ExcptnlEvt Exceptional Event char 1 0 1=Vittime di richieste estorsive, 2=Soggetti colpiti dagli eventi sismici in data 24 agosto 2016, 3=Soggetti nel comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, emergenza umanitaria, 4=Soggetti colpiti dagli eventi sismici in ottobre 2016, 5=Soggetti colpiti da eventi sismici in gennaio 2017, 8=Altri eventi eccezionali Allow NULL?
332 ExpnPrfFnd Professional Funds Expenses num 19 6 Allow NULL?
333 EdrsFromBP Endorsable Checks from This BP char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
334 EdrsToBP This BP Accepts Endorsed Checks char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
335 CreateTS Creatn Time - Incl. Secs int 11 0 Allow NULL?
336 UpdateTS Update Full Time int 11 0 Allow NULL?
337 EDocGenTyp Electr. Doc. Generation Type char 1 0 G=Generate, L=Generate - Later, N=Not Relevant, R=Send - Later, S=Send Allow NULL?
338 eStreet Street nvarchar 38 0 Allow NULL?
339 eStreetNum Street Number nvarchar 4 0 Allow NULL?
340 eBuildnNum Building Number int 11 0 Allow NULL?
341 eZipCode Zip Code nvarchar 10 0 Allow NULL?
342 eCityTown City/Town/Village nvarchar 48 0 Allow NULL?
343 eCountry Country nvarchar 3 0 OCRY Allow NULL?
344 eDistrict District nvarchar 3 0 Allow NULL?
345 RepFName Representative First Name nvarchar 20 0 Allow NULL?
346 RepSName Representative Surname nvarchar 36 0 Allow NULL?
347 RepCmpName Company Name nvarchar 36 0 Allow NULL?
348 RepFisCode Representative Fiscal Code nvarchar 16 0 Allow NULL?
349 RepAddID Representative Additional ID nvarchar 28 0 Allow NULL?
350 PECAddr PEC Address nvarchar 254 0 Allow NULL?
351 IPACodePA Receiver Code for Public Administration nvarchar 32 0 Allow NULL?
352 PriceMode Price Mode char 1 0 G=Gross, N=Net Allow NULL?
353 EffecPrice Effective Price char 1 0 D D=Default Priority, H=Highest Price, L=Lowest Price Allow NULL?
354 TxExMxVdTp Exemption Max validate type char 1 0 I A=Accumulated Document Amount, I=Individual Documents Allow NULL?
355 MerchantID Merchant ID nvarchar 15 0 Allow NULL?
356 UseBilAddr Determine GST by Using Bill to char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
357 NaturalPer Natural Person char 1 0 N N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
358 DPPStatus Data Protection Status char 1 0 N B=Blocked, D=Erased, N=None, U=Unblocked Allow NULL?
359 EnAddID Encryption of ID No. 2 text 16 0
360 EncryptIV Encrypt IV nvarchar 100 0 Allow NULL?
361 EnDflAccnt Encryption of Default Account text 16 0
362 EnDflIBAN Encryption of Default IBAN text 16 0
363 EnERD4In Enable ERD for Incoming Payments char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
364 EnERD4Out Enable ERD for Outgoing Payments char 1 0 Y N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL?
365 DflCustomr Default Customer char 1 0 N C=Default customer who has been partially erased, D=Default customer, N=Not a default customer, P=Partially erased Allow NULL?
366 TspEntry Default Transporter int 11 0 OTSP Allow NULL?
367 TspLine Default Transportation Line int 11 0 Allow NULL?
Name Primary Unique Type Columns
PRIMARY No Yes CardCode
CARD_NAME No No CardName
CARD_TYPE No No CardType
FATHER No No FatherCard
TERMS No No GroupNum
CURRENCY No No Currency
COM_GROUP No No CommGrCode
PAY_ACCT No No DebPayAcct
ABS_ENTRY No Yes DocEntry
OWNER_CODE No No OwnerCode