  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Uno Support for Windows.Devices.Enumeration

Device enumeration is partially supported in Uno Platform. It currently supports enumerating the following device classes:

  • MIDI input devices
  • MIDI output devices
  • To enumerate devices of a given class, please use the respective GetDeviceSelector() method, for example: MidiInPort.GetDeviceSelector() .

    For contributors

    To add support for a new device class, several steps are required:

  • Add the device class GUID to Uno.Devices.Enumeration.Internal.DeviceClassGuids . You can discover the GUID by reading the GetDeviceSelector methods output.
  • Add provider implementations to Uno.UWP\Devices\Enumeration\Internal\Providers . The providers must implement IDeviceClassProvider .
  • Add the provider classes to DeviceInformation.providers partial classes in Uno.UWP\Devices\Enumeration .