  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Check the box to enable static and dynamic variables in Send messages. Add the variable name in a request surrounded by double brackets (ex {{variableNaming}}). Variable names will be replaced automatically when a static or dynamic variable has the same name.

Dynamic variables : Variables will be updated based on previous message responses containing JSON or XML. The variable names should be separated by a period for nested JSON/XML. For example, to get the number of pages in the first chapter from the response below use the variable name {{variableNaming2}} in the request.
book:{ chapters:[ {name: chapter1, pages: 5}, {name: chapter2, pages: 10} ]}

Static variables : Add the variable name and variable value, in the box below, separated by colon (ex name:value). Each variable should be on it's own line.

Convert {{request.targetOption}}

Convert to base64, hex, binary, MD5 or SHA256 hash, AES and 3DES encryption and more

Encode or decode hexadecimal (hex) to decimal, binary, text, and more. Hexadecimal is base 16 and represents numbers 0 - 15 using numbers 0 - 9 and letters A - F where A is 10 and F is 15.

Encode or decode decimal to hexadecimal, binary, text, and more.

Encode or decode base64 to text, hexadecimal, binary, and more. Base64 represents numbers using 64 characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and / where 0 is A and 63 is /.

Encode or decode binary to text, hexadecimal, decimal, and more. Binary represents numbers using a series of 0's and 1's.

Encode or decode URI to text, hexadecimal, base64, and more. URI represents unsupported characters with a % and hexadecimal digits.

Encrypt or decrypt using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). AES is a symmetric encryption algorithm.

Hash using SHA1. A hash is a fixed size value that represents a larger value. A hash is designed to be unique for a value, thus, changing the value results in a different hash.

Hash using SHA256. A hash is a fixed size value that represents a larger value. A hash is designed to be unique for a value, thus, changing the value results in a different hash.

Hash using MD5. A hash is a fixed size value that represents a larger value. A hash is designed to be unique for a value, thus, changing the value results in a different hash.

Pretty up that JSON. JavaScript Object Notation is used to structure objects using key value pairs.

Pretty up that HTML. Hyper Text Mark Up langauge is used to define the structure of a document using tags.

Pretty up that XML. Extensible Mark Up langauge is used to structure data using tags.

Pretty up that CSS. Cascading Style Sheets are used to describe the presentation of a document.

Pretty up that SQL. Structured Query Language is used to manage data in a relational database.

Pretty up that TLV. Tag Length Value is used to structure data using sequences of tag, length, and values.

Pretty up that ISO bitmap. ISO-8583 is a standard used to exchange cardholder transactions.


{{request.method}} data securely over the Internet from a web service using HTTP. The {{request.method}} method is used to retrieve content. The {{request.method}} method is used to send content. The {{request.method}} method is used to delete content. The {{request.method}} method is used to replace content. The {{request.method}} method is used to update content.

  • Send data using our server or Send Locally using your browser. Send Locally allows access to local networks that may not be available to the public. Sending locally with your browser, however, enforces security restrictions (ex. CORS and Certificate Transparency) that the end point may not support, causing the request to fail
  • Binary content is encoded in brackets using the ASCII control character (ex. [STX]), hexadcimal (ex. [0A]), or binary (ex. [00110101])
  • Saved requests are stored locally within the browser.
  • {{requestWithVariables.method}} {{requestWithVariables.url}}

