  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
array[0..7] of array[0..7] of data_type

array[0..7, 0..7] of data_type

array[boolean, 0..7] of data_type

a : array of integer

SetLength(a, 10)

// 取下标范围 Low(a) High(a)

a : array of array of integer

SetLength(a, 10, 10)

生成 Variant 数组 VarArrayCreate([1,9],varDatatype)


const arr1 : array[0..2] of string=('1','2','3');
const arr2 : array[0..1,0..1] of string=(('1','2'),('3','4')); type myrecord = record
data1 : type1
data2 : type2
data3 : type3
type MyRecord = record
   case Byte of 
// case var:type of
   1:( i:integer );
   2:( c:array [0..3] of char);
    myrecord.data1 = value;       
   PI = ^Integer;
   i,j : Integer;
   p   : ^Integer; // p : PI; i := 123 ;
p := @i ; j := p^ ;