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Audi Elaine concept is surprisingly close to production

Audi's Elaine concept previews a powertrain that will appear in an upcoming production model

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What is it? Audi ’s Elaine Concept is an all-electric SUV coupe that previews the powertrain that will appear in a coming production model. The Elaine uses one electric motor over the front axle and two motors on the rear to create an AWD system, and up to 496 horsepower that would allow it to hit 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds. About 560 kilometres of range would be possible on a single charge, but wireless charging would complement a fast-charge cable plugged into a 240V outlet.

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The Elaine might be a revised version of the e-tron Sportback seen earlier this year , but this show car implements Level Four autonomous driving technology, meaning the SUV would be able to travel short distances entirely by itself, without a driver — ideal when leaving Costco with a ton of groceries and simply summoning the car makes it show up.

Derek McNaughton picture

Derek McNaughton

Derek was the managing editor of Postmedia's Driving from 2008 to 2015. He now runs his own construction business but continues to love and write about new cars and trucks.


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