Hi Bubble fellows,
i’ve made a new video plugin that is based on the HTML 5 Video Element.
This new plugin is an enhancement of the plugin ‘HTML 5 Video player’ by Moabe Vettore
it handles quite a number of the HTML Video Events + Functions, enabling you to create your own controls.
I haven’t yet included all the Element’s events or functions. Let me know the enhancements you want.
As of today, this HTML 5 Video element only plays .mp4, .webm and .ogg videos.
Moreover, this plugin is responsive.
The plugin page is here :
BNS - HTML 5 Video Player Plugin | Bubble
And the Demo page is here :
The NoCode Company Demos - Videoplayer plugin
Feel free to contact me if needed.
[UPDATE TO 1.2.1]
i’ve decided to publish most of the significant events, properties and functions from the HTML 5 Video element.
You can now control the video element quite entirely, build table of contents to access directly timed positions in the video.
And quite all of the HTML 5 Video events are published too.
Please have a look at the demo here :
The NoCode Company Demos - Videoplayer plugin
As of 06/28/2023, there’s still a bug that prevents the plugin to be fully responsive. For now, you have to set a fixed height for the plugin.
Any feedback appreciated
Best regards,
Hi Thanks for amazing plugin,
unfortunately loop doesn’t seem to work also
getting this error:
The plugin BNS - HTML 5 Video Player / element BNS - Video Player threw the following error: Error: Recursion when evaluating property AAF on element “BNS-VideoPlayer A”
at evaluate_property
{“message”:“Invalid package”}
Sorry for late reply. Could you reproduce the error and post a loom or a screen shot of the javascript console where you should also have the error?