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2023.12.22 19:20
项目鸟瞰  ©赵强

设计单位 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

项目地址 浙江杭州

建成时间 2023年1月

建筑面积 83700.7平方米

撰稿 王豪、章昕


Hangzhou One chance Tech Corp is the first listed e-commerce service provider in China. We were awarded the right to design its headquarters building in Qiantang District, Hangzhou through a design competition in 2018.


The total land area of the project is about 15,071 square meters, and the total building area is about 83,700 square meters, which consists of a 100-meter high-rise building in the north and a multi-story podium in the south, and the north and south buildings present a characteristic "W" shape layout in the general plan layout. The design of the building pursues a perfect balance between modern technology and garden aesthetics, presenting a high degree of integration and symbiosis of rationality and passion, and entrusting the beautiful vision of people's unremitting innovation and pursuit of excellence.

项目鸟瞰  ©赵强

“W” 布局之场地适应

Site Adaptation of “W” Shaped Layout


The Singapore Science Park where the project is located is shaped like a thumb, and the design is at the edge of the thumb as a fan-shaped site, whose west side is Central Park, while the east side is adjacent to the community business center and residential areas. This fan-shaped site has a centripetal and multidirectional characteristic, and the "W" layout of the design is very well adapted to the site's multidirectional characteristics.

建筑与城市肌理  ©UAD

建筑沿街透视  ©赵强


The design creates an architectural form that focuses on the central garden, but also has a gentle neighborly relationship at the urban interface, with the "W" shaped gesture opening to the city like the pages of a book, demonstrating an accepting and open architectural character.

建筑体块生成  ©UAD
南办公楼主入口  ©赵强
项目主入口  ©赵强

“W” 布局之功能适应

Functional Adaptation of “W” Shaped Layout


The planning of headquarters space is different from traditional office building space, which is a comprehensive manifestation of corporate values transmission, corporate culture output, and corporate competitiveness. We try to tailor-make unique architectural spaces to fit the intrinsic needs of enterprises,


In the head city of the rapid development of the Internet, innovative e-commerce enterprises are particularly important to the rapid response of mobility, the owners had a poor office experience in traditional high-rise office buildings in the early days. High-rise office buildings tend to have less efficient use of flat space, waste a lot of time waiting for elevators, and are not conducive to enhanced movement for employees, so owners prefer more multi-story spaces and prefer stairs as the main vertical transportation mode.

由跑道、爬山楼梯串联起各层功能空间  ©UAD


The "W" shaped layout uses continuity and linearity as the logic of spatial organization, to respond to the rapid changes of innovative teams. Enterprises can flexibly configure their office areas according to new needs at any time.


The "W" shaped layout provides more multi-story spaces within the same site than the columnar layout, and the endpoints and turns of the "W" space are natural space nodes. At each node, we arrange a vertical transportation body to form a place for informal interaction.

爬山楼梯剖透视图  ©UAD


As the most important transportation hub and social node of the building, the climbing stairs connect the main entrance lobby, the office areas on each floor, and the rooftop court. The dynamic flow of the through-high space circles back and forth. While picking up the stairs, employees not only exercise but also obtain more opportunities for encounters and exchanges, and this increases exchanges between different departments, colliding with more innovation and creativity.

爬山楼梯局部  ©赵强

“W” 布局之几何园林

Geometric Garden Thesis of the “W” Shaped Layout


Underneath the abstract architectural image, the internal logic of spatial organization is derived from traditional Chinese gardens.



"The W-shaped layout of the building naturally forms two east-facing courtyards and one west-facing courtyard. One of the eastward courtyards faces the garden of the residential area and combines with the lobby and winged canopy to form a characteristic space in front of the main entrance; the other eastward courtyard echoes with the small square of the community commercial center; the westward courtyard is peaceful and relaxing, and brings the view of the Central Park into the building. The design seeks to open up the building's surface area to greenery, promote visual connections between people and the outdoor landscape, and provide a lively landscape interface that is not possible in a traditional high-rise office.

导向周边空间的开放绿地  ©UAD
几何园林  ©赵强



The walking line forms a rich spatial sequence (sequential scene, starting scene, transition, climax) through the spatial rhythm of change and spatial transition, changing different scenes step by step so that people can experience the interest of the garden when walking.

场地流线示意图  ©UAD
南侧室外-爬山楼梯流线  ©赵强
北侧内庭院流线  ©赵强



The outer side of the "W" shaped layout is mostly made of glass curtain walls, forming a relatively hard shell to protect the headquarters building. The façade on both sides of the courtyard adopts a full glass curtain wall, which blurs the indoor and outdoor boundaries and allows the office space to integrate with nature more. The façade of the building facing the community neighborhood adopts the form of a curtain wall combining perforated aluminum panels and aluminum panels, which avoids the formation of light pollution.

朝向内庭院的立面  ©赵强
朝向社区的立面  ©赵强

主楼外立面的设计灵感来自泰戈尔的诗句:“我的想象是一群飞舞的萤火虫,涌动着富有生机的火花,在黑夜里闪烁、跳跃。” 立面中玻璃与铝板,穿孔铝板与铝板宛如琴键交错设置,跳跃点缀大块面的玻璃。夜幕降临,结合泛光照明,描绘出一幅如萤火跳动的动人画卷。

The design of the facade of the main building is inspired by Tagore's poem, "My imagination is a group of fluttering fireflies, surging with vibrant sparks, flickering and jumping in the night." The glass and aluminum panels, perforated aluminum panels, and aluminum panels in the façade are interlaced like piano keys, jumping and dotted with large pieces of glass. When night falls, combined with floodlighting, it depicts a moving picture of jumping fireflies.

立面肌理的意向  ©UAD
北办公楼立面肌理  ©赵强
项目立面整体肌理  ©赵强


总平面图  ©UAD
一层平面图  ©UAD
二层平面图  ©UAD
三层平面图  ©UAD
四层平面图  ©UAD
五层平面图  ©UAD
屋顶平面图  ©UAD
北楼立面图  ©UAD

南楼立面图  ©UAD



























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