Recursive Subqueries 递归子查询
New to Oracle 11.2 is
recursive subquery factoring
for the remainder of this chapter). As you can
probably guess,
the ANSI name for this feature is recursive common table expression.
Regardless of what
you call it, Oracle has had a similar feature for a very long time in the form of the CONNECT BY clause of
the SELECTstatement. This feature has been enhanced in Oracle 11gR2.
对Oracle 11.2陌生的是“
无论你称它是什么,Oracle已经有了一个很相似的,时间很长的特征,以SELECT语句的CONNECT BY子句的形式(为体现的)。该特征在Oracle 11gR2中得到了增强。
Let’s begin by looking at a traditional CONNECT BYquery such as in Listing 10-12. The emp inline view is
used to join the EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables, and then the single data set is presented to the SELECT… CONNECT BYstatement. The PRIORoperator is used to match the current EMPLOYEE_ID to rows where this value is in the MANAGER_ID column. Doing so iteratively creates a recursive query.
让我们从传统的CONNECT BY查询,如列表10-12,开始查看。emp内联视图用于连接EMPLOYEE 和DEPARTMENT 表,接下来是由SELECT...CONNECT BY语句查出的单个数据集。PRIOR运算符用于匹配当前EMPLOYEE_ID到哪一行MANAGER_ID列。如此迭代创建一个递归查询
CONNECT BY was first available in Oracle Version 2, or in others words, from the very beginning.
CONNCET BY 在Oracle版本2开始有效,换句话说,非常早。
Listing 10-12 contains a number of extra columns in the output to help explain how the PRIOR
operator works. Let’s take a look at the output beginning with the row for Lex De Haan. You can see that
the EMPLOYEE_ID for Lex is 102.
The PRIOR operator will find all rows for which the MANAGER_ID is 102 and include them under the hierarchy for Lex De Haan.
The only row that meets these criteria is the one for Alexander Hunold, with an EMPLOYEE_IDof 103. The process is then repeated for Alexander Hunold: are there any rows for which the MANAGER_IDis 103? There are four rows found with a MANAGER_IDof 103: those are for the employees Valli Pattaballa, Diana Lorentz, Bruce Ernst, and David Austin, so these are included in the output below Alexander Hunold. As there were no rows for which any of the EMPLOYEE_ID values for these four employees appears as a MANAGER_ID, Oracle moves back up to a level for which the rows have not yet been processed (in this case, for Alberto Errazuriz) and continues on to the end until all rows have been processed.
列表10-12的输出包含很多额外的列帮助解释PRIOR运算符是如何工作的。让我们查看输出从行Lex De Haan开始。你可看出Lex的EMPLOYEE_ID是102。
PRIOR 运算符将找出MANAGER_ID是102的所有行,再包含他们在Lex De Haan等级之下。
只有一行满足这个标准,是Alexander Hunold, EMPLOYEE_ID是103。这个过程接着在Alexander Hunold上重复:这里是否有任何行的MANAGER_ID是103?找到4行的MANAGER_ID是103: 这些员工是 Valli Pattaballa, Diana Lorentz, Bruce Ernst, 和David Austin,因此输出在Alexander Hunold之下。因为这四个员工的EMPLOYEE_ID值不是任一行的MANAGER_ID,Oracle回到一没有处理过行的层上(在本例中是Alberto Errazuriz)且持续到最后,直到所有的行处理完毕。
The START WITH clause is instructed to begin with a value for which MANAGER_ID is null. As this is an
organizational hierarchy with a single person at the top of the hierarchy, this causes the query to start
with Stephen King.
As the CEO, Mr. King does not have a manager, so the MANAGER_ID column is set to
NULL for his row.
START WITH子句指示MANAGER_ID的初始值是null。因为这是一个等级组织,某个人在这个等级的顶端,这使得查询开始于Stephen King。
The LEVEL pseudocolumn holds the value for the depth of the recursion, allowing for a simple
method to indent the output so that the organizational hierarchy is visible.
--Listing 10-12. Basic CONNECT BY
select lpad(' ', level*2-1,' ') || emp.emp_last_name emp_last_name
, emp.emp_first_name
, emp.employee_id
, emp.mgr_last_name, emp.mgr_first_name
, emp.manager_id
, department_name
from (
select /*+ inline gather_plan_statistics */
e.last_name emp_last_name, e.first_name emp_first_name
, e.employee_id, d.department_id
, e.manager_id, d.department_name
, es.last_name mgr_last_name, es.first_name mgr_first_name
from hr.employees e
left outer join hr.departments d on d.department_id = e.department_id
left outer join hr.employees es on es.employee_id = e.manager_id
) emp
connect by prior
emp.employee_id = emp.manager_id
start with
emp.manager_id is null
order siblings by
------------------------------ -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
King Steven 100 Executive
Cambrault Gerald 148 King Steven 100 Sales
Bates Elizabeth 172 Cambrault Gerald 148 Sales
Bloom Harrison 169 Cambrault Gerald 148 Sales
Fox Tayler 170 Cambrault Gerald 148 Sales
Kumar Sundita 173 Cambrault Gerald 148 Sales
Ozer Lisa 168 Cambrault Gerald 148 Sales
Smith William 171 Cambrault Gerald 148 Sales
De Haan Lex 102 King Steven 100 Executive
Hunold Alexander 103 De Haan Lex 102 IT
Austin David 105 Hunold Alexander 103 IT
Ernst Bruce 104 Hunold Alexander 103 IT
Lorentz Diana 107 Hunold Alexander 103 IT
Pataballa Valli 106 Hunold Alexander 103 IT
The Example Using an RSF
The example query on the EMPLOYEES table has been rewritten in Listing 10-13 to use RSF, where the
main subquery is emp_recurse. The anchor member in this case simply selects the top most row in the
hierarchy by selecting the only row where MANAGER_ID IS NULL. This is equivalent to START WITH
EMP.MANAGER_ID IS NULL in Listing 10-12.
The recursive member references the defining query
emp_recurse by joining it to emp query.
This join is used to locate the row corresponding to each
employee’s manager, which is equivalent to CONNECT BY PRIOR EMP.EMPLOYEE_ID = EMP.MANAGER_ID in
Listing 10-12. The results in Listing 10-13 are identical to those in Listing 10-12.
查询EMPLOYEES表的例子在列表10-13中使用RSF重写了,其中主要的子查询是emp_recurse。在该例中“锚成员”选择等级结构最上的行,通过选择仅有的一行MANAGER_ID IS NULL。这等价于列表10-12中的START WITH EMP.MANAGER_ID IS NULL。
这个连接用于定位每个员工的经理的相应行,等价于列表10-12中的CONNECT BY PRIOR EMP.EMPLOYEE_ID = EMP.MANAGER_ID。列表10-13的结果与列表10-12的一致。
Listing 10-13. Basic Recursive Subquery Factoring
1 with
as (
2 select /*+ inline gather_plan_statistics */
3 e.last_name, e.first_name, e.employee_id, e.manager_id, d.department_name
4 from hr.employees e
5 left outer join hr.departments d on d.department_id = e.department_id
as (
8 select e.last_name, e.first_name
9 , e.employee_id, e.manager_id
10 , e.department_name, 1 as lvl
11 from emp e where e.manager_id is null
12 union all
13 select emp.last_name, emp.first_name
14 , emp.employee_id, emp.manager_id
15 ,emp.department_name, empr.lvl + 1 as lvl
16 from emp
17 join emp_recurse empr on empr.employee_id = emp.manager_id
search depth first by last_name set order1
20 select lpad(' ', lvl*2-1,' ') || er.last_name last_name
21 , er.first_name
22 , er.department_name
23 from emp_recurse er;
------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------
King Steven Executive
Cambrault Gerald Sales
Bates Elizabeth Sales
Bloom Harrison Sales
Fox Tayler Sales
Kumar Sundita Sales
Ozer Lisa Sales
Smith William Sales
De Haan Lex Executive
Hunold Alexander IT
Austin David IT
Ernst Bruce IT
Lorentz Diana IT
Pataballa Valli IT
Errazuriz Alberto Sales
Ande Sundar Sales
107 rows selected.
While the new RSF method may at first appear verbose, the basis of how it works is simpler to
understand than CONNECT BY and allows for more complex queries. The recursive WITH clause requires
two query blocks, the anchor member and the recursive member. These two query blocks must be
combined with the UNION ALL set operator. The anchor member is the query prior to the UNION ALL,
while the recursive member is the query following. The recursive member must reference the defining
subquery— by doing so, it is recursive.
虽然新的RSF方法可能初看上去显得冗长,它如何工作的基本原理较CONNECT BY更易于理解,且用于更复杂的查询。递归的WITH子句需要两个查询块,“锚成员”和“递归成员”。这两个查询块必须通过UNION ALL集合运算符连接在一块。锚成员是在UNION ALL之前的查询,而递归成员是接下来的查询块。递归成员必须引用定义的子查询--通过这样做,实现递归。
Restrictions on RSF
As you might imagine, the use of RSF is quite a bit more flexible than CONNECT BY. There are some
restrictions on its use, however.
As per
the 11gR2 documentation for the SELECT statement, the
following elements cannot be used in the recursive member of an RSF:
· The DISTINCT keyword or a GROUP BY clause
· The model_clause
· An aggregate function. However, analytic functions are permitted in the select list.
· Subqueries that refer to query_name.
· Outer joins that refer to query_nameas the right table.
正如你可能想到,使用RSF比起CONNECT BY更为灵活。然而,对它也有些限制。
· model子句
· 聚合函数,然而,分析函数允许放在SELECT列表中。
· 引用查询名称的子查询
· 引用查询名称作为右表的外连接。
Differences from CONNECT BY
There are several differences when using RSF as compared to CONNECT BY, and some of them are
apparent in Listing 10-13. You may have wondered what happened to the LEVEL pseudocolumn, as it is
missing in this query, replaced by the LVL column. I’ll get to that one a little later on. Also notice that the
columns returned by an RSF query must be specified in the query definition as seen in line 7 of Listing
10-13. One more new feature is the SEARCH DEPTH FIRST seen on line 19. The default search is BREADTH
FIRST, which is not usually the output you want from a hierarchical query. Listing 10-14 shows the
output when the SEARCH clause is not used or it is set to BREADTH FIRST.
This search returns rows of all
siblings at each level before returning any child rows. Specifying SEARCH DEPTH FIRST will return the
rows in hierarchical order.
The SET ORDER1 portion of the SEARCH clause sets the value of the ORDER1
pseudocolumn to the value of the order the rows are returned in, similar to what you might see with
ROWNUM, but you get to name the column. This will also be used in later examples.
使用RSF相比CONNECT BY也有一些不同之处,其中的一些在列表10-13中有所体现。你可能奇怪LEVEL伪列怎么了,在这个查询中它不见了,而是用LVL列代替了。这点我之后解释。也请注意由某一RSF查询返回的列必须在查询定义中指定,如在列表10-13的第7行所见。还有一个新的特征是在行19中所见的SEARCH DEPTH FIRST。默认搜索是BREADTH FIRST,通常不是你想要从一等级查询中(返回的)输出。列表10-14展示了当SEARCH子句没有使用或者它被设置成 BREADTH FIRST的输出结果。
搜索在返回所有子行之前返回各层所有同辈行。指定SEARCH DEPTH FIRST将按等级顺序返回行。
SEARCH子句的SET ORDER1 部分设置ORDER1伪列的值为返回的行顺序的值,类似于你可能见过的ROWNUM,但是你有列名。这也将在后续的例子中用到。
Listing 10-14. Default BREADTH FIRST Search
search breadth first by last_name set order1
select lpad(' ', lvl*2-1,' ') || er.last_name last_name
------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------
King Steven Executive
Cambrault Gerald Sales
De Haan Lex Executive
Errazuriz Alberto Sales
Fripp Adam Shipping
Hartstein Michael Marketing
Kaufling Payam Shipping
Kochhar Neena Executive
Mourgos Kevin Shipping
Partners Karen Sales
Raphaely Den Purchasing
Russell John Sales
Vollman Shanta Shipping
Weiss Matthew Shipping
Zlotkey Eleni Sales
Abel Ellen Sales
Ande Sundar Sales
Atkinson Mozhe Shipping
Baer Hermann Public Relations
Baida Shelli Purchasing
Banda Amit Sales
Bates Elizabeth Sales
Notice that the SEARCH clause as it is used in Figures 10-13 and 10-14 specifies that the search be by
This could also be by FIRST_NAME, or by a column list, such as LAST_NAME,FIRST_NAME. Doing so controls the order of the rows within each level.
The SEARCH clause ends with SET ORDER1. This
effectively adds the ORDER1 pseudocolumn to the column list returned by the recursive subquery.
will see it used more in some of the following examples.
注意在图10-13和10-14中使用的SEARCH子句指定搜索是 by LAST_NAME。