  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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Fluent Support Developers

Fluent Support Database Schema

Fluent Support use custom database tables with options tables to store all the data. Here are the list of database tables, and it's schema to understand overall database design and related data attributes of each model.

Schema Design

Database Tables


This table stores the ticket data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
customer_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
agent_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
mailbox_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
product_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
product_source varchar(192) NULL
privacy varchar(100) [ private ]
priority varchar(100) [ normal ]
client_priority varchar(100) [ normal ]
status varchar(100) [ new ]
title varchar(192) NULL
slug varchar(192) NULL
hash varchar(192) NULL
content_hash varchar(192) NULL
message_id varchar(192) NULL
source varchar(192) NULL
content longtext NULL
secret_content longtext NULL
last_agent_response timestamp NULL
last_customer_response timestamp NULL
waiting_since timestamp NULL
response_count int(11) [ 0 ]
first_response_time int(11) NULL
total_close_time int(11) NULL
resolved_at timestamp NULL
closed_by bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the tag relations

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
tag_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED
source_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED
source_type varchar(192)
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the tag data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
tag_type varchar(192) NULL
title varchar(192)
slug varchar(192)
description longtext NULL
settings text NULL
created_by bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the product data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
source_uid bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
mailbox_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
title varchar(192) NULL
description text NULL
settings longtext NULL
source varchar(100) [ local ]
created_by bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the persons data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
first_name varchar(192) NULL
last_name varchar(192) NULL
email varchar(192) NULL
title varchar(192) NULL
avatar varchar(192) NULL
person_type varchar(192) [ customer ]
status varchar(192) [ active ]
ip_address varchar(20) NULL
last_ip_address varchar(20) NULL
address_line_1 varchar(192) NULL
address_line_2 varchar(192) NULL
city varchar(192) NULL
zip varchar(192) NULL
state varchar(192) NULL
country varchar(192) NULL
note longtext NULL
hash varchar(192) NULL
user_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
description mediumtext NULL
remote_uid bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
last_response_at timestamp NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the meta data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
object_type varchar(192) NULL
object_id bigint(20) NULL
key varchar(192) NULL
value longtext NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the mailbox data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
name varchar(192)
slug varchar(192)
box_type varchar(50) [ web ]
email varchar(192)
mapped_email varchar(192) NULL
email_footer longtext NULL
settings longtext NULL
avatar varchar(192) NULL
created_by bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
is_default ENUM('yes', 'no') [ no ]
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the data metrix

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
stat_date DATE
data_type varchar(100) [ agent_stat ]
agent_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
replies int(11) UNSIGNED NULL [ 0 ]
active_tickets int(11) UNSIGNED NULL [ 0 ]
resolved_tickets int(11) UNSIGNED NULL [ 0 ]
new_tickets int(11) UNSIGNED NULL [ 0 ]
unassigned_tickets int(11) UNSIGNED NULL [ 0 ]
close_to_average int(11) UNSIGNED NULL [ 0 ]
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the conversation data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
serial int(11) UNSIGNED [ 1 ]
ticket_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED
person_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED
conversation_type varchar(100) [ response ]
content longtext NULL
source varchar(100) [ web ]
content_hash varchar(192) NULL
message_id varchar(192) NULL
is_important ENUM('yes', 'no') [ no ]
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the attachment data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
ticket_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
person_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
conversation_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL
file_type varchar(100) NULL
file_path text NULL
full_url text NULL
settings text NULL
title varchar(192) NULL
file_hash varchar(192) NULL
driver varchar(100) [ local ]
status varchar(100) NULL [ active ]
file_size varchar(100) NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL


This table stores the activities data

Column Type Comment
id bigint(20) UNSIGNED Auto Increment
person_id bigint(20) NULL
person_type varchar(192) NULL
event_type varchar(192) NULL
object_id bigint(20) NULL
object_type varchar(192) NULL
description mediumtext NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL