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帅呆的板凳  ·  北京大学·  5 月前    · 
2024-03-13 16:37 出处:网络 热度:29
上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost将于05月16日 20:00-05月16日 23:00在万代南梦宫上海文化中心 1F梦想剧场上演,上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost门票价格:¥240 预售票。Pg.Lost,Athletics等重磅阵容。

上海 NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost 时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:05月16日 20:00-05月16日 23:00

2、地点: 万代南梦宫上海文化中心 1F梦想剧场

3、门票价格:¥240 预售票

上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost 详情

New Noise非常激动今年5月16日在上海迎来NEW BEAT第二季,我们这次以专场的形式邀请美国乐队Athletics和瑞典乐队Pg.Lost共同呈现。作为极其难得的首次中国现场,Athletics将在NEW BEAT完整表演他们最为穿透人心的专辑《Who You Are Is Not Enough》包括他们其他经典歌曲;作为我们十五年的 朋友 ,在这重要的时刻,来自瑞典最具代表性的乐队Pg.Lost也将时隔七年携新专辑再次重返中国,这是他们这次来唯一的专场。


上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost

自2009年以来,New Noise已将许多国际乐队引入中国,半年前我们发起了新的 音乐 企划NEW BEAT所收获的难忘 瞬间 至今历历在目。我们想一起创造最真诚的音乐。时隔半年NEW BEAT再次登陆上海,让我们以音乐为载体共同探索自我,寻找内心的光明和期盼。我们很乐意通过精心策划的优秀独立嘉宾阵容,为大家提供真正独特的音乐体验,为乐迷们带来鼓励和心灵慰藉。

NEW BEAT的第二个篇章将由瑞典乐队Pg.Lost和美国乐队Athletics开启。这两只乐队在 我们的 心中都占据非常重要的位置,他们的音乐最能代表我们的对待音乐的态度。无论是丰富的器乐音色, 还是 真诚的 人声 魅力,当舞台上发出声响,音浪穿透人心。5月16日在上海,现场见!


2024年5月16日 上海

预售票:240元 | 现场票:280元

万代南梦宫上海文化中心·梦想 剧场 1F

u200bNew Noise非常激动今年5月16日在上海迎来NEW BEAT第二季,我们这次以专场的形式邀请美国乐队Athletics和瑞典乐队Pg.Lost共同呈现。作为极其难得的首次中国现场,Athletics将在NEW BEAT完整表演他们最为穿透人心的专辑《Who You Are Is Not Enough》包括他们其他经典歌曲;作为我们十五年的朋友,在这重要的时刻,来自瑞典最具代表性的乐队Pg.Lost也将时隔七年携新专辑再次重返中国,这是他们这次来唯一的专场。



上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost

Athletics在2008年开始了自己的音乐旅程。他们的歌曲充满了心碎的旋律和忧郁的歌词,游走在焦虑和怀念之间。2010年,他们在Deep Elm Records发行了首张专辑《Why Aren’t I Home?》 之后 ,乐队在新泽西找到了根据地。经过几次巡演,他们开始创作第二张专辑。《Who You Are Is Not Enough》这张专辑备受乐迷追捧。这张专辑分为五个乐章,讲述了爱情、失去和接受的故事,与全球听众紧密相连。通过In THE Cloud和New Noise,他们卖出了数千张黑胶唱片。到了2016年,尽管乐队不再活跃,但创作从未停止。年底,他们自行发行了单曲《When to Run, Where to Hide》,这首歌的发布会也是他们最后一次同台演出。


从去年开始,New Noise恢复了演出工作,我们收到了很多乐迷的私信,留言中不少乐迷都 希望 我们把Athletics邀请来中国,距离乐队上一次站在舞台上已经快过去了 十年 ,我们从来没有想到能请到Athletics来巡演。

此外,Athletics还将在 北京 广州 深圳 举办三场特别专场,朋友们请保持期待!



上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost

来自瑞典东部城市Norrköping的Pg. Lost,被誉为欧洲最具影响力的器乐 摇滚 乐队之一。他们将自身的音乐风格定义为“瑞典实验乐器主义”, 并在2000年中期就已经站在器乐摇滚领域前沿。与同时代的其他乐队相比,Pg. Lost以对抗性的连复段和夸张的打击乐为主导,从深沉氛围的席卷到强力的摇滚宣泄,突破了后摇流派惯有的忧郁失落。

Pg. Lost曾多次来到中国巡演,后者更创造了几乎场场售罄的佳绩,不少乐迷更是通过那他们的音乐真正了解并且爱上器乐摇滚。乐队沉稳大气的演出风格令人耳目一新,不少中国的乐手也曾深受Pg.Lost的影响。

Pg.Lost推出了多张备受好评的专辑,音乐风格在每张唱片之间呈现出明确且逐步的演变,包括《Yes I Am》、《In Never Out》、以及与中国后摇传奇乐队 惘闻 的合集《Split》,直至他们最新的作品《Oscillate》,充满了纯粹的戏剧效果和发泄感。新专辑《Oscillate》侧重于乐器演奏,他们对张力和 释放 的敏锐把握,可以称为 一场 “戏剧性与净化力的能量爆炸”,从情感分量到创新精神,从野蛮残暴到黑暗实验主义,这些重量级元素交织在一起,打开了更广远的开放视野,展现了一种壮阔深度和内在闪光美。


上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost

New Noise is proud to present a second edition for New Beat, an event where music stands on the foreground. For our second edition we've curated a line up which we are extremely proud of. On May 16 this year in Shanghai we are welcoming iconic bandAthleticsfor their first ever visit to China playing their album "Who You Are Is Not Enough" in full and our long TIME friends, Swedish instrumental titans,Pg.lostwill head out to Shanghai for an exclusive headline show.

New Beat - Shanghai:

May 16, 2024

Line Up: Athletics / Pg.Lost

Bandai Namco Dream Hall



Since 2009 New Noise have been brin GIN g many international bands to China. We are excited to announce the secondedition of New Beat Fes Tiva l. We would love to give the a truly unique music experience, a place for encouragement and comfort by carefully curating a line up with important independent artists. Music is put on the foreground and we want to create something special together. The second edition of New Beat will feature 2 bands who all hold a very important place in our hearts and who we consider as the shape of New Noise to come. Please join us on May 16 in Shanghai for New Beat.

NEW BEAT 2024 Line Up

Athletics (20:00 - 21:15)

上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost

Athletics began their journey in 2008 withsongs littered with piercing delays and exhausted lyrical pleas pulling and pushing between angst and nostalgia. The band released their first record “Why Aren’t I Home?” on Deep Elm Records in 2010.The band then found its home base in New Jersey, and after a few tours found themselves writing their second album. “Who You Are Is Not Enough” which turned intothe cult-classic world of post-rock. A single song separated into five “movements,” reflecting on love, loss, and acceptance, connected with countless listeners across the globe, and has since then sold thousands of vinyl records via intheclouds and New Noise China.By 2016 while the band was not actively together, the writing never ceased. “When to Run, Where to Hide,” was self-released single from the band late that year, and its release show would be the last time they shared a stage together.

Cut to 2024. With a new album in the works, Athletics is finally back. An unique chance to see this monumental live band playing their iconic album in full.

The mood and feel from Athletics speaks for itself and the emotions are where the band truly succeeds. Athletics will be known for a band that truly is not afraid to express their deepest inner thoughts as well as moving musical ideas that fit their destinations perfectly. Athletics is one of these bands that we’ve been requested by many fans to bring out to China, something we never thought would be possible. After doing two special vinyl reissues for Who You Are Is Not Enough, the band finally is in the right place to do this tour. A chance in a lifetime to see this unique band!Athletics will be doing 3 other headline shows in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. More info to follow soon!

Pg.Lost (21:30 - 22:45)

上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost

Hailing from the city of Norrköping in east Sweden, Pg.lost are one of Europe biggest instrumental band who have described their sounds as “Swedish experimental instrumentalism”. In contrast to the largely swamping, unwavering soundscapes of contemporaries such as This Will Destroy You and Explosions In The Sky, the band’s sound is anchored by confrontational riffs and bombastic percussion, transcending the vast melancholy ambience mastered by other outfits within the genre.

The group have put out a number of highly acclaimed releases, with their sonic palette going through a surefire yet gradual evolution between each recording including albums like Yes I Am, In Never Out a split with Chinese postrock legends Wang Wen up till their latest effort Oscillate.

Pg.Lost’s Oscillate– the band’s latest LP packed to the gills with pure drama and catharsis. Their fifth overall and first effort since 2016’s much lauded Versus, Oscillate leans on an instrumental approach and while their keen understanding of tension/release may warrant comparison to the likes of MONO, Explosions in the Sky and Godspeed You! Black Emperor,Pg.Lostis unafraid to move into exciting new directions. With influences that range from the emotional heft of Big Thief to the inventive spirit of krautrock to the brutality of Neurosis to the dark experimentalism of C OIL , these heavier elements intertwine and open up into wide-eyed expansiveness of Fennesz or Tim Hecker, revealing a beauty shimmering underneath and a range of depth rarely found in today’s over-compressed and spit-shined version of “modern music.”

上海NEW BEAT 2024|Athletics + Pg.Lost 观演指南


场馆地址:上海市普陀区 宜昌 路179号万代南梦宫上海文化中心

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