  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • assertAndRetrieveTidyValue: Retriever of 'tidyselect'
  • dfHRQoL: Regression coefficients and confidence intervals from HRQoL...
  • drawHorizontalLines: Draws the horizontal lines
  • forestplot: Draws a forest plot
  • forestplot-package: Package description
  • fp_add_lines: Adds a line to the graph
  • fpColors: A function for the color elements used in forestplot()
  • fp_decorate_graph: Decorate the graph
  • fpDrawCI: Draw standard confidence intervals
  • fpLegend: A function for the legend used in forestplot()
  • fp_set_zebra_style: Decorate the plot with a zebra pattern
  • fpShapesGp: A function for graphical parameters of the shapes used in...
  • fpTxtGp: Get font settings for forestplot
  • getTicks: Ticks for plot axis
  • heightDetails.xaxis: Gets the height for an x-axis object
  • HRQoL: Regression coefficients and confidence intervals from HRQoL...
  • prDefaultGp: Construct default parameters from arguments that may include...
  • prepAlign: Prepares graph position
  • prepGraphPositions: Prepares graph position
  • prepGridMargins: Convert margins to viewport npc margins
  • prepLabelText: Prepares label text
  • prepLines: Prepares the lines for the plot
  • prFpConvertMultidimArray: Converts a 2D or 3D array to mean, lower, upper
  • prFpDrawLine: Draws a straight line
  • prFpFetchRowLabel: Get the label
  • prFpFindWidestGrob: Finds the widest grob in the current list of grobs
  • prFpGetConfintFnList: Get a function list
  • prFpGetLayoutVP: Get the main 'forestplot'
  • prFpGetLegendBoxPosition: Converts legend position to a standard position
  • prFpPrepareLegendMarker: Prepares the legend marker function
  • prFpPrintLabels: Plots the labels
  • prFpValidateLabelList: Validate the forestplot label list
  • prFpXrange: Gets the x-axis range
  • prGetLabelsList: Gets the forestplot labels
  • prGetShapeGp: A function to extract graphical parameters from a fpShapesGp...
  • prGetTextGrobCex: Just a simple access to the gp$cex parameter
  • prGparMerge: Merges two 'gpar' elements
  • prGridPlotTitle: Adds a title to the plot
  • prListRep: An alternative to rep()
  • prMergeGp: A function to merge two sets of graphical parameters
  • prPopulateList: Populate a list corresponding to matrix specs
  • prPushMarginViewport: Pushes viewport with margins
  • row_manipulation: Insert/append rows into forestplot
  • safeLoadPackage: Safely loads package
  • style_manipulation: Set the style of the graph
  • text_styling: Text styling
  • Browse all...
  • Description

    This function generates all the gpar() elements for the different text elements within the graph. Elements not specified inherit their default settings from the label argument.


    fpTxtGp(label, summary, xlab, title, ticks, legend, legend.title, cex = 1)



    The text labels (see details below)


    The summary labels (see details below)

    The xlab text


    The plot title


    The ticks associated with the xlab


    The legend text


    The legend title

    The font size


    A list of the fpTxtGp class

    List arguments for label/summary

    You can provide a list of elements for the label and summary in order to specify separate elements. If you provide a list in one dimension the gpar elements are assumed to follow the columns. If you provide a list of 2 dimensions the structure assumes is list[[row]][[column]] and the number of elements should correspond to the number of labels for the label argument, i.e. without the rows marked as summary elements. The same goes for summary arguments.


    fpTxtGp(label = gpar(fontfamily = "HersheySerif"))