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Strange behavior:

[298] SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database "TestDB" requested by the login. The login failed. [SQLSTATE 42000]

[298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\Administrator'. [SQLSTATE 28000]

The problem is: I deleted that TestDB a day ago. It does not exist anymore!

What am I missing?



Thank you, that solved issue. I overlooked that sharepoint installation created job CDW_SHAREPOINT for that database.

It is gone.



SQL Server Strange behavior:

I have been Getting the following error massages non stop after full backup fails. this massage gets generated for each databases in this Availability Group.  The job runs every night, and it call SSIS package. Both the SSIS and Job  seems okay and  the tricky part is that job fails once in a while like once in 10 days or so.

[298] SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database "testDB" requested by the login. The login failed. [SQLSTATE 42000]

[298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user 'Test\test-user-sql'. [SQLSTATE 28000]

  • Server; SQL Server 2016 AG with 2 replica synchronized.
  • More than 10 databases configured in this AG
  • Backup preference; any replica
  • Did I miss something here?

    Thank you


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