I have Apalis iMX8 on Ixora carrier board. Connected resistive touch HDMI monitor and a touch interface over USB.
I built a yocto image by following
Build a Reference Image with Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded
. I used
for bitbake.
After building I booted the device from SD Card.
Booting screen is displayed on HDMI monitor.
Wayland -app-launch service starts running.
I have a sample GUI application which can be operated on touch. Click actions using touch are working fine.
Now I need to bring up an
onscreen keyboard
where user can enter some text into textbox of the GUI application. But it is not working.
List item
I tried with matchbox-keyboard. But whatever typed on matchbox will not go into the text box.
List item
Tried weston-keyboard. I cannot see keyboard on the screen. I think this keyboard works only with the weston-editor. If I run
following error is shown,
could not load cursor 'dnd-move'
could not load cursor 'dnd-copy'
could not load cursor 'dnd-none'
zwp_input_panel_v1@15: error 0: interface object already bound
Could anyone help me on how to get functional onscreen keyboard?
Hi @arj_don,
Thanks for posting to Toradex community.
If I understand your question, you wanted to use virtual keyboard.
There are couple of option like using weston-keyboard or using keyboard from UI framework like qt.
Here we will share how to get first option
To enable weston-keybord, one will need to modify weston.ini file and add weston-keyboard path under input section.
Please check below similar post for same
Virtual keyboard in Weston? - #2 by gustavo.tx
Best Regards
Ritesh Kumar
Hi @ritesh.tx ,
Thank you for your response.
As suggested, I added [input-method] in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini. But no luck.
My gui app is developed in C# ( WinForms ) and running on target using mono framework.
I have a question, does weston-keyboard works with other toolkits like gtk+?
Hi @arj_don,
We quickly tested weston-keyboard by running weston-editor example and we are able to see virtual keyboard pop up.
root@apalis-imx8-06820246:/# weston-editor
could not load cursor 'dnd-move'
could not load cursor 'dnd-copy'
could not load cursor 'dnd-none'
input language is en
input language is en
My gui app is developed in C# ( WinForms ) and running on target using **mono framework
I have a question, does weston-keyboard works with other toolkits like gtk+?.
I am not sure if for any reason mono is preventing weston-keyboard. Can you check above first to verify if you weston-keyboard is working .
Best Regards
Ritesh Kumar
Hi @ritesh.tx ,
Yes. I have tested weston-editor and it is working fine.
Since the problem is with the mono framework, I made a custom keyboard in the mono GUI app itself. It works fine.
Thank you.