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Forensic Software Resources

The ISFG is supporting OPEN SOURCE software projects in forensic statistics, as well as freely accessible software packages offered to our scientific community. The ISFG is not endorsing any specific software. The ISFG is listing these software applications as a service to the forensic genetics community, but is not providing any warranties on software performance. It is the responsibility of the end user to review if validations and performance checks for the selected program meet any applicable casework standards. This is not a complete list of forensic software resources, there are others that may have escaped our attention. Furthermore there are numerous commercially available software solutions for the forensic genetics community. MMDIT mtDNA mixture interpretation OSIRIS DNAxs profile comparison and probabilistic analysis LRmix Studio Community Edition Open source forensim package for R DNAmixtures using a continuous model MixtureCalc v1.2 Excel sheet Mixture Analysis Excel sheet (for deconvolution) likeLTD for R EuroForMix MixSep mixture separation software for R DNAMIX3 for mixture calculation FamLink kinship software The bracket script (for replicated STR results) DNA commission recommendations 2012: Excel sheet for LR calculation considering dropout and dropin events SmartRank database search software
MMDIT is a tool for the deconvolution and interpretation of mitochondrial DNA mixtures (whole or partial genomes). The application has an interactive graphical user interface and open source code available on GitHub. This software allows users to deconvolve mixtures into constituent donor haplotypes and estimate random match probabilities on the resultant haplotypes. In cases where deconvolution might not be feasible, the tool allows mixture analysis within a binary framework.
Website: https://www.unthsc.edu/mmdit/
Source code: https://github.com/SammedMandape/MMDIT_UI
Publication: S.N. Mandape, U. Smart, J.L. King, M. Muenzler, K.B. Kapema, B. Budowle, A.E. Woerner; MMDIT: A tool for the deconvolution and interpretation of mitochondrial DNA mixtures; Forensic Sci. Int. Genet., 55, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2021.102568
OSIRIS is free, public domain, open source DNA analysis and quality control software that is developed by NCBI at NLM/NIH for STR profile analysis and fragment analysis. Windows and Macintosh versions are available on the OSIRIS homepage, and the source code is available on GitHub. The most recent version of OSIRIS features fragment analysis, which enhances its use for research and home-made marker sets for which there is no allelic ladder. It also features an improved export to facilitate formatting data for export to mixture analysis software. OSIRIS has been validated, and accepted by the FBI, as an expert system for the US National DNA Database (CODIS). OSIRIS is in use in government laboratories for forensic casework, convicted offender testing, and clinical testing for stem cell engraftment.
Osiris Homepage https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/osiris/
GitHub https://github.com/ncbi/osiris
Contact email: forensics@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DNAxs 2.0 is a user-friendly, well-validated software that compares profiles within seconds and proceeds to statistical analysis according to advanced probabilistic models will increase the quality and number of cases that can be handled, and stimulate the use of such advanced statistics. It has been developed by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and can be obtained from the NFI upon inquiry:
Contact email: DNAxs@NFI.nl

LRmix Studio is an open-source, free of charge software dedicated to the interpretation of complex forensic DNA profiles. As a result of the development of DNAxs , no further development is performed on the semi-continuous model LRmix Studio, with the exception of bug fixes. LRmix Studio is no longer available from lrmixstudio.org, but has been migrated to GitHub, from which the software can be downloaded:
LRmix Studio is the successor to LRmix. Both programs implement the same model, however LRmix Studio is a more flexible, faster version of LRmix. It can be run on all platforms, and requires Java version 7 or higher.
The forensim package for the open source R statistical software is dedicated to forensic DNA mixtures interpretation. It provides tools to simulate mixture cases, and analytical tools to interpret data. The codes have been developed by Hinda Haned (Lyon).
Description published by H. Haned: Forensim: An open-source initiative for the evaluation of statistical methods in forensic genetics FSI Genetics 5, 265-268 (2010) DOI Link
DNAmixtures ( http://dnamixtures.r-forge.r-project.org ) is a statistical software for analysing DNA samples from one or multiple donors. It is developed by Therese Graversen and is based on the "fully continuous" statistical model for peak heights described in
  • Analysis of forensic DNA mixtures with artefacts. RG Cowell, T Graversen, S Lauritzen, and J Mortera. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series C. Volume 64, Issue 1, 1-48, 2015. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rssc.12071/full
  • Key features include