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News Want to discuss or learn more about Nook rooting , hacking and customization ? Please visit our Nook Developer's Corner section . Notice Since a Classic, or a Touch prefix can now be added to threads, you may use the prefix search to filter for only those threads you wish to view. Tip Got Facebook? Join our MobileRead Facebook Fan Page ! I haven't touched my Glowlight 3 [BNRV520] in a while, and the battery completely died.
After recharging it, I found that all of my side-loaded content was completely deleted.
Is this normal behavior? I had the Simple Touch prior to this one, and this kind of thing has never happened, no matter how long the battery was dead.
Thanks. I haven't touched my Glowlight 3 [BNRV520] in a while, and the battery completely died.
After recharging it, I found that all of my side-loaded content was completely deleted.
Is this normal behavior? I had the Simple Touch prior to this one, and this kind of thing has never happened, no matter how long the battery was dead.
Thanks. Well, I got home and was finally able to plug my Nook into my PC and my sideloaded files were actually still there. I ejected the device and according to Windows, it was fine to unplug but the Nook itself said that it was not properly unmounted and my files were corrupt.
I had it delete the files and was going to transfer them to the device again but then, it wouldn't mount on the PC when plugging it in at all.
Erased and Deregistered the device, logged back in, and everything seems to be working now so far *fingers crossed*
In short....letting the battery die must have corrupted my entire profile. javyn, when you eject the NOOK from a computer, wait a while before unplugging the cable. The PC may tell you that it's safe to eject, but the NOOK might still be working. If you see your side-loaded books flashing by in the "new and recent" section of the home page, WAIT for that to finish before unplugging the NOOK from the computer. Oh yeah, I always wait a little bit. Didn't have a problem until my battery completely died this time.
Once I reset my proflile things seem to be as normal. It seems to me like once this reader idles for any period of time, the fact that I have wifi disabled (to save battery) makes it crap it self upon wake. I get an error, then the cover art in my library disappears, which means the books themselves are about to disappear.
I'd like to revert back to the old firmware if possible before I give up on this thing. Even with the small sideload partition, it seemed stable at least.
edit: Nevermind, enabling wifi doesn't solve anything I used to have that issue but I found a way around it.
1.) Commit to one session to really load all the sideloaded books you think you are going to want for the foreseeable future.
2.) Use Calibre to load no more than 3-5 books at a time recursively
3.) eject the device with Calibre instead of Windows
Sometimes when you eject with windows it just corrupts the books. I can still download news , on the weekend, with Calibre , like Reuters but the trick is not to keep sideloading stuff all the time as that increases the probability stuff is not going to be corrupt.
It's actually not that easy for me to corrupt the books on my device now. If I am rooting the device and doing that kind of stuff it is actually easier for me to corrupt the preloaded books.
I used to have that issue but I found a way around it.
1.) Commit to one session to really load all the sideloaded books you think you are going to want for the foreseeable future.
2.) Use Calibre to load no more than 3-5 books at a time recursively
3.) eject the device with Calibre instead of Windows
Sometimes when you eject with windows it just corrupts the books. I can still download news , on the weekend, with Calibre , like Reuters but the trick is not to keep sideloading stuff all the time as that increases the probability stuff is not going to be corrupt.
It's actually not that easy for me to corrupt the books on my device now. If I am rooting the device and doing that kind of stuff it is actually easier for me to corrupt the preloaded books.
I have the glowlight 3 right now but when my glowlight plus, arrives in the mail, I am givingy gl3 to my mother.
I am going to root the device put a new launcher on it and use coolreader or bookari on it. The only advantage Amazon has over the nook is software IMHO since the google play book store seems huge to me etc...
Either Coolreader (the one optimized for nook) or bookari could conceivably be better than Kobo and Amazon's software but I won't know until I try it. I tried if with some other reader apk I can't remember now but it was not ideal. I bricked an ngl3 doing that. I installed both relaunch and nova launcher. It seemed ok. Then I deleted novolauncher and it went into a bootloop.forever. I would.suggest not installing an installing an alternate launcher. You could just install an ereader app. If you use alreader, I think it can almost behave like a launcher. Anyway, good luck...the ngl3 is fragile.
Shame they didn't just install the nook st os on it.
I bricked an ngl3 doing that. I installed both relaunch and nova launcher. It seemed ok. Then I deleted novolauncher and it went into a bootloop.forever. I would.suggest not installing an installing an alternate launcher. You could just install an ereader app. If you use alreader, I think it can almost behave like a launcher. Anyway, good luck...the ngl3 is fragile.
Shame they didn't just install the nook st os on it.
I actually wasn't talking about the gl3 I want to do it to my glowlight plus which is coming in the mail. I rooted the gl3 a few times no problem. Last time I rooted it was to get my barnes and noble encryption key to work with apprentice Alf's DeDRM plugin for Calibre. In case you did not notice if you did not get your encryption key earlier it is getting increasingly harder to do so.
I only used RelaunchX and I backuped bootanimation to bootanimation.BK so it would not get in an infinite boot loop like what happened to you.
I am major techie been using Linux since 1997 when Linux was still exclusively for Geeks. I had Debian slink installed back in 98 or so and I had to compile a custom Linux kernel just to get the sound to work. Rooting a nook without bricking it is child's play to me. Rooting the gl3 I have had in the closet collecting dust would be a fun project (I ended up getting a Clara HD and have been using that since.).
Would a custom ereader or ROM or whatever actually improve the performance on this thing? I noticed the short time I had the gl3 while it was working and not deleting/corrupting my books, it was horribly sluggish.
If you don't mind I would like some links with some info on that if you got them handy! I don't mind risking bricking the device, as it's worthless to me as it is now anyway.
I really like my Clara HD, but the orange light isn't nearly as nice as the gl3; that's the one thing I miss.