This works if you have image dataset in
You have to have a
file, including a name per line of your dataset.
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor, ToPILImage
import numpy as np
import random
import tarfile
import io
import os
import pandas as pd
from import Dataset
import torch
class YourDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, txt_path='filelist.txt', img_dir='data.tar', transform=None):
Initialize data set as a list of IDs corresponding to each item of data set
:param img_dir: path to image files as a uncompressed tar archive
:param txt_path: a text file containing names of all of images line by line
:param transform: apply some transforms like cropping, rotating, etc on input image
df = pd.read_csv(txt_path, sep=' ', index_col=0)
self.img_names = df.index.values
self.txt_path = txt_path
self.img_dir = img_dir
self.transform = transform
self.to_tensor = ToTensor()
self.to_pil = ToPILImage() =
def get_image_from_tar(self, name):
Gets a image by a name gathered from file list csv file
:param name: name of targeted image
:return: a PIL image
image =
image =
image =
return image
def __len__(self):
Return the length of data set using list of IDs
:return: number of samples in data set
return len(self.img_names)
def __getitem__(self, index):
Generate one item of data set.
:param index: index of item in IDs list
:return: a sample of data as a dict
if index == (self.__len__() - 1) : # close tarfile opened in __init__
image = self.get_image_from_tar(self.img_names[index])
if self.transform is not None:
image = self.transform(image)
sample = {'X': image}
return sample
Hello, Thank you for your solution. I have an issue when create dataloader with dataset from tar archive.
It gives me this error, if I run dataloader more than one time. Can you help me with that problem?
OSError: TarFile is closed
When i tried this method of extracting particular images inside getItem method for TinyImageNet dataset, I faced issues with zlib during data_loader collation. The same error disappeared once I extracted images in init and stored them in a dict, and then in getItem only did a transformation and returned the image and target.
That is possible, I just used this implementation for a large tar file on a single machine. It may not work in few different situations.
But still the best case even for large datasets is to extract entire dataset and loop over it. Here is the original post that lead to this code: