Have you wondered why TypeScript team bothers to provide 2 comments to ignore errors on particular lines?
Let's say we have a function called
that adds numbers.
functionsum(num1:string|number,num2:string){returnNumber(num1)+Number(num2)sum(1,2)// Triggering an error ❌// Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.ts(2345)
Here's the risky part. When you use @ts-ignore, you're breaking the type safety of the code. Even though your code is working fine, the type checking is ignored.
That's why TypeScript team provides another directive comment to ignore the type error. It's @ts-expect-error.
Now, let's go back to the previous error, when num2 type is only string and we use @ts-expect-error instead of @ts-ignore.
After num2 type is fixed, it will trigger an error that says Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.. This means that the type is already correct and there's no need to ignore the type error anymore.
Sometimes, developers face situations where they need to complete a task / project quickly, even if it means compromising the quality of the code, like ensuring proper typing in TypeScript. This often leads to developers temporarily ignoring type errors using @ts-ignore with the intention of fixing them later. But, this approach can lead to bigger issues in the future.
This is why TypeScript team provides another directive comment known as @ts-expect-error. Unlike @ts-ignore, it doesn't completely ignore the type error.
Hello bro, greetings from fellow Indonesian web developer :).
Thank you for a simple yet valuable article.It's really helpful for me who is currently studying typescript. So I'm really anticipating the next typescript article from you :).
However I tried to codes and found some issues. The code below doesn't trigger an error. But maybe it's just a typo in num2: number when it should be num2: string.
functionsum(num1:string|number,num2:number){returnNumber(num1)+Number(num2)sum(1,2)// Triggering an error ❌// Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.ts(2345)
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