  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

We’re developing an aspnet core website with webapi backend all on a cloud platform. The auth part is implemented with openidconnect and cookies. Every tab is a new application to reduce release and test times. For the website / applications we have a razor class library that contains the main layout. See all posts in this series cloudnative

Our adapters use IRestClient that is injected during construction. Only using the interface is hard, since it is very limited. Ease of use is with the extension methods, but needs some extra setup. The magic is in the SetupRestClient helper method that configures the use of json and returns the response (with data) constructed with the GetContent* helper methods. Below an example for testing the get of 6 records.

using RestSharp; // see https://restsharp.dev using AutoMoqCore; // see https://github.com/thomashfr/AutoMoqCore private static void SetupRestclient(AutoMoqer autoMoqer, RestResponse response) var defaultSerializer = new SerializerConfig(); defaultSerializer.UseDefaultSerializers(); var serializers = new RestSerializers(defaultSerializer); var fakeClient = autoMoqer.GetMock<IRestClient>(); fakeClient.SetupGet(x => x.Serializers).Returns(serializers); fakeClient.Setup(x => x.ExecuteAsync( It.IsAny<RestRequest>(), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>())) .ReturnsAsync(response); private static string GetContentFor6Records() var items = Enumerable.Repeat(new Record(), 6); return JsonSerializer.Serialize(items); [TestMethod] public async Task GetRecords_returns_6_items() var autoMoqer = new AutoMoqer(); // arrange SetupRestclient(autoMoqer, new RestResponse { Content = GetContentFor6Records() }); //act var testObject = autoMoqer.Create<RecordApiAdapter>(); // assert var items = await testObject.GetRecords(); Assert.AreEqual(6, items.Length);