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Fun with Numbers in chmod

Remember when we made a reference to the "shorthand" method of chmod? Here's another way to change permissions; it may seem a little complex at first - especially if math isn't your strong suit.

Let's go back to the original permissions for sneakers.txt .

-rw-rw-r--    1 newuser newuser     150 Mar 19 08:08 sneakers.txt

Each permission setting can be represented by a numerical value:

  • r = 4

  • w = 2

  • x = 1

  • - = 0

When these values are added together, the total is used to set specific permissions - more specific than changing permissions with the alphabetical "shorthand."

In sneakers.txt , then, here are the numerical permissions settings:

 -  (rw-)   (rw-)  (r--)
      |       |      |
    4+2+0   4+2+0  4+0+0

The total for the user is six, the total for the group is six and the total for others is four. The permissions setting, then, is read as 664 .

If we want to change sneakers.txt so those in our group didn't have write access, but could still read the file (as shown in Figure 13-20 ), we'll have to remove the access by subtracting 2 from that set of numbers.

The numerical values, then, would become six, four and four -- or 644.

So we can type:

chmod 644 sneakers.txt

Let's check our changes by listing the file ( ls -l sneakers.txt ):

-rw-r--r--    1 newuser newuser     150 Mar 19 08:08 sneakers.txt

And there it is; now, neither the group nor others have write permission to sneakers.txt . To return the group's write access for the file, we can just add the value of w (2) to the second set of permissions.

chmod 664 sneakers.txt

Warning Beware 666 and 777

Biblical implications aside, setting permissions to 666 or 777 will allow everyone to read and write to a file or directory. Such settings as these could allow tampering with sensitive files, so in general, it's not a good idea to allow these settings.

Here's a list of some common settings, numerical values and their meanings:

Here are a couple common settings for directories:

Tip Summary

You can change permissions with the chmod command by using letters or numbers. Type chmod