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Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is the open source .NET data provider for Microsoft SQL Server. It allows you to connect and interact with SQL Server and Azure SQL Database using .NET.

For some applications, you do not need a full OR/M like Entity Framework Core, but just need to extecute some SQL statements.

Using modern .NET dependency injection in for example ASP.NET Core apps with SqlClient is not supported in the driver, and the logging mechanism used by SqlClient does not relate to the .NET ILogger interface.

This means you often can end up with code like this, where you are creating new SqlConnection instances in many places and pass around connection strings:

public async Task<int> AddAsync(Product entity)
    entity.AddedOn = DateTime.Now;
    var sql = "Insert into Products (Name,Description,Barcode,Rate,AddedOn) VALUES (@Name,@Description,@Barcode,@Rate,@AddedOn)";
    using (var connection = new SqlConnection(configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")))
        var result = await connection.ExecuteAsync(sql, entity);
        return result;

I have created a library that helps set up SqlClient in applications using dependency injection, notably ASP.NET Core and Worker Service applications. It allows easy configuration of your database connections and registers the appropriate services in your DI container. It also enables you to log events from Microsoft.Data.SqlClient using standard .NET logging (ILogger).

For example, if using the ASP.NET minimal web API, simply use the following to register Microsoft.Data.SqlClient:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddSqlDataSource("Server=myserver.database.windows.net;Database=mydatabase;Authentication=Active Directory Managed Identity");

TIP: You can use the configuration system to read the connection string from a configuration provider


This registers a transient SqlConnection which can get injected into your controllers:

app.MapGet("/", async (SqlConnection connection) =>
    await connection.OpenAsync();
    await using var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 SupplierID FROM Suppliers", connection);
    return "Hello World: " + await command.ExecuteScalarAsync();

Even better - If all you want is to execute some simple SQL, just use the singleton SqlDataSource to execute a command directly:

app.MapGet("/", async (SqlDataSource dataSource) =>
    await using var command = dataSource.CreateCommand("SELECT TOP 1 SupplierID FROM Suppliers");
    return "Hello World: " + await command.ExecuteScalarAsync();

SqlDataSource can also come in handy when you need more than one connection:

app.MapGet("/", async (SqlDataSource dataSource) =>
    await using var connection1 = await dataSource.OpenConnectionAsync();
    await using var connection2 = await dataSource.OpenConnectionAsync();
    // Use the two connections...

The AddSqlDataSource method also enables automatic logging of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient activity in your ASP.NET Core app.

By default, informational messages are logged, this can be configured via logging configuration:

"Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning", "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient": "Warning"

You can also disable SqlClient logging completely like this:

   builder.Services.AddSqlDataSource("Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=true;Trust Server Certificate=true", setupAction =>

And you can turn on full logging like this:

   builder.Services.AddSqlDataSource("Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=true;Trust Server Certificate=true", setupAction =>

For more information, see the SqlClient documentation.

And a big thank you to the Npgsql project for inspiration for this library.