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I'm quite devastated after 2 days of trying. I use a template (DissOnlineLatex), which compiles fine at the beginning. When I customize it, it sill compiles a pdf. However, when I close TexnicCenter and load the project again, I get the following error when I try to compile again:

! Emergency stop.
<read 1> 
l.110 \end{document}
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

Today, I changed the project back and replaced all files which I customized with the original ones from the template. Guess what!? It doesn't compile! I'm running out of ideas now.

I'm working on a Laptop on which is WinXP with restricted privileges running. MikTex 2.9 is installed, also TexnicCenter 1.0 RC1. When I first started TC, it didn't detect MikTex. I had to add the bin path manually.

Any ideas what I could do?

Thanks in advance,


I attached the project which doesn't compile. Here's a little explaination:

DissOnlineLatex.cls contains formatting rules, i didn't change it
diss.tex is the main file
titlepage.tex I made no changes
metadata.tex contains the data for the title page. Notice the user command \NachnameohneUmlaute{diss} has to be the same as the name of the main file. I's the only thing I changed here.

The project doesn't compile on my system.

The file is very strange. If you compile it from the command line in interactive mode, midway through the compilation it asks you for a string of text. If you write something in, all goes well.

I don't know what that string of text is for; it couldn't find it in the output.

Anyway, TeXnicCenter is no doubt compiling the text in nonstopmode, and then it cannot ask you to input that string of text, and that's probably the source of the error.

Anyway, it has something to do with that particular document class. Why are you using that one, and where did you get it from? You should ask the people who gave it to you.

now it gets really strange:
I replaced all files, except the main file with the ones from the original repository. It compiles without the emergency stop! When I compare the files they seem to be the same.
When I compile the version I uploaded earlier, I get an emergency stop. I compared all files and they are identical!

I upload now the version that compiles fine on my machine. Any idea what's going on here?

Can I set TeXnicCenter to interactive mode as well?

I have no idea. I don't use TXC -- or even Windows. But you could always compile from the command prompt interactively.

OneTwo wrote: When I compile the version I uploaded earlier, I get an emergency stop. I compared all files and they are identical!

It could have something to do with the auxiliary files (things like .aux) that may have been created on a previous run, with something wrong with them. Deleting them might help.
Hi frabjous,

I can compile the version which creates the emergency stop under TxC on the command line. It asks to enter \text. Same behavior on my end.

Do you know if I can trace it back to find out where it comes from?

I'll try to change the aux files. The problem could also be associated with different LF CR encoding.
OneTwo wrote: I can compile the version which creates the emergency stop under TxC on the command line. It asks to enter \text. Same behavior on my end.

Do you know if I can trace it back to find out where it comes from?

It comes from DissOnlineLatex.cls, though I haven't analyzed exactly what part, or if it's avoidable while using that document class.

I'm confused about why you chose some random document class you found online. Is there some reason you need or want to use that document class? I would just switch to something else. (Or else, contact the maintainer of the webpage where you found it.)
Thanks for your help.

I just found it. It comes from dissOnlineLatex.cls. It requires the file "abstract.tex". I deleted it, because I don't need it. When I restored the original files I skipped this one, until today. That's why it is working now ...

I attached the file ...

The matter is resolved for me.

P.S.: It's the preferred library format. Either this or the word template.
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