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6月16日17日 querydsl团队合并了QueryDSL 5 的pr,时隔9个月,QueryDSL也终于迎来了新的大版本



  • 传送门: QUERYDSL_5_0_0_M1
  • QueryDSL 5.0.0.M1

    此版本的 QueryDSL 以最低支持Java8为目标,进行了各种改进,为现代 Java 生态做准备。
    删除了 joda-time:joda-time com.google.guava:guava com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 的运行时(runtime)依赖



  • @mp911de , for working on the MongoDB Document API;
  • @daniel-shuy , 解耦 querydsl-sql joda-time:joda-time ;
  • @heesuk-ahn , 负责改进对Hibernate的支持和 JPASQLQuery 中的计数查询;
  • @harshtuna , querydsl-collections 的NullsLast排序;
  • @kherrala , @ridoo and @NikitaKochkurov querydsl-spatial 的 JTS 和 GeoLatte 升级;
  • @ridoo , HibernateDomainExporter JPADomainExporter 的Spatial支持;
  • @lpandzic , Java 15 records 的 codegen支持,一般改进迭代;
  • @F43nd1r , Kotlin 代码生成, Java 11 支持, 一般改进迭代和CI;
  • @jwgmeligmeyling , @Shredder121 , @johnktims , @idosal and @robertandrewbain .
  • New features

    #2672 - 在Java8源码层面对性能和代码做了各种提升和改进

    #2672 - 添加了返回 Stream<T> Fetchable#stream() 。(笔:这个新功能还是蛮重要的)

    Make sure that the returned stream is always closed to free up resources, for example using try-with-resources .
    It does not suffice to rely on a terminating operation on the stream for this (i.e. forEach , collect ).

    #2324 - 移除Guava依赖项

    Almost no required transitive dependencies to get started with QueryDSL.
    And no more conflicts with Guava versions required by your other tools or own application.

    #2025 - joda-time:joda-time 不再是 querydsl-sql 的必要依赖项.

    By default, the Java 8 date/time API is used for date/time operations.
    The joda-time:joda-time types will still be registered automatically if they are on the classpath.

    #2215 - 通过文档API支持MongoDB 4

    #2697 - 允许 com.querydsl.core.alias.Alias.* 依靠ECJ作为编译器,在JRE上使用。

    #2479 - Swap out JSR305 for Jetbrains Annotations.
    Because the Jetbrains Annotations, contrary to the JSR305 annotations, use a Class retention level, Jetbrains Annotations
    does not have to be available at runtime and is not a transitive dependency.

    #658 - 增加了 JPAExpressions#treat ,可用于生成JPA 2.1的TreatedPath表达式。

    #2666 - 在JPA中使用不支持的查询功能时,有更具体的错误信息。

    #2106 - querydsl-collections 实现了NullsLast排序.

    #2404 - Upgrade of JTS / Geolatte in querydsl-spatial

    #2320 - HibernateDomainExporter JPADomainExporter 支持了Spatial

    #2612 - 支持 Jakarta EE 新版本的 jakarta.* 包(available through the jakarta classifiers for Maven)

    #1376 - Expression的函数 nullif coalesce 返回的Expression有了具体返回类型(笔:打个比方就是Qxxx.fieldXX.nullif()函数)

    #1828 - Kotlin Codegen支持

    #2798 - Java Record 支持(笔:高版本的东西,Java14开始出现,Java8没有哈哈)


  • #2579 - Count query generation in JPASQLQuery
  • #2671 - Fixed a concurrency issue in Alias.* . Alias.* is now Thread safe.
  • #2053 - Work around issues with AbstractJPAQuery#fetchResults and AbstractJPAQuery#fetchCount in a query with a having clause by using an in-memory calculation.
  • #2504 - Work around issues with AbstractJPAQuery#fetchResults and AbstractJPAQuery#fetchCount in a query with multiple group by expressions by using an in-memory calculation.
  • #2663 - Fix issues with the JPA implementation of InsertClause .
  • #2706 - Fix a memory leak in TemplateFactory .
  • #2467 - Prevent ExtendedBeanSerializer from generating toString method twice
  • #2326 - Use JPA indexed parameters instead of HQL’s legacy positional parameters
  • #2816 - Generated JPA query with incorrect argument binding indexes
  • #1413 - Incorrect parameter values with Hibernate custom types
  • #1429 - Reusing of constants in JPQL generation causes issues with hibernate query caching
  • Breaking changes(破坏性更新)

  • 最低支持Java8. 如果你使用Java7以下,请使用4.X.X版本的QueryDSL
  • JavaSE6SQLExceptionWrapper and other parts regarding pre-Java 7 exception handling are removed.
  • 删除了为了向后兼容传统API而设置的桥接方法。这可能会导致一些破坏性的API变化。
  • 删除了依赖项Guava。如果您的应用程序依赖Guava,请确保将其添加为项目的直接依赖项,而不是依赖 QueryDSL 传递它。
  • In order for Guava to be removed Mysema Codegen had to be rereleased as QueryDSL Codegen Utils.
    Therefore, the classes in this module moved to a different package: com.mysema.codegen is now com.querydsl.codegen.utils .
    This for example affects com.mysema.codegen.model.SimpleType .
    Although many applications won’t touch the codgen internal classes, custom APT extensions might be affected by this.
  • 由于移除了 Guava,任何接收 ImmutableList 作为参数的方法现在都接受任何 List
    Normal code should handle this signature just fine.
    However, make sure to check any reflective uses of these parameters.
  • 用于 DefaultConfiguration querydsl.variableNameFunctionClass 属性现在应该提供 java.util.function.Function ,而不是 com.google.common.base.Function
  • CodeWriter#beginStaticMethod 现在采用 java.util.function.Function 而不是 com.google.common.base.Function .
  • AbstractLuceneQuery 现在采用 java.util.function.Function 而不是 com.google.common.base.Function .
  • AbstractMongodbQuery 现在采用 java.util.function.Function 而不是 com.google.common.base.Function .
  • com.querydsl.codegen.NamingFunction , EvaluatorFunction , DefaultVariableFunction 从继承 com.google.common.base.Function 改为继承 java.util.function.Function .
  • 任何需要传入 javax.inject.Provider 的构造函数,现在都需要一个 java.util.function.Supplier 来代替。在大多数情况下,你可以用 provider::get 代替这个参数
  • 这个版本继承的Hibernate主要针对Hibernate5.2。如果你需要Hibernate 4方言的特定工作方法,请使用 HQLTemplates 而不是 Hibernate5Templates
  • 删除了所有的弃用函数
  • joda-time:joda-time 现在是一个可选的依赖关系。如果你的应用程序也依赖了 joda-time:joda-time ,请确保将其作为直接依赖关系,而不是依靠QueryDSL来引入它。
  • com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 is no longer a dependency. If your application currently relies on QueryDSL shipping JSR305 transitively, you should add JSR305 as a direct dependency to your project.(笔:同上,不翻译了)
  • MDC keys现在使用下划线 _ 而不是点 . 作为分隔符:querydsl.query现在是querydsl_query,querydsl.parameters是querydsl_parameters。
  • Removal of PolyHedralSurface in querydsl-spatial and querydsl-sql-spatial due to the upgrade of geolatte-geom .
  • com.querydsl.apt.Extension moved to com.querydsl.codegen and now resides in the querydsl-codegen module.
  • com.querydsl.apt.SpatialSupport moved to com.querydsl.spatial.apt.SpatialSupport and now resides in the querydsl-spatial module.
  • com.querydsl.sql.codegen.SpatialSupport moved to com.querydsl.sql.spatial.SpatialSupport and now resides in the querydsl-sql-spatial module.(笔:同上,一些模块上的变化)
  • SQLServerGeometryReader in querydsl-sql-spatial is removed in favour of org.geolatte.geom.codec.db.sqlserver.* .
  • PGgeometryConverter in querydsl-sql-spatial is removed in favour of org.geolatte.geom.codec.Wkt .
  • JGeometryConverter in querydsl-sql-spatial is removed in favour of org.geolatte.geom.codec.db.oracle.* .(笔:同上,querydsl-sql-spatial的一些XX代替了一些XX)
  • 删除了 querysql-jpa-codegen 中的 HibernateDomainExporter HibernateDomainExporter 只支持Hibernate 4,而QueryDSL不再积极支持Hibernate。相反,使用Hibernate和JPADomainExporter。
  • ComparableExpression#coalesce (和其子类型)不再返回mutable的 Coalesce Expression ,而是返回一个具体类型(typed)的Expression。
    如果您需要 Coalesce builder ,请改用 new Coalesce<T>().add(expression)
  • getConstantToNamedLabel getConstantToNumberedLabel getConstantToAllLabels 是在 SerializerBase JPQLSerializer 中临时引入的,用于最终取代 QueryDSL 4.3.0的 getConstantToLabel
    现在 getConstantToLabel 已被删除,转而使用 getConstants
  • Deprecations (弃用)

    AbstractJPAQuery#fetchResults AbstractJPAQuery#fetchCount 现在已经不再适用于有多个 group by 表达式或有子句的查询,因为这些情况不能由纯JPA支持,而是在内存中来计算的。

    如果不需要计算结果的总数,我们建议使用 AbstractJPAQuery#fetch 来代替。

    如果你想要一个即便复杂但是可靠的方法来计算分页结果的数量,我们建议使用 Blaze-Persistence QueryDSL integration

    BlazeJPAQuery 正确地实现了 fetchResults fetchCount ,甚至还带有 page 方法。

    getConstantToLabel which was deprecated in QueryDSL 4.3.0 is no longer deprecated.(笔:上面破坏性更新说了)

    Dependency updates (依赖升级)

  • cglib:cglib to 3.3.0 for Java 8+ support
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler:ecj to 4.6.1 for Java 8+ support
  • joda-time:joda-time to 2.10.10 for better interoperability with other frameworks that use more recent versions than QueryDSL.
    joda-time:joda-time is also no longer a required dependency and as such is no longer provided transitively to your application.
    If your application relies on joda-time:joda-time being available, make sure to add the dependency to your project.
  • org.geolatte:geolatte-geom to 1.8.1 for better interopability with Hibernate Spatial.
    querydsl-spatial is still backwards compatible with older versions of Geolatte, however, querydsl-sql-spatial is not and requires 1.4.0 or newer.
  • com.vividsolutions:jts to org.locationtech:jts for better interopability with Hibernate Spatial.
    com.vividsolutions:jts is still supported for querydsl-spatial if an older version of org.geolatte:geolatte-geom is provided.
  • DataNucleus 5.2.x for Java 8+ support
  • JDO now uses org.datanucleus:javax.jdo instead of javax.jdo:jdo-api
  • com.google.guava:guava is no longer a dependency of QueryDSL and as such is no longer provided transitively to your application.
    If your application relies on com.google.guava:guava being available, make sure to add the dependency to your project.
  • com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 is no longer a dependency of QueryDSL and as such is no longer provided transitively to your application.
    If your application relies on com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 being available, make sure to add the dependency to your project.
  • 有很多地方可能翻译有错误,希望大家指出 :vulcan_salute:

    有部分内容,比如bugfix和依赖升级的地方我没有做翻译,因为翻译起来难度很大或是我认为不重要(我是废物!),有遇到bug的小伙伴可能也不需要我的翻译,直接就看到了,所以没有翻译 :open_hands:

    翻译的过程虽然比较消耗精力,但是可以很好地了解一个项目的更新内容和方向,还是很快乐的 :sparkling_heart:

  • QueryDSL 5.0 快照已发布,久等了!