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like so on linux, tellg() returns 0, but on windows it returns a large number. if i read 4 bytes, both tellg() calls will be 4 bigger. tellg() starts behaving properly on windows when i set the binary flag. what is this number? (or is it undefined?) Thanks for your time. I haven't had any experience with Linux programming, but under MSVC++ at least, tellg() returns the type std::ifstream::pos_type.

I always assumed that this was typedef'ed to a long, but it turns out to be a complex type, although I haven't found the definition of the struct yet.

If you're expecting an int or long for a return, the could account for the discrepancy. Play Lander Forever ! well, if you try this
	std::ifstream::pos_type cbeg = file.tellg();	int cbeg = file.tellg();	long cbeg = file.tellg();	int cbeg = static_cast<int>(file.tellg());	long cbeg = static_cast<long>(file.tellg());		std::cout << "fd position = (" << cbeg << ")\n";

it still spits out the same number

also it does the same with MSVC++ and Dev-C++ (so it's win32 version of stl) ...?