Since Camel 2.13
Camel supports JSONPath to allow using Expression or Predicate on JSON messages.
JSONPath Options
The JSONPath language supports 9 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
Whether to suppress exceptions such as PathNotFoundException. |
Whether to allow in inlined Simple exceptions in the JSONPath expression. |
Whether to allow using the easy predicate parser to pre-parse predicates. |
Whether to write the output of each row/element as a JSON String value instead of a Map/POJO value. |
Whether to unpack a single element json-array into an object. |
To configure additional options on JSONPath. Multiple values can be separated by comma. Enum values:
Source to use, instead of message body. You can prefix with variable:, header:, or property: to specify kind of source. Otherwise, the source is assumed to be a variable. Use empty or null to use default source, which is the message body. |
Sets the class of the result type (type from output). |
Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
.when().jsonpath("$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]")
.when().jsonpath("$.store.book[?(@.price < 30)]")
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<jsonpath>$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]</jsonpath>
<to uri="mock:cheap"/>
<jsonpath>$.store.book[?(@.price < 30)]</jsonpath>
<to uri="mock:average"/>
<to uri="mock:expensive"/>
JSONPath Syntax
Using the JSONPath syntax takes some time to learn, even for basic predicates. So for example, to find out all the cheap books you have to do:
$.store.book[?(@.price < 20)]
Easy JSONPath Syntax
However, what if you could just write it as:
store.book.price < 20
And you can omit the path if you just want to look at nodes with a price key:
price < 20
To support this there is a
which kicks-in if you have defined the predicate using a basic style. That means the predicate must not start with the
sign, and only include one operator.
The easy syntax is:
left OP right
You can use Camel simple language in the right operator, eg:
store.book.price < ${header.limit}
Supported message body types
Camel JSONPath supports message body using the following types:
Type | Comment |
Reading from files |
Plain strings |
Message bodies as
Message bodies as
If Jackson is on the classpath, then camel-jsonpath is able to use Jackson to read the message body as POJO and convert to
If none of the above types matches, then Camel will attempt to read the message body as a
If a message body is of unsupported type, then an exception is thrown by default. However, you can configure JSONPath to suppress exceptions (see below)
Suppressing exceptions
By default, jsonpath will throw an exception if the json payload does not have a valid path accordingly to the configured jsonpath expression. In some use-cases, you may want to ignore this in case the json payload contains optional data. Therefore, you can set the option
to ignore this as shown:
// use true to suppress exceptions
.when().jsonpath("person.middlename", true)
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<jsonpath suppressExceptions="true">person.middlename</jsonpath>
<to uri="mock:middle"/>
<to uri="mock:other"/>
This option is also available on the
Inline Simple expressions
It’s possible to inlined
language in the JSONPath expression using the simple syntax
An example is shown below:
.when().jsonpath("$.store.book[?(@.price < ${header.cheap})]")
.when().jsonpath("$.store.book[?(@.price < ${header.average})]")
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<jsonpath>$.store.book[?(@.price < ${header.cheap})]</jsonpath>
<to uri="mock:cheap"/>
<jsonpath>$.store.book[?(@.price < ${header.average})]</jsonpath>
<to uri="mock:average"/>
<to uri="mock:expensive"/>
You can turn off support for inlined Simple expression by setting the option
as shown:
.when().jsonpath("$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]", false, false)
<jsonpath allowSimple="false">$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]</jsonpath>
JSONPath injection
You can use
Bean Integration
to invoke a method on a bean and use various languages such as JSONPath (via the
annotation) to extract a value from the message and bind it to a method parameter, as shown below:
public class Foo {
public void doSomething(@JsonPath("$.store.book[*].author") String author, @Body String json) {
// process the inbound message here
Encoding Detection
The encoding of the JSON document is detected automatically, if the document is encoded in unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE) as specified in RFC-4627. If the encoding is a non-unicode encoding, you can either make sure that you enter the document in String format to JSONPath, or you can specify the encoding in the header
which is defined as a constant in:
Split JSON data into sub rows as JSON
You can use JSONPath to split a JSON document, such as:
.split().jsonpath("$.store.book[*]", List.class)
Notice how we specify
as the result-type. This is because if there is only a single element (only 1 book), then jsonpath will return the single entity as a
instead of
. Therefore, we tell Camel that the result should always be a
, and Camel will then automatic wrap the single element into a new
Then each book is logged, however the message body is a
instance. Sometimes you may want to output this as plain String JSON value instead, which can be done with the
option as shown:
.split().jsonpathWriteAsString("$.store.book[*]", List.class)
Then each book is logged as a String JSON value.
Unpack a single-element array into an object
It is possible to unpack a single-element array into an object:
.setBody().jsonpathUnpack("$.store.book", Book.class)
If a book array contains only one book, it will be converted into a Book object.
Using header as input
By default, JSONPath uses the message body as the input source. However, you can also use a header as input by specifying the
For example, to count the number of books from a JSON document that was stored in a header named
you can do:
.jsonpath("$..store.book.length()", false, int.class, "books")
In the
expression above we specify the name of the header as
, and we also told that we wanted the result to be converted as an integer by
The same example in XML DSL would be:
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<setHeader name="numberOfBooks">
<jsonpath headerName="books" resultType="int">$..store.book.length()</jsonpath>
<to uri="mock:result"/>
Transforming a JSon message
For basic JSon transformation where you have a fixed structure, you can represent with a combination of using Camel simple and JSonPath language as:
"company": "${jsonpath($.customer.name)}",
"location": "${jsonpath($.customer.address.country)}",
"gold": ${jsonpath($.customer.orders.length() > 5)}
Here we use the simple language to define the structure and use JSonPath as inlined functions via the
This makes it possible to use simple as a template language to define a basic structure and then JSonPath to grab the data from an incoming JSon message. The output of the transformation is also JSon, but with simple you could also make it XML or plain text based:
<customer gold="${jsonpath($.customer.orders.length() > 5)}">