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Instructions for How to Create, View, and Manage Cases

For account security, your password must meet the following criteria: At least ten (10) characters, A lowercase letter, An uppercase letter, A number, A symbol, Does not include your username, Is not any of your last 4 passwords.


If the Deduplication Storage Folder is deleted in the Backup Exec Gui (Storage tab) and the BackupExecDeduplicationStorageFolder directory and subdirectories are also deleted, then the following error message appears approximately every one second in the Application Event Log:

CreateFile X:\BackupExecDeduplicationStorageFolder\etc\pdregistry.cfg: The system cannot find the path specified

Where X denotes the volume the deduplication storage folder resided on.

Error Message

Event ID 33 messages appear in the Application Event log as follows:

Details of the Application Event:

CreateFile X:\BackupExecDeduplicationStorageFolder\etc\pdregistry.cfg: The system cannot find the path specified.


Deleting the Dedupe storage folder also stops and disables the following three services:

Backup Exec Deduplication Multi-threaded Streaming Agent
Backup Exec Deduplication Manager
Backup Exec Deduplication Engine

However, the Backup Exec Open Cloud Storage Daemon service is left running. After the BackupExecDeduplicationStorageFolder directory and subdirectories are deleted, this service still attempts to access the pdregistry.cfg file, which causes the above error to appear in the application event log.


Stop and disable the Backup Exec Open Cloud Storage Daemon service. No other side-effect will be observed from this action as this service is only used in connection with the deduplication functionality.

Please note that this document is a translation from English, and may have been machine-translated. It is possible that updates have been made to the original version after this document was translated and published. Veritas does not guarantee the accuracy regarding the completeness of the translation. You may also refer to the English Version of this knowledge base article for up-to-date information.

Translated Content

Please note that this document is a translation from English, and may have been machine-translated. It is possible that updates have been made to the original version after this document was translated and published. Veritas does not guarantee the accuracy regarding the completeness of the translation. You may also refer to the English Version of this knowledge base article for up-to-date information.