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体贴的李子  ·  统计分析_河南省统计局·  8 月前    · 
高大的豆浆  ·  Initialization of ...·  9 月前    · 

Adrian Bailey 教授于 1989 年在美国印第安纳大学获得博士学位,随后加入美国达特茅斯学院担任助理教授。 后于 1995 年晋升为副教授, 1999 年到英国利兹大学任高级讲师, 2004 年晋升为准教授, 2007 年晋升为移民研究教授。 2010 年他加入香港浸会大学任教授地理学和担任社会科学学院院长一职,并于 2011 年荣升为为讲座教授。

Bailey 教授的研究方向 涉及 跨国主义、移民和生命历程理论。他在美国、墨西哥、萨尔瓦多、英国、荷兰、捷克、意大利、格鲁吉亚、摩尔多瓦、南非、津巴布韦和中国等不同领域进行了广泛的定量、定性和民族志研究。

Bailey 教授作为一流的学者同样也赢得了业内学术界的较高赞誉和奖章。 他曾于 1989 年获得美国印第安纳大学利伯纪念助教奖, 2000 年被选为英国皇家地理学会会员( FRGS ),后于 2004 年被选为美国领先的本科教学地理荣誉协会 Gamma Theta Upsilon 的成员,并于 2013 年当选英国国家科学院、学术团体和社会科学从业者 (FAcSS) 院士 (Academician)

在卓越的学术成就基础上, Bailey 教授还拥有丰富的大学行政管理经验。 他于 1998 年起在美国、英国、香港和中国大陆 均担任过 校长或院长 的职位 ,并 曾在 社会科学研究促进中心 担任 代理主任, D avid C. Lam 东西方研究所 (LEWI) 担任 代理主任 以及香港浸会大学的 的代理教务长 职位

1. Czech Science Foundation. Moldovans in Prague (Czechia) and Torino (Italy): Migratory and integration patterns, financial and social remittances under scrutiny 2. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong (12646816). Housing security among urban migrants in Hong Kong, Atlanta and Pretoria 1. Bailey, A.J. and Mak, K.S. (Editors). 2021. Asia and China in the Global Era. Boston MA: De Gruyter. 2. Bailey, A.J., Ng, R.W.Y, Hankins, K., and De Beer, S. 2020 Migration, precariousness, and the linked lives of newcomers in Hong Kong. Population Space and Place https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2400 3. Bailey, A.J., Drbohlav, D., and Salukvadze, J. 2018 Migration and pastoral power through life course: evidence from Georgia. Geoforum 91: 97-107 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.023 4. Bailey, A.J., Canagarajah, S., Lan, S., and Powers, D. 2016 Scalar politics, language ideologies, and the sociolinguistics of globalization among transnational Korean professionals in Hong Kong. Journal of Sociolinguistics 20, 3: 312-334 5. Bailey, A.J., Mupakati, L, and Magunha, F. 2017. Misplaced: language, remitting, and development practice among Zimbabwean migrants. Globalisation, Societies and Education 15, 1: 5-28 DOI:10.1080/14767724.2014.937404 6. Bailey, A.J, Drbohlav, D., Dzurova, D. 2020 Migrant remitting as transnational practice: Moldovans in Italy and Czechia. Sage Open https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211016467 7. Bailey, A.J. 2013. Migration, recession and an emerging transnational biopolitics across Europe. Geoforum 44, January 2013, 202-210 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.09.006 8. Bailey, A.J. 2011 Population geographies and climate change. Progress in Human Geography 35,3, 686-695.

Introductory Undergraduate Courses Led/Convened (times offered/average class size)

Geographical Scholarship (2, 250)

Introduction to Human Geography (18, 100)

World Regional Geography (2, 400)

Weather and Climate (6, 250)

Human Geography Tutorials (20, 6)

First Year Field Trip: Critical Geographies of Tourism (Whitby, Bradford) (5, 15

Middle Level Undergraduate Courses Led/Convened

Transnational Migration and Development (Spring 2022)

Population Geography (12, 140)

Population, Health, and Wellbeing (2, 120)

Urban Geography (8, 30)

Transport Geography (1, 25)

Cartography (2, 25)

Human Geography Tutorials (12, 6)

Geographies of Czech Republic in the New Europe (10 week residential field course with three lecture and field-illustrated modules) (1, 22)

Advanced Undergraduate Courses Led/Convened

Transnational Urban Futures (1,20)

Global Migration (4, 65)

Place and the Loss of Geographic Innocence (1, 16)

Place and Sexuality (1, 16)

Refugees (convenor for student-led module) (1,10)

Transnational Geographies (1, 55)

Dissertation Advising (9, 8)

Work Placement (3, 3)

Research Placement (3, 4)

Geographical Imaginations (2, 73)

Independent Study in Geography (2, 1)

Third Year Field Trip: Family Geographies under Transnationalism (Chiapas, Mexico) (1, 28)

Taught Postgraduate/Masters Courses Led/Convened

Debating Global Society (1, 45)

Seminar in Citizenship and Belonging (2, 12)

Advanced Research Methods in Social and Cultural Geography (2, 12)

Independent Research in Global Society (1,4)