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// PIDevClub.DataReference.LimitCheck.dll
// This custom data reference will accept an input attribute, automatically find its related limit traits,
// and compare the value of the input attribute against the limits. Note that there could be 0-4 different
// limit traits { Lo, Hi, LoLo, HiHi }.
// An Int32 value is returned representing 1 of 5 possible states:
// -2 : <= LoLo
// -1 : <= Lo (but not LoLo)
// 0 : Normal, i.e. within limits
// +1 : >= Hi (but not HiHi)
// +2 : >= HiHi
// The result Attribute could be using Int32 data type, although a raw number lacks context.
// It is recommended to created an AFEnumerationSet based on the above codes with desired text.
// You may use different enumeration sets with different text, but the codes must be the same.
// Developer Date Reason
// ------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Rick Davin 2017-09-28 Created for Exercise 4 in AF SDK online course.
using System ;
using System . Collections . Generic ;
using System . Linq ;
using System . Text ;
using System . Threading . Tasks ;
using System . Runtime . InteropServices ;
using System . ComponentModel ;
using OSIsoft . AF ;
using OSIsoft . AF . Asset ;
using OSIsoft . AF . Time ;
using OSIsoft . AF . Data ;
using OSIsoft . AF . UnitsOfMeasure ;
namespace LimitCheckDR
[ Guid ( " 8DA87B2A-38D9-4CF6-9BA0-C75314A6B5DC " ) ,
Serializable ( ) ,
Description ( " Limit Check;Compares a measurement to its limit traits. " ) ]
public class LimitCheckDR : AFDataReference
// Rather than look up and validate the limit traits each instant data is requested,
// we will keep a tiny cache of no more than 5 attributes in memory.
// You are free to adjust the cache duration, though I would recommend no more than 2 minutes
// and no less than 10 seconds. If you insist on no caching, you could disable
// the code in GetInputs or use a span of 0 seconds.
// Bonus Challenge: You could make the duration be a setting in the ConfigString.
private static TimeSpan _cacheRefreshDuration = TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 30 ) ;
private DateTime _lastCachedTime = DateTime . UtcNow . AddDays ( - 1 ) ;
private AFAttributeList _cachedInputAttrs = new AFAttributeList ( ) ;
// The default measurement name is relative dot reference to the parent attribute.
private const string DefaultMeasPath = " .. " ;
private string _measAttrName = DefaultMeasPath ;
private bool UseParentAttribute => string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( _measAttrName ) || _measAttrName == DefaultMeasPath ;
private AFAttributeTrait [ ] AllowedTraits => new AFAttributeTrait [ ] { AFAttributeTrait . LimitLo
, AFAttributeTrait . LimitHi
, AFAttributeTrait . LimitLoLo
, AFAttributeTrait . LimitHiHi } ;
private class TripState
public const int None = 0 ;
public const int LowLow = - 2 ;
public const int Low = - 1 ;
public const int High = 1 ;
public const int HighHigh = 2 ;
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_ConfigString.htm
public override string ConfigString
return $" MeasAttr= { _measAttrName } " ;
// We will always force the cache to refresh anytime we change ConfigString.
_lastCachedTime = DateTime . UtcNow . AddDays ( - 1 ) ;
// We clear out any previously set values to their defaults.
// For now, we only have 1 to worry about but that could change in future versions.
_measAttrName = DefaultMeasPath ;
// With only 1 name=value pair, we don't have a semi-colon delimiter, but the
// example shown will pretend there is one. This allows for future expansion for more name=value pairs.
var pairs = value . Split ( new char [ ] { ';' } , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) ;
foreach ( var pair in pairs )
// Question: what to do if tokens.Count is not 2 as expected?
var tokens = pair . Split ( new char [ ] { '=' } , StringSplitOptions . None ) ;
switch ( tokens [ 0 ] . ToUpperInvariant ( ) )
case " MEASATTR " :
// You will note we do very little validation on the _measAttrName.
// That should not be a concern of the ConfigString setter, whose only
// concern should be parsing the string. We defer to other methods,
// such as GetInputs, to validate if the parsed string refers to valid
// AFObjects.
if ( tokens . Length > 1 && ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tokens [ 1 ] ) )
_measAttrName = tokens [ 1 ] . Trim ( ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( " Invalid parameter '{tokens[0]}'. " ) ;
// Important to persist changes back to database via this protected method call:
SaveConfigChanges ( ) ;
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/M_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_GetInputs.htm
public override AFAttributeList GetInputs ( object context )
// Internal time keeping is done by UTC so we completely avoid even the slightest hint of any DST issues.
if ( ( DateTime . UtcNow - _lastCachedTime ) < _cacheRefreshDuration )
return _cachedInputAttrs ;
// PRO TIP: although _cachedInputAttrs is accessible to the entire class instance, you want to avoid
// using _cachedInputAttrs.Add or AddRange in name of thread safety. The safer route is to build
// the list in its own local variable, and once that local list is completely created, you may then
// assign that local variable to _cachedInputAttrs.
// To help emphasize that, the local list is created in its own method.
_cachedInputAttrs = CreateBrandNewInputList ( context ) ;
// Since the above could throw an exception, we only want to mark _lastCachedTime AFTER a
// successful creation of the inputs.
_lastCachedTime = DateTime . UtcNow ;
return _cachedInputAttrs ;
private AFAttributeList CreateBrandNewInputList ( object context )
// See comments in GetInputs where you want to avoid _cachedInputAttrs.Add or AddRange.
// For thread safety, use a brand new list that is local to this method.
// Start with a brand new list
var brandNewList = new AFAttributeList ( ) ;
AFAttribute measurement = null ;
// First and foremost we need a measurement attribute, which is the centerpoint to compare against limits.
if ( UseParentAttribute )
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_Attribute.htm
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFAttribute_Parent.htm
measurement = Attribute . Parent ;
if ( measurement == null )
throw new Exception ( " Root-level attribute does not have a parent. You must define 'MeasAttr=something' in the ConfigString. " ) ;
// Let's offer some bit of name substitution.
// However, the GetInputs method lacks any timeContext, which restricts @value substitution
// to current values only. This restriction is fine for static attributes.
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/T_OSIsoft_AF_AFNameSubstitutionType.htm
var path = SubstituteParameters ( _measAttrName , this , context , timeContext : null ) ;
// Note that the final fetch of the measurement attribute is *relative* to the current Attribute.
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFAttribute_Attributes.htm
measurement = Attribute . Attributes [ path ] ;
if ( measurement == null )
throw new Exception ( $" MeasAttr ' { _measAttrName } ' not found. Check your ConfigString. " ) ;
if ( ! IsNumericType ( Type . GetTypeCode ( measurement . Type ) ) )
throw new Exception ( $" MeasAttr does not have a numeric Type. " ) ;
// If the list will have any items, the measurement will always be at Index 0.
brandNewList . Add ( measurement ) ;
// Let the CDR automatically fetch the associated limits.
// These could come back in any order, plus some or all may be missing!
// Geez, doesn't that make it fun and challenging!
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/M_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFAttribute_GetAttributesByTrait.htm
brandNewList . AddRange ( measurement . GetAttributesByTrait ( AllowedTraits ) ) ;
return brandNewList ;
// In order for the Step property to be accessible from other apps such PI Vision or ProcessBook,
// the CDR will need to support the ZeroAndSpan method.
public override bool Step => true ;
// Your CDR does not necessarily have to override GetValues in order to support it.
// You may use the default implementation, which does not require additional coding on your part.
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_SupportedMethods.htm
public override AFDataReferenceMethod SupportedMethods => AFDataReferenceMethod . GetValue
| AFDataReferenceMethod . GetValues
| AFDataReferenceMethod . ZeroAndSpan ;
// For Rich Data Access support, we will merely declare what we want supported, and then rely on the base implementation.
// What that means is we don't have to write any code in order to support these methods. Nice. Very nice.
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_SupportedDataMethods.htm
public override AFDataMethods SupportedDataMethods => DefaultSupportedDataMethods ;
// PRO TIP: the allows analytics and other clients to work more efficiently with a calcuation DR.
protected override bool ? IsSupportedDataMethod ( AFDataMethods dataMethods ) => IsDefaultSupportedDataMethod ( dataMethods ) ;
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/M_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFDataReference_GetValue_1.htm
public override AFValue GetValue ( object context , object timeContext , AFAttributeList inputAttributes , AFValues inputValues )
// Important to note that the order of inputValues matches the order of inputAttributes.
// Note that timeContext is an object.
// We need to examine it further in order to resolve it to an AFTime.
var time = ToAFTime ( timeContext ) ;
AFValue measurement = null ;
AFValue low = null ;
AFValue high = null ;
AFValue lowlow = null ;
AFValue highhigh = null ;
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/P_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFAttribute_Trait.htm
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/T_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFAttributeTrait.htm
for ( var i = 0 ; i < inputAttributes . Count ; i ++ )
if ( i == 0 )
measurement = inputValues [ i ] ;
else if ( inputAttributes [ i ] . Trait == AFAttributeTrait . LimitLo )
low = inputValues [ i ] ;
else if ( inputAttributes [ i ] . Trait == AFAttributeTrait . LimitHi )
high = inputValues [ i ] ;
else if ( inputAttributes [ i ] . Trait == AFAttributeTrait . LimitLoLo )
lowlow = inputValues [ i ] ;
else if ( inputAttributes [ i ] . Trait == AFAttributeTrait . LimitHiHi )
highhigh = inputValues [ i ] ;
// Remember any of the passed AFValues could be null if the limit trait is not defined.
// This is a fact of life and reflects the many possibilities within a given process unit.
return Calculation ( time , measurement
, low
, high
, lowlow
, highhigh ) ;
private AFValue Calculation ( AFTime time , AFValue measurement , AFValue low , AFValue high , AFValue lowlow , AFValue highhigh )
// Our custom ToDouble returns double.NaN for null, missing, bad data, or bad conversions.
var numericMeasurement = ToDouble ( measurement ) ;
if ( double . IsNaN ( numericMeasurement ) )
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/M_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFValue_CreateSystemStateValue.htm
return AFValue . CreateSystemStateValue ( Attribute , AFSystemStateCode . NoResult , time ) ;
// Remember: any or all of the limits could be null. In those bad cases, a double.NaN is sent.
var calc = Calculation ( numericMeasurement , ToDouble ( low ) , ToDouble ( high ) , ToDouble ( lowlow ) , ToDouble ( highhigh ) ) ;
return new AFValue ( Attribute , calc , time ) ;
private static int Calculation ( double measurement , double low , double high , double lowlow , double highhigh )
// If any limits were missing or bad, they will be a NaN here.
// A NaN used in comparisons will return false, which is what we want below. That is,
// a comparison will return true only if the limit is not NaN and the limit has been met.
if ( measurement >= highhigh )
return TripState . HighHigh ;
if ( measurement <= lowlow )
return TripState . LowLow ;
if ( measurement >= high )
return TripState . High ;
if ( measurement <= low )
return TripState . Low ;
return TripState . None ;
private AFTime ToAFTime ( object timeContext )
if ( timeContext is AFTime )
return ( AFTime ) timeContext ;
else if ( timeContext is AFTimeRange )
var baseElement = Attribute . Element ;
var useStartTime = ( baseElement is AFEventFrame ) ;
var timeRange = ( AFTimeRange ) timeContext ;
return useStartTime ? timeRange . StartTime : timeRange . EndTime ;
return AFTime . NowInWholeSeconds ;
private static bool IsNumericType ( TypeCode typeCode )
switch ( typeCode )
case TypeCode . Byte :
case TypeCode . Decimal :
case TypeCode . Double :
case TypeCode . Int16 :
case TypeCode . Int32 :
case TypeCode . Int64 :
case TypeCode . SByte :
case TypeCode . Single :
case TypeCode . UInt16 :
case TypeCode . UInt32 :
case TypeCode . UInt64 :
return true ;
default :
return false ;
private static double ToDouble ( AFValue value )
if ( value == null || ! value . IsGood || ! IsNumericType ( value . ValueTypeCode ) )
return double . NaN ;
// https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Documentation/PI-AF-SDK/html/M_OSIsoft_AF_Asset_AFValue_ValueAsDouble.htm
return value . ValueAsDouble ( ) ;