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钢丝绳电动葫芦是现在各种起重工作中用到的比较多的起重设备,长被用于车间生产,各种机械设备的吊装,龙门吊等平台,但是钢丝绳电动葫芦的安全性也是令人堪忧的,由于升降失控时常导致钢丝绳被绞断,被吊物品脱落情况出现,轻则货物损毁,重则造成人员伤亡。 All kinds of hoisting wire rope electric hoist is working now used in more lifting equipment, long used to workshop production, all kinds of hoisting machinery and equipment, gantry crane and other platforms, but the safety of the wire rope electric hoist is worrying, because the elevator is out of control often resulted in the breakage of wire rope, suspended objects fall off, while the goods damaged, heavy casualties. 鑫鸟机械有长时间的制造维修钢丝绳电动葫芦的经验,多年来总结出了造成钢丝绳电动葫芦升降失控的主要原因有以下3点: Xin bird machinery has long working experience in manufacturing maintenance of wire rope electric hoist, over the years, summarizes the main cause of wire rope electric hoist lifting control has the following three points: (1)交流接触器主触头烧结链接。由于接触器的质量问题或者接触器选型不当等,主触头常常烧结粘连,该断开的时候不能断开,造成电动葫芦不能及时停止上升。因此交流处电器的质量一定要可靠,选用正规厂家的合格产品,由于电动葫芦操作频繁,接触器一定要选用适当的型号。 Sintering ac contactor (1) the main contact link. Due to the quality problem of the contactor or contactor improper selection and so on, the main contactor often sintering adhesion, it was time to disconnect can't disconnect, resulted in the electric hoist is not stopped in time. So the quality of electrical communication must be reliable, choose normal manufacturer of qualified products, due to the electric hoist operation is frequent, contactor must choose the appropriate models. (2)控制按钮失效。主要表现为按钮绝缘击穿短路,按钮绝缘击穿短路只要是由于频繁操作,使其有效绝缘遭到破坏。工作环境恶劣造成泄漏电流大,维修不及时,质量不合格也是造成控制按钮失效的常见原因。因此确保安全操作,除了选取质量合格的产品外,还要加强日常维护,及时解决事故隐患。 (2) the control button failure. Main show is button insulation breakdown circuit, button insulation breakdown circuit as long as it is due to the frequent operation, so that it is effective insulation damage. Poor working conditions caused by leakage current is big, maintenance is not timely, quality is unqualified and cause control button is a common cause of failure. So to ensure safe operation, in addition to select qualified products, but also strengthen the daily maintenance, timely resolution of accident hidden trouble. (3)行程开关控制失灵。行程控制开关是电动葫芦上升达到极限位置时及时断电的安全防护措施,由于长期,频繁使用,行程控制开关容易出现松动位移现象,更有甚者在更换钢丝绳时将其取下,从而失去应急保护装置,造成隐患。因此应加强对操作人员,维修人员的安全教育! (3) the trip switch control failure. Stroke control switch is the electric hoist up to its limit position power safety protection measures in time, due to long-term, frequent use, stroke control switch is prone to loosening displacement, moreover in the replacement of wire rope will be removed, thus losing the emergency protection device, causing hidden trouble. So we should strengthen the operating personnel, maintenance personnel safety education! 在使用钢丝绳电动葫芦之前应该先进行安全检查,特别是在使用前先进行空车运行,以保证电动葫芦能够安全平稳运行。再有就是使用人员要在使用前进行培训,使其完全掌握钢丝绳电动葫芦的使用方法,严禁不熟悉人员进行操作。 Should first before use wire rope electric hoist safety checks, especially before using advanced limits car running, to ensure the safety of the electric hoist can run smoothly. Another is the use of personnel training before use, make it completely grasped the use of the wire rope electric hoist, are not familiar with personnel are strictly prohibited.
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